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MARCH 2025

Erdogan Claimed Northern Syria, Iraqi Kurdistan As Turkish Territory

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Erdogan Claimed Northern Syria, Iraqi Kurdistan As Turkish Territory

President of Turkey and Chairman of AK Party Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech during the meeting of local mayors at ATO Congresium in Ankara, Turkey on September 13, 2017. (Turkish Presidency / Yasin Bulbul / Handout – Anadolu Agency)

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has finally admitted that Turkey has ambition in the territories of Syria and Iraq, where its troops occupy vast areas. 

The Turkish President let his guard down during his speech on November 1 at the congress of the ruling Justice and Development Party in the northern city of Samsun.

Erdogan reminded his audience of the Turkish military operation against Kurdish forces in Syria’s Afrin in 2018, the recent confrontation with the Syrian military in Idlib and a series of attacks against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. He then went on to claim that these territories are now a part of the “motherland.”

“We had martyrs in Idlib, Afrin, Operation Olive Branch and Operation Claw, but we shouldn’t forget that everything was to make these territories a part of the motherland,” Erdogan said “If you wish to have  a motherland, then you should wage struggle.”

Today, the Turkish military maintains thousands of heavily armed troops in northern Syria and in the northern part of the Kurdistan Region.

During his speech, Erdogan also boasted about Turkish military presence in Libya, where his support allowed the Government of National Accord to survive an attack by the Libyan National Army.

Turkey is reportedly hoping to establish two military bases in Libya, where Turkish troops could be deployed for the long term.

Furthermore, Turkish forces were allegedly supporting the last Azerbaijani attack on Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh. Ankara shipped hundreds of Syrian militants to Baku to back its offensive.

In the past, Erdogan maintained that his country supports the “territorial integrity” of Syria, Iraq and other countries where Turkish forces are involved. This soft tone has apparently ended and the Turkish President is now setting the ground for the annexation of foreign territories.


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Neo Onh

Maybe time for a syrian offensive in Idlib, with open russian help? At least al territory south of M4 (in the first phase).


Why would Russia do that? Finders keepers, like in Kaukasus.

catalin zt

Shut up anglo-saxonkhazarian paedo!

Fog of War

Shut up street shiter . Please invent indoor plumbing finally, the Indus valley civilization had it millennia ago,


No change for you today, stinky gypsy.

Icarus Tanović



There will be no significant Russian offensives in Idlib anymore. Russia is not able to expel Turkish forces from the northern Syria. Obviously they have some deal with their friend Erdogan. Turkey will keep northern Syria. Kurds will keep their territories under American protection. Russia is not even able to destroy terrorists in the desert area because they enjoy American protection from Al Tanf. That area is simply forbidden for the Russian troops.

Ishyrion Av

Napoleon, take another pill and go to bed. The doors will lock in five minutes.


Go to the Baltic states and ask Russian people about their human rights. Go and ask Putin why he doesn’t help his people. Go to NK and ask Armenian people about great “Russian victory”.

Ishyrion Av

When Putin took Crimeea back, people like you said he was invading other countries. Now you are unhappy Russia doesn’t invade Baltic States to take care of Russian minority/majority there, Russia is not invading Armenia to help it against its own government (who’s failing foreign policy leaded to this outcome in NK). Who can understand you?

Jim Allen

Hahahaha you very funny girl???? Turkey has not the snowballs chance in Hell of stopping Russia from doing the same thing it’s done every time Turkey gets stupid drunk, and belligerent with Russia. Stomps a mudhole in Turkey’s ass, and sends it running home, wings clipped, and no tail feathers. As it is Turkey can barely push Syria around, and only because it’s fighting US Coalition, and their pet enemies. Russia is capable of strangling Turkey with the handful of sanctions it placed on Turkey in response to the ill advised, and unwise shoot down of Su-24, and the chopper sent to retrieve the pilot. Killing several Russian soldiers. Erdogan came to the Kremlin six weeks later, begging Putin to relent. Yet somehow you think Turkey has the capability to stop Russia in any way by force of arms ? With those same few sanctions, and a couple Spetsnaz, Russia will sweep up the desert with your military, and dispose of the trash in accordance with all environmental regulations. Turkey’s NATO allies will not back Turkey up in any of the theatre’s of war Turkey has opened. US Government has demonstrated this more than once in the immediate past. Now, can you hook me up with your connect ? You’ve got better dope than I’ve ever seen.

