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MARCH 2025

Egypt Increases Cooperation With Russia To Get 400 T90 Battle Tanks – Report

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Egypt Increases Cooperation With Russia To Get 400 T90 Battle Tanks – Report

Illustrative image. Source: MenaDefense

Russia has given Egypt a license to assemble 400 T-90S\SK battle tanks locally, the Algerian MENA Defense blog that reported on March 9.

MENA Defense’s report said that Egypt will begin assembling first T-90S battle tanks in the last quarter of 2019 after receiving the needed technology from the Russian Uralvagonzavod company, the manufacturer of the tank.

The T-90S is an export version of the original T-90A battle tank, while the T-90SK is the command version of the T-90S. This model is equipped with a computerized day and night targeting system and is capable of launching the 9M119 Refleks anti-tank guided missiles via its 125mm 2A46M smoothbore gun. The battle tank is powered by a 1,000 hp (750 kW) engine made by the Russian Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant.

Egypt will be able to assemble 50 T-90S\SK battle tanks each year from 2019 to 2026 on the assemble line, which will be built by Uralvagonzavod. The same assumable line will serve as maintenance facility for the Egyptian T-90S\SK fleet, according to MENA Defense.

Earlier this year, the Iraqi Armed Forces received 36 T-90S\SK battle tanks out of 73 battle tanks that Russia had agreed to export to Iraq in July 2017.

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Nigel Maund

Sound economic & “value for money” choice by the Egyptian military that will allow the Russian manufacturer to expand production lines and invest more in R & D for model upgrades or development of next generation tanks. This all benefits the Russian defence industry.

Richard M

400 main battle tanks is a lot! Likely more than will be needed to chase Daeshtards around Sinai! :D

Nigel Maund

The Egyptian desert is good tank country as the Africa Korps discovered in 1941. 400 tanks is a lot but I’d say the Egyptians are looking a little further than dealing with ISIS / Daesh at a dangerous neighbour to the East? Besides, TOW missiles are real danger to armor. Drone targeting is effective in killing ISIS and TOW’s are useless at altitudes above 4,000m. Missile or high energy laser armed drones is the way forwards in wiping out ISIS. The HEL equipped drones will be on the Battlefield in a couple of years or so, In a desert these guys have no chance.

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Who else makes tanks? The American Abrams is 40 years old, and the Patton M60 is 60 years old. So buying modern Russian tanks is a no brainer.


The Abrams hasn’t been in production for at least a decade. Their production line only maintains their existing fleet. I think the German Leopard 2 line is still in production, but thanks to poor Turkish handling it has gotten a bad rep. China of course still builds tanks. Don’t know if the French or Indians still build their LeClerq and Arjuna tanks. And I think the Turks now build a light/medium tank.


South Koreans build the K2s that the Turks want to licence as their next gen MBT, Japan makes Type 10s and Israelis build the Merkava – and that’s about it…


far not


…well fuck me if I understood one word of what you wrote…oh and BTW since when are Croats Persians???


Sorry, your friend gambrino has the same avatar :) My fault.

so, for you the essence is: more and more countries produce own tanks.


Nope. More and more countries CLAIM they have the ability to produce modern 4th gen MBTs. But only a few actually do manufacture them in any significant number.


Because if you look at my link, where are the numbers of tanks, most of countires have several dozens, several hundreds. The own producion des not go on export, therefore low production numbers are OK. What is interesting, more and more countries elevetaed theri industry in such level, that they are able to produce 4th generation tanks.


But of all the listed 4 gen MBTs and countries manufacturing them, only, Israel, Russia, Korea, China and Japan still make them or are planning to make them in any significant number. Leopard, Abrams, Leclerc and Challenger are out of production – Germany, France and UK are downsizing their fleets and upgrading existing models made in 1980/90s. Ukraine’s Oplot is a joke – just ask the Thai.


I forgot the K2. I reckon the Turks could do a lot worse in that respect. Are the Type 10 and Merkava even commercially available? Although I doubt that Egypt would even consider the Merkava. For obvious reasons. ;-)


I suppose Japan wouldn’t mind selling it to Egypt – I mean what are the odds of Egyptian invading. Although they might sell the blue prints to the Chinese if the price was right…


The US does sell secondhand Abrams, Australia bought 59, for $500 million? And we intend to buy more?


Wat a great deal, old hand me downs with terrible fuel consumptions. But hey, at least Australia can now more easily join the US in whatever crazy scheme of the week it wants to go head over heels into.


T-90 is just a heavily upgraded T-72 and that baby is more economical variant of T-64 – so it’s 54 year old and still going strong. But it greatest strength is an enormous potential for upgrade and modernization. And all the add-ons don’t compromise it’s good power-to-weight ratio.


Egypt owns the biggest fleet of US made and heavily downgraded tanks this side of the Atlantic and has the second biggest Abrams fleet after the US. This move is not just military or value-for-money economic decision. It’s important strategic, diplomatic and geopolitical shift towards Moscow and away from Washington and – Riyad. In the 1980s, US gave Egyptians 1000s pcs of hardware and licence to build staff domestically as an effective way of making sure they are never strong and technologically advanced enough to take on Israel, ever again. And the Saudis helped bankroll the deal and to this day give billions in cash and oil. In last decade Egypt acquired S300, BUKs,TORs Ka-52s, Mistral ships, and ordered Mig-35s, Il-76s and now T-90. Not in any enormous numbers, but the trend is obvious…


Bear in mind – Egypt ended up buying the two French built Mistral Class assault ships that were commissioned for Russia but that France reneged on sale of, after Ukrainian events in 2014. Those ships were purpose built with specs based around operating Russian K52K helicopters and loading Russian ground forces APC and armor equipment. Egypt is already buying the Russian assault choppers for the ships – eight per ship – and so the T-90 tanks would be second most logical thing to have to load into the hulls, to make the ships operationally function in their intended role as assault ships.


