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MARCH 2025

Elijah J. Magnier: “Netanyahu insists on involving Israel in war: What is Moscow’s position?”

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Written by Elijah J. Magnier@ejmalrai; Originally appeared at his blog

Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Moscow to “test the stand of Russia and its allies in Syria on their intention to go to war if Israel bombs Syrian and Iranian objectives in the Levant”. Netanyahu is seeking some answers related to the reaction of Russia and its potential participation or non-participation in a possible intermittent battle in the midst of war (as Israel prefers to call such interventions,”a battle between wars”). This tactic, an Israeli specialty, might take the form of Israel bombing the Russian S-300 surface to air missiles batteries delivered to the Syrian army as a bulwark against any future Israeli aggression.

Elijah J. Magnier: "Netanyahu insists on involving Israel in war: What is Moscow’s position?"

“Iran and Syria informed their Russian ally that any significant military hit by Israel that threatens their national security will be answered immediately and on a disproportionate level”, said a source among top decision makers in Syria.

The last Israeli violation of Syrian sovereignty was a provocation against an empty soft target in Quneitra by Israeli ground artillery. That was considered a childish gambit by Netanyahu, who is considered by his allies – according to the source – as lacking military expertise and knowledgeable only on the political level.

According to the source within the top leadership in Syria, “Israel would like to delay the American withdrawal from Syria by triggering a battle but not a wider war. Targeting Syrian and Iranian military objectives after a clear warning from both countries could boost the Israeli Prime Minister’s chances in his forthcoming election campaign only if we don’t respond. If the trio Syria-Iran-Hezbollah decides to respond with a wider war against any Israeli attack, and this is what has been agreed on by all parties concerned, Netanyahu will most likely diminish his own prospects of winning another term”.

“The Israeli Prime Minister will look weak if he doesn’t respond. And if he does, he will be facing destructive battle on many fronts. At first, Syria will respond but if Iranian and Hezbollah forces deployed within the Syrian Army are hit, then the battle will widen depending on how far Netanyahu wants to go. In this latter scenario, Netanyahu’s chances of re-election are expected to be very slim, once precision missiles start falling in the heart of Israel. Israelis today consider any war-adventure by the Israeli Prime Minister as unnecessary. In this event, the support Netanyahu gathered at Warsaw summit will be thrown out of the window”, said the source.

Israel has the military capability to neutralise and hit the Russian S-300, the air-to-air anti-aircraft and missiles system. The Syrian-Iranian alliance does not rely on this system as a key component to confront Israel. Although Hezbollah did not have either the S-300 or even S-200 anti-aircraft missiles during the last war imposed by Israel in 2006, it managed to achieve a balance of power against the almighty Israeli air force and military machine.

Today Syria has precision missiles with a rich Israeli bank of objectives to work on when the Resistance axis decides to respond without need of Russian approval.  This is why it is important to understand that Russia and its allies don’t necessarily have the same stand and reaction. Moscow enjoys good relations with Israel it wants to maintain, and does not want to be part of the permanent Israeli-Syrian-Iranian-Hezbollah conflict. Neither are the latter three forces ess lconcerned about the good Russian-Israeli relationship. Moscow’s forces in Syria – according to the source – are welcome to count the missiles exchanged over their heads in the Levant if Israel wants war.

If Russia stays out for fear of being dragged into a war in which America would intervenes in favour of Israel, the axis will have no objection. “US forces have been already in a state of permanent war against these three forces for many years”.

“Washington has had a direct share in all the Israeli wars on Arab countries since the sixties of the last century to the last war on Hezbollah in 2006. Its forces have been overtly present in Israel for a long time and participate on the ground in the Syrian war. Therefore, this axis has no fear of US involvement. As to the question: What is Russia’s position on this? This is a Russian affair that we do not want to interfere with, just as Russia does not want to interfere in the conflict between us and Israel”, said the source.

Nothing new is expected out of Netanyahu’s visit to Moscow. It is most probably a media-election campaign event because most of the Israeli Prime Minister’s time is currently devoted to his re-election. The equation is very simple: if Netanyahu wants to test the Syrian response, he will get an undesirable and unexpected battle. If he wants a wider battle, he will get war on multiple fronts.

Syrian leaders believe that Trump will ultimately withdraw from Syria. The plan to restore full control of the Syrian territory occupied by the US forces doesn’t depend on an American President under heavy pressure from an administration which wants the troops to stay. Sooner or later the US will have to go. Syria is relying on its strength and the strength of its allies, especially now that the danger to Syria is declining day by day. The option of starting a battle and expanding its perimeter really depends on Netanyahu, who has the initiative. If Putin can convince him not to play in the Syrian arena, this would bea Russian achievement. But the Resistance axis is not counting on such an outcome; its members are instead arming their missiles.

Proof-read byC.B.

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good Relations with russia…….yes with their khasarian stooge Leadership would be more accurate…….this is also shown with the latest very weird, but if somebody understands the pretext, obvious “Rotation” in Military Leadership that occured this week in russia. The khasarians are getting ready for the final battle against the last nations that do NOT recognize the illegal satanic Entity named Israel.Their Agenda is going Forward as planned centuries agao. A one world government with jerusalme as its capital under satanic jewish Leadership!!!!

Remember when the russian plane with 15 russians got shot out of the air……i mean the reaction of 1. russian political Leadership 2. russian Military Leadership

they were 180 degress apart………….. Putin made a “soft landing” for his khasarian buddies……


You’ve been Russia bashing for many months as the SADF upgrades took effect shutting down IAF attacks, the US announced withdrawal, and the Syrian government coalition cleaned out terrorist enclave after enclave. You should just face the fact that Russia is winning the war and shutting down the Jew world order hegemony project, and that your analysis has been consistently wrong.


Russia should finish the dejudification process.

Harry Smith

Guys, sorry, but you do not understand Russia. Because Russia is like Solaris, it changes you from the inside, if you live here long enough.


Your comment doesn’t make sense.

Harry Smith

Well, if you will look at the russian-speaking jews in Israel, they are almost pro-Russian, if it is not about Israel. Also, the jews in the Russia, are mostly Russian patriots, because those who were not, migrated to the USA when borders had opened. So, here in Russia, it will be many questions, if Russian troops will attack Israelis without any major reason. Many of us have friends or class mates in Israel. On other hand, many of Bi-bi’s electorate are Russian-speaking, so Russia has a great influence over there, because of Russian language news outlets and remained connections here in Russia.

