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Drug Warriors Of Ukraine

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During the ongoing Russian military operation in Ukraine, Russian forces find not only a large amount of foreign weapons, but also drugs in numerous captured Ukrainian positions. This is the main tool used by the Ukrainian military commanders to motivate their subordinates. It turns out that it is not patriotic feelings that support the Ukrainian army and Nazi military formations, but drugs and psychotropic substances.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky himself sets an explicit example of “patriotism” to the Ukrainian soldiers and regularly appears drugged in public. LINK Ukrainian soldiers do not lag behind their leader and are also heavily addicted to drugs and various “war chemicals”. LINK, LINK

Ukrainian military commanders, who are interested in boosting the morale of their fighters, are turning a blind eye to the use of psychoactive substances on the military positions. In fact they personally control the supply of drugs to their units.



Another Ukrainian artilleryman captured by the DPR fighters who admitted that he had shelled civilians in Mariupol, confirmed that almost all Ukrainian servicemen are using drugs.

Earlier, during the battles for the city, a drug laboratory of the notorious Right Sector Nazi battalion was captured by Russian forces in the village of Sopino near Mariupol, where the cheapest illegal drugs were produced.

A lot of drugs are produced at home laboratories, while there is industrial scale of drug production in the country and numerous logistical chains for transporting foreign drugs, including through humanitarian and military aid channels from NATO countries.

Drug trafficking to Ukraine is controlled at the highest level. In particular, it is supervised by the Security Service of Ukraine throughout the country’s independence.


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Your American your #1

If your not with America, SF your against it.


Oh buddy be a good dog and fuk off, because SF is blacklisted by the Western government. A hint that proves that they are doing a great job.

Your American your #1

Kids are cruel, all people are by nature, they just lose touch with it as they get older. Start to think they know right and wrong “tHaTs iMmOrAl” “War crime this” “code of conduct that”. Kids you can mold manipulate into performing all kinds of atrocities. And there is nothing like a good atrocity to keep a war going.


Put yourself in their shoes or stfu. If you don’t want to put yourself in their shoes, it only shows how much of pussy you really are…

I hope you get gun down by a soldier and the soldier say, “kids you can mold manipulate into performing all kinds of atrocities. And there is nothing like a good atrocity to keep a war going.”

Remember West pushed Ukraine into war with Russia.

Captain Hohol

When I see people such as this, I am sympathetic, because it’s really a sad state of affairs that any government would care so little for their own people that they’d sacrifice them in such a way and turn them into drug zombies.

This guy being interviewed does not strike me as a monster but a man who has through some of his own choices and choices made for him been forced to do things he would never do otherwise.

I saw an interview with some 20-some year old Ukrainian lad who explicitly told his Russian interviewers that he will never again trust western governments and that it was a mistake to align with the west because of what the war had turned into for Ukraine.

People can talk shit about slavs all they want but there’s a reason why the western world wants to destroy them culturally for some reason, there is some importance to their culture that stands in the way of whatever the elites in the west desire.

Your American your #1

Idiots, your not ending our plan your expanding it. That’s the just the spark son, the excuse we’ve been waiting for.

Your American your #1

Europe’s just getting a bit too peaceful. Business ain’t been the same since they shut down SOP. “A clean break from the war economy.” Well some of use like that economy. How’s an honest warmonger like Biden or Trump supposed to make a livin’


how did trump get into the conversation? trump didn’t start any war. your comments shows your ignorance and maturity.

Your American your #1

What about the good things war has done to us. Why don’t we hear speeches about that? Jobs, techonolgy, a common purpose.

Last edited 2 years ago by Your American your #1

Ahh yes nukes and killing others because we can’t talk it out. Also, you sure as shit can join Ukraine buddy – stop talking and go and see how fun wars are really.

BTW what drugs are you taking?

Your American your #1

You just don’t see the bigger picture do ya’? Did ya think every war some part some big ol’ conspiracy? BS! War is just part’a who we are, why fight it?


