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MARCH 2025

Election Day In Turkey: Erdogan Aims To Retain Presidency (UPDATES)

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Election Day In Turkey: Erdogan Aims To Retain Presidency (UPDATES)

Supporters of Muharrem Ince, presidential candidate of Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), attend an election rally in Istanbul, Turkey, on June 23, 2018. Osman Orsal / Reuters

UPDATE 2: Erdogan: 52.72% [Boxes Opened: %95.88], the People’s Alliance: 53.73% [Boxes Opened:%95.32].

UPDATE 1: Erdogan is leading with 58.48%. His ruling party, which is a part of the People’s Alliance, is also leading with 50.19%.

Election Day In Turkey: Erdogan Aims To Retain Presidency (UPDATES)

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Election Day In Turkey: Erdogan Aims To Retain Presidency (UPDATES)

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Polling has started in Turkey’s parliamentary and presidential elections.

There are 56,322,632 registered voters and 180,065 ballot boxes across the country. About 1.49 million expats already voted in a 13-day period between June 7-19 at 123 Turkish missions abroad.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan needs more than 50% of the presidential vote to secure his post in the first round of the presidential election. If no candidate gets more than 50%, there will be a second round. MORE HERE: “Another Political Crisis May Erupt In Turkey

Erdogan’s main challenger is Muharrem Ince of the Republican People’s Party (CHP).

According to pre-election surveys, Erdogan will get about 47-48% in the first round while Ince will get up to 30%. Thus, many experts predict a two-round challenge.

At the same time, Erdogan’s ruling AK Party is also expected to face some problems in the parliamentary election vote.

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A two round election is good. Let Erdogan sweat it out a bit.

Promitheas Apollonious

I don think he will sweat. He knows he will win, he make everything and still does to secure his win and he believe it. As I read him if he lose with what he already arranged within is followers and the way he arm them, he is not walking away peacefully.


I think his opponents will be sweating in prison when he trumps up some charges against them and has their close associates beaten up.


I would rip every single one of Erdogan’s teeth out with a pair of pliers. Never trust that shifty piece of shit. He is not a friend of Syria or Russia for that matter. He’s just an opportunistic shill trying to save face and political capital with the recent Astana process.

Make no mistake, this jackass did NOT, as some would suggest, have some magical change of heart towards Assad. If he was truly interested in countering the PKK and American interventionism, he would’ve allied and cooperated with the SAA long ago, instead of continuing to arm and prop up jihadist groups as part of his Ottoman restoration project.

viktor ziv

Agree with You. One minor note, being a friend is not a public matter of a president, more personal attitude. The president represents the will of majority who voted for him/her, therefor no place being a friend as public posture.

Promitheas Apollonious

and lose the profit from the stolen oil, his mercenaries was bringing him ? You must be kidding. You did well in the first paragraph.


I didn’t deny that much of his motivations for the way he constructed Turkeys foreign policy towards Syria isn’t self-serving and corrupt. In fact, that is precisely part of the problem.


True he is playing the both sides, trying to get what he wants. If he want’s to do business with Russia first Russia should said to him GET OUT OF NATO then we do business.

Wise Gandalf

Putin´s best pupil.


Since 2000 Israel has so far killed 3,000 Palestinian Children. https://cufpa.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/arresting-and-detaining-children.jpg https://cufpa.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/crimes.jpg?w=685 https://cufpa.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/israel-war-crimes.jpg?w=685 https://cufpa.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/killing-a-teen.jpg?w=595&h=360 https://cufpa.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/apartheid-wall1.jpg https://cufpa.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/checkpoint-for-arab.jpg?w=600&h=400 https://cufpa.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/women-in-occupied-palestine.jpg https://cufpa.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/gaza-march-3.jpg?w=685 https://cufpa.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/gaza-march.jpg?w=685 https://cufpa.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/demolishing-palestian-homes.jpg


King David NEVER had a Star

“You also carried along Moloch your king and Kiyyun, your images, the star of your gods which you made for yourselves.” Amos 5:26

“Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.” Acts 7:43

https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2014/09/06/the-star-of-david/ https://biblicisminstitute.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/occult-hexagram.jpg


19 year-old Swedish human rights worker attacked by an Israeli “settler” (aka land thief) in Al-Khalil leaving her with a broken jaw //cufpa.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/swedish-worker.jpg?w=685

Promitheas Apollonious

so what you plan to do about it? We all know what is happening to Palestinians. So one of this days they better do something more than go throwing rocks and getting killed. Especially young children because someone organize and send them where they send them and get killed, that is equally if not worst guiltier, than the ones who kill them, with out excusing the scum of the earth israelis are.