So that’s a theory, here is the real life example. Hieromonk Makariy (Markish), grandson of Peretz Markish (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peretz_Markish ). In early 80s migrated to USA, BUT, in 1987 baptized in Russian Orthodox Church, in 2000, after Yugoslavia bombing, returned to Russia and in 2002 became monk. And he is still alive and is hieromonk now. Russia changes you to be better if you are good, and to be worse if you are bad.

Objectively, “dejudification” of Russia is impossible because remained jews became a part of our culture. In fact, they are not like other jews all over the world. But it does not means all Russians like jews. Just remember, if you are saying about Russian-speaking jews there are 2 category of them: Russia haters and Russia lovers.


That wouldn’t be my take. Jews have always been rejected by many Russians. They didn’t want them there when they first arrived, and they want them gone now.

The population of Jews in Russia has gone from 6 million to 200,000 in the past 150 years. Because they’re huge trouble makers, unwelcomed, and encouraged to leave, like the 1 million who went to Israel. There are polls showing that most Russians want all Jews gone. So I don’t know where you’re getting your information from, but many disagree with you.

Harry Smith

Well, if you want to understand the full story, I’d suggested you “200 years together” by Solzhenitsyn.


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written. And I’m familiar with Solzhenitsyn’s work.

Harry Smith

Well, if you are familiar with the book, why then you talk about dejudification of Russia?


That’s a dodge. The book doesn’t disprove or change anything that I’ve written. Just like you haven’t. Why don’t you address what I’ve written rather than avoid it?

Harry Smith

I can not agree with you, because your opinion on this, particular, question is wrong. I do not know where you get your info, but here is the most recent poll (sorry, it’s in Russian) https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/3733242 (in brief only 16% of Russian jews think that antisemitism is a big problem)

And for outlawing the jews. Are you really sure that all the jews are judaists and pedophiles?


The study that you site doesn’t disprove anything that I’ve written:

“In this survey, 54.4% of Jewish respondents stated that anti-Semitism in modern Russia is a serious or very serious problem.”

And it was done by Jews. So it may understate the issue. It also starts out by saying that they all left. Which also doesn’t disprove anything that I’ve written.

Yes I’m sure that Jews rape 1,000 children every week, infect them with venereal disease, brain damage and murder them. Read up on the blood sucking rirual by cannibal prostitute rabbis called Jewish circumcision. And tell me if you think that they should be prosecuted for felony statutory rape and Judaism should be outlawed as a criminal organization.

Harry Smith

Not “serious” but “rather serious” that’s differs much. Look at the graphics and not on the preamble. And in the EU both “rather serious” and “very serious” makes 66%. Should we say that in the EU the new holocost started?

BTW, what you are going to do with jews, that are not judaists? Would you prosecute them like judaists?


Israel and dejudifying Russia are separate issues.


Russia isn’t the US. They might nuke the US in a false flag. Because it’s the most Jew infested nation on earth besides Palestine and is a lot more important to them than Russia. Expecting their legislature full of anti American traitor Israel firsters to cover it up like 911. And Jews and their sycophants in the CIA, Pentagon and DHS might help them mass murder Americans. I doubt that they’d do it to Russia. But anything is possible with blood sucking baby raping Jew terrorists.


You, like a lot of people on the subject, are very two faced. You don’t have a problem with Jews, despite the fact that 94% of them are Zionists who poll in support of Israel and the other 6% are mostly orthodox fanatics who are the biggest pedophile rapists of them all.


That’s a dodge. I’m addressing your hypocrissy. Are you now saying that the problem is both Judaism and Zionism?


Almost all Jews are Zionists, it’s not an extreme form of Judaism, it’s a fundamental core element of their ideology.


If Israel uses it’s nukes on Russia, it will be the last time that it ever uses it’s nukes.

John Whitehot

hardly, since they have no ICBMs and need to either use planes or subs.

Also, try to make a correlation of nuclear forces between the largest nation on earth, with a nuclear triad and one of the smallest, without a nuclear triad.


Your reply doesn’t make sense, like a lot of the gibberish that you spam these threads with.

John Whitehot

That the Jericho III is an ICBM is Israeli chest beating, other sources class it as an IRBM.

Even if it was an ICBM, how many missiles u think they be able to launch, with Russian radars, ships , subs and nuclear armed cruise missiles at a handful of KMs from the border, not counting the defensive systems in Syria (whoops, missiles must travel North, unless god translates Russia elsewhere or something)

And of course you show again your true nature, that of the local jewnazi party employee trying to convince jews that israel has nuclear deterrence against other nuclear armed countries.


You write a lot of confused nonsense. Do you have a drug and or alcohol problem?

John Whitehot

wtf are u talking about, seems you’re about to have an hearth attack.


You write a lot of confused nonsense:

“hardly, since they have no ICBMs and need to either use planes or subs. ,,,

wtf are u talking about, seems you’re about to have an hearth attack.”

Concrete Mike

Israel has a nuclear triad John wayons donc…tis called USA.


Given their track record and insane ideology you can’t rule anything out.

Syria insider

No one likes you fuck you

Tommy Jensen

If and if and bla bla bla. Russia´s position is clear: Israel uber alles, Syria, Iran, Hezbollah are on their own.


you are wrong as usual – russia/putin tolerates israel provided israel behaves within certain defined rules. do not for one second believe that russia in any way condones the depalestination (the ethnic cleansing program operated by the squatters) but the support of israel by moronistan (aka usa) is enough to have a careful approach to issues in syria. but in a somewhat more extended perspective, syria and assad will survive and the crucial question is then what will happen to israel and that’s where russia prefers to sit and wait. and if the gang of four (syria, turkey, iran and hezbollah) can get their act together to clear the stolen land of all squatters, rest assured that weapons and money will flow to that gang from russia. but don’t think that putin in any way supports israel ’cause he doesn’t and he never pays any subsidies to the country.


I would add others to the regional force that would be glad to see the Jew problem addressed and corrected via a regional force.


sure a number of countries might join up when things hot up, even saudi since I not for one second think that jared has managed to befriend mohammed bin salman in a more substantial way – in fact jared should watch out so that he isn’t khasoggied when mbs realizes that jared thought he could sell the idea that saudi should lead the way on iran while the squatters would watch.