You are NOT sitting next to the big boys to profit from wars, look at the price of everything – you gonna be used as well.

The problem with fighting now is we can fuking end the world, you donkey.

Hakkol Havel

Sounds good to me.


Well I mean I still see some goods in this world still…


What blood you pussies attack third world countries and you still can’t win, some fucking warriors more like pathetic bullies.

Chris Gr

HTS and Azov battalion are the same. JHK cope.

Psionists slaves of America

Just like in Syria and the Western backed captagon addicted “Islamic freedom fighters”, the drug addicted Ukrainian armed forces will lose the war and Ukraine will be waste land for decades to come.

Dick Von D'Astard

F*ck almost feel sorry for the grunts. Despise the Uncle Tom commanders though.


Use of drugs and prostitutes for the pleasure of the soldiers is not new, what used by many militaries throughout history as motivation for the military. Great commanders, and legitimate governments do not need to resort to these techniques. In the short and long run, drugs diminish the effectiveness of the fighting force.

A logical follow on question is how many Ukrainian soldiers overdosed?

Jimmy Six

Hunter Biden supplies the drugs to the Ukrainians.


it wouldn’t surprise me if he was part of the drug supply chain. he would snort up the profits.


Nothing special! we have seen how CIA gave Captagon anfetamine to radical islamist fighting in Syria vs Assad goverment.

Israel first

Free drug use is a good incentive. Do they have cocaine?

Last edited 2 years ago by Israel first

They do, but in Kiev. Plebeians at the front deserve only cheap chemical drugs while inhabitants of Elysium will sniff natural product from CIA (Cocaine Industry of (both) Americas or Colombia International Agency like East India company).


What’s the song title?


I’m not surprised, to stand against these massive Russian barrages, I think you need to be drugged. Isis was also using amphetamines in Syria


What exactly drugs were available on UKR militaries ? And what effects have each of them ?


Lt.general Igor’ Kirillov (chief of the radiation, chemical and biological protection units of RAF) mentioned these ones: methadone, codepsine, codeterp, t-efedrine and trifedrine. Some sources said about french-made chemical preparations. Effects – no fear, no pain from wounds, even heavy ones.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Romanian yankee whore

Correct. But GOD save you if these effects will go by. Those peoples are destroyed for entire life.

gestapo stapo

amerikan mulatto LGBT been using my anus and mouth for 56 years

Romanian yankee whore

Those criminal ukroshit idiot leaders are just destroying an entire generation with those amphetamines/drugs. Oh, or what is left from this generation tough……if somebody escape that war he is CONDEMNED for life to be a very sick not fit for work anymore and a 100% receiver of state social assistance. Ukropizdan murican colony will succumb only from the expenses used with own crippled returning soldiers. Not to mention tens of thousands of family disasters…i told that numerous times: the useful idiots all over the world always pay for the Great Whore hegemony imperial cabal dreams.

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian yankee whore

Not sure why they drug up their fighters for. It works well at first, but only for a few days/weeks.

After that, combat efficiency falls off a fuckin cliff.



Watch…….Millitary invented these drugs that are worse and more addictive to help subsidize civillian drugs. Not saying they should be shooting up and getting blazed but it can help. MERCK cocaine and Bayer. Magic potions and super soldier formulas are often just well applied versios of known stiumulants. Beware a big glut and then massive loss of a stockpile as they are sold.

Gin, Mothers ruin, SUlfuric Acid in the alcahol Rations. HMS Terror had lead laced food supply before it vanished.

You can wipe out or control an army easily. I’d tke the speed pills you might find that hardcore harry addiction can be managed. Leave some for the Polish on the other vaccines.

The heart is a beating drum – The kills……

Atlas Underground – The lucky one………or os they say…..


солевые питушиные усраинские головы


Reminds me of the movie “Jacobs Ladder”!… Keep on Drugin… Will make your EXIT easier!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Mr. Henkel He

the us was drugging soldiers up during their invasion and occupation of iraq. there are many accounts of this. the ukrainians only learned from the us or perhaps the us even advised them to do it.

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