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Entire Ukrainian Units Surrender Amid Russian Advance

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Amid the ongoing Russian offensive on almost all Ukrainian frontlines, both on the eastern Donbass frontlines and in the south, Ukrainian servicemen are more and more despaired.

As it was in the first year of Russian military operations, entire Ukrainian units began to surrender to the Russian military. For example, the commander of a platoon of the 59th Separate Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) took a decision to save lives of his servicemen. As a result, at least 18 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered.

The incident took place in the village of Georgievka in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The Russian military began the assault of the village after they took control of the large Ukrainian stronghold in Mariinka. According to the reports from the area, Russian forces have recently advanced in the eastern part of the village and took control of all the quarters around the local water reservoir. Clashes are ongoing in the center of Georgievka.

Entire Ukrainian Units Surrender Amid Russian Advance

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Amid the ongoing Russian advance, the Ukrainian military command was forced to send additional units to reinforce the defense lines in the Kurakhovo area; but it turned out that these units were not ready to fight.

The commander of the platoon of the 59th Separate Brigade, who surrendered in Georgievka, explained that they were ordered to enter the village to support the defending Ukrainian units. They came under Russian artillery fire on their way to rotation. As a result, 4 servicemen were killed and 5 others were wounded before the platoon reached the village. The commander was surprised that the Ukrainian garrison in Georgievka was almost destroyed and there were almost no more forces to defend the settlement. In order to save lives of his subordinates, the commander decided not to enter the senseless battles and got in contact with the Russian military.

After two years of prolonged battles, Ukrainian servicemen understood that Russian servicemen do not torture the prisoners of war. The POWs are provided with all the necessary support in the Russian captivity.

Moreover, the commander of the platoon explained that his servicemen decided not to go back to Ukraine. They asked not to be included in the prisoner exchange lists because they would be imprisoned and thrown back onto the battlefield as soon as they returned to Ukraine.

The morale of the Ukrainian military is still low. Ukrainian servicemen are surrendering on all the frontlines. For example, on March 18, about 12 Ukrainian fighters were taken prisoners in the village of Krynki in the Kherson region. Abandoned by their comrades on the Russian eastern bank of the Dnieper, Ukrainian soldiers decided to save their lives and not to sacrifice their health for senseless defense of the small foothold in the ruined village. 


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just to be returned in another il 76 prisoner swap, is it.

Last edited 1 year ago by hah
One vote

i don’t know. but it need great courage to understood situation and save peoples lives. when leaders lie to you and don’t care about your lives, somebody have to do it.

Debunker of NAFO lies

the word is spreading among nazis. and the word is fab


ukraine is fubar .. but it is nothing new. they were on steep decline since ussr collapsed.

The fubar renaissance

ah, you beat me to it. nuts!

Last edited 1 year ago by The fubar renaissance
captain hohol

the second that russia had their own version of the glsdb it was game over for ukraine.

The fubar renaissance

but, but…didn’t cnn say they’d run out of glide bombs by 2038?

The fubar renaissance

fabs just helping ukraine’s decade long love affair with fubar.

CEO of Yapping

get this, “moldovan president maia sandu announces that moldova will hold a referendum on joining the european union in october of this year” – bloomberg.

it is funny because let’s remember what the eu was and which countries were allowed in the gang. also, yes moldovan saying it doesn’t really mean anything…

The fubar renaissance

the ukrainian prostitutes working under albanian gangs in amsterdam and berlin won’t like this turn of events.

NATO Losers

…of course the eu will scrutinise every vote to ensure they agree to eu membership.


these results were predictable on 24 february 2022 . for nato to have their puppet force this to continue without negotiation shows a complete disregard for the ukrainian people that is only in the globalist’s self interests .


a čuduje sa snáď niekto? veď tých chlapov chytali na ulici ako túlavé psy. vyberali ich z bytov domov, ako vtáčkov z hniezda. sa čudujem, že sa nevzdávali už skôr. a že nestrieľajú vlastných veliteľov, ak im tí bránia sa vzdať.

joe biden

i am best senile commander ever


gorlovka liberated by russia today; ukies defecting to russia for a more just better life


better and longer life

The fubar renaissance

a grand monument to the madonna of gorlovka to replace bandera’s sorry ass is in the works

The fubar renaissance

some aspiring picasso is at work at this very moment sketching a portrayal of gorlovka as a 21st century guernica.

jens holm

i surrender in all taliban bars and submissively pay 65% income tax to emperor bill gates—my true leader

Emperor Bill Gates

my loyal subject jens holm deserves a free macdonalds burger for his tireless jabbering at sf—i will send a discount coupon to his nurse

The Fascist renaissance

that’s what happens when you throw a bunch of unwilling conscripts snatched off the streets onto the front lines.


many sent to the front lines by the junta in kiev are people who have been abducted off the streets in ukraine or taken by force from their homes to fill quotes and sent as cannon fodder to the front lines! is it any wonder that given the opportunity that these men will make the right decision and save their lives

Nome de Plume

it’s a wonder that lindsay grahamcracker tells ukraine to fight to the last teenager and they say ‘thank you for having our best interests at heart”

Last edited 1 year ago by Nome de Plume

you are correct my friend. ukraine is simply being used as a tool by nato and the globalists who control zelensky a sock puppet! to attack russia and the russian people! the sooner ukrainian people understand this the sooner the junta in kiev will be removed and a peace agreement reached with russia.

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