Kelli Hernandez

WRONG. WAHHABISM+ZIONISM = CRYPTO JEW . The Saudis are also a British project . MBS + Jared bromance continues to blossom. Jared is a sociopath who is getting himself in hot water with Congress for pushing to get the Saudis a nuclear weapons. Jared is also responsible for MBS hanging the Princes up by their toes and stealing their money. Jared have MBS the names of Princes who might smite MBS . Jared also knew about Kashoggi. Kushnr is a dangerous dual Israhelli squatters, his crime family investing millions in the West Bank. He is Chabbadist and is working on behalf of a foreign government. Jared should have his security clearance revoked and sent on a plane to Israhell kicked out of the US


Israel bloodied Russias nose

The US would rip them limb to limb, which is why they stay silent like dogs when America strikes

Harry Smith

Putin is the greatest leader of the mankind! He will lead the whole world’s population to the future without Anglo-Saxons. The bright new future!


Your inflammatory lies show what an idiot you are.

The Russians backed the US out of 70% of Syrian airspace without a shot being fired. And if the US doesn’t leave Syria, the same thing will be done in the other 30%. The blood sucking baby rapers have also had their scofflaw aggression shut down.

Harry Smith

To discuss with the troll in Internet is like arguing with a radio news channel.


I’ve rubbed his nose in his filthy numerous times and he goes away.

H Eccles

He doesn’t really go away.. he just reapears with another account.


Bark bark bark

A real military takes action


Years later, Russia still yapping away while the US laughs at them

Russia can only lose wars to Finland, they can’t even handle tiny Israel let alone the US



LOL indeed.

Just keep supporting the loser loser. Russia is winning the war!

John Whitehot

you still haven’t answered the question:

“when’s the last time the US won a war”.


We never lost one

H Eccles

re.. “We never lost one”

maybe we should ask the Vietnamese..


We slaughtered Vietnam and went home with scraped knuckles, and that was after we kicked China and North Korea’s ass out a South Korea, now Vietnam is alllied with the US LOL

H Eccles

Yeah you did do a lot of slaughtering in Vietnam just like ISIS does a lot of slaughtering. None of it is noble, you inbred that you are. Serioulsy, who the hell turns up at the commnets to celebrate the slaughtering of a nation. Oh let me guess.. you’re actually one of the squatters trying to fake it as an American.

As for ‘scraped knuckles’, only trained cockraoches would turn up here and try to rewrite history.

Bigaess Wangmane

(((Patriotic_White_American))) Ask him how the weather is in Tel Aviv…

Concrete Mike

Yeah really. I got an uncle that went to nam.

He did not come out winner of that.

Concrete Mike

Liar china never.made it past 38th parrallell.

Joe Kerr

Google “crying IDF troops 2006” to see how your kike army performed last time it met someone armed with more than stones and knives, coward.

John Whitehot

no, you never admitted losing one, while the rest of the world knows better.

You can call me Al

You truly are an ignorant wank stain.


if we start to list all defeats moronistan (aka usa) has chalked down since the korean war we’re bound to be up all night and still fail to make a complete list – moronistan equals epic failure. I would get out of that filthy trailer for trailer trash and try to make life decent for the averagely stupid american, which the morons in washington totally don’t give one feck about. more profit from wars in foreign countries than to make moronistan a hald way decent country. shame shame

Concrete Mike

Ah real.man would not regurgitate hillary clinton/NYT liberal bullshit on military forums like your doing now!

You got your ass kicked for 20 years by table cloth, sandal wearing taliban. The russians were there for 8 years they wised up quicker than you idiots did. Maybe it was the heroin?? Oh wait you dont talk about that do you??

You yourself do not take action do you? Your a follower, you have a handle sown on your ass for uncle schmuel to manipulate you without you noticing it

Remember when your head is in the sand your ass is in the air.

John Whitehot

the only thing that’s bloodied is your membrane.


white trailer trash – behave and fuck off back to the trailer camp,


Please, he is not white, not american, and not a patriot (of America) either. My guess is Tel Aviv.


yeah most likely but you can’t pass on the chance to belittle moronistan when it presents itself. israel is another and regular receiver of abuse, which is entirely correct.

Concrete Mike

The only thing thats bloody is your mom after her failed abortion for you

You can call me Al

Those bloodied nosed Russkies have kicked the Zio-US arse in Syria, admitted Crimea under its arms, taken many US allies, who begged for forgiveness including the inbred Zionist butcher illegal state and with China, Iran and many others led an extraordinary revolt and decimation of the Petrodollar whilst you yourselves made you wank stains not only the most hated, but the most laughed at demented nations ever on this planet.

Now off you go Billy Bob Goldstain and try and count to 10.


This a timely and well written article. The one area where I think clarification is needed is on this statement:

“Israel has the military capability to neutralise and hit the Russian S-300, the air-to-air anti-aircraft and missiles system.”

This is partially true. Some S-300s may be hit and damaged or destroyed. But it’s unlikely that they can all be neutralized and taken out of the fight. And the ones that are hit would likely come at a high cost to Israel. And can be replaced and or added to.

The difference between the S-300s and the Israeli air defense system. Is that the S-300s are dual use and can destroy the Israeli air defense system leaving targets in Israel vulnerable to a wide range of missiles and rockets that would otherwise be intercepted. But the Israelis have a much more difficult time doing the same thing to the SADF.

Once the Israeli public realizes just how vulnerable they are, they’l be much less supportive of aggression, that for the first time in their history, is going to result in equal or greater damage and loss of life on them, than they inflict on others.

Lena Jones

Everything that the terrorist jewish state does right now is deception: so as to cover up its irreversible geopolitical weakness. I say lets have a war on Netanyahu’s watch already! There won’t be an israel left for jewish voters to participate in once the war dust has settled.

John Whitehot

“I say lets have a war on Netanyahu’s watch already! ”

I say, everybody wanting war take a rifle and fight it, or send their sons and doughter fight it instead of sitting in front of a computer

Lena Jones

By now, only fools think that peace is possible with the Apartheid, jewish state.

And as it happens, I’m currently located a mere 82 miles away from tel aviv ;-)

John Whitehot

“By now, only fools think that peace is possible with the Apartheid…”

most of those telling that are jews themselves wanting the US to enter global war to make israel greater.

idk how foolish can they be in believing that god will preserve them from the nukes.

Lena Jones

Actually, it’s realists who base the premise that it’s impossible to make real peace with the jewish state: all based on israel’s incessant terrorist behavior and infamously pathological deceptive nature.

And in any case, the Axis of Resistance nations are prepared to fight the terrorist jew and their US lapdog right now and today, so that their children aren’t forced to live on their own land under the foreign and despicable jew boot. A worthy cause for the Resistance, I’d say.

John Whitehot

yawn yawn.

Lena Jones

Idiot idiot.

Kelli Hernandez

Ohhhhh so sorry. Where are you? Nation wise?

