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Drone Strikes Hit Energy Infrastructure In Ukraine’s Sumy Overnight

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Drone Strikes Hit Energy Infrastructure In Ukraine's Sumy Overnight

File image.

Over the night of July 5 and 6, a series of suspected Russian drone strikes targeted the northeastern Ukrainian region of Sumy, causing damage.

The Ukrainian Air Forces said that 27 Geran-type suicide drones were launched by the Russian military from the Crimean Peninsula and the Kursk region during the attack. It went on to claim that 24 of the drones were shot down by Ukrainian air defenses.

Despite these claims, the Kiev regime’s Sumy Military Administration confirmed that an energy facility in the region was hit, leading to blackouts in a number of settlements.

Also overnight, Russian air defense foiled a Ukrainian drone attack, intercepting eight drones over Kursk and the Belgorod region.

“During the past night, when the Kiev regime attempted to carry out terrorist attacks using aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation, air defense systems on duty destroyed seven UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] over the Kursk Region and one UAV over the Belgorod Region,” the Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

There were no reports of any material losses or casualties in Kursk or Belgorod following the failed Ukrainian drone attack.

The Kiev regime intensified attacks on Russia with the start of the year, damaging infrastructure and killing and wounding a number of civilians.

Just a day earlier, a child was killed and five other people were wounded as a result of a drone attack that targeted the Russian region of Krasnodar.

In response to this escalation, the Russian military resumed group strikes on military infrastructure and related energy facilities in Ukraine. It also stepped up offensive operations in the directions of Donetsk, Kharkiv and several others, capturing more territory from Kiev forces.


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Cluster Bombs For Crimea!

ukraine will be compensated with confiscated russian funds.

and the struggle for independence will never end.

come and get some you filthy orc scum!


Satanic Nephilim Host Scum!

stolen russian funds, there’s no struggle for independence and russia will eliminate more scum like you.


amerikans are inferior immoral species live in ugly transgender cesspool


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the ukrainian kleptocracy was independent since 1991 but failed to meet even minimum standards, so bye bye birdie.

now, the banderite fascist fecal matter will end up in a little enclave around lvov , just like isis ended up in a little enclave around idlib,

idlib = lvov. got it? same as 2+5 = 5+2 in simple mathematical terms.

Sauer Kraut

like bojo’s ex-adviser said a few months back: “ukraine’s a corrupt mafia shithole and we need our heads examined for ever setting foot in there.”

Sauer Kraut

not that london’s much better. man, that city’s for the birds. $220 bucks to go 20 miles between two airports in a taxi. be sure to take your prayer rug.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sauer Kraut
Sauer Kraut

cluster leds for ukraine. they save energy, you know.

captain hohol

if trump wins, the entirety of efforts in ukraine will be scuttled and it will all collapse for the ukraine government like a house of cards.

trump hates the wef, trump dislikes the cia and the fbi as they’ve been doing dirty shit for decades now. all the worst elements of politics in the united states and the world are supporting ukraine, trump will rugpull the ukraine’s support.

Last edited 2 months ago by captain hohol
Crocus Shooting Gallery

time to send a few more to crimea…heheheh

Sauer Kraut

send as many as you want, won’t mean a damn thing. this war started in 2014 with a fascist + western coup d’etat and attack on the donbass and simmered for 8 years until ukraine + western enablers finally and officially threw unsc res 2202 in the trash, decided to be clever and pull an operation storm 2.0 on the donbass in jan/2022. greedy little nato was preempted, just like with crimea. simple as that.

russia doesn’t start wars, it finishes them. you’ll find out soon enough.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sauer Kraut

lights out for the zelensky regime.


fašisti z kyjeva si nedajú pokoj. budú útočiť na civilistov kým sa im to bude tolerovať. treba voči tým bastardom tvrdo zasiahnuť. rusko by malo prehodnotiť útok na kyjev na vládne budovy. na fašistov v kyjeve, keď to nebudú čakať. svetu mier!!!


pathetic amerikans sodomized by taliban humiliated worse by russia

captain hohol

remember nafotards, unless you’re a leftist tranny, understand that ukraine is a test bed for ngo protocols that are designed to dehumanize and remove civil liberties for people in western nations.

the defeat not of ukraine’s people, but the defeat of ukraine’s government and the foreign support of ukraine is a win for humanity.

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