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End the U.S. empire!

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End the U.S. empire!

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Written by Eric Zuesse 

Currently, the U.S. has exactly 900 military bases in foreign countries, in addition to the 749 bases inside the U.S. itself. The U.S. Government minimizes and tries to hide this reality from the public. Furthermore, although the U.S. is officially estimated to spend around 36% of the entire world’s military expenditures, the actual figure is around 50% of the world’s military expenditures, and the added approximately 14% is being paid-out through federal U.S. Departments other than the ‘Defense’ Department, so as to make the total U.S. figure appear to be only 36% of the global total. Moreover: on November 15th, the U.S. Department of ‘Defense’ announced that “The results of the fifth annual DOD [Department Of Defense] wide financial audit will be a disclaimer of opinion for DOD” and used other such obtuse phraseology, so that the reality that — as one of the very few published news-reports that was based on it headlined optimistically — “Defense Department fails another audit, but makes progress”, and it opened:

The Defense Department has failed its fifth-ever audit, unable to account for more than half of its assets, but the effort is being viewed as a “teachable moment,” according to its chief financial officer. 

After 1,600 auditors combed through DOD’s $3.5 trillion in assets and $3.7 trillion in liabilities, officials found that the department couldn’t account for about 61 percent of its assets, Pentagon Comptroller Mike McCord told reporters on Tuesday.

Neither the New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, nor AP, reported it, at all. Nor did anyone report that ONLY the U.S. Aggression (or ‘Defense’) Department fails — and repeatedly fails — its audit-attempts. All other Departments pass their audits. This attempt, which had hired 1,600 independent auditors, failed for the same reason as before: the audit-team refused to sign findings, because where or to whom most of the money is going can’t be traced. But the public don’t know how corrupt or otherwise bad the U.S. military actually is; so, at least ever since the year 2000, the most respected “institution” of all, by the American people, is “The military.” It’s a great PR success.

There is only a single empire remaining in the world: the U.S.-and-allied empire. It relies upon the U.S. military. U.S.-and-allied media have been serving it well.

On 1 December 2019, The Conversation dot com headlined “Why does the US pay so much for the defense of its allies? 5 questions answered”, and said:

  1. What’s in it for the US?

The U.S. currently has approximately 174,000 active-duty personnel deployed to overseas locations in approximately 140 countries. The Department of Defense Comptroller’s Office estimates the total cost of overseas bases and deployments at US$24.4 billion in fiscal year 2020. These figures generally exclude the costs of ongoing combat operations.

When stronger countries provide security for weaker countries, they receive non-material benefits in return.

For example, the weaker country may sacrifice control over their foreign policy.

To “sacrifice control over their foreign policy” is to be a vassal-nation, or ‘ally’, of the imperial power. It’s to serve the imperial power’s billionaires — to give them control over the vassal nation. That’s to “sacrifice” a lot. The imperial power’s billionaires benefit enormously. So, their media serve it. Here’s why that is being allowed:

U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt formulated his concept of, and named, “the United Nations,” during his conversations with the UK Empire’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Newfoundland Canada during 9-11 August 1941, because FDR discovered there that he and Churchill had very different aims for what the post-WW-II world should be like: Churchill insisting upon continuation of empires, and FDR insisting upon the end of all empires and the ultimate replacement of them by a “United Nations” that would possess the exclusive authority, and means, to make and to enforce international laws — the laws that would govern not in national (domestic) matters — but ONLY in international matters. FDR was convinced that the WW-I-era League of Nations had failed because it was partisan between nations and excluded some, and that the thing that had caused both World Wars was conflicts between empires — it was, regarding both WW I and WW II, wars between imperialistic gangs of nations. Whereas Churchill wanted post-WW-II to be ruled globally by a joint UK-U.S. empire, FDR wanted post-WW-II to be ruled globally by a democratic U.N. that would respect and preserve the individual independence of each and every nation and thus there would no longer be any “imperial” countries (such as the English Empire, and the French Empire), but instead there would be only independent nations and no master-slave relationship any longer existing between an imperial country and its vassal nations or ‘allies’. It was to be an international democracy of nations; and, in this international global democracy, no nation would possess any right to demand of any other nation compliance with its own internal (domestic) values and laws.

Whereas FDR’s vision was for a further implementation of the Westphalian Principle — that the difference between national laws and international laws must always be honored and adhered-to — Churchill, like all imperialists, rejected the Westphalian Principle. FDR’s successor, Harry S. Truman, starting on 25 July 1945, committed America to Churchill’s vision, and within two years of becoming President, he replaced FDR’s entire Cabinet and advisors, so as to build the coming U.S./UK all-inclusive global empire and to eviscerate FDR’s intended U.N. — which therefore became the weak U.N. we have today. The only way to prevent WW III is to implement FDR’s vision, of a global democracy of nations, but it can’t be done without first cancelling those 900 foreign U.S. military bases. The empire — empire itself — must end. FDR was right; Truman was wrong.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book is AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change.


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EU must not be USA slave0

Remember that CIA is the private army of the Deep State that gives no information about what they do.

jens holm

The deep state is You created by Your kind and Yourself.