Lena Jones

Hi Kelli. I’m in a village in zio-free south Lebanon. In other words: land successfully liberated by force from the invading jews. I moved here from southern California – land that remains under jewish occupation.

Kelli Hernandez

Naw, American General in Israhell says American soldiers ready to die for Israhell

John Whitehot

that’s not an answer to my cmment

Black Waters

I don’t know if am wrong or not… but, from my perspective these last 4 year, the U.S wants to create the portrait of Hitler with Putin, they are continuously pushing russia to attack while hiding the continuous provocations from Ukraine bombing Donetsk and lugansk. It’s like if something it’s pushing them to annihilate russia before a countdown comes to an end… may it have something to do with the U.S going bankrupt? So they are trying to hide their debt by destroying any opposing voice? At this point i already don’t know for sure… the information war it’s becoming a fucking nest of disinformation… they censor in YT whatever they want without any consequence, it’s fucking insane. We live under some sort of totalitarian state.


moronistan (aka usa) had the worlds most successful heist almost in the bag, that jeltsin allowed america to take over most of russias raw material assets and it was more or less a done deal and then enters Putin (after jeltsin managed to drink himself into a continuous stupor) and reversed the smash and grab heist by moronistan. and there you are, russian commodities shall be owned by russians and/or russian owned companies with only minority parts open for foreign interests. does it hurt, you bet, it hurt then and it hurts even more today when the world is much more transparent and everything moronstan does or even thinks is immediately apparent for the world to see. and as I usual say – moronistan (aka usa) never forgets and never forgives which is abundantly clear with north korea and with iran, both independent countries that thwarted moronistan’s plans for those countries.

Concrete Mike

Welcome to the matrix brother.

You can call me Al

In my mind the Russians know exactly what the US are doing, but they were not and maybe still not strong enough militarily. Whilst they are increasing their high tech weaponry, many, many still need to be produced and introduced to the regiments / brigades etc. When this finally happens; then we shall see the Russian stance alter quite dramatically. My view only.

Harry Smith

Al, bro, the old Russian maxima says it is better a bad peace than a good war. Let’s imagine Russia with China start the real and not proxy war with USA. Sooner or later it will fall into a nuclear war. What we’ll get in the end? Most of UK, Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia and North America are destroyed. Other countries are in chaos because there is no force remained to hold them from the wars. Next candidates for the nuclear war are Pakistan and India. The global monetary system is ruined. Paper money are devaluating. Most of the planet’s population lost their jobs, because EU, USA and China are major world consumers. It is just a hell, most of the world population wouldn’t survive.

Only imagine how it will be if Russia or China will nuke most of the UK’s big cities and destroy the infrastructure. A world without electricity, medicine and food. In that case it is better to die under the nukes than slowly die from the hunger and decease.

Kelli Hernandez

Personally, were it to be nuke war, I prefer ground ZERO. Quick death and no suffering afterwards.. The Zionazi empire of psychopaths is moving their population to that point quickly What false flag will the banksters order this time via CIA/Mossad to get a hot war going? No one but the US & Israhell want war..so there is no doubt as to whom starts it if it is to be.

Harry Smith

Can you be 100% sure that you will die instantly? What if not? Are you ready to a slowly and painful death just because of your hate of USA and Israel?

You can call me Al

I do understand and agree with what you are saying, but I would also add that the US are bat shit crazy and clutching at straws now – they will either manipulate a war or attack first and that attack is likely to be in the next 10 years.

Harry Smith

Pardon me, but you have a completely western view over the situation. If there is a threat and there is a way to exterminate this threat – the threat must be destroyed. Nobody calculates the middle and long term consequences.

Russia has Poseidon now. That means any USA attack on Russia leads to destruction of the North American continent. And the most spicy moment that underground asylums won’t help. No way to escape. China can easy ruin the USA economy just selling their share of the USA state debt, all at once. So China’s and Russia’s task is not to destroy the USA, but peacefully transform the world order to the multipolar format. That is win-win strategy for the whole mankind, except it’s very small part – western financial elites.

You can call me Al

I have a Western view because I am British.

Harry Smith

That’s nothing wrong to be a Brit, my friend. Orwell is one of my favorite writers and Pink Floyd are the best. So I do understand the difference between ordinary citizens and the ruling elites, so take it easy.

Just try not to be too nervous if Russia or China are doing something stupid, from your point of view. We have a little bit different way to do our international affairs.

You can call me Al

Trouble is there Harry, it is not that I worry about the Russian and Chinese, I worry about the US, who seem to have turned into some bat-shit crazy thugs.

Harry Smith

Yep, you’re right! The last big nuclear war is what, the part of USA ruling elites, wants. I think they are doing it because they want to establish Pax Judeica instead of Pax Americana. At my point they are going to start the war, where all of the today’s great powers would be mutually destroyed and Israel became the only world state with nuclear weapons. But every time they are almost ready, something is going wrong. Last time it were Kalibr cruise missiles. Now it’s Poseidon, which made useles the assyllums they’ve build. So now they must figure out how they can escape the new version of their doom and world has some time in plus.

On other hand the time works for China and Russia. At the moment the belt and way initiative really starts to work, both of them wouldn’t be interested in the USA market. That’s the time when the whole world should really start to prepare for the big fall of the USA.

You can call me Al

Bingo. Cheers, catch you later.

You can call me Al

Now, I know where you are going with this. Apologies.

Harry Smith

Congrats, you got the red pill.

Kelli Hernandez

If US moves to destroy Russia there would be a quick response = nuke winter.

H Eccles

re.. “Israel has the military capability to neutralise and hit the Russian S-300”

Really??… the sqatters can’t enter Syrian airspace because of the S200, but somehow they can turn up to take out the S300. This does not add up.

Albert Pike

They just have to send many and many of them – and those few S300 batteries will be overwhelmed…

H Eccles

You’re making the assumption that the S300 batteries will be overwhelmed before the Israelis are, keeping in mind the S200 is currently keeping them out.

Have you actually done the sums or are you just assuming?

Albert Pike

How many projectiles, ready to fire do you see per batterie. Anyway on what do they fire, if Israels jets never enter Syrian airspace – they can only fire on those far flying smart bombs (the IDF can hang 2 to 4 of those under thier wings). The Pantasirs and S200 do fire at them already. But they could not prevent that Israel hit warehouses at Damascus international airport – why, because they just did sent many and many and in two waves. The S300 will only make a difference if they are allowed to attack IDF planes as soon if they start from their bases. That’s a political problem, not one of sums and counting. Just to shot down Israels projetiles with an S300 – would make no sense.

