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Drugs Inspiration Chains Ukrainian Soldiers On Front Lines

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A captured serviceman of the AFU said that Ukrainian servicemen are given drugs under the guise of painkillers. And this is done by the “higher command”.

Aleksandr Kuryanov, a captive serviceman of the Donbass nationalist battalion: “I served in the Donbas battalion, in the fire support company, the number of maintenance of anti-tank missile system.

I saw that people were given drugs or painkillers, I don’t know the correct name, but they were addictive. One of the names was “Cadepsin”. People are not afraid, take the drug and the wounded calmly leave for the evacuation by themselves.

The drugs are provided by the command, the higher command, and they, I suppose, they get them from abroad, I will not say for sure. A lot came from volunteers, too, but it came to us from the upper command. I haven’t tried it myself, but I’ve seen guys leave on their own, take these painkillers and either continue the fight or leave their positions on their own.”


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Russia is a paper tiger

Oh man Russia propaganda is really scraping the bottom… This 9th may silly parade pressure is driving them nuts lol

te qifsha nanen

you are the bottom of the sewer

stan van houcke

How Methamphetamine Became a Key Part of Nazi Military Strategy

BY PETER ANDREAS JANUARY 7, 2020 11:00 AM EST In The Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote that speed is “the essence of war.” While he of course did not have amphetamines in mind, he would no doubt have been impressed by their powerful war-facilitating psychoactive effects. Amphetamines—often called “pep pills,” “go pills,” “uppers” or “speed”—are a group of synthetic drugs that stimulate the central nervous system, reducing fatigue and appetite and increasing wakefulness and a sense of well-being. The quintessential drug of the modern industrial age, amphetamines arrived relatively late in the history of mind-altering substances—commercialized just in time for mass consumption during World War II by the leading industrial powers. That war was not only the most destructive war in human history but also the most pharmacologically enhanced. It was literally sped up by speed.

Few drugs have received a bigger stimulus from war. As Lester Grinspoon and Peter Hedblom wrote in their classic 1975 study The Speed Culture, “World War II probably gave the greatest impetus to date to legal medically authorized as well as illicit black market abuse of these pills on a worldwide scale.”

Japanese, American and British forces consumed large amounts of amphetamines, but the Germans were the most enthusiastic early adopters, pioneering pill-popping on the battlefield during the initial phases of the war.

as Norman Ohler shows in Blitzed: Drugs in Nazi Germany, methamphetamine was the privileged exception. While other drugs were banned or discouraged, methamphetamine was touted as a miracle product when it appeared on the market in the late 1930s. Indeed, the little pill was the perfect Nazi drug: “Germany, awake!” the Nazis had commanded. Energizing and confidence boosting, methamphetamine played into the Third Reich’s obsession with physical and mental superiority. In sharp contrast to drugs such as heroin or alcohol, methamphetamines were not about escapist pleasure. Rather, they were taken for hyper-alertness and vigilance. Aryans, who were the embodiment of human perfection in Nazi ideology, could now even aspire to be superhuman—and such superhumans could be turned into supersoldiers. “We don’t need weak people,” Hitler declared, “we want only the strong!” Weak people took drugs such as opium to escape; strong people took methamphetamine to feel even stronger.

The German chemist Friedrich Hauschild had been aware of the American amphetamine Benzedrine ever since the drug has been used as a doping product in the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. The following year he managed to synthesize methamphetamine, a close cousin of amphetamine, while working for Temmler-Werke, a Berlin-based pharmaceutical company. Temmler-Werke began selling methamphetamine under the brand name Pervitin in the winter of 1937. Partly thanks to the company’s aggressive advertising campaign, Pervitin became well known within a few months. The tablets were wildly popular and could be purchased without a prescription in pharmacies. One could even buy boxed chocolates spiked with methamphetamine. But the drug’s most important use was yet to come.

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Dr. Otto F. Ranke, director of the Research Institute of Defense Physiology, had high hopes that Pervitin would prove advantageous on the battlefield. His goal was to defeat the enemy with chemically enhanced soldiers, soldiers who could give Germany a military edge by fighting harder and longer than their opponents. After testing the drug on a group of medical officers, Ranke believed the Pervitin would be “an excellent substance for rousing a weary squad…We may grasp what far-reaching military significance it would have if we managed to remove the natural tiredness using medical methods.”

Ranke himself was a daily user, as detailed in his wartime medical diary and letters: “With Pervitin you can go on working for 36 to 50 hours without feeling any noticeable fatigue.” This allowed Ranke to work days at a time with no sleep. And his correspondence indicated that a growing number of officers were doing the same thing—popping pills to manage the demands of their jobs.

