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MARCH 2025

Emerging Trend: El Paso Shooter Was Inspired By Attack On New Zealand’s Christchurch Mosque

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Emerging Trend: El Paso Shooter Was Inspired By Attack On New Zealand's Christchurch Mosque

This CCTV image obtained by KTSM 9 news channel shows the gunman identified as Patrick Crusius.

On August 3, at least 20 people were killed and 26 others were injured in a mass shooting at a supermarket in the US state of Texas.

A 21-year-old white man was arrested where the attack took place in the city of El Paso. Media sources have identified the suspect as 21-year-old Patrick Crusius of Allen, Texas.

The US Attorney for the Western District of Texas said that federal authorities are treating the El Paso mass shooting as a case of domestic terrorism. During the news conference, US Attorney John Bash revealed that the Justice Department is “seriously considering” bringing federal hate crime and federal firearm charges, which carry a possible death penalty.

“We’re going to do what we do to terrorists in this country, which is to deliver swift and certain justice,” Bash said.

Emerging Trend: El Paso Shooter Was Inspired By Attack On New Zealand's Christchurch Mosque

Click to see the full-size image

US authorities are also investigating a manifesto that they believe was posted by the suspect. The text posted on 8chan (MIRROR) describes a “cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion”, alluding to Hispanic people in the US.

The estimated population of El Paso County was 840,000 people as of July 2018, according to the US Census Bureau. An estimated 83% were Hispanic or Latino.

The 2,300-word document was attached to a post that said, “I’m probably going to die today.”

“In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me,” the document says revealing that the author was inspired by “The Great Replacement”, the manifesto of the gunman that was involved in the Christchurch mosque shootings [resulted in the deaths of 51 people and injures of 49 others].

Besides this the manifesto released by the El Paso attack has similarites with the document released by Brenton Tarrant, the perpetrator of the Christchurch attack.

“Statistically, millions of migrants have returned to their home countries to reunite with the family they lost contact with when they moved to America. They come here as economic immigrants, not for asylum reasons. This is an encouraging sign that the Hispanic population is willing to return to their home countries if given the right incentive. An incentive that myself and many other patriotic Americans will provide. This will remove the threat of the Hispanic voting bloc which will make up for the loss of millions of baby boomers. This will also make the elites that run corporations realize that it’s not in their interest to continue piss off Americans. Corporate America doesn’t need to be destroyed, but just shown that they are on the wrong side of history. That if they don’t bend, they will break,” the document claims in the section dedicated to the possible reaction to the shooting.

The both attacks seem to be a part of the new appearing trend influencing the security situation in First World countries targeted by hard-core neo-liberal propaganda designed to eliminate the dominating culture and instigate so-called ‘multicultural values’. In many cases, this situation is further complicated by variuos forms of ‘migrant crises’ and positive discrimination. This contributes to the radicalisation of a part of the population that has always been treated as more stable than the newcomers [that face various social and cultural difficulties after they leave their states of origin].

In the worst case scenario, this situation may lead to an increase of attacks aimed against migrants and those social groups that, in the eyes of attackers, seem to be benefiting from the dominating neo-liberal agenda.

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Moderators I think that should be perpetrator, not peneterator.

Black Waters

No, you are the one who is wrong, in the degenerated states of Ameristán PENETRATOR means perpetrator, you insensible white macho, go awayyyyyy.

Niko Belić

Another false flag.

northerntruthseeker .

This was a piss poorly conducted false flag attack….


Did you notice both this and Christchurch both initially had witnesses claim “multiple shooters”. Then the manifesto, bad guy, a “White supremacist” No mention of Sri Lanka and its 300 dead.

Tudor Miron

“No mention of Sri Lanka and its 300 dead.”(c) MSM (sinserely) do not consider people outside of “civilized world” to be equal. Sane people should really consider moving out of US before it is too late.

Ashok Varma

A lot of smarter Americans have moved to Canada.


Bad choice. Russia is the best!

Concrete Mike

Were just as fascist as america.

Did you have a look at yoy foreign minister? The bandrites are in power.

Tudor Miron

This is not far enough.

Hasbara Hunter

Just another ZioNazi attempt to adjust the Second Amendment…because them ZioNazis are in Panic…they know that the Americans sooner or later will take some Revenge for the Controlled Demolition of the Twin Towers & some other ZioNazi-Shit…

Hey Americans…better buy some more Guns while you still can…Europeans already lost their rights for most part…and turned into Lambs ready for the Slaughter…

MeMad Max

Ironically, Russia may be the last great place to live on earth…


“Professor Healy estimates that 90 percent of school shootings taking place over more than a decade were linked to antidepressants.”