So what would You do, H Eccles – shoot at Israel’s planes as soon as they start from their bases – that would mean a full blown war between Israel and Syria. That can’t be the objective of an army, which is still fighting inside their own borders, to free large foreign occupied territory. It would mean a two front war. Also count in the jewish influence inside Russia, because of the many Israelis of Russian descent…

So it is not just a matter of sums – how many planes, how many S300, how many dead pilots, how many shot down F16s – it’s political. How will the globaly Zonist controled mass media swing the world opinion, if the S300’s are used like they should be, and that’s shoot the fuckers as soon as they lift off…

Bigaess Wangmane

Anyway on what do they fire, if Israels jets never enter Syrian airspace

Distance between Damascus and Tel Aviv is 213 kilometers (132 miles).

The S300 will only make a difference if they are allowed to attack IDF planes as soon as they start from their bases.

Or Syria could hit them on their way back to their bases, Still the same 200km range either way.

Albert Pike

You are right, but if you read the article, the sentence: ‘Israel has the military capability to neutralise and hit the Russian S-300, the air-to-air anti-aircraft and missiles system.’ is in connection with the situation now – meaning there are no declared open and continuous war hostilities between Syria and Israel. Israel likes to change this – the question is therefore not if they hit the fuckers in their F16’s or F35’s on their way to- or back out of Syria. The question is, does Syria want this war, and if so can they win it in a two front war?

Surely you can give me an answer on that – Bigaess Wangmane…

Bigaess Wangmane

The question is, does Syria want this war, and if so can they win it in a two front war?

Syria never wanted a war with anyone period, so that question is largely a misnomer. The 2nd half of your question is somewhat disingenuous too & I’ll explain why. The war raging in Syria isn’t a typical conflict between two opposing countries but rather a one-front hybrid war where several state actors (US/Israel/UK/France/Turkey/Saudi Arabia) have all poured in their resources in the form of Jihadi mercenaries, arms & funds to systematically break down Syria until it no longer existed as a country, with only slightly differing agendas between them. Syria responding to Israeli attacks like they have several times before (launching rocket salvos into Al Jawlan aka The Golan, shooting down an F-16) will not lead to any greater hostilities than in previous times because Israel is already at war with Syria, what will they do in response to one of their jets getting shot down that they haven’t done before? Send more jets? They’ve already done that. Bomb more targets in Syria? They’ve already done that. Send their military into Syria to fight the SAA? They already planned that once with their terrorist proxies in Ghouta, if you remember. That didn’t work out so well either. The fact is the complete opposite of what you propose, Israel stands a lot more to lose directly fighting the SAA+their Allies than gain. Their airports, seaports, military bases and other key bases will all be fair game once they open that front.

Albert Pike

I know that Syria never wanted that war, so – I am sorry about the misnomer. I also know that none of it is Syrias fault. And no I proposed to shoot them down, but still there are concerns, that this time it might be different then before, because Bibi maybe needs this conflict to win or delay his election. How it would go out in an all out war – yes their stuff would be distroyed too – and rightly so.

Why I wrote the 18 words in the beginning was that without a change in strategy – to now use them against the planes (wherever those planes are), and not just -like before- against the projectiles, the S300 batteries will be at risk to be overwhelmed, because they are the target. And they are the target, because the distruction of those S300 batteries might be Bibi’s ticket to win his election.

But back to my misnomer question – this time the other way around. Do the US/Israel/UK/France/Turkey/Saudi Arabia want this war? You see they are all on the downswing in their ecconomies – they are all so heavily indebted, that their financial system might not survive it, and they are all runing since years false flage crisis actors fake terror attacks against their own populations. Those PSYOPs can’t be kept up indefinitely – they must be finally used for something. This something might be war…

Kelli Hernandez

Sheldon Adelson Israhelli billionaire is calling the shots, he and fellow billionaire Haim. Sheldon is the largest donor in the US to all of Congress and he BANKROLLED Trump’s campaign. Sheldon once said that he wanted Iran nuked. He and Bibi confer . Since Trump won and we have dual citizens all over the White House, all of them with a pathological obsession with Iran, they think that while they have the US military at their fingertips while Trump is in power, war on Iran is NOW OR NEVER…


So if S300 will not be used against Israel jets and bombs, why they were deployed in Syria?

Albert Pike

That’s not the question – the question is will they be used against Israel’s jets, which do almost never fly into Syria, but are firing from the outside into Syria. Therefore a decision has to be made – to fire before they fire, or if not – to wait till after they have fired. Anyway the enemy will be hit outside Syrian airspace – and that’s the ‘Casus belli’.

And deployed are the S300, like the majority of all weapons, as a deterrent.

But maybe because of the ‘birthpangs of Moshiach’ (which Schneerson friend Nutti/Bibi Netanyahu maybe hears), his terror-state ISrael want’s this war. Obviously then no deterrent can work.


As a deterrent to be used when threatened, otherwise its pathetic.The problem is that Russia does not recognize Israel as a terrorist state, which is, but as a friendly state which from time to time can use Russian planes as shield and not punished. And we are correct to say that Russian foreign policy against Israel is very much influenced by Russian jew oligarchs.

Albert Pike

May be because I am now a days looking more closely, but I can’t see any leader of any country, besides of Syria, Iran and China who is’nt in some way Zionist or Millenaristic. Even Maduro at one time came out to say that he is of Jewish descent. They are all influenced by jew -or better zionist- financial, or media oligarchy. The latest one was Bolsonaro, whose kids where running around in IDF and Mossad t-shirts. So it’s not just Russia…


Let’s make it clear before we take different paths, I am anti-zionist not anti-Semitism.

Albert Pike

Besides of the anti-zionist haredi movement, there is not much left inside judaism, which is n’t zionist. So dear seawolf, your affirmation is may be difficult. I would’t even say that I am anti – anything or anybody. Yes I don’t like the messianic movement, but that’s regardless of who they are. So I like Mike Pence as much as I like Netanyahu, regardless of that fact, that the first is a catholic, and the second is a jew…

Kelli Hernandez

As I always say: ZIONISM IS NOT JUDAISM. ZIONISM IS A DEADLY RACIST FASCIST POLITICAL IDEOLOGY, JUDAISM IS A RELIGION. THEREFORE, ANTI ZIONISM IS NOT ANTI SEMITISM.. Israhell deliberately CONFLATES to stop criticism of Israhelli war crimes The accusation that anti-Semitism is prevalent is NONSENSE . What people are seeing is a rise in anti ZIONISM