Wehrmacht medical officers administered Pervitin to soldiers of the Third Tank Division during the occupation of Czecholslovakia in 1938. But the invasion of Poland in September 1939 served as the first real military test of the drug in the field. Germany overran its eastern neighbor by October, with 100,000 Polish soldiers killed in the attack. The invasion introduced a new form of industrialized warfare, Blitzkrieg. This “lightning war” emphasized speed and surprise, catching the enemy off guard by the unprecedented quickness of the mechanized attack and advance. The weak link in the Blitzkrieg strategy was the soldiers, who were humans rather than machines and as such suffered from fatigue. They required regular rest and sleep, which, of course, slowed down the military advance. That is where Pervitin came in—part of the speed of the Blitzkrieg literally came from speed. As medical historian Peter Steinkamp puts it, “Blitzkrieg was guided by methamphetamine. If not to say that Blitzkrieg was founded on methamphetamine.”

In late 1939 and early 1940, Leo Conti, the “Reich Health Führer,” and others sounded the alarm bells about the risk of Pervitin, resulting in the drug being made available by prescription only. But these warnings largely fell on deaf ears, and the new regulations were widely ignored. Use of the drug continued to grow. At the Temmler-Werke factory, production revved into overdrive, pressing as many as 833,000 tablets per day. Between April and July 1940, German servicemen received more than 35 million methamphetamine tablets. The drug was even dispensed to pilots and tank crews in the form of chocolate bars known as Fliegerschokolade (flyer’s chocolate) and Panzerschokolade (tanker’s chocolate).

Armies had long consumed various psychoactive substances, but this was the first large-scale use of a synthetic performance-enhancing drug. Historian Shelby Stanton comments: “They dispensed it to the line troops. Ninety percent of their army had to march on foot, day and night. It was more important for them to keep punching during the Blitzkrieg than to get a good night’s sleep. The whole damn army was hopped up. It was one of the secrets of Blitzkrieg.”

The Blitzkreig depended on speed, relentlessly pushing ahead with tank troops, day and night. In April 1940, it quickly led to the fall of Denmark and Norway. The next month, the troops moved on to Holland, Belgium, and finally France. German tanks covered 240 miles of challenging terrain, including the Ardennes Forest, in 11 days, bypassing the entrenched British and French forced who had mistakenly assumed the Ardennes was impassable. Paratroopers sometimes landed ahead of the advance, causing chaos behind enemy lines; the British press described these soldiers as “heavily drugged, fearless and berserk.”

General Heinz Guderian, an expert in tank warfare and leader of the invasion, gave the order to speed ahead to the French border: “I demand that you go sleepless for at least three nights if that should be necessary.” When they crossed into France, French reinforcements had yet to arrive, and their defenses were overwhelmed by the German attack.

“I was dumbfounded,” Churchill wrote in his memoirs. “I had never expected to have to face…the overrunning of the whole communications and countryside by an irresistible incursion of armoured vehicles…I admit it was one of the greatest surprises I have had in my life.” The speed of the attack was jaw-dropping. High on Pervitin, German tank and artillery drivers covered ground night and day, almost without stopping. Foreign commanders and civilians alike were caught entirely off guard.

Some users reported negative side effects of the drug. During the French invasion, these included a lieutenant colonel with the Panzer Ersatz Division I, who experienced heart pains after taking Pervitin four times daily for as many weeks; the commander of the Twelfth Tank Division, who rushed to a military hospital due to the heart attacked he suffered an hour after taking one pill; and several officers who suffered heart attacks while off duty after taking Pervitin.

Amid growing worries about the addictive potential and negative side effects of overusing the drug, the German military began to cut back on allocations of methamphetamines by the end of 1940. Consumption declined sharply in 1941 and 1942, when the medical establishment formally acknowledged that amphetamines were addictive.

Nevertheless, the drug continued to be dispensed on both the western and eastern fronts. Temmler-Wenke, the maker of the drug, remained as profitable as ever, despite rising awareness of the negative health effects.

OUP Adapted from Killer High: A History of War in Six Drugs by Peter Andreas with permission from Oxford University Press, Inc. Copyright © 2020 by Oxford University Press.

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Say bye bye to good life, dollars anglo saxon drugged. You can’t keep even Colombia, you the americans, it’s hilarious.

Thomas Turk

Made 5 bob on that comment? Will be a good day, maybe 50 more .. ‘how I hate Rusha’, (on paper, ‘cos I don’t really know what’s going on, what went on, nor do I care, like, yeah)..