All those children in the front lines are organized by cowards and politicians who play leader and enjoy the benefits. Have you ever think the other side of the coin or only interested that Palestinian children getting killed but never bother whose behind sending them there to be killed. I have and search it also. I suggest you do the same and expose both sides of who is responsible.

Lena Jones

Nice Controlled Opposition gig you got yourself there Promi. Clearly, you haven’t got a clue about the Palestinian struggle. You are no better that the genocidal jews blaming the victim. Your research skills are evidently amateur. And NO I will not correct your vile thinking – waste of time to spend on know-it-all assholes who are empathy-deficient towards the victim.


If Hamas leaders are so brave they should go to the fence line. And not send the children forward, are they just cannon fodder?

Lena Jones

Khamas khamas khamas – you’re stupidly obsessed! I don’t believe infanticidal maniacs like the jews get a say in how RESISTANCE TO JEWISH OCCUPATION should be conducted OR by whom!!


He makes totally valid points. Hamas are cowards just sending vulnerable children promising them a “return” to land conquered more than half a century ago. All to use them as cannon fodder and as a media spectacle to try and raise support. Meanwhile, Hamas militants sit in the back, hiding amongst the civilian population like cowards.

Were it not for groups like Hamas and palestinian Islamic Jihad, the entire world would’ve united a lot more forcefully against Israeli policies.

Lena Jones

“khamas khamas khamas”, says another infanticidal motherfucker! If it were not for the klepto anti-gentile jews, the world would be at peace.


This is not a valid response. Please try again. :D

Lena Jones

MOST valid with cherry on top – you need to re-read and weep! Anti-gentilism is the most evil ideology in today’s world. It is sheer, unadulterated hate towards humanity itself! I want YOU to address this evil hate you carry in your bones and stop distracting with KHAMAS KHAMAS KHAMAS!!!

Lena Jones

Says the ziocaine addict.


Wow, flash back to 5 days ago. My point was Hamas does not even care about the Palestinians in Gaza strip. They deserve much better leadership.

Lena Jones

STFU with your crocodile tears for the Palestinians! AND your utter nasty propaganda about Hamas and ALL other Palestinian Resistance groups too! It’s YOU who doesn’t give a shit about Palestinians you miserable little jew twat!


Watch out folks. Lena Jones is pissed off again. :DDD

Lena Jones

You mean pissing all over your stupidity again :DDD


You can be dismissive all you like, the fact of the matter is Hamas are a highly repressive radical group that hold part of the blame for the intense suffering of Palestinians.

The world would not be at peace even if you killed every single zionist on the planet. You would have dozens of other ideologies and worldviews contending for power, domination, and the subjugation of others, not least of which are radical pan-Islamists that wish to turn the entire world into a caliphate run under Sharia Law.

The existence of Israel (which should’ve never been created in the first place) has certainly been a major recruiting tool for these sorts of groups, but it is hardly the sole or predominant factor.

You’re absolutely delusional if you think you can whittle down all human conflict and ingrained tribalist tendencies down to “klepto-anti gentile jews” hiding in every corner.

But we already knew all this. It is abundantly clear that you have massive problems in your personal life, like most members in the tinfoil hat sphere, and decided to scapegoat others, without any nuance, in an attempt to excuse the miserable state of their own life, as well as constructing simplistic narratives in a lame attempt to try and explain away the world’s problems.

And I dont get why you keep throwing out these epithets at anyone who remotely disagrees with you. It seems to be a pattern with you. Now I am apparently an “infanticidal motherfucker” for criticizing a radical Islamist organization like Hamas.