That is true, as it’s true that fascism is rising too and neo-nazism

Albert Pike

I hope you two aren’t offended if I cut in, and it’s not that anything is wrong in what both of you are saying. Zionism and fascism seam to be enemies – but maybe – well see the evidence:

Zionism – is the longing to live under the rule of moshiach in Israel – well that’s religion. Many people have forgotten from whom it comes from, and who that the first person was, who got a ‘breakthrough’ with the majority of the jewish population for the idea to move back to Israel – it was the questionable messiah from 1666. And at the time when it got out, that the moshiach had come, most Jews -and many Christians- believed in him – but read the book (a book, which was forbidden to read in Germany from 1934 on): https://archive.org/stream/MN41362ucmf_0/MN41362ucmf_0_djvu.txt It is ‘DEDICATED TO MARTIN BUBER, LEADER OF MEN’ Martin Buber died 1965 in Jerusalem and he was a believer of that messiah – meaning the book is written from believers point of view, which makes it different. I jump now 3 weeks a head in time, beliefing you both did read the book (and no, it is not a boring book, and it’s not anti semitic). The developed idea was, that since HE was the messiah, that now all what was forbidden is now no more forbidden. Sure the whole book goes much deeper into the lurianic kabbalah, but it does create a sort of sympathy for the guy. Anyway that event did something to the jews – it somehow confirmed that the moshiach could be made. That there is a chance for moshiach in any generation and that one just have to behave like the moshiach, do like the moshiach and he will come. That together with the new rule -all mitzvahs the other way around- which was then from the first and second follow up messiah, Baruchya Russo (Doenmeh) and Jakob Frank (Frankists) perfected, created a new believe system of how to force God to come back to earth. Sholem calls it ‘Redemption through Sin’.

Now what has that to do with fascism or neo-nazism. Well there comes now a bid of hidden history into play: One of the most brutal fascist organisations was the Croation Ustashe (surely anybody will agree). And they where at first called the ‘frankists’, because the movement was founded by Josip Frank, who was the grandson of the 3rd reborn Messiah Jakob Frank (since it ain’t in the history books, I prove it): https://www.geni.com/people/Josip-Frank-Dr/6000000038199998201 https://www.geni.com/people/Jacob-Frank/6000000011716588256 Look at Josip’s dad Emanuel, look at Jacob’s son Emmanuel – they where granddad and grandson. There you have it, a zionist who is head of fascist organisation. Why – remember Herzls dairy – the anti-semitism should move their tribe to Israel – the threat of the nazism should make the Jews to become zionists…

Albert Pike

Wrote something underneath seawolf…

Елена Перельман

Kelli, it is very ridiculous that the U.S. citizen (that is, the states of Aryans, really racist occupying others (Indian) earth) accuses Israel of racism and fascism. Israel has incomparably more rights for existence, than your Aryan state. We did not occupy others earth, and RETURNED OURSELVES the. If you want to accuse someone of racism and fascism – accuse: 1) Your state and your Aryan co-citizens; 2) the Muslim Arab fanatics, in the eighth century occupying many others lands and our country(Eretz-Israel) too because they believed that God “allows” them to take away any earth from “gjaurs”(non-Muslims) and their modern descendants.

Kelli Hernandez

Porky from Ukraine is also of Jddw descent.

Harry Smith

How many Jew oligarchs remain in Russia? Can you count them?


According to Forbes there are 8 known Russian Jew oligarchs with fortune from 2 to 17 billion Dollars, there are more with fortune below the 2 billions dollars.

Harry Smith

Good point, seawolf. Let’s consider you are right and those oligarchs are lobbying zionist agenda. Why then, those oligarchs are sanctioned by the zionists? Here is the source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-treasurys-putin-list-features-jewish-billionaires/

There are only 2 logical explanations: 1. Those oligarchs are not zionist lobby 2. The oligarchs failed to lobby the zionist agenda. So the conclusion in both cases is evident: Putin is not under zionist influence. Am I wrong?


Hey I never said that Russian Jew oligarchs are lobbying zionist agenta and I also believe that not all Jew people are zionist. So your assumption is wrong. What I said is that These Russian jew oligarchs do influence Putin as in all capitalist countries rich people influence their governments. And don’t forget that there are some 1,5 millions Russian descent people live in Israel most of them in the settlements build in Palestinian land. And all these people have relatives and friends back in Russia. All the oligarchs Jew or not which made their fortunes during the privatization in Yeltsin’s period, living and doing business in Russia made an agreement with Putin and return a considerable amount of the stollen wealth and taxes as well as agreed to not involve in politics in any form. Those who did not agree were sent to prison ( Khodarkofsy ) and others went abroad. So those who do business in Russia and are still Russian citizens were sanctioned. Putin is not controlled by anyone. He is the most independent leader in the world. And to use his words, we are all interdependent and therefore influenced one way or another.

Harry Smith

First you say this:

And we are correct to say that Russian foreign policy against Israel is very much influenced by Russian jew oligarchs.

Then you say this:

Hey I never said that Russian Jew oligarchs are lobbying zionist agenta

English is not my first language, so please correct me if I am wrong. But as fas as I know, the most appropriate definition of the situation with your phrases is “contradiction”


There is no contradiction , its just only because you are confused willingly lol

Harry Smith

Does that means that Russian foreign policy against Israel is anti-zionist?


Now you are totally confused my friend, sorry my time is over lol

Kelli Hernandez

Doesn’t matter how many Jew oligarchs but there are way too many in the US that influence foreign policy and the biggest is Trump’s and Congress donor, Sheldon Adelson. This psychopath once said he wanted Iran nuked now that Israhell owns the WH Congress and media, aka Sheldon Bolfon and Kushner all dual Israhelli Kazharian squatters, there will be war on Lebanon and Iran anyway. Sheldon has a pathological obsession with Iran, played out on all his puppets like the above and Pence too. How much is Putin owned by Israhell too? Even as Israhell helps to arm and fund the neonazi scourge in Ukraine, and even as Israhell lobs missiles into Syria The last time Israhell attacked does anyone believe that Israhell didn’t call Putie beforehand like he did before Israhell brought down the Russian jet? Sure he did. Then had the gall to ask Assad why Iran is in Syria.

Putie loves Israhell too. Notice how Putie never mentions the Palestinians and what Israhell is doing to that population?

Harry Smith

Please read my answer to the @Seawolfinblue:disqus

Vince Dhimos

Putin only speaks out when it is to his advantage. His machinations are mostly hidden from view. He is quietly making inroads in Lebanon, as reported in very few sites, eg, Chinese ones. Lebanon and Russia have already signed military agreements and Russian war ships are allowed to enter Lebanese ports. If they announced to the world that they want to control Lebanese air space, the Israelis would panic and do something rash. Just wait, folks. Once Russia owns Lebanese air space, there will be no more Israeli planes there.