Agree. Only they don’t need 500 T-90s on order just to fill 2 Mistrals…


Lol, true. But might have had some influence on decision to go with T-90. That and larger point you made, of a shift in region away from US hardware, in Egypt’s case stimulated by the shock and impact of their US ‘partner’ throwing them under the bus to the Muslim Brotherhood in events of the ‘Arab Spring’.


Bear in mind back at ya! Minor details! The French were stuck with these 2 ships! Nobody wanted them until Egypt said it would! got it much cheaper too! Keep in mind that even before this mistral ship incident, russia was building Russian bases in Egypt and also have begun building Nuclear power plants! If you were Egypt and u recently discovered and obtained the worlds 3rd biggest gas reserve in the Med sea and have had both of your neighbours (Libya, Syria and Iraq) messed up by USIS and your former presidents thrown in jail and an Arab spring which rapidly stemmed from “social media”. Im sure ud be buying from Russia too!

Just like Algeria is, just like Iran is, just like syria is and just like Iraq now is!

Bear in mind! :)


Okay basically that’s totally biased, if not wrong. Egypt makes it’s own M1A1s 85% of it which means that egyptians are the ones who can determine it’s capabilities to some extent, note that the factory was built in the early 90s, Egypt also builds the smoothbore Canon with a licence from rhinemetall. Now Egypt by the Time 2011 had around 86 M1a2sep, if you look at any models you would have realised that its, better than It’s Saudi counterpart. Now Egypt bought 400 t-90s tanks only to diversy their inventory and also that these t-90s are better as sniper tanks while the much heavier M1A1s or m1a2s will be upfront, as the t-90s are very weak from the sideways.


You mean to tell me that Egyptian Abrams have depleted uranium armor like the US and that Egyptian factories produce optics and fire control systems. Don’t be ridiculous. They make cannons and weld steel – that’s correct – but the hart of the beast, or the most important 15% of it as you say – is US produced and delivered. In a war with Israel with high rates of attrition neither Israeli nor Egyptian factories would be able to repair or replenish enough equipment without US help – and guess which side wouldn’t get any…


Everything is there except for the depleted uranium, the Sep bundle is in process. Comparing to the US one of course (Us m1a2) Well you sure you got a point but you do realise that 85% of it is made here, in case of a war with isreal, other Arab operators of the m1 Abrams would sure give these spare parts which constitute 15%. Besides the motor, Cannon and body is built in egypt so I’m sure it won’t be an issue, besides there is a classified egyptian composite made already, check the new MRAPs made. What you mentioned tho makes a point and that’s why Egypt is diversifying it’s arsenal. Btw there been news circulating that this 85% might increase.


First of all without crucial “15%” a modern MBT is just a heap of steel and a clay pigeon on the battlefield. And as for other Arab operators of Abrams – Saudis and Kuwaitis would probably volunteer their spare parts to Israel – in a case of war. Iraqis and Moroccans between themselves operate 300 pcs tops. All of them neither have large enough stocks of spare parts nor they have any significant domestic production. No my friend – US gave it’s hardware to Egypt in early 1980s and made it transition from the Russian equipment precisely so they can control Egypt and prevent it from ever be able to threaten Israel like they did in 1973. Now, I don’t say that 500 T-90s will change the situation over night – but it shows a changing trend.


Gulf would never show such thing, besides egyptian military command ain’t stupid and is very sovereign, they been aiding bashar since Nov 2016, sending spare parts and engineers. Also these are 1200 tanks, with the Egyptian military doctrine it would be so difficult for the isrealis to be capable to destroy hundred out of them lol


From your comments I gather you are Egyptian. Now I respect Egyptian military – especially the people that fought in 1973. I think that in last 25 years – thanks to Mubarak – Egyptian army is not the same force that fought the Zios and Yanks in 1960s and 70s. Also Saudis – big friends of Israel – overtly and covertly – have too much influence on Egypt’s politics and military. And they achieve it with bns of USD in “aid” and oil. These are not people that would help Egypt in the case of war. Remember that during all Arab-Israeli wars, with Jerusalem occupied and Egypt suffering tremendous casualties – Saudi Arabia never fired a shot on Israeli soldiers.


Pardon me for sounding heavily biased, I’m just a military enthusiast lol, sure they didn’t fire a missile cause they didn’t have any one more thing, the Egyptian military command is undergoing *intense* enhancing in the NCO capabilities, command and integration. Notice that they train yearly with russia, US, France, Greece amount to 37 maneuvers per year, with the hefty experience in Sinai and with the new egyptian satellite being released one cantc be anything but a bit hopefull.


I hope you’re right. IMHO only strong and independent Egypt can put a stop to US/Israeli destruction of the middle east. And strong, well equipped, well led and motivated Egyptian army is Israel’s worst nightmare.


This is good but with 400 tanks has Egypt asked for tank assembling plant for Egypt because for how long Egypt will ask for military hardware from Russia. Therefore, Egypt needs to build themselves too. I don’t know what kind of leadership is there in Egypt.

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