Dummy Perez

Don’t you have a life outside obsessing about Russia? You’re pathetic

Assad Defeated Zionists

I remember so called “Islamic freedom fighters” were given captagon in order to fight war criminal Bashar Al-Asad and yet Asad still won despite being surrounded, under sanctions and the islamic fighters being well funded, armed and trained by certain intel agencies. I’m sure Putin will get away with his crimes against humanity even better than Al-Asad did.


Oh? Did the good Doctor get a parking ticket during the War?


Similar to this interview with Russian POW


Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin

Ironic that this is Ukrainian own words and you fuck-tards still call it propaganda, lol.


Since the found satanic and pederast symbols in Mariupol, with connection with the US congress… What else can you expect from cavemen that were wondering how could Ukrainian peasants afford Nutella they found on a table(DPR comments).


You seriously are deluded and never provide any factual information. The very little success here and there for Ukraine, is on such a small scale it is insignificant. Russia, on the other hand, is beating the living shite out of Ukraine and continue to advance wherever they fight. Stop your trolling crap and enter into a proper discussion with proper facts and info. Until now, you have simply shown that you are a stupid, inferior internet troll.




The guy is not Russian


Cruelty is one of the most favored human character traits.


Can be cured on labour camps.

Thomas Turk

Not a human trait, but mostly carried out by worshippers of imaginary deities. Open theyfly.com and see how an advanced human race thinks/acts. This race being 24 million years ahead of us in consciousness.

Florian Geyer

ISIS also used drugs, Captagon was their drug of choice. The UKIES who take the drugs will be addicted for life. However long that might be.

Slava Rossiya.

Bigg Chungus

Mysteriously, the Syria-Jordan border crossing at al-Tanf is a hub of Captagon trafficking. Who controls that border, again? Is it the same people who are the patron allies of Jordan?


Amphetamine, which is the core component of Captagon, will do the trick for sure: hours of cocaine-like high (better than coke unless you’re on it for the poshiness).

I know many long term users of amphetamine and none is addicted to it, they just use it now and then for the good time (addiction if at all seems psychological only or mostly, it’s not at all like heroin or other opiates or nicotine).

Pro mountaineers never go to the serious mountains without some of it, just in case: it can save your life.

Captain Hohol

Captagon won’t have you living for long, that ol brain death is not far around the corner.


Reminds me of the movie Jacobs Ladder from 1990. Guess the prologue about the experimentation during the Vietnam war to make soldiers more aggressive wasn’t a work of fiction after all?


Probably Captagon, the same drug ISIS used.

basement in azovstal

zalensky knows all about drugs. the whole country is fucked up.

Last edited 2 years ago by basement in azovstal

Captogan is often given too. Perhaps they are very alike. Cadepsin may be a pain killer as well. The drugs and jabs that soldiers are being given are HARMFUL, they cause damage to the brain, to the mind, to the psyche. They can make people brutal and within the peer pressure of groups, particularly easy to control and to have their minds and FEELINGS programmed. Even Paracetamol can make one INSENSITIVE to other people. Also the anti depressants can decrease sensitivity towards others. Cocaine and speed and such drugs may make one lack feeling for others too, If Putin took drugs to make him LESS sensitive to others, the war would soon be over.

Peter The Ungrateful

Maybe Cadepsin is just a brand name for Captagon? A quick web search for Cadepsin came up with nothing.

Captain Hohol

That’s “captagon” and it will keep you up for days, turn you into a brain-mush zombie (hence the lack of response to being wounded, physiological or psychological).

Fun fact, the CIA gave this to ISIS as well, man it’s funny how you can tell who are the demon possesed shitbags in every conflict based on who the CIA is siding with and who they’re supplying. This also explains the psychotic unwillingness for Azov fighters to leave the Azovstal steel mill and relinquish captives or to surrender.

Last edited 2 years ago by Captain Hohol

Captagon..ukies went full terrorist….


They used to get them blind drunk in the olden days Sailors full of rum, soldiers full as a boot on booze. Now they’re advanced Speed was handed out like lollies in Nam and when they died their hearts had been so accelerated they were literally purple.


USSA’$ USeful idiot meat puppets destroying themselves for the khaZar filth that started this wanton slaughter. Before this is over I hope to see the filth in Washing town strung and gutted and Slumville’s civil war reloaded.

Meanwhile here’s a preview of the all new improved rump Ukropperland coming soon and as seen on Teee Veeeeeee.


Onward to the end of all things angloZionaZi

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