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Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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On January 26, Egyptian Army spokesman Colonel Tamer Rifai announced in an official statement that the Egyptian Army conducted a series of operations against ISIS cells in Sinai Peninsula.

During the operations, the Egyptian Army destroyed several hideouts of the terrorist group and discovered three ammo depots filled with IEDs and a tunnel linked with the Palestinian Gaza Strip according to Col. Rifai.

Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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Moreover, Col. Rifai said that units of the Egyptian Army backed by the Egyptian Air Force (EAF) destroyed six vehicles and fifteen motorcycles of ISIS as well as captured seven others loaded with explosives and drugs in the Sinai Peninsula during the operations.

Last week, ISIS fighters conducted a series of hit and run attacks against several positions and checkpoints of the Egyptian Army mainly around the city of Arish in the northern part of Sinai Peninsula. The new operations of the Egyptian Army were likely triggered by these attacks.

The Egyptian Army is preparing to launch a bigger military operation against ISIS cells in Sinai Peninsula in the upcoming moths according to a report of the UK-based newspaper al-Araby al-Jadeed released on January 19.

Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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Egyptian Army Conducts Series Of Operations Against ISIS In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)

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That is why they should go to Syria too, get the experience needed to understand different US/ISIS strategies used against Syria. They were supposed to send 25,000 men there. What is going on. These egyptian need more incentive, like an insulting tweet from Trump and some threat of sanction. Come on USA, you messed it up before why stop while you’re losing. :))

You can call me Al

Wahahahaha – I actually posted your link back to you; sorry.


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