Vince Dhimos


Tom Nicholson

Shalom Shlomo, Have you been recently sniping Palestinian children? Shalom shalom.

Albert Pike

Yes Heilom back…

Xoli Xoli

True you have a point if Syria can’t act on take up of Israel jet in sky then chance of preventing attack is small.Because Israel will keep on attacking from far distance and dissapear back to bases.


and how many of the squatters jets will be in the ditch before the night is over. depends on the number the squatters would be prepared to sacrifice but a majority of the ones going out wouldn’t come back, rest assured and that would be a larf, a hilarious larf!!

Albert Pike

Ahh the Merkel lover, please read underneath..

H Eccles

re.. “In this event, the support Netanyahu gathered at Warsaw summit will be thrown out of the window”, said the source.”

What crap is this!.. the clown didn’t gather any support at the Warsaw summit. If anything the Polish asked the buffoon to appologise for his ignorant comments.

Concrete Mike

Thats a clever way for the author to tell who his sources are.

This source was someone the warsaw summit meant something too.

To all of us it was a joke except for the yids and the amerinazi.

Think on that for a second.


Yeah, the shoah must go on, Russia will do nothing, ISISrael can do whatever they want as long they dont wack an Ruskie, apart from that, Putain have done nothing, abolutelly nothing,, and what won where, huh, Syria is chopped up as we predicted and Putain is stil drooling something about cooperation with the scums of this earth, while they are killing Syrians and their alies an mass, yeah, never trust the Russians, never ever trust them, the truth is, they are as rotten scums as the wankee dooodle is, corrupt scums whom dump their grandmothers for bread scraps, not even an shekle is needed.

Lavrov, how this dumb f….. is been hailed as an adult is beyond me, Yemen exposed them, Russian Gov, an pack of lying pathetic f…. nothing else, the entire man is an walking idiot zone alone with Putians 135.5 D. Cheeees, huh, only in Russia is it consdered as been an briliant stategy when you do nothing, and why do you think the attacks are coming from, the slow, do mark my words rise in terrorism inside or on the Russian rim states, and it will continue to grow, all because YOU Russians are stupid drunkards, the dimatricaly oposit of the doped dumb f…. of the imperial banana republic UssA.

The thing is, ISISrael have Russian dumbf…. by their balls, and despite the show regarding the Pansir witch was an Jooho idiot propaganda stunt, the problem is still Putian, nobody else, If the Russian had balls, ISISrael would be hanging from the lamp posts, but no, that, Russia is what will come, Putin and Lavorov are deeply into the NWO, and their central banking system the life blood of the NWO, if you stil dont get it, well, then I can enlighten you with this, we lost, the scums won, I har only Russians left to fight the scums of this earth and they did nothing, abolutelly nothing even when Russian arms men where wacked you did nothing, and what credibility do you drool about when you have shit for bran scums running the helm. China is china, I dont expect jack shit coming from them unless you have some tons of Gold, so forget them, not that I dont understand, but again, never ever drool about credibility or anything like that because you have non. Its not what you think, and I know Iran will be thrown under the Buss in an hart beat when ISISrael tell you to do so, as before, never again, never ever trust the Russians, and my advice goes to Venezuela, Russia isnt an friend, they are woultures hoowering and hopes that you are squiced enough to be that f….. stupid to deal with them to.

The sole reason for me to rant like that is because I know we have lost it, and I know the wars are coming, the NWOs vassals and Russia and Chine all of them makes mooney on wars, do you idiots think they will stop this, huh, nope, even thoe I do have pipe dreams, I cant imagine any drug can change to outcome because I see nothing, hear nothing whatever we say is irrelevant because everything is controlled by the enemy of Man, the MSM. And they have as we speak total control, right Russia, cant critizise the Joohos, we arent “anti-semits” since of you do that in the shit hole Putin have made lately witch confirms my rant, is if you do that the Russians throwns you in jail.

10 years from now and Russia is gone, killed from within, stinking jooho whores made it happen. Did you notice, as long we hammered UssA and the hangarounds, everybody was happy, when we talked about what Russia have done , they go bananas, yeah, I warned you, as an true democrat, I can and will kick in all consivable direction.

Pity, I dont trust Russia at all.



Yes, and we remember that China and Russia did not Veto the destruction of Libya , China and Russia did not Veto the destruction of Yemen , (oh yes they backed democratic elected president of Yemen = one election ,one contender, fuck)


Russia has “good relations” with Israel in approximately the same way that the US has them, or that say Germany has good relations with the USA. It’s one-way traffic: the high ones rule, the low ones serve. Israel’s agents in the US are responsible for, at a minimum, a large part of the media demonization and sanctions war which Russia faces. And how is “good relations” compatible with using your airmen as human shields?

Young Russians considering to join the armed forces face almost as many questions (and similar ones) as their American peers regarding what they’d be signing on to.

Concrete Mike

You cannot compare russian military and american military that dishonest.

How many regime changes did russia do in last 20 years? Doctrines arent even close…

The questions asked to these young russians who asks them? In america no questions need to be asked its pretty overt.

Your hypothsis that russian military is vassal to israel like amerinazi army is false.

Joe Kerr

Iran can end Israel without Russia’s help. Netanyahu will rather ask Russia what its response would be to a U.S. attack on Iran. No matter, 400,000 Iranian will rain down on Israel either way… and the smart Israelis would’ve already booked a ticket to Mossad’s new tent city in Patagonia.


The room is full of generals, admirals and intel experts and the stupidity reaches new levels lol

Manuel Flores Escobar

In 10 days of sustained airstrike…israel would spend 500 of its air to ground missile..of which at least 100 would hit target..at 10 days israel would be left of long range cruise missile reserves…meanwhile during those days..thousands of Rockets and ballistic missile will have been launched into Israel…its means , constan alarms and warning ,population hide in shelters 24 hours..airspace, airports, seaports closed…and great damage in the economy!..and 100 hit in Syria would not change much its capacity and no strategic changes inside Syrian armed forces…


Russia has allowed Israel what they want with Syria, even the planned IL-20 killing Russian. My guess, Russia will continue allowing Israel to do whatever they want with Syria (Hezbolah-Iran), under any stuoid excuse,


you are so wrong that it’s likely you’re an uneducated nincompoop with zilch understanding of matters. hep.