Porc Halal

Why not a large-scale offensive from the beginning to liberate all the occupied Syrian territories at once …

Porc Halal

Ps…pretty sure this time SAA will have the full support of Russians…

Jim Allen

Because, why interrupt the enemy when he’s blundering ? Repeatedly. While Erdogan is a rabid Freemason, and de-populationist, serving his Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal masters, every whim, his master’s view him as a useful idiot. You do know what happens to useful idiots when there’s no further use them, right ? I think probably Russia, who currently has the best intelligence services in the world, knows things you don’t even hallucinate exist. Be assured Putin, and his General Staff fully understand the geopolitical situation worldwide, minute to minute, with it’s allies are fully prepared to answer the slightest aggression. Armed with advanced weapons systems that have no analog in the world. I would strongly urge you to talk to your doctor’s about your meds.


My wishful dream is an Eurasian block forge by necessity with all former Empires, where East meet West along the Silk Road, our Cultural backbone since Milleniums….


Just as we thought and suspected, the Turkish crypto tyrant being honest for the first time. The Turds and their depraved nature.


Hi everyone, come here to meet for sex – https://cutt.ly/Tg9PHSO

Fog of War

Come to my house instead.


can I watch?

Fog of War

No, there wont be any room left when I take my pants off. I’ll probably take up the whole house as I’ll have to un-roll it. Might need a fork lift for my testicles.

Lazy Gamer

Honesty is the best policy. lol


In Greek we say … spread his legs beyond what his cover reaches.


Wonder when Erdo will go for Crimea by backing Ukraine…


It’s a possibility with that fool.


He’s dreaming! This will not happen.

Icarus Tanović

He’s out of his stupid mind. This is uber stupidity. Northern Syria will turn/is turning to Vietnam to Turkey, everyone can see that, only he is playing blind. It is never gonna happen.

Zionism = EVIL

The Arabs are disunited and tribal and the Turks are still seething from the Ottoman era defeats when the BritishFaggots united the Bedouin Wahhabi tribes, armed them and let them upon the Ottomans and destroyed their moth eaten empire. Erdogan has a definite agenda to reclaim the best agricultural lands of Syria and Iraq, which were the Ottoman granary. I think he may get away with it for the time being, but eventually the Arabs will turn on Turkey as history has shown.


And not only the Arabs … an anti-Turkish axis is already being prepared.

Fog of War

Where is the anti-israhelli axis ? Thats a more interesting question.

The Farney Fontenoy

He’s not crazy-he is absolutely serious & his neighbours should take him seriously. He is planning a major regional war in which he will not have NATO support & maybe even get attacked by NATO countries, it’s why he wanted the S400 so badly. Putin knows the war will badly damage Turkey & Russia will ‘help out’ (take Turkey’s place as regional player) in the aftermath, it’s why Putin is staying so close to the Turks.