“Senseless violence is not just an American issue. There is Andreas Lubitz who, while on antidepressants and benzodiazepine, deliberately crashed the Germanwings plane he was co-piloting in Southern France, killing all 150 on board. There is Matti Saari of Finland, a culinary student who shot and killed nine students and a teacher, wounded another and then killed himself. He was on an antidepressant and alprazolam. Mamoru Takuma, in Ikeda, Japan, was on an antidepressant when he slipped into an elementary school with a six-inch knife, killing eight first- and second-graders, while wounding at least 15 others.

In July 2017, a BBC UK Panorama documentary, A Prescription for Murder, explored the role of antidepressants in the shooting rampage of James Holmes, who killed 12 people and injured 70 in a Colorado cinema in 2012, after starting an antidepressant 17 weeks prior. Professor David Healy interviewed Holmes prior to his 2015 trial and concluded, “I believe if he hadn’t taken the Sertraline [antidepressant], he wouldn’t have murdered anyone.””




Mass shootings were rare in the US before they foolishly legalized dangerous psychiatric drugs that are present in almost all mass shootings.

Hasbara Hunter

Psychiatric Drugs are good for Population-Management…it keeps them Distracted & Numb…


It worked in China while they got robbed blind, for a while.


““Our country is under attack from white nationalist terrorism, inspiring murder on our soil and abetted by weak gun laws. If we are serious about national security, we must summon the courage to name and defeat this evil.”

That is quite a remarkable statement when you consider that no official investigation had even begun into what motivated the suspected killer, Patrick Crusius, 21, to walk into a Walmart store on a Saturday morning and indiscriminately shoot dozens of innocent shoppers, many of whom, incidentally, were white. Perhaps there really was some connection to ‘white nationalism’. Presently, however, all we have is a lot of red-hot media speculation.

One possible explanation, which the media never considers in such events, is that Patrick Crusius was a very disturbed white kid loaded up to the eyeballs on antidepressant medication, some of which have a host of dangerous side effects, including anxiety, aggression, and suicidal tendencies. Instead of asking if the shooter was being prescribed one of these powerful antidepressants, Buttigieg opted for the most explosive explanation, and one that divides the country at a time when what it really needs is healing.”

– American ‘wild, wild West’ needs taming, but politicizing cold-blooded murder is not the way –


Hasbara Hunter

MK-Ultra…I mentioned Pim Fortuyn earlier…that man was killed by Volkert van der Graaf a so called Extreme Left Animal Activist… Hired by the CIA perhaps even without his own knowledge…


Exactly. That’s were the psycho shooter drugs came from in the first place. CIA experiments into LSD and other mind control drugs after the second world war. They were later reformulated and repackaged as psychiatric “medicine” to do some negative social engineering.


– The CIA’s House of Horrors: the Abominable Dr. Gottlieb –


Tony B.

Mass shootings in the U.S. are still extremely rare. You apparently believe too much media/government bullshit.


That wouldn’t be my take. Compared to what they were and are everyplace else. They’re now a regular occurrence. And are the only thing driving gun control. If it weren’t for the mass shootings. Our gun rights would be improving rather than worsening.

Tony B.

Wake up! That’s the whole reason for them. Don’t be surprised when Trump declares martial law.


“CCHR’s new report recommends that legislative hearings be held to fully investigate the correlation between psychiatric treatment and violence and suicide.”




The US government is well aware that these drugs found in almost all mass shootings are extremely dangerous. You can’t get a commercial drivers license or pilots license if you’re on the these drugs. If you’ve ever used these drugs it’s an automatic disqualification on a commercial drivers license application.

Black Waters

The U.S puppet government in not even aware that we are in 2019.

Blas de Lezo

White lives matter, blood and soil, Yews will not replace us, make America great again Trump 2020.

J Ramirez

White lives are no more important than that of a cockroach! Make America Hate Again , Trump chokes on a big mac 2020 ;}

Black Waters

They already did boy, little Trumpstein gave Israel most of their technology, whatever happens to the U.S it doesn’t matter, Israel secured the tech for you.

Hasbara Hunter

You sound like a Full Blood Neo-ZioNazi… Just like Confederate General KKK Albert the Kike…


“In 17 nations CCHR chapters held events that brought to light a key, though little publicized, hidden influence behind the Holocaust. The missing link: German psychiatrists.

