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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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On March 31, ISIS released a 28-minute video documenting a series of attacks by its remaining cells in Syria’s Homs desert on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies.

The video, titled “Epic of Attrition 2,” opens up with footage from an attack on a convoy of the al-Quds Corps, a pro-government Palestinian group. The attack took place near the town Resafa in Raqqa. The convoy was targeted with heavy weapons. Some vehicles were destroyed and two fighters were captured and executed on the spot.

Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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A similar ambush targeted troops of the army west of the town of al-Sukhnah in Homs’ eastern countryside. However, an intervention from the Russian Aerospace Forces foiled the ambush.

Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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ISIS cells in Homs desert appear to be very well-armed. The terrorists can be seen using truck-mounted heavy machine guns and even anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) against SAA personnel and vehicles.

Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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The new video also shows a series of ambushes, mostly on the Homs-Deir Ezzor highway. The ambushes targeted SAA personnel, vehicles, a supply truck and even an employee in the Syrian Parliament.

Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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“We say to the Nusayris [a sectarian term used by Jihadists to refer to the Syrian military], God willing, you will be defeated and sent to hell,” a field commander of the terrorist group says in the video as he throws a hand grenade into a damaged engineering vehicle of the SAA.

Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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ISIS also shared footage showing the capture and execution of 18 people, including SAA soldiers, an officer, an alleged spy for the Syrian intelligence and fighters of the al-Quds Corps.

While most captives were shot or beheaded, two were blown up with a mine and an explosive belt, for being military engineers and a third, an army gunner, was targeted with a heavy machine gun.

Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Epic Of Attrition 2: New ISIS Video Release Documents Horrifying Attacks On Syrian Army In Homs

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Most of the attacks shown in the “Epic of Attrition 2” appear to have taken place during last year, or even prior to that.

The Epic of Attrition 2 confirms that ISIS is maintaining a strong presence in the Homs desert, a strategic region linking Syria’s eastern region with the rest of the country. The group’s threat in the region is clearly increasing and the measures taken by the SAA and its allies to counter this threat are clearly insufficient.


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Let the SAVAGES celebrate! Their days are numbered!


Assad´s failure.


thanatos was a minor figure in greek mythology. a part you fulfill very well with a brain the size of a pimple on a gnat’s a**


Wtf it’s not his fault. Without the US, which occupies the At-Tanf zone, which ISIS fighters use to hide from SAA combing operations, the whole desert would have already been cleared. When the SAA enters this zone, the US immediately bombs them. So it’s not Assad’s fault. Without the SAA controlling it, they can’t fully defeat ISIS in the desert.


thank you murika thank you bloody gina thank you niwityahoo thank you erd is gone. thank you mutti ferkel thank you macaroni and all the nato numb-nutters. special place in hell for you knuckle-draggers.

Peter Jennings

The fake terrorist belief system knows no mercy, no empathy and no understanding. That’s just the type of leaders one could want running a country. :) although it wouldn’t take long to run low on subjects/victims.

The terrorists in Syria cannot recruit from the locals who all hate their guts, so they have to look abroad for idiots with a poor education, job prospects, a poor grasp of logic and no direction in life. Darwin awards aplenty.

Those who execute their captives should be treated in a reciprocal manner, after a very public trial so the world knows just who they are and where they have come from.


“The fake terrorist belief system knows no mercy, no empathy and no understanding.” Spot on Peter, just look who is supporting them, USAF, IDF, SAS, NATO etc, since when did those bunch of shylocks ever have empathy, mercy or understanding ?

Peter Jennings

I think it says so in nearly all religious texts, not that the terrorists have read any of them.

Icarus Tanović

All of them are psychopathic Wahhabis coming from abroad. That’s the fact. No Muslims like them in Syria, or anywhere else, for that matter.


So, how the f…. hell is this possible, and what the f…. is going on, and how in the bleading hell is nobody actually doing anything, and what about the Jews, and to what extent is this an result of Russian Mofo creating obstacles to uh…. prevent what, I wounder, because I find this attacks with this numbers and sice to be more and more puzzling, beats my mind, and I do have an problem with the Putin and the RuFs when they apear to sit there and ride on their thumbs witch gives the obvious apears of only their best effort is to sit aidle and jerked their f…. thumbs further and further up their asses, while Putin is sucking up to the west. I dont like what I see, and it becoming difficould to belive the cause, when an attack on this sice is indeed happening, what the hell is going on. The Russians are becoming obvious double dealers, back stabbers, and have not the balls to do anything, start to wipe out the Yankikes, and burn everything they posses to the ground, and then tell the Truks/Jews to f… off.

Jesus, the Russians are/is stinking. I blame everything on Putin. And dont even try to whine this away, because the RuF sees every bloody square inch of this region, and yet do absolutelly nothing.




and what about the Jews



so bc daesh hide and are supplied in US occupied parts of Syria and Russia wont start ww3 you are whining like a little bitch? reality called! It wanted me to remind you to take ur medz…

Ricky Miller

This is the real opportunity cost of the Idlib operation, and the reason that the United States and it’s close friends throw such mighty fits about poor Idlib. If the SAA has to keep large formations on the Idlib perimeter because of the Turkish supplied jihadi gangs there than those SAA soldiers are not elsewhere securing the country for good. The longer this situation can be maintained means that it is more likely that the Syrian government will be pressured into large scale concessions to make it all stop. REMEMBER: “We’re going to create quagmires until we get what we want.” Clearly those quagmires include arming extremists who like to execute and even behead their prisoners.


‘The Epic of Alteration 2 confirms that ISIS is maintaining a strong presence in the Homs desert, a strategic region linking Syria’s eastern region with the rest of the country. The group’s threat in the region is clearly increasing and the measures taken by the SAA and its allies to counter this threat are clearly insufficient.’

Oh really SouthFront? Yet in another article posted earlier today regarding a similar video you said:

‘While the video is designed to serve as a promotion piece of supposed ‘successes’ of the terrorist group, it in fact reveals the current poor state of ISIS cells, which are barely surviving in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert. If there is no more US-occupied al-Tanf zone where they can hide from Syrian Army security operations, they will have little chance of surviving in this part of Syria for another year.’

So which is it? I’m confused!


both can be true, you clearly lack intelligence and the ability to reason. That tells me u are either a murcan or anglo…


Was there really any need to be rude to me? It was actually a genuine question.


you are right, sorry. sometimes i forget this is not twitter and interpret things to harsh.


No worries!


Sadomasochists the lot of them. There’s only one inevitable fate for scum like these, dying in a forgotten dirt field or facing a firing squad.

George King

Really? “Epic of Alteration 2” appear to have taken place during last year, or even prior to that”. SF you need to put this at the beginning of the article, this is not the first time you draw readers to your site by dubious modus operandi!


Well, now everybody understand the consequences for SAA-Russia not to finish their job (killing all ISIS terrorists put by USA-Israel-NATO (Turkey)).


The thing to understand is that Daesh will continue to operate in Homs desert for years to come, even when all the other fighting has stopped. How you may ask. The desert has been seeded with dozens and dozens of arms dumps hidden in the sand, which cannot be located in the featureless desert without the GPS coordinates, or amazing luck. The GPS coordinates are held in Langley and given to promising groups of young crazy men who want to go on a rampage in Syria. The dumps that are sure to have anything from heavy machine guns to ATGMs is the plan B, when the caliphate didn’t work out. You’ll see it will continue for years.

Fuckturkius Sraloukranius

There is very quick solution – tactical nuke. FUCK ALL THOSE US BACKED BITCHES

Svincius Savickas


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