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Egyptian Military Responds With Force To Terrorists Involved In Al Rawdah Mosque Attack (Photos, Video)

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On November 25, the Egyptian Army announced that the Egyptian Air Force has conducted several airstrikes against ISIS positions over the last night in respnose to the ISIS attack on Al Rawdah mosque west of the city of El Arish in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula on November 24.

Egyptian warplanes tracked and destroyed several vehicles of the ISIS members who attacked Al Rawdah mosque around the Bir al-Abed area where the attack took place, according to the Egyptian Army.

The Egyptian Air Force also destroyed several positions of ISIS in Sinai Peninsula.

Egyptian Military Responds With Force To Terrorists Involved In Al Rawdah Mosque Attack (Photos, Video)

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Egyptian Military Responds With Force To Terrorists Involved In Al Rawdah Mosque Attack (Photos, Video)

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The army said that the Egyptian Intelligence and locals provided the information about ISIS positions. The army promised to continue its security operation in Sinan Peninsula until “all terrorists are eliminated”.

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi had vowed to avenge for the victims and to punish the terrorists with “brutal force” in a live televised speech on November 24.

Meanwhile, Egypt’s Attorney General, Nabil Sadiq announced in an official statement that the death toll in the terrorist attack on Al Rawdah mosque has risen to 305, including 27 children. 128 others were injured.

The Attorney General also revealed that between 25 and 30 terrorists attacked Al Rawdah mosque from all directions with fire arms and hand grenades.

The attack on Al Rawdah mosque is one of the most violent terrorist attacks in the history of Egypt.

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This is clear and unequivocal use of force to protect the state. No one objects. This is what a government does if there are riots attempting to destabilize the government. Without decisive action, what? You get a coup like Ukraine 2014. That was a failure of nerve – a failure to use sufficient force to maintain government and order.


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That’s a rightly justified response, but it doesn’t matter how many of these terrorists Egypt eliminates as long as terror supply routes are open and they receive fresh supplies and recruits.

Destroy the root, close the route and you’ll have a chance to protect your civilians and territory. There’s one (or two) source to the east of Egypt, there will be one in the west with emergence of ISIS in Libya and the support it receives.

Rafique Rabhi

Yeah destroy the root, destroy Israel

Don't read butthurt replies

Yeah, it is obviously the Illegal Zionist state moving Terrorist there. https://topeteglzorg.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/mapa-egipto-sinac3ad-10-noviembre-2017.png?w=878


My hart bleeds with the Sufis, like the equally mindless killing of anyone else, incl the Kopts, one have to wounder sometimes on how deep can humans sink, we have witnessed a lot, to much, and then this, pure and simple terror, against ordinary people, what on earth is it, just slaughtering, nothing else than slaughtering, people. I hope the Egyptians, sobers up fast, because to be frank, may the lord have mercy upon me, I am not at all surprised, that, bugs me. Whom, Cui Bono, the list is short, the perpetrators, and their backers, to, we know about them.

I will not tell the Egyptians about what to do, I hope you, when you find it, acts upon it, get help from the neighbors, and to hunt down the scums of this earth, this was an Western backed False flag, I am certain, there is simply nobody else, the previous ones, backed by you know whom, with tons of cash from you know where, the correlation of events, has only one logical conclusion, it is as obvious as it is inevitable and unavoidable. The UssA/ISISrael, their whores are plenty.

And watch your back.


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