Lena Jones

You’re gonna get a smackdown when you blame the occupied victims, be they Palestinian, Yemenis, etc. And you’re gonna get a double smackdown when unarmed children are being intentionally targeted and YOU are blaming a third party (Hamas) and not the actual people pulling the trigger. When you defend the ‘trigger pullers’ after they’ve massacred children, then YOU TOO are an infanticidal motherfucker. Capish?!

I’ll remind you here that the following is enshrined in International Law, signed by ALL nations: ‘It is the inalienable right of the occupied to defend themselves by any means necessary’. So you can Khkhkhamas this and khkhkhamas that and eat jew BRAINWASH shit all you want – whatever YOU may think of Khkhkhamas, they actually HAVE THE INALIENABLE RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

And I’m not going to even bother with your stupid 4th Grade pop-psychology analysis of me – you’re so very off the mark it’s hilarious!


Crossing over borders recognized by international laws, digging tunnels and launching rockets isn’t a method of “defending” yourself. These are tactics of conquest and invasion.

Hamas is not a third party, they are instigators specifically agitated and summoned youth to start foolishly marching upon a foreign country.

70 years ago I might’ve had some sympathy, as Israel shouldn’t have been arbitrarily created. While I oppose many Israeli policies, amongst them the aggressive settlement building in the West Bank, only a fucking moron would think that any economically developed country that has existed for nearly 3 quarters of a century would simply “allow” unlimited numbers of people who are hostile to that very nation’s existence to come pouring in without enforcing it’s borders, all for the sake of appeasing Hamas funded propaganda stunts. That just isn’t going to happen.

You don’t want to get shot? Stop listening to a cowardly Hamas thug sending you to your own inevitable death while he hides in the safety of his mortar factory.

I have absolutely no sympathy for cowardly medieval theocrats and sectarian thugs that rile up crowds to engage in suicide missions, promising to see them “on the other side” of the border, all as part of a media and PR campaign, instead of engaging in legitimate resistance methods.

Lena Jones

Blaming the victim AGAIN motherfucker! The zio brainwash at full throttle here! How does it feel to be so very, very pickled in zio-brine?


Hamas militants are hardly “victims” of anything but their own provocative actions and their own delusional theocratic worldview that you apparently seem willing to tolerate. Your right to proclaim “victimhood” disappears when you start advocating for genocide of 10 million, praying for massive regional wars, sectarian conflict, and the redrawing of borders and ancestral territorial claims from over 3 quarters of a century ago. These so called “victims” would love to (and do) slaughter people for mere differences of belief and opinion, “blasphemy” and ridiculous medieval “apostasy” and “sorcery” offenses.

Sorry, I don’t particularly have any sympathy for geopolitical fanatics with an inquisition-like form of mental retardation.

Lena Jones

International law doesn’t give a fuck about what YOU think. Is Hamas occupying israel? A BIG FAT NO!!!! Now, is israel occupying Hamas? A BIG FAT YES!!!! Therefore “the occupied have the inalienable right to defend themselves by all means necessary”.

This is how it works – if your critter brain can digest it!


International law clearly states that anyone who incites violence is liable for prosecution and the ICC has clearly stated that Hamas is liable. Israel is not “occupying” Hamas. Hamas is not a place, it is a radical Islamist militant organization which has engaged in terrorist acts.

Hamas is carrying out offensive operations, such as breaching of a border fence and conducting bombings and shootings and the digging of tunnels into Israeli territory under the guise of so called “March of Return” protests.

Yahya Sinwar, the chief of Hamas, has publicly rallied and told protesters that the marches will ultimately erase the border and “liberate” Palestine, by which he means eliminating Israel in its entirety, not 1967 borders. This sort of incitement and rhetoric to bring this about is a clear violation of international law.

Ratcheting down the rhetoric, changing the manifesto and putting a cease to trying to breach internationally recognized border would go a long way towards Israel potentially easing the blockade. Israel is not required to negotiate or bend over backwards to people who clearly wish to annihilate it or are violating it’s sovereignty.

Of course, in the West Bank it’s a different story. There I am firmly on the side of the Palestinians as far as the settlements go and Israel needs to offer an olive branch when it comes to thorny issues like Jerusalem.

An organization like Hamas is in no position to be crying foul.

