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MARCH 2025

Eastern Qalamun Militants Surrender Their Areas To Syrian Army, Prepare To Withdraw To Northern Syria

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Eastern Qalamun Militants Surrender Their Areas To Syrian Army, Prepare To Withdraw To Northern Syria

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On April 19, US-backed Free Syrian Army (SAA) groups in the Eastern Qalamun region surrendered and accepted the evacuation deal that had been proposed by the Damascus government and Russia during a previous negotiation round, the Hezbollah media wing in Syria reported.

The source said that FSA fighters will be allowed to withdraw towards the the militant-held parts of the provinces of Aleppo and Idlib  under the evacuation deal. The evacuation process is set to begin on April 20.

Syrian pro-government and opposition sources reported that FSA fighters had begun handing over their heavy weapons, including several battle tanks, to the SAA. Some FSA fighters even surrendered to avoid being sent to northern Syria, according to the sources.

Eastern Qalamun Militants Surrender Their Areas To Syrian Army, Prepare To Withdraw To Northern Syria

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Eastern Qalamun Militants Surrender Their Areas To Syrian Army, Prepare To Withdraw To Northern Syria

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A day earlier, the SAA and its allies launched a large-scale military operation against the FSA in the eastern Qalamun region. The quick collapse of the FSA’s defense suggests that most fighters had refused to fight the SAA, although they had been well-armed.

According to local observers, the Eastern Qalamun region is among the most strategic areas in central Syria as it overlooks the Damascus-Homs highway, the US-led coalition base in al-Tanaf and three key airbases of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF). The high mountains of Eastern Qalamun also used to host early warning radars of the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAADF). This makes the liberation of this area an importnat step in improving the security situation in the country.

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Wow its all developing fast now


Good! Beat the iron while it is hot.

Jasminko Grdic

Move this complete Army to Daraa, this would be the last fight in South.

Jozsef Osztronkovics

Russia and Syria Iran is only humanitarian and nations of peace they letting the terrorist fight another day just to protect civilians and all the life’s –GOD lass Russia , Iran ,Syria and Hesbllah


I hope the pockets Yarmouk, Rastan and ISIS will be cleared of all US and UK backed terrorists before July 2018. The next will be Daraa, Golan Heights and Al-Tanf before 2019 The last will be the Turkish, US and UK held Syrian lands in 2019. In 2019 the Syrian war will end.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Congratulations to the honorable Syrian Arab Army for this great achievement, and to his great Ally Russia too. May God bless all of them.


It’s going faster too now.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

So it is my friend, so it is. Honoring the saying that says so, speaking of Syria and all its allies: ”Everything that does not kill you in the beginning, only will make you stronger at the end”


Actually is Russia who makes the negotiations for withdrawal.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Yes my friend, and the Russians are very good doing that, although I think that not all the animals terrorist there are deserving of this so valuable human treatment and opportunity, to leave alive with their sins without any real punishment equivalent to all their wrongdoers.


I would agree on an emotional level but if the US Terrorists can be removed to an area where they can all fight each other for a while it is preferable I think as SAA soldiers will be saved and more loyal Syrian families will be spared from sadness.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

If what you comment would be the case, of course I will agree with you as it is happening right now between Jabhat Tahrir Souriya and Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham, decimating one each other, in the southern countryside of the Idlib Governorate, my dear friend.

neil barron

Dead On.

Shylo Duffy

I feel the exact same way..Russia has proven themselves to be trustworthy and even the worst of people respect that..I would love to have a President like Putin I’m somewhat envious of the Russian people having such a leader.God bless Russia and Syria and those who stand on the side of truth and love.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I think and feel the same as you about Russia and its great and admirable leader, exceptionally smart, being a genius in military strategy, one type of strategy being more transcendental at long term than what one can deduce and understand at short term I think, although somewhat too pacific to my liking, Putin and Russia are, and will always occupy a special place among my greatest loves, my friend.

neil barron

The Russians have been stabbed in the eye, the back and others yet keep on trying for Peace. The last bunch was a good example should killed all that didn’t lay arms down goin in now finding so much evil in there. The people need this got save lives and environment so everyone can go back to living.

Alberto Campos

Isn’t it another ‘mistake’ Terence? And more time lost before ‘acting’? Not this time? Be careful, we’re watching you.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

It’s hard for me to capture your point itself. It would be easier to understand you if you were more explicit presenting your arguments against mine if you do not agree with any of my comment, my dear friend. Unless you are one of those crazy man who only write to write without any interesting thing and intelligent logic to contribute, my friend.

Michael Qiao

“the evacuation will begin on Hitler’s Birthday” This is epic, couldn’t get better and better




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkRPa3ctf-s Yanni – Renegade (Live High Definition) Enjoy Music


Awesome news.


Now we know why they held onto these mountains for so long, to deny Syria a good spot to put radar. Now is a good time for Syria to buy S-300.

neil barron

Hint they work in a 360 degree rotation and they probably won’t be buying them Russia will just extend their lease.


And another terrorist pocket falls, their US/EU/Turk/Gulf State backers must be getting pissed-off at the ineffectiveness of their ‘Syrian investments’. It won’t be long before the last of these annoying pockets are mopped-up, then they’ll need to clear out the ISIS remnants in the eastern desert. After that, the big pushes into Daraa and Idlib can begin.

neil barron

They will get caught in the border pinch of Syria and Iraq then both of them squish them like a scarab in the sand.


yoooh good news it,s rapid!!

Shylo Duffy

So great to hear good news, Specially the part where perhaps the Bad guys didn’t want to fight the SAA..that made me feel joy thinking just maybe, some of them are realizing that when all is said and done the west has proven to be without concern regarding them…It’s been so hard these last days watching as the west has now acting like the insane people they are but at least they pretended to care. The masks are off…I pray for Syria……


This will infuriate the US strategists – they are fast running out of viable pockets to send their new recruits from training camps at al-Tanf.

Georges Latakia

Assad will keep his promise: restoring the sovereignty of Syria on every square meter of its surface.

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