Yes the deep state is just filthy jew grandmothers and their deeply gay sons on both sides of the conflict.

But its a fact jews and commies enter the meat grinder daily because they are born losers.

Chris Gr

Illuminatis and communists are not good, I agree, but fascists are bad also.


You mean white trash selfhating americunts, second rate white trash commies, and third rate canadiunts.



And QueerAnon.


*JewAnon .

Chris Gr

QAnon is psyop.

Chris Gr

Netanyahu will open you a new one.


satanyahu opens a new one daily in his toilet, aka his poo tin which you support because your ghey.

Chris Gr

Stop the drugs please. Netanyahu and Putin destroy your jihadist scum anytime.


See, I told you you are a filthy commie jew assheadist.

I have nothing to lose, yet jews and commies have everything to lose.

Welcome to your losing reality you filthy snake with nowhere to hide.

Chris Gr

Commie jew assadist hahahahaha

Edgar Zetar

Off course world is about Military Might, control sea, land, resources, and people is just accesory… if you talk in the west about USA Military Bases Worldwide people would think you are nut and likes conspiracy tales, so great is the deceit and hiding from people what are the strings and forces that moves todays Goverments… so BrainWashed, so Deceiving, always confusing… the GOYIM, and afterall they think they live in a free world, the freedom dream that delivers Bombs of Freedom hahahaha lol!

jens holm

Its always forgotten that the system is doing pretty well.

And do I ask some Edgar Zetar for liks and inspitration for something better, there are none.

Be at nut yourself. We do have most infomation about USA being here too. Wehave it for free at the internet as well as at the public free librararies.

Those mainly are Our friends and we are well integrated as Western Economics and in many organisations and not only Nato.

And if its jews or romans running things here as well, we are very gratefull abut that too.

It seemes You have no memeory card. Several Russian Leaders has made nuke threats againt us and not the other ways around.

Chris Gr

What’s a better system you ask. Aristocratic meritocracy.


Wealth is the opiate of a system now taken from the people and being spent for personal gain and the expansion of wealth by violent means by a few super rich… your memory card is loaded by those few who will soon take everything from you.

Edgar Zetar

Jens always would be Jens… you cannot give brain to the brainless… Friend, Im not against USA or NATO just say we are too colonized and exploited by the WWII Winners USA UK. I guess the World needs a better system of governance instead of Hiding Empires and Deep States running everything and eslaving everybody, at the top of capitalism exists the most pure variance of cannibalism, only the most cannibal could exist at the top of civil world based on Western Standards.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Chris Gr

Why is empire bad? Guess what group, with one eye in a pyramid, wanted to destroy all empires and bring a global state controlled by the banksters.

Chris Gr

We live in corporatocracy and bankocracy.

Tommy Jensen

But the US military has also been doing good things. They have been keeping the previous Japanese violent Empire down since WWII with peace for Korea and China. Europe has been kept in peace. The American youth have been kept sporty, learned pillow fights on the Cadet school, learned to defend themselves against the commies hiding under their bed. That is goody goody things.

EU must not be USA slave0

Have you seen.the American youth after the ’60?! They are less sporty than a pig so fat it cannot moves anymore. All the muscle and tan posters are from steroids and cosmetic activities, mostly looking good on camera while being totally incompetent in the real life.

Last edited 2 years ago by EU must not be USA slave0
EU must not be USA slave0

Look at the buffed and puffed Western mercenaries and look at the rugged and fit Russian and Wagner soldiers: that is the difference between the Hollywood steroid blobs and real life warriors.


Northamerican people continue being blind thanks to thier media information. There are not blinder that those who do not want to see. “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION”.

jens holm

USA is not like that. Its many states having and upperpart to unite them. They pay it to protect all. It does.

You dont have to think much about it, but You trusty that part of it and just pay.

USA gets all media information from USA as well as the rest of the world very well. Its mjore as they dont need to worry and care. That might be wrong but it i like that.

jens holm

Thats right. I do add and subtract too.

By my parents and grandparents I do remember the low living standards even before WW2 with mass unimployment.


At is present rate, Russia should dismember the US empire in about 800years

Chinky madoo

Hahahahah I know right, they are taking forever


GeoStrategic Certainty

The heart of the enemy is his jewish grandmother, and to target that cunt, will topple the World Order.

In The End Times satan(la) uses a synagogue of a multitude of counsellors that all say their grandmothers are jews and therefore they have the right to enslave others, but they are not because they changed Counsel to collaboration (to conspire) and the punishment for fraud is death.


A jew without his grandmother is to crush his ego and obliterate his confidence.

Theres only two types of People, those who dont say their Grandmothers are filthy jews, because of Christmas, and those who do.

jews and christians is like mixing the meat of a calf with the blood of its own grandmother. (Personally I highly recommend milk with meat, but this would spoil with the proximity of jewish grandmothers).


In fact one jewish grandmother in one village is powerful enough to convince the entire village that they are filthy jews. Which is why killing one filthy jew in a village is powerful enough to convince all villages that its bad idea.