Lena Jones

Oh man stfu already you little zionist fuckhead! You can’t even acknowledge the FACTS WHICH IS TYPICAL ZIONIST BEHAVIOR! ALL PALESTINIANS ARE OCCUPIED AND HAMAS ARE 100% PALESTINIAN!!!!! AND clearly you know fuck all about international law OR morality so you need to DOUBLE stfu shekelfhead!


No it is you who clearly knows fuck all about international law or morality. International law has never supported Hamas’s aggression against the internationally recognized border of Israel. International law also does not support the subjugation that Hamas has engaged in against populations under it’s umbrella of control.

Calling for the destruction of a sovereign nation that has been around for 3 quarters of a century and that isn’t realistically going anywhere, and amounting to a real genocide (unlike the fake “genocide” of about 50 people in the gaza strip over the last few months) is clearly against international law. You cannot fall back on “international law” and then call for the “righteous” destruction of a nation of 10 million people. You clearly don’t know what a “genocide” is.

A thousand people dying in a relatively small war a few years ago isn’t “genocide”. What Hamas desires is tantamount of genocide, and hence they have zero sympathy from me.

All land in history today was “occupied” by invaders at some point and people occupying that land prior to it were displaced. That’s just how conquest has worked since the beginning of civilization. I have absolutely no sympathy for those who cry foul about getting shot while breaching the border of a sovereign state meanwhile calling for the genocide of millions of people “righteous”. People like that are precisely the type that need to get shot.

Lena Jones

You still don’t know shit about international law, as evidenced by your stinking hasbara argument and lies about UN policy.

First, Israel has NO DECLARED BORDERS, and I wonder why????!!!!! Yeah you guessed it: 70 years of continuing hostile thievery of others’ lands, as the EURO Khazars had always intended even BEFORE the criminal forced establishment of terrorist israel! The only ‘genocidal’ entity in the middle east is israel! Destroying it is justice! And does not mean destroying the ‘jews’, as fake as the israeli claim to ‘semiticism’ is!!! So fuck off – try another hasbara memo on me!

Like it or not, hamas is a Palestinian resistance group and they have a right to resist their genocidal occupier “by any means necessary”!!!!! AND NO THEY ARE NOT ASSIGNED THE LABEL OF TERRORIST BY THE UN – you know fuck all about the UN, EVIDENTLY!

And as if Hamas or ANY Palestinian is waiting on YOUR support and “sympathy” lol fuck off mossad/hasbara/hamster – you are NOTHING to Palestiians!!!!

Tel aviv is not only a genocidal talmudic maniac, but it’s also the global center for terrorism and usury – another two good reasons why I support its destruction and the sooner the better.


No, I clearly know more about international law than you do, as “international law” does not stipulate the destruction of an entire nation and the genocide of its inhabitants, which is what you advocate, not me.

“NO DECLARED BORDERS”… shifting goalposts now? The largely agreed upon internationally recognized border between Israel and Gaza is that of the 1949 Armistice, aka the pre-1967 “Green Line”. Trying to dig tunnels or breach this internationally recognized border with Gaza is a violation of international law, which is exactly what Hamas has been trying to do. There is no way to try and use “international law” to bullshit your way out of this.

Israel has not committed a “genocide”. Words have meanings, and you clearly do not understand the meaning of the word “genocide”. Genocide is defined the deliberate and systematic mass extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. Protecting one’s own borders and preserving national sovereignty against militant groups who violate internationally recognized borders, which results in the deaths of roughly 30 people a month is hardly a “genocide”. When Israel starts deliberately massacring thousands of Palestinians on the daily without any provocation, then you can start legitimately bleating about “genocide”. Israel does not wish genocide upon the Palestinians, that is solely the prerogative of Hamas.

As for being a resistance group, every single militant or terrorist group in history can view and declare itself a “resistance” group. That label is entirely meaningless. Fascists and neo-nazis and theocrats of all stripes can declare themselves “freedom fighters” all they want. The truth of the matter is, they are not “resisting” anything. They are engaging in offensive operations with the intent of violating international law and have committed themselves to the military invasion and destruction of an internationally recognized sovereign nation, which would ultimately be tantamount to genocide. People in Israel are not interested in living under Hamas’s rule, and Hamas has no legitimacy in trying to usurp the will of the Israeli population and impose it’s theocratic tyrannical rule over them. Hamas was not around as a geopolitical entity until 1987, nearly 40 years after the establishment of Israel. It does not have any legitimate claim collectively to describe itself as a “resistance” group.