As early as 1920, psychiatrists proposed the killing of patients. Once Adolf Hitler was in power, the floodgates opened for involuntary eugenical sterilization and euthanasia programs. Six psychiatric centers used medical professionals, gas chambers disguised as showers and mass burning of corpses. More than 60 years after the Nuremberg Trials, Dr. Frank Schneider, President, German Society of Psychiatrists, issued a public apology for psychiatry’s creation of the ideology that became Nazi euthanasia, and their role in the selection of those to be murdered and murdering others themselves. …

The Age of Fear: Psychiatry’s Reign of Terror, a documentary which lays bare psychiatry’s history from Nazi Germany to modern day. In Brussels, Belgium, Przemyslaw Jurkiewicz, curator of the Nazi camp Fort VII Museum in Poland, spoke of the existence of gas chambers prior to World War II and their testing in Polish psychiatric hospitals, killing hundreds.

In Tel Aviv, attorney Raz Misgav spoke. He defends children trapped in the social services system, often leading to their placement in psychiatric facilities. He detailed how many of the the Israeli psychiatrists of today are the great-grandchildren of Nazi eugenicists and use the same techniques as they did years ago.”



Black Waters

Sup boys, just wanna warn you. Uncle Sam it’s coming for your guns, good luck.

cechas vodobenikov

why does the US have more of these incidents than all nations combined? As Tocqueville observed –individualism produces a self doubting, antagonistic and anxious people—as Hofstede observes, the USA is the most individualistic society on earth…and of course Individualism is an enemy of individulity

Hasbara Hunter

Individualism prevents Peoples From making a Strong & Powerful Fist against any Enemy Foreign or DOMESTIC…..Unity is what you need to Battle the Elites…


Bill Wilson

We watch too much violence on TV, play too many violent video games and have too easy of a time finding like-minded screwballs on social media.

cechas vodobenikov

perhaps–however the Japanese r obsessed w violent video games and they have little violent crime

Ashok Varma

Trump is a loudmouth racist bigot and he has emboldened all the gun toting rednecks with his idiotic tweets and rants. US is in full spectrum implosion.


I wouldn’t be surprised if both of these guys were seeing shrinks and were on psycho shooter drugs. They run into behavioral issues when they’re young and get sent to the school guidance councilor who refers them to a shrink who prescribes psycho shooter drugs that are given out like candy.

“The LinkedIn page identifies Betts as a psychology student at Sinclair Community College. …

Former high school classmates described him as a misogynistic bully. “I went to high school with the shooter. He made a hit list of fellow students and was arrested.”

– Connor Betts: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know –


“According to the Allen Police, Crusius was reported as a runaway in August 2014 when he was a juvenile. He returned home about 30 minutes after he was reported missing and was never entered into a missing persons database.”

– Patrick Crusius: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know –



The drug studies show that these drugs show an increased incidence of homicidal and suicidal ideation. Which is reaffirmed by their involvement in almost all mass shootings. They should be in the same category as other outlawed psychiatric drugs. Like cocaine and meth. Instead they pumped into society in massive quantities wit devastating effect.

Lazy Gamer

the primary conflict between immigrants and locals are jobs, living conditions, and failure to assimiliate. There are also issues of prejudice. See if any of the media or govt work out a solution based on these instead of bashing some scapegoat issue.


Patrick Crusius, the new major character in Harry Potter novel. Mentally unstable, drugged up guy who has a “handler” somewhere lurking. Don’t look at Epstein case or DNC flailing about in confusion, look at the shooting.

Bill Wilson

The USA has always managed to produce screwballs that eventually twist off to go on a shooting rampage. Our local whack job was Alvin Lee King 111 (Murderpedia.org) who entered a local church in 1980 in full combat dress and toting a M16, M1 and two revolvers shouting “This is War!” before shooting up the place.

David Parker

This is yet another drugged out secular humanist freak on vacation from antifa. Shooting up the general population in a Walmart is not like killing Muslims in a New Zealand mosque. If it wasn’t for welfare from socialists, the Muslims would not be there anyway. They would not have swarmed into Europe except that they are handed money and housing for free. Meanwhile, thousands of Christians are gunned down by Muslims every year without a peep from the lame-stream media. Just a few months ago some 200 Christians were gunned down in two massacres in Nigeria. The Muslim Nigerian government dragged out their farce of an “investigation” when they know exactly who did it each time and has a green light to massacre more Christians.

Tony B.

This latest is so full of bullshit that at least one of the “victims” had his “family” begging money on “gofundme” before the “shooting” even took place. Why is it people don’t check into these phony shootings before making conclusions about the media lies and government pretense? It’s all designed to take away the guns of the citizens of the U.S., the last hold up on the talmudic/satanic conquest of the whole earth. Look for Trump to declare martial law in the U.S.

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