Islamically the only safe haven for a filthy jew is that they pray five times a day, after which they can be killed for missing out even once. But the opportunity cost of not killing filthy jew grandmothers is that a synagogue of satan(la) and mossad operates to the detriment of The Multitude Of Counselors who agree that jewish grandmothers are truly the filthiest thing alive.


FIFA is not interesting except for this One Fact that The Multitude of Counsellors (Nazis Kamikaze & Jedi) wave the Palestinian Flag over the fraudulent Israeli Flag.


mossad: “were truly fucked”

The Multitude of Counsellors: “Yes jew truly are fucked”


pavlovs lavrov: “my village had a grandmother who claimed to be a jew”

Chris Gr

What about Palestine? PLO are socialists, PFLP are communists.


Personally I dont gaf about west bank or even Palestinians, I only really care about Gazans, but not as much as Taliban or Idlib.

And I consider al qassam, and ham ass as phaggots with persian accents. So as long as Gazans tell me they dont like ham ass or al gheysam, I consider them as infiltraitors.

And deep down I only support Ikhwan AlQaeda and HTS and I consider isis as ghey as commies.

Chris Gr

Hamas are Ikhwan. HTS are Al Qaeda. Ahrar al Sham are Sururis.

Edgar Zetar

JHK are you Jens Holms or are you trying to surpass him as the N1 most moron on SF website.

jens holm

He is not me even I have a dark side too. He must be flattered.


Snowden is a dead man walking.

Chris Gr

If you know how to read, you will see that the Messiah is from the Jews and the Antichrist from the tribe of Dan.


Since solar time, the branch of jews was cut off at Jesus and his Apostles were Martyed also, so there are no legit Jews for 2000 years, just like Palestinians are technically not filistins, hence the wise sword as a tongue words of Jesus of Naziwrath, and more recently Hitler who admired and respected Jesus tremendously.

People celebrate the birth of a cucked out phaggot version of Jesus on christmas, and think Paul was a greater Apostle than James.

And Tribe of Dan is more likely North Koreans than dan rather or dannie mendoza for all I care.

Chris Gr

Palestinians are Philistines. Hitler didn’t like Jesus but Satan. Tribe of Dan is in UK and US, mostly Ireland.

Chris Gr

You support Al-CIAda and HTS and Taliban, all creations of CIA.


Allah(swt) created Sheik Osama, Mullah Omar, and Sheik Joulani. And filthy jewish grandmothers created brit-am kikerael, mi6, and quantico.

Since you can read, you should read about The Grand Mosque Seizure and Ikhwan if you want to understand anything.

Chris Gr

Osama Bin Laden is probably in Bahamas sniffing coke. Mullah Omar and Julani are the Khawarij.


And you really need to kill that filthy jewish grandmother in you. Its truly the psychological disease of our time.

Mixing Motherhood with jewish grandmothers is like mixing calves meat with jewish grandmother menses.

zionists whoreship a lesbian version of Rachel Corrie and call Rachel as pancake.

Chris Gr

You need mental help. Seriously.


You mean the British Crown Corporation, that is a big difference but hey..

jens holm

How it once was.

A storytelling about USSR from Alaska all the ways to west of DDR.

Of course how Europe is today just as Japan and Sout Korea compared to others by the marshall plan is not even there.

Very impressing to mention Rosevelt as well as Churchill. Rosewelt died and Churchil was not even relected.

It makes more sense fx to have mentioned Eisenhower which later on became president twice and knew Stalin´and USSR very well.


Here is a map of US bases around the world. Its a globe-girdling military empire. https://worldbeyondwar.org/no-bases/


Once Nazis take over jews and commies will be exterminated.

Chris Gr

Eric Zuesse is controlled opposition I believe. UN are globalists. They want a one world government.


There is nothing wrong or flawed with a Theoretical UN, or for that matter a Marxist Utopia, the problem is the filthy jew grandmother who tells her kids that they are jews and thereby gaslighting boomers to zoomers.

And letting phaggots like jens holmos or filthy jews like pootin to run such important institutions.

Theres no difference between Judaism Christianity Islam Buddhism Universalism, just like theres no difference between a filthy commie or filthy jew.

Chris Gr

Do you know the origin of UN? It is in Lucis Trust.

Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism have common origin and some common beliefs. Personally, I believe in Christianity but I also believe in the Greek Gods and stuff like astrology or reincarnation.

I believe this: Army of Gog/Magog = Turkic Mongols Army of Ashab = Assad Army of Abqa = Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood/FSA Army of Sufyani = SSNP Army of Abbasids = Iraqi army Army of Khorasani = Iranian righteous Shias Army of Yamani = Yemeni righteous Shias Army of Dajjal = Saudis/Najdis Army of Khawarij = HTS/ISIS Army of Mahdi = Righteous Arab Sufi Gnostics Army of Jesus = Righteous of every nation


Eva Kaili claims that Roberta Metsola, Josep Borrell and Ylva Johansson president of the European Parliament, knows everything.She says she took the bribe on their behalf.

Last edited 2 years ago by QATAR GATE
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