And I did not say Hamas or any Palestinian group is “waiting” for my sympathy. I simply stated that I do not have any sympathy for medieval thugs with an inquisition-like mindset such as Hamas. I frankly don’t care what they “need”. They’re getting what they deserve, namely being blown to smithereens every time they try to launch rockets or buried underground every time they try to violate international law and infringe on the sovereignty of a foreign country.

Lena Jones

Didn’t your English teacher ever teach you NEVER to start a sentence with the word ‘no’? Obviously NOT cuz you keep doing it LOL!

Man what can I tell you except the truth: I did not read past your first line :-D because you are not getting a fundamental FACT which is: who the fuck are YOU to give away an inch of someone else’ land?????? THE WHOLE OF HISTORIC PALESTINE RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO PALESTINIANS!!!! THE KHAZARIAN FAKE JEWS ARE NOTHING BUT GENOCIDAL, APARTHEID-LOVING RACIST COLONIALIST INVADING MOTHERFUCKERS WHO WILL BE EVICTED FROM THE HOLY LAND LIKE OTHERS BEFORE THEM HAVE – EVEN IF IT TAKES A HUNDRED YEARS :DDD

Now put THAT in your mossad pipe and smoke it!!!


Well if we are going to be a grammar nazi, it is equally inappropriate to start a sentence with “Obviously”.

Everything you said cannot be qualified as “truth”. It is merely your opinion. It is not the “truth” that a certain piece of land belongs to a certain group of people unless you have some basis for establishing and quantifying that “truth”. The reality is that human beings have been conquering each other’s land, legitimately or illegitimately since the dawn of civilization. By that standard, no land “rightfully” belongs to anyone anywhere because at some point in the past that land belonged to someone else and that someone else was likely conquered, subjugated, or driven out. So by that standard, everyone alive in the world today is pretty much a “land thief” or “colonialist” or the descendant of one. So by that standard, no historical piece of land “rightfully” belongs to anyone.

If we are to use another standard rather than mere observation of historical tribalist phenomena, such as international law, then here too, as I have demonstrated, Hamas has no legs to walk for its claims of liberating all of “historical Palestine”, and it’s aims and actions towards that end classify it as an aggressor, not as the “occupied”. Using the standard of international law, Palestinians in the West Bank may have some claim to that, but not Hamas in the Gaza strip.

Now if we are to look at it from yet a third perspective, namely the realpolitik one, it is highly unlikely that the Israelis will be “evicted” from the so called “Holy Land” any time soon considering the facts on the ground and considering that it would likely take a titanic regional war to do so, a war that would bring utter devastation to the “Holy Land” and it’s vicinity so as to make it nearly uninhabitable for decades afterwards. Only the most hardened religious fanatics of any religion look forward to such a scenario, so that is unlikely to happen. I know this must enrage a genocidal sheltered and entirely powerless little cunt like yourself, but that is just the reality, and no amount of bleating, foaming at the mouth, or raging epithets in all caps is going to change that. If an unstable little runt like you was anywhere in the ranks of the SAA, Hezbollah, or Iranian troops, you would quickly be pacified and shuttled off for a mental examination.

Lena Jones

“Well if we are going to be a grammar nazi, it is equally inappropriate to start a sentence with “Obviously”.”

You’re utterly WRONG on this one! LOL! Now if you’d gone to normal school instead of combative-bullshit hasbara school….

You keep calling me “stupid”, “extremist” etc yet have sooooo much time for me – so very many, many (empty) words……

The only thing I can tell you, and you need to hear this AGAIN as evidently you live under a jew rock: there are BILLIONS of people who DO NOT acknowledge or accept the illegal and immoral klepto terrorist state of israel.