Dear high educated Verner, yes, I am afraid it is very difficult for you to understand Israel-USA-NATO madness, and the special relation Israel-Russia. This is like trying to understand Galois’theorem and Quantum Mechanics with hardly knowing what is 1+1. Child attitude is not appropriated since children are so easy to be deceived.


here is another aspect/consequence of netanyahu’s various shenanigans and which he ought to consider since he not only jeopardizes the lives of his squatters but also the futures of jews living outside of the stolen land thus

anti-semitism is on the rise in europe (and in moronistan as well) and there is some outcry from the various governments, lately from france but complaints are heard from all over the place.

but anti-semitism is a corollary as long as it is allowed for jewish organisations from outside israel, for synagogue-congregations and for various interest-groups (jewish or non-jewish) to send financial support to israel,

these jewish persons/congregations/interest-groups are

complicit in the ongoing ethnic cleansing program operated by the squatters – depalestination!

complicit in the operation of the Gaza concentration camp a camp a la bergen belsen!

complicit in the murder of stone throwing kids and

complicit in the ongoing theft of palestinian land,

and thus subject themselves to the same kind of treatment the israelis bestow on the palestinians alive and not yet killed by the ethnic cleansing program. but rest assured the depalestination program progresses as you read this.

so tit for tat – antisemitism in equal measures for the much more severe and deadly depalestination program operted by the squatters.

so antisemitism is a corollary consequence as long as subsidies from abroad keeps the squatters going.

prohibit financial support of israel from abroad.

S Melanson

“Moscow enjoys good relations with Israel it wants to maintain, and does not want to be part of the permanent Israeli-Syrian-Iranian-Hezbollah conflict.”

The idea of good relations was always a fiction and the IL-20 incident unmasked the illusion. Below is Russia’a ambassador to Lebanon dated June 22, 2018 so is before the IL-20 was shot down. Note June 22 is the day Germany invaded the Soviet Union (Barbarossa) – this was a not so subtle shot at Netanyahu who just returned from Moscow as guest of honour at the Victory over Germany celebrations – Putin inviting Netanyahu as guest of honour was not popular among Russians.

Now reconcile the statement I quote from the SF article and the statements of Zasypkin, the Russian ambassador to Lebanon in an interview with Hezbollah affiliated Al-Akhbar – I point out the ambassador states need for Russian military aid to Lebanon – i.e. Hezbollah:

https://www.memri.org/reports/russian-ambassador-lebanon-irans-presence-syria-legitimate-us-supports-terrorists-syria [excerpts from intro discussing the interview summarises some of the main points] On June 22, 2018, the Lebanese Al-Akhbar daily, which is close to Hizbullah, published an interview with Russian Ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin; in it, Zasypkin stated that the Iranian presence in Syria is legitimate as long as the war on terrorism there has not ended, and as long as it is coordinated with the Syrian government. He stressed that the U.S. and French presence in Syria constitutes an occupation and that the U.S. is continuing to support the terrorists in Syria. Russia and Iran, he added, are deeply allied, and share interests not only in Syria but in all of Europe and Asia; therefore the U.S. and its allies should not be anticipating a Russia-Iran rift in Syria.

[interview excerpts] Russia, Iran Have Shared Interests And “Are Deeply Allied”; Russia Is Determined To Confront The U.S.-West Axis… Zasypkin told Al-Akhbar that Russia and Iran have very important shared geopolitical interests and a deep alliance, not only in Syria but in all of Europe and Asia, in addition to widespread [shared] economic interests…

‘Russia is operating in accordance with UN resolutions, not by the whims of the U.S. and Israel. The Golan is occupied Syrian land that must be returned to Syria. Israel believes that Syria is weak now because of the war, and that a team in control in the U.S. [government] is very biased toward its interests, and therefore it is trying to take advantage of this. But this will complicate the peace process to which we will return in the future, in accordance with the UN resolutions, and no [peace] will be achievable as long as the Golan, the West Bank, and Gaza are occupied and [as long as there is no] Palestinian state within the 1967 borders whose capital is East Jerusalem.'”…

With regard to the military aid that Russia can provide to Lebanon, Zasypkin said… ‘We are helping Syria a great deal, and it is also possible to help Lebanon, but the Lebanese must request this, and not settle for [only] American and Western aid.'” ——————————————————————–

How many red lines did the ambassador cross with Israel… I lost count myself

Xoli Xoli

Israel and USA knows Putin will come up with excuse of avoiding nuclear war.Therefore attacks on Russia allies will not stop.Syria will be split.Only if serious chaose erupts then Russian army units will respond to protect life and equipment without waiting Putin to get permission from Erdogan.Russia was supposed to send in reinforcements to Venezuela just its present and Trump and Bolton will retreat but Putin doesn’t have courage.

Xoli Xoli

Putin was invited into Syria to help and protect Syrian forces not only their bases.But still lots of Russian forces died because of western partners direct sabotage. Even a slight reluctance of Putin can allow NATO to take out Russian bases anywhere in the world.Bombs and messiles are explosives who doesnt have family.Learn from terrorists attacks.

Елена Перельман

First of all, this article lies, giving preventive and defensive (and very moderate) actions of Israel against the Iranian MILITARY objects in Syria for “aggression” – while the iranian authorities constantly slander Israel, shower with its false insults, say that our state “has” no right for existence, etc. “Violation of military sovereignty of Syria by Israel” – when Syria allows Iran to deploy in it weapon for future attacks on Israel, it automatically destroys the Israeli duty to respect its sovereignty. More precisely, Israel has even no such duty – Syria imposed to Israel three(!) wars of extermination (in 1948, 1967 and 1973 years), then long waged the fourth war (by hands of Hezbollah.) Why the author of the article does not condemn Syria for real repeated violations of the Israeli military authority by it, but condemns Israel?! (In 1967 Syria, Egypt and Jordan prepared war of aggression on destruction of Israel, but Israel managed to beat first:).)


Israel has more resolutions against it per capita by an exponential factor than any other UN member by far. Because you people are liars and criminals as your comment illustrates. Israel should have never been admitted to the UN in the first place and needs to be disarmed and disolved and replaced with a unified dejudified Palestine. And Judaism needs to be outlawed and the planet dejudified so that it is Jew free and Jews, Judaism and Israel are extinct.


You’re a habitual liar. The Arabs have no history of exterminating Israelis. The Israelis committed more massacres during those wars than Arabs. Even though the Arabs easily could of, but didn’t. It’s fraticidal Jews who have the history of exterminating Jews:

– The Zionist-Nazi Collaboration –


For Iran to be slandering Israel they’d have to be lying. Which they’re not. They’re saying what many think but few say.

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