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Egyptian Daily Releases Documents of Saudi Crown Prince’s Support for ISIL, Al-Qaeda

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Originally appeared at FarsNews

A leading Egyptian newspaper released a number of documents proving that Saudi Arabia’s new Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and his counterpart in Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan have long been supporting the ISIL and al-Qaeda terrorist groups’ global operations.

Egyptian Daily Releases Documents of Saudi Crown Prince's Support for ISIL, Al-Qaeda

“A leaked document in Qatar’s embassy and a letter to Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani on October 26, 2016, show Mohammed bin Salman and Mohammed bin Zayed’s support for certain key al-Qaeda members in the Arabian Peninsula,” Arabic language al-Badil newspaper wrote.

Based on the documents, US Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence said that the Saudi and Abu Dhabi crown princes have established continued contacts with two Yemeni nationals, namely Ali Abkar al-Hassan and Abdollah Faisal Ahdal, who are on the US blacklist of most wanted terrorists.

Egyptian Daily Releases Documents of Saudi Crown Prince's Support for ISIL, Al-Qaeda

The documents also revealed the detailed activities and operations of the two Yemeni nationals in support of the al-Qaeda and the ISIL as well as Saudi Intelligence Chief Khalid bin Ali bin Abdullah al-Humaidan’s financial support for them.

Egyptian Daily Releases Documents of Saudi Crown Prince's Support for ISIL, Al-Qaeda

The documents were revealed after a new report released by a British think tank on Wednesday said that Saudi Arabia is the “foremost” foreign funder of Islamist extremism in the UK and other western countries.

The Henry Jackson Society — a right-wing think tank — said that overseas funding primarily from the governments and private charities of Persian Gulf countries has a “clear and growing link” to the onslaught of violence the UK and other western states.

The group estimated that the Saudi government and charities spent an estimated $4 billion exporting Saudi Arabia’s strict interpretation of Islam, known as Wahhabism (also practiced by ISIL and other terrorist groups), worldwide in 2015, up from $2 billion in 2007. In 2015, there were 110 mosques in the UK practicing Salafism and Wahhabism compared to 68 in 2007. The money is primarily funneled through mosques and Islamic schools in Britain, according to the report.

“Influence has also been exerted through the training of British Muslim religious leaders in Saudi Arabia, as well as the use of Saudi textbooks in a number of the UK’s independent Islamic schools,” the report said.

Although many Western countries, including the United States, have acknowledged the threat of foreign terrorist financing, Britain “has seen far less of a response from policy makers supporting moves to tackle the challenge of foreign-funded Islamist extremism,” the report said.

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Steve Dent

… and the Saudi’s will continue to be strong supporters of terrorism, and the Western media will utterly ignore this and continue to believe that Islamic Wahhabi extremism is a phenomenon that is completely isolated and grows spontaneously for no reason at all.

Western politicians will continue to argue that Islam is separate from their Frankenstein creation while failing to address the fact that it would wither and die if they stopped supporting it.

The Muslim world is NOT responsible for Islamic terrorism – we are. We could stop the Saudi’s in a fortnight if we wanted to. But since the West is driven entirely by propaganda, there will be no political will to do so.

Concrete Mike

That is correct, they are using the saudis in order to promote fear, so they can gradually instill à police State in the west. Their plans is going off Well so far.


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Gary Sellars

More likely the Western corporate MSM will continue to support US policy and will blame IRAN as the #1 supporter of terrorism, despite the OBVIOUS fact that Shia Persian Iran cannot POSSIBLY be the driving force behind Sunni Arab Wahabbi/Salafist terror groups.


Somehow, I am not surprised.

I agree Qatar should be gone as a regime.

However, the same goes for the KSA.

Solomon Krupacek

and the dutch nation shpuld be also gone.

btw., the elevating sea levels will flood your country whwere will you go???

Miguel Redondo

Being the Egypts allies of Saudi Arabia I wonder if this report is independent from the ongoing dispute about the islands Tiran and Sanafir. When Tiran and Sanafir would become Saudi national territory the Israelies would have an open door to the plan of a second channel to the Mediterranean.

Solomon Krupacek

egypt is not ally of SA. they are in 1 boat against qatar, but in case of syria not.

Gary Sellars

KSA was the cash-cow behind the overthrow of MB rule… al-Sissi is Riyadhs buttboy.

Pave Way IV

I’ll say it again: the fastest way to eliminate the head-choppers – and certainly those in Syria and Iraq – and have relative peace is to nuke Riyadh, Doha and Abu Dhabi.

Gary Sellars

Can we add Tel Aviv into the list?


Nuke it twice just to be certain there are no ‘survivors ‘ :)


This is hardy a surprise, TOW’s for example are regularly confiscated as captured materials in battles (else, well-domuented in use against SAA tanks) in battles against Al Nusra (incl. ex-Al Nusra HTS, now nominally not AQ-linked), ISIS, head-choppers of other acronyms et al., these are supplied via KSA direct, after purchases from US. Aleppo battles have yielded a mass of similarly derived equipment, the ‘rebels’ are often much better armed that SAA forces in certain areas. Plus many weapons entered Syria from Libya after the Benghazi Affair, Hillary’s misdeeds are in fact a lesser evil compare to others here, as bad as she is. Trump will put a stop to some of this, I am afraid he is alone, so only some.


Wasn’t it a couple of such leaked documents that incites the Emir of Qatar to say something that got him accused of supporting terror? The differnce here is that nobody will be saying anything.


Folks, in a number of countries, Morgoth could show up as President with his side kick Sauron as Vice President and it would not make a difference. The Speaker of the House could be Gothmog and every single seat in the chamber could be occupied by a Balrog, with the whole damn place running unhindered, like the finest of Swiss watches, as the media fawned to the point of drooling.

The people who have these ideas about justice and are suppling a constant stream of destruction, know not of either good or evil. They are blind. They will continue along the same path, until there is nothing left. I have hope that we may still evolve past the ‘kid stuff’. So I still observe all these things, as I focus on the guy in my mirror. I wish well to all.


Wait a second and a minute, ¿ Having you realized that now the media is trying to convince you that ONLY Saudis and Qatar are the countries that are supporting the terrorism ? Wrong my friend, there are only employees of USA-NATO-Israel which are the real responsible of terrorists creation in Syria (ISIS-Daesh and anexas moderates). So, be careful not to lose the main terrorists group (USA-NATO-Israel).


what a shocker

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