If you had gone to a normal school and learned proper english you would realize that starting a sentence with “no”, particularly in the context of a conversation and followed by a comma is entirely appropriate. If someone says “No, I do not agree”, that is a legitimate sentence in conversational english. Of course, you wouldn’t do it as part of a scholarly publication, but neither would you start any sentence in a scholarly publication with “obviously”. The same standards apply. You can “LOL” at that all you want, the fact of the matter is you’re wrong (just like you’re wrong on the issues), and I am far more intelligent than a useless psychopathic lunatic on the internet such as yourself. FYI, I don’t spend that much “time” on you. It’s pure entertainment to check into southfront for a few minutes a day to know whats going on in the Syrian war and to see a triggered little imbecile frothing at the mouth and entertaining conspiracy theories, only to trigger them some more.

There may be a billion people or so that do not acknowledge or recognize the state of Israel, but there are many billions more who have accepted it as a geopolitical reality. Many of them may be critical of Israeli policies, much like they may be critical of the policies of any number of other nations, but they do not advocate for the utter destruction of an entire nation. That view is only held by psychopaths (like yourself) and hardline religious extremists living in medieval times that want to impose tyrannical rule against anyone who does not adopt their pan-Islamist vision for society. Sorry, but being a medieval savage who still believes in shit like stoning people to death (such as Hamas) basically precludes you from holding a moral high ground and asserting a “righteous” path to so called “resistance” against so called “occupiers”.

Lena Jones

You were obviously educated by impolite English teachers – and lol your long rant is wasted on me hasbara boy – it really is – again, I barely got passed the second sentence: because I’m already aware of ALL the preposterous hasbara talking points that you’re so very fixated at repeating.


You didnt get past the 2nd sentence because you have a hard time reading and an even harder time fathoming that someone might have a different opinion than you who is also not a “hasbara troll” or “paid IDF”. My responses spike your cortisol levels up to unhealthy levels, but you’re a fragile little snowflake cunt with psychopathic tendencies who just can’t get enough of me. What a tormented existence you must lead.

Lena Jones

LOL hamster, you really need to get off your training training wheel: going round and round and round to nowhere… Hasbara cog!


I don’t really need to “go” anywhere, I’m comfortable with where I’m at. I’m not “training” by the way, I’m just having a friendly discussion with you.

Lena Jones

That’s cool – I do need a connection to the mossad so I can feed them fake intel.


LOL! “feed me” fake “intel”.

Ok…. All I have to say is wow… you leave me speechless. Or you’re just trolling me really hard. I’m done here. Best of luck in your valiant pursuit of fighting against Mossad infilitrators, they’re apparently everywhere.

Lena Jones

Thanks for your good wishes :-)

Bill Spence

Vulgarity is never an argument. Just omit it and tell people what you think. Pretend you are a Sunday school teacher. People need to know the truth about Israel.

Lena Jones

What are you, ‘mouth soap’ or something. Please refrain from imposing your PC standard on others. Stop ‘limiting’ the free speech of others. If you don’t like some of my expressions, then meh – others evidently do, judging by upvotes.


rigged elections

Wise Gandalf

i dont think so. he does not need.


I’m sure this election will end the exact same way as Egypt’s last election.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

In Egypt they purged the Muslim Brotherhood. In Turkey the AK Party is the Muslim Brotherhood.


If only it were anywhere near that simple.


So wait they vote for Presidential and also Parliamentary elections in same time. This is strange, never knew that they are doing it like this. So Erdogan got his 57% so he is secured. I don’t understand something though, SF says that there are 56,322,632 registered voters, and on the first picture on the right up side says Total Number Of Voters: 59,354,840. So what is this? Wrong numbers or what is the deal? Anyway Erdogan became as Mr. Putin he will definitely WIN with no doubt. And he is.


The pictorial might also include expatriates who voted in other countries.

Wise Gandalf

New, actual number are much less for the leader of Moslem Brotherhood. :)

Michał Hunicz

Well, RIP Turkey, O thought that something will change, they would start supporting Syria, but hell no, Erdogan will stay and that beautiful country where I have been 2 times is going to be doomed. Remember, Hitler was elected too!


After the Reichstag was burned in 1933 it was more like a coup to seize power.

Richard M

Ottoman Sultan is “re-elected”. What a surprise. NOT

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