Jim Allen

Keep your friends close, your enemies closer ? The problem with all you armchair Generals is you’re myopic. Can’t see beyond a battlefield. You don’t see Russia, Iran, and other allied countries, but particularly Putin has caused more disruption, destroyed more Globalist planning, cost the West more money, and presents a threat to the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal, bigger than anything the Cabal has encountered, without firing a shot. US Government exists at the largess of The City of London, for now. It takes funding for a Government to destroy their own country. Turkey has no economy, is deeply in debt to it’s masters at The City of London. Both countries are burning trillions of fiat US Petrobuck’s to destabilize countries, softening them up to overthrow the Government’s, and to provoke Russia into dividing it’s forces and engage in defending these countries. Russia is supporting these countries, doing it without military action. The longer Russia, and allies wait refusing to give the West what it wants, the more money the West spends to support it’s forces that are all at the end of long lines of communications. These lines are vulnerable to Russian military action. The forces in countries occupied by US military are facing an increasingly truculent population, and the country’s military, allied forces, militia’s operating in growing numbers, can do only limited damage, and counter-attacked when they do. Israel is the only exception due to it’s avoidance of coming anywhere near locations they risk being engaged. Often blundering. Let them stew, at full alert, with no one to fight, with the anxiety of their lines of communications being cut, and attacked. With the supplies they’ve got on hand, and an unkown length of time before supplies may reach them, if at all. A couple artillery barrages occasionally helps to keep them rattled. Pity you have no appreciation for countries that back you up. What do you think all this costs Russia, Iran, and the allied forces involved at the world level of this bullshit ? Costs these countries pay up front. What about all the work involved in creating the means for countries sanctioned by the West to be paid for trade between countries that are frozen out of the Western controlled financial systems ? Who does that ? Do you expect Russia to borrow money to wage war ? Putin doesn’t think so.


turkey will lose land not get land at the end of this there might be no turkey left

Black Waters

That’s what i was saying for almost 2 years, this prick it’s taking it too far, it’s like playing poker, there’s a time to risk but always need to know when to left the game to maintain the gains, well… it seems that he didn’t understand it since the beginning.

Mustafa Mehmet

come and get it… https://media0.giphy.com/media/TL7QSuZFSvgPaF1A4u/giphy.gif

Servet Köseoğlu

lol…these anus-smellers(greekoroaches-hard-core persian empire dreamers and russian cross suckers can only bark in forums..)..remember If a dog’s prayers were answered, bones would rain from the sky...xD


Of course he does,a blind man could see that was the plan from the moment they entered Syria,what needs to happen is the Russians should unleash the SAA and back them up to throw those bastards back into Turkey,so far i have seen nothing thats what they will do,time will tell.

Fog of War

I bet you Putin agreed to this a long time ago, thats why the SAA was stopped from retaking Idlib.


But i can’t think of a reason why he would do that,Russian forces are still under threat from Turkish backed terrorists in that area,so it wouldn’t make any sense.

Fog of War

The facts on the ground speak for themselves, every time the SAA was on a roll Putin ordered a stop.

Jim Allen

Your perception of “the facts on the ground” is both flawed, and meaningless. Your view is limited to a tiny sliver of a worldwide issue, and most certainly don’t reflect anything that resembles the actual situation. Further, your determined willful ignorance of the reality this is a far bigger issue, with far bigger problems than you’re apparently incapable of grasping. Your incessant repetition of the same inane pratter, and disparaging remarks towards the countries doing the actual fighting has become boring. Reinforcing my suspicion you’re nothing but a pitiful troll.


Why do you think Russia would attack a business partner?

Porc Halal

I agree with you partially… Although, as you said, the turdish bastards are the business partners of the Russians, at the same time, I think, the Russians know well who they are dealing with and also the danger the turds represent. At the moment, I think, it is a game of mouse and cat between Russia and the wanna be ottoman empire v.2 but, in my oponion, at the right time Russia will hit turdistan so hard that the latter will not recover soon or maybe never … I think, strategically speaking, Russia never wanted an empire or an opposing power in this part of the world ……. as you may already know, the Russians calculate very carefully and in advance all their actions…


USSR calculated very carefully too until they imploded of too much ‘rationalisation’. From 100 Moscow billionaires 90 are jewish and 10 turcic. Turks at least have the commerce tradition, Russians just wait to execute orders. That’s why they killed millions of their own. In 30 years, the richest country in the world didn’t manage to build a competitive economy. Imagine if Turks would have benefited of all resources Russia has…

Porc Halal

I think there are some of your remarks that have to be settled right before going further…

1. “USSR calculated very carefully too until they imploded of too much ‘rationalisation’”…the old communist regime which was supposed to be jewish / bolshevik controled, was in the last of its decade more and more not jewish and was overthrowned by the jewish oligarchy from inside russia with support from the outside , precisely from the globalist jewish oligarchy / elite and was replaced with a new controlled neo-marxist & neo-liberal regime…

2. “From 100 Moscow billionaires 90 are jewish and 10 turcic” … you’re probably right, I’m not contradicting you, but you have to take into account the fact that the Russian army and secret services are not yet controlled, only tangentially and conjuncturally maybe, by the political elite and the jewish / muslim oligarchs …

3. “That’s why they killed millions of their own” …

It is not the russians who killed millions of russians but the bolsheviks who , there is no secret to enyone, they where jews with small exceptions…the small exceptions where non-russians as well…


1. In the last part of communism, the USSR regime was cleared of jews also the rest if communist block.. Then after one more generation they realised the communist system has no chance to survive since it was constructed just to destroy societies. But ofcourse with some help from the West, since a state run economy is extremely vulnerable to sabotages.

2. Indeed, Putin has that power over military and most of external politics but he mostly keeps out from the pillage. Even if he wanted he couldn’t do much to help Russians. They should help themselves first.

3. The Russians soldiers who served in the army and blindly followed orders of jewish bolseviks are at guilt. You simply don’t follow criminal orders to mass murder your own civilians, as soldier. You better turn the gun to those who gave the orders and die like a human being than execute like a robot. This happened mostly in Russia and China for a reason…

Porc Halal

I think the russian soldiers did not have much choices right?…


What would you do if a bolsevik would order you to execute your unarmed grandpa. You wouldn’t have much choices, right?


Ah the turks were preparing to attack Russia during WW2 and waiting for the germans to take Stalingrad first.. I dont think the Russians will ever forget that the turks have their eyes on the oil fields in the urals..

Porc Halal

They don’t and they don’t mix business with other things … doing business with turkey doesn’t mean russians are not going to make these bastards pay their bills form the past at some point…it is just a matter of time


By that logic Russians should linch any German they caught on street.


lmao later he talked about territorial integrity of Syria, Iraq and other countries Inconsistent again


He wants the best for the Syrian people, to get rid of Assad and integrate them in Mother Turkey :)

catalin zt

In your mum capitalist-fascist hairy to integrate the whole World!


I bet your mom is more hairy, she’s a gypsy after all :)


Then they are not syrians any longer.. Why would any syrian want to be become a turk? invaders who stole land by ethnic cleansing of others with hardly any culture worth mentioning and offering nothing to civilize the world..


Turks considers those lands were stollen by European colonial powers from them.


who did the turks steal it from?


The previous ones.

Fog of War

Most arent original Syrian anyhow, just the offspring of Arab invaders.

Ryan Glantz

more neo-ottomonism… they just gotta use those “moderate rebel headchoppers” as cannon fodder, basic tactic for them, they’ve always done this… pattern recognition people… At what point do we realize that those who employ this tactic are reptilians?

Fog of War

” tactic are reptilians? ”

Some are benevolent though.



thank you for the www page. It sounds good.


you believe a pasha gangster and what he says??

Cronos Sin Apellidos

For now, is happening. So he is not dreaming or stupid. He and his military were incompetent at the beginning, but not now.

Still, they will likely lose. Sirian forces will grow, and will keep pushing. Libian forces too, and iraqi kurdistan. Turkey economics is in shambles, they also have problems with greece and France, and cannot hope to keep their current military deploiment much longer.


Not really, if Russia and USA wouldn”t be there, Turkey could easily reach Bagdad and Damask. Syrian and Iraqi soldiers are frequently butchered by ISIS cells.

Ice Icegold


catalin zt

Yeah the same muslim gypsy monkey!


Armenians should return him favor and give Kurds some manpads.

Mustafa Mehmet

if Armenian got manpad why they couldn’t use against A. Z?

Ishyrion Av

Armenia has manpads. Artsakh republic didn’t have them. Unfortunately.

John Wallace

Erdogan named most popular Muslim leader. Within the Muslim world, Erdogan is at the top with 30% followed by Saudi King Salman at 25% and Iranian President Rouhani at 21% So don’t expect him to change soon. Of course it was obvious he had no intention of leaving Idlib when he was pumping in massive military resources in a deal made with Putin who hopes to drive a wedge between NATO and Turkey , again for obvious reasons. Just like the big bad Wolf , no amount of huffing and puffing is going to blow the brick wall down. Is Trump going to start a war with Iran before he leaves office or is the new idiot going to do it . He is afterall best friends with Israel and a warmonger ..

Ryan Glantz

Trump has no reason to start any war. only derpstate biden wants war.

John Wallace

I agree but there are some that were promoting the idea that Trump would start a war as pay back for being dragged out of the WH. I think he has been trying to reduce wars but others behind his back carry on as normal. Biden has supported Israel from day one 100% and is a warmonger. Those that voted for him thinking he was going to give peace a chance or improve their lives are in for a rude shock.

catalin zt

The gypsy has 0 character….

Ryan Glantz

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9e73c24332ee1d1ff2be1f104b3084d34ff31631c09a7ef7e5bcc7759fa99d21.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f9a6551a56b22cec5c4a12617d11cb70c2bfe9c3d84e4a34810cc522a2aaafe5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9e73c24332ee1d1ff2be1f104b3084d34ff31631c09a7ef7e5bcc7759fa99d21.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1f0b8ac25f19a17708ae875cbd09d3971e7f8a2ad997f62c0f92ff3d6f41ae54.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/249433b3ac82d6d5a2eca6db0e2360c91c349ea6e37d0c2ae1b05bc6b2375663.png

Ryan Glantz

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e3f0091fa093e59e355ead6c0a092f43c1ea1809a6d375c93dd9be18f9504fa0.gif https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/43c3fadea24ffcdd7fc973dd3967d8389692e34a75d54f56ec0f1b2d30c45fc3.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/076e82c4e56bf2c6068a515a3b213067cec854193bf783fa9b7d0aaa64ac31dc.png

Ryan Glantz



hahaha of course he tries but they shouldnt think that this will be the end of turkish blood flowing because it will flow like a river

Black Waters

This mad extremist has lost his mind.

cechas vodobenikov

for domestic consumption…biden claims Greenland is the 51st state and Denmark is a US colony

Proud Hindu

Erdogan should be careful with his words.If the Arabs and Kurds unite, turkey will be in big trouble

Fog of War

the Chabad sect recognized Menahem Mendel Schneerson as Moshiach – the messenger of God on Earth. The speech of the Jewish rabbi, leader of the Chabad sect, Schneerson, was made in 1994. The official publication of the text in the newspaper “Slav”, N-4 (32), 2001, Volgograd. After being published in Russia, the Jews filed a statement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and tried to convict the editor of the newspaper V.F. Popov for anti-Semitism (Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The court denied the accusation, and the text of Schneerson’s speech was recognized as true. Schneerson publicly pronounced the plans of Jews against the Slavs and Russians,

” Our special tactics of combating red-brown (and all Slavs are red-brown), by virtue of its isolation, is Secret Knowledge. We will direct the main spearhead of the struggle against the Slavs, except for the renegades [Freemasons?] who became related to the Jews by the same interests. True, we will then withdraw these “related” ones after using them for our own purposes from our society.

Slavs, and among them Russians, are the most rebellious people in the world. He is rebellious by virtue of the warehouse of his psychic and mental abilities, laid down by many generations of ancestors, genes that are not amenable to alteration. Slav, Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to elimination, and at first – to a sharp reduction in its number.

2. Our methods of struggle will not be military, but ideological and economic with the use of power structures equipped with the most modern types of weapons to physically suppress rioters with even greater cruelty than was done in October 1993 during the execution of the Supreme Council of Russia.

First of all, we will divide all the Slavic peoples (300 million of them, half of them Russians) into small, weakened countries with broken ties. Here we will use our old method: divide and conquer. We will try to pit these countries together. Draw them into internecine wars with the goal of mutual destruction. [Sound familiar?]

The Ukrainian will think that he is fighting against expansionist Russia, is fighting for his independence, he will think that he has finally found his freedom, while he is completely dependent on us. The Russians will consider the same thing, as if they are defending their national interests, returning the lands “illegally” taken from them, and so on. We will do all this under the pretext of various sovereignty, the struggle for our national ideals. At that time, we will not allow any of the parties to determine themselves on the basis of national values ​​and traditions.

