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MARCH 2025

Dublin In Flames, Chaos At The Border Of Fortezza Europa

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Dublin In Flames, Chaos At The Border Of Fortezza Europa

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Written by Piero Messina

Dublin in flames, for a day of ordinary madness. A day with very strange contours: Because, in truth, we know nothing of the profound reasons for that anger that was unleashed, devastating cars, buses, the subway and setting fire to the outskirts of the city, suddenly transformed into a branch of hell. But let’s try to reconstruct the facts.

The fuse that triggered the protests is a serious news episode, but similar to hundreds of events that are recorded every day in increasingly degraded European cities. A man, whose identity was not made known, stabbed three children and a teacher in front of an elementary school, before himself being injured and being blocked by passers-by.

The attacker was stopped by a rider from Deliveroo, a home delivery company. The rider was proceeding on his motorbike when he saw a young girl attacked by a man with a knife. He got off his motorbike and hit the attacker with his helmet, without hesitation: “It was pure instinct, and it all happened in a few seconds. He fell to the ground”, is the rider’s story. The attacker was handed over to the police, while the angry crowd tried to beat him. The police did not provide the name of the attacker and said that the case is closed and no other suspects are being sought.

Dublin In Flames, Chaos At The Border Of Fortezza Europa

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There is no suggestion of a terrorist motive. Perhaps the gesture of a deranged person, perhaps a personal motive. The attack took place in Parnell Square, an area where crime, degradation and homelessness are on the rise. In any case, yesterday’s episode aside, in a traditionally very welcoming country like Ireland, anti-immigration movements have been reported to be on the rise for some time. Police urged people to ignore “misinformation circulating on social media”, where unidentified “immigrants” were blamed for yesterday’s attack in front of the school.

Things came to a head in a matter of minutes. Vehicles were set on fire and firecrackers were thrown at police during violent clashes. Ireland’s police chief blamed the riots on a “faction of mad hooligans”. The justice minister accused those involved in the violence of using the previous incident to “create chaos”.



This episode of urban guerrilla warfare, however, does not seem at all random. There is a thread of unjustifiable violence that links all European capitals. The reasons are, all things considered, quite simple to explain. Europe is a giant in difficulty. Crushed by the Atlanticist position in Ukraine, blind and complicit in the atrocities committed by the IDF in Gaza, Europe is a financial machine that is eroding citizens’ rights day after day, making them increasingly poorer.

What is not said about the attack on the Dublin school is more important than what we know: yesterday’s clashes have a very specific unofficial origin, they are yet another step in an underground campaign against migration and against the Arab and Muslim. But in the mainstream media, in the name of a hypocritical defense of privacy, no one will say it.

Ireland is a fragile frontier of Fortress Europe. Political, economic and religious relations within the country remain tense, despite the end of the civil war for several decades. The stability of the country is hanging by a thread and the institutions are taking great care not to reawaken old conflicts. Consequently, power is divided in such a way as to find in the executive power and in Parliament an equal proportionality between unionists (who would like to join the United Kingdom) and nationalists (who would like to join Ireland). However, Brexit has awakened some old demons. In fact, if the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, Northern Ireland leaves the same, since it is part of it. While Ireland, which is independent, remains within the European Union. A situation that makes border management complicated.

Then there is the economic paradox. The Irish economy is in excellent health and is experiencing a phase of expansion after the collapse experienced during the pandemic. This is demonstrated by macroeconomic data such as the employment rate at an all-time high, the Gross Domestic Product growing by three percent in 2023 and a budget surplus expected both for this and future years thanks to the effects of a tax imposed on multinationals. Not everything, however, is going right and the situation changes when we move from the optimism of the macroeconomic data to the worrying living conditions of a part of the population. The high costs of the real estate sector and the shortcomings of public services prevent many from enjoying the benefits of growth, causing frustration and disenchantment with the executive in power.


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to by šlo, pekne sa nechali obohatiť.


that’s what you call enrichment. it’s time to get them out!!!!


your talking about northern ireland politics, this happened in dublin, republic of ireland where no one wants to re-join uk – try doing some real research.

Huckelberry finn

exactly, piero messina, confirming he has no clue what he’s talking about once more, what a 🤡

Peppe il Sicario

as an italian, i can state that all italian journalists, every single one of them, succumb to political correctness. piero messina, in view of this article, is no different. they are all someone’s mouthpiece: “uno schiavo o puttana da manipolare per distogliere l’attenzione dai veri problemi.”

Max Hermansen

is there any place in the world where muslims make a happy neighbourhood? no! out!

Prison Cities

people instinctively know that ireland’s immigration policies are the product of a globalist empire plan that is to homogenize them into globalist citizens then gain absolute control over them regardless of what they think or want.

Peppe il Sicario

it’s the jew reptilian world order. they are not human. humans can and will not seek to subdue or eliminate fellow humans. it’s only an alien form different than that species that will attempt it.


fyi it was an algerian emigrant


a niqqer scum rapeugee invader

Raptar Driver

the collective insanity in the west needs a direction to expand.

Just some Facts

the stabbing perp is a 50yo algerian. most probably pissed for having his asylum rejected. the delivery motorist is brazilian, caio benicio working for deliveroo. most probably the 3 kids and teacher are irish 100%.

James Connolly

yes the hero of the hour was the brazilian guy who smacked the attacker around the head with his crash helmet and laid him out for other dubs to disarm him and give him a hiding before the cops arrived. from what i can see the majority foreign nationals are accepted and treated well by the irish and they in turn find ireland to be a cool, friendly place to live and work.


the economic data given by the irish regime is as truthful as the politicians who printed that nonsense. the so called surplus is imaginary, just like the economy, try getting to a hospital with staff and resources, pathetic. informants and traitors are more irish than any shamrock, we have the british ruled fg and then us state dept runs ff\sf. tiocfaidh ar la my bollox.


cor blimey!! give’em ilm and burn’em out!

James Connolly

with all due respect gavin o’reilly would have made a much better report on the events in dublin last night. first of all the trouble was confined to o’connell st and the city centre not the “outskirts” of the city. most of the troublemakers were inner city knackers looking for a scrap with the cops and a chance to loot a new pair of trainers from foot locker. led by a small group of far right provovateurs i doubt if many of them would know what the term “far right ideology” means.

Icarus Tanović

absolutely, 💯. i expect him to show up in next days.

Chad Goy

bless the irish. this should be happening in all formerly white nations. drive them all out.

Peppe il Sicario

when the anglo-zionist empire collapses and it is in the process of doing so, wait and see how fast it will take place.

nic sunich

but diversity only makes us stronger ryt?


irish vertical pork is among the most corrupt and entitled hogs on the planet. and the rabid migrant replacement of the irish people and nation is among the most harsh in urupp. unfortunately the nation is ruled by a coalition of soros bought hoes and the craven media owned by some of the most rabid globalist criminals on the planet.


they took the paltry trinkets of the evil eussr and got afreakan drug dealers on every corner and imported useless slashing violent welfare loons that hate them. tough!

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