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MARCH 2025

Erdogan Claims Turkey Now Wants Lasting Ceasefire In Idlib

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Erdogan Claims Turkey Now Wants Lasting Ceasefire In Idlib

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On March 2nd, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey’s hope was a lasting ceasefire in Idlib, Syria and that Ankara is working towards that goal.

“My only wish is to end this struggle with victory and prevent further bloodshed, with a permanent cease-fire. For this, we are using all our diplomatic channels, along with our struggle in the field,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan told a gathering of ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party officials.

His remarks came ahead of his meeting Thursday with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the situation in Idlib, northwestern Syria. The meeting is expected to take place on March 5th in Ankara.

Turkey has pressed Russia to do more to rein in Assad’s attacks in the region.

“For every one of our martyrs, we destroy dozens of regime elements, and make them pay a heavy price by destroying their jets and ammunition,” said Erdogan, speaking of Turkey’s retaliation for regime attacks.

“We rendered Nayrab [military] airport useless with our attacks on Sunday [March 1st].”

Following the launch of operation Spring Shield in response to Turkish soldiers being killed in Idlib, and capturing a few villages from the Syrian Arab Army, by assisting the armed militants in the province, now Turkey says it wants a ceasefire.

This is another shift of the initially declared goal, which was supposed to be all Syrian Arab Army forces, as well as their Russian support to retreat back beyond the Turkish observation posts set out in the Sochi Agreements back in October 2018. This meant that the Syrian government should give up on thousands of square kilometers of liberated area.

Now, Turkey seems to only wish a ceasefire and the liberated areas to remain.

Erdogan referred to Russia and Iran in his speech, and said that Turkey had no issue with both of them in Syria.

“I appeal to Russia and Iran. We have no problems with you in Syria, we are not aimed at either the Russian Federation nor Iran. We do not need oil and the lands of Syria. We fight for our national security. It’s us, not the Russian Federation, not Iran and other countries that accept 3.7 million refugees,” Erdogan said.

He furthermore warned that any attacks on observation posts would be responded to.

On March 3rd, there will be a session in Turkish parliament, discussing the situation in Idlib.

The Turkish ministers will have to explain that the 2nd strongest NATO army – the Turkish one appears to be incapable of defeating the Syrian Arab Army’s forces, who have been involved in a nearly 10-year-long conflict.

Or rather, they need to explain that Turkey could win, but need to justify the massive losses that it would suffer in achieving victory, by carrying out an invasion through Idlib, and possibly beyond.

And, judging by Erdogan’s words of wishing for a ceasefire, Turkey is not prepared to pay the price of a potential victory.


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How about a regime change op in Ankara? “Erdogan must go!”

Len Zegelink

the turks must hunt him licke qadaffi.

Mack Dane

Erdo’s going to meet his buddy Putin on the 5th. The result is very predictable: there will be defacto Turkish control over various north Syrian provinces in return for end of support to factions fighting south of those provinces. You’ll see.

Liberal guy

To hell with this bastard’s ceasefire

Bobby Twoshoes

Don’t think it will be needed soon, he thought he was Osman I but he’s looking more like Abdulmejid II every day. He probably could have ended his life as an exile in Paris too if he hadn’t hardened Europe against refugees.


To me all of this is fake, don’t trust Turks anymore because they are liers and deceivers. Saying to wish peace and keep calling the Syrian government a regime, it means that Erdoggy didn’t even consider the peace but is just scheming a murder under the table… Never trust a Turk, no more!

Zionism = EVIL

The liars have lost about 60 dead, but shamefully killed about the same number of SAA, Hezbollah and SAA defenders. However, today Russian airforce has really battered them and made them flee from all recent gains and now the goat fucker has to save face and is running off to lick Putin’s boots. Winners don’t beg for a ceasefire to rearm terrorists.

Shia man

Yup ? how many times did these filthy isis rats break the ceasefire you think there handler would be different The Iranians and Russian shouldn’t accept this none sense unless he disarms his filthy al Qaeda rats and leaves idilib and every inch of syria


Any more ? Syria government has never believed Turkey words, but Russia use to believe it because of their economical and commercial links.

Angry Guy



Saif Imam

@RusskiiTroll54 You are right, Turks cannot be trusted.

Zionism = EVIL

Real situation is that Turkeys have failed and are trying to save face. Sadly they have killed a few Hezbollah, Syrian and Iranian forces. This is the real situation:


An Iranian military advisory center in Syria has urged Turkey against further escalation of its aggression against the Arab country, reminding Ankara that it has so far refrained from responding to Turkish attacks.

In a statement published by most Iranian news agencies Sunday, the center said it “demands that the Turkish forces behave wisely, taking the Syrian and Turkish nations’ interests into consideration.”

“We assert to the Turkish nation that their sons have been within our range for a month now, and we could have taken revenge, but refrained from doing so on the orders of our commanders,” it added.

Iran, Lebanon hold funeral processions

On Sunday, bodies of 12 defendants of a holy shrine in Syria killed in Idlib were laid to rest in the Iranian city of Qom.

Thousands of mourners also attended a funeral procession and asubsequent burial ceremony in the Lebanese capital of Beirut in honor of five Hezbollah members killed during Turkish attacks in Idlib Friday.

Turkish drone strikes in Idlib province killed 19 government soldiers on Sunday, a London-based war monitor reported. They died in strikes on a military convoy in the Jabal al-Zawiya area and a base near Maaret al-Numan city, the so-called Syrian Observatoryfor Human Rights said.

The report came hours after Turkey shot down two Syrian warplanes, in an escalating unprovoked offensive against the Syrian Arab Republic.

Legis Legis Juscius

Erdogan is giving up:)) got their as kicked by syrians

Zionism = EVIL

Not to mention Russian Federation presents delivered air mail :)


I think Hezbollah and Iranians made the counterattack possible. They have shock troops with some of the best night visions

Zionism = EVIL

Yes, both have lot of experience in urban warfare and night attacks as you correctly point out. Hezbollah lost 5 fighters and Iran a dozen, but they were successful and have been at the point in all attacks.

Liberal guy



He aint giving up man. Here is there to stay, claiming Idlib and all other occupied parts as Turkish terrirtory.

And his drones still inflict massive casualties right now according to pro SAA sources:




what are you talking about …massive casualties are about a few hundread maybe, syrian sources claimed 100 syrians martyred …let’s just say 350 martyred …not a big deal turkish media over exagerated the casualties saying 2251 wich doesn’t make any sence since saraqeb is liberated and the attack ongoing in the south

Legis Legis Juscius

dude this is old news, i have seen so many times same video posting again and again


The video is old, but the attacks are ongoing as all major SAA channels and sources will confirm you. Al Masdar mostly uses the same images/vids as illustration, but the underlying report has nothing to do with it. We will have to see how much of an impact the new SAM systems will make that SAA and Hezbollah/Iran are now deploying themselves seperatly from Russia in Idlib since yesterday.

Zionism = EVIL

Two days old, get with the program or did you not get the memo?

Liberal guy

Hey why this so called sultan of so called ottoman empire 2.0 crying for ceasefire

Zionism = EVIL

The Turkeys boasted that by last Saturday they would have rolled back all Syrian gains, the opposite has happened and Russians have pummeled them. I believe they lost a hundred Turkeys and terrorists