In this war of fools, the Slavic cattle will weaken themselves and strengthen us, the main conductors of the trouble, supposedly standing aside and not only not participating in the bloody events, but also not interfering in them.

Moreover, we will completely protect ourselves. In the consciousness of Slavic-profane (uninitiated) we will put such stereotypes of thinking, in which the most terrible word will be “anti-Semite”. The word “Jew” will be pronounced in a whisper. By several processes (such as the trial of Ostashvili’s anti-Semite and its subsequent destruction) and other methods (radio, television – frightening films, such as the vengeance of Israeli super-intelligence Mossad for the murders of Jews), we were so intimidating so badly that not one Jew would lose a single hair while the Slavs will be shot in batches, destroyed by thousands – at the borders where Jews do not serve, in peacekeeping forces.

3. The stupid Slavic ethos does not understand that the worst Nazis are those who never, never say anything out loud about it, but organize everything supposedly according to the most democratic norms (like the presidential elections in March). On the contrary, we will make the word “fascist” swear. This label will be afraid of everyone on whom we hang it. We know very well that nationalism strengthens the nation, makes it strong. The slogan of “internationalism” is outdated and no longer works as before, we will replace it with “universal values,” which is one and the same. We will not allow any nationalism to rise, and we will destroy those nationalist movements that seek to lead the people out of our dictatorship with fire and sword, as is done in Georgia, Armenia, Serbia. But we will ensure the complete prosperity of our nationalism – Zionism, or rather: Jewish fascism, which in its secrecy and power is super-fascism. It was not for nothing that the UN General Assembly in 1975 adopted a resolution in which Zionism was defined as the most flagrant “form of racism and racial discrimination”, but because of our triumphant march on the whole planet, it overturned this decision in 1992. We have made this international body the weapon of our aspirations to seize power over “all kingdoms and peoples.”

Proud Hindu

Do you have anything better to say apart from jooz idiot

Fog of War

Please bring indoor plumbing to your people. The Indus valley civilization had it thousands of years ago, No need to shit in the streets. Also, drinking water from the same river where you dump your corpses is not advisable.

Proud Hindu

Bla bla bla.Can you please reply to my comments and not go off topic idiot

Fog of War

” Do you have anything better to say apart from jooz idiot ”

I see I’ve hit a nerve.

Additionally, where is the comment I’m supposed to reply to ? I dont see anything worthy in your quote except a poorly attempted personal attack. Try again fool, indoor sanitation is thousands of years old yet you proud Hindus cant seem to grasp the concept. So sad.


the self appointed messenger of God on Earth.

Fog of War

Only through me will you find the way.


Oh did you know before the british went to civilize india they had more indoor plumbing then england itself? and when they left 98% of the country was lacking in the most basic infrastructure..

Zionism = EVIL

That was in present day Pakistan, the Hindus are filthyCUNTS and can’t help shitting in the streets. It is part of their DNA.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And just by coincidence the Muslim brotherhood is active in all the countries Turkey is, but that’s just a coincidence and nothing to worry about, but only if you’re brain dead already.


Start to payback the favor Armenia, start arming Kurds and syrians against tuks with portable anti aircraf manpads and all necesary weapons.


As we told from the start and he, the sultan-suppressor, denied from the start it is Hitlers “Lebensraum” he is invading for. If we want to keep or freedom we will need to defend it fighting islamist terror and imperialisme.


He is a nutter.

Rafik Chauhan

This guy is reatardede he is thinking like trump and zionist that he can poke nose everywhere. He will destroy turkey soon.


Dejavu. I heard similar things from another country in 2014:))))

thomas malthaus

It’s almost as though Erdogan is making a legal claim to oil. Where’s James Jeffrey?


So CIA didn’t like Erdo and wanted to assassinate him in order to install CIA-Puppet as Turkish Prez. Imagine what that CIA-puppet would have done? Full scale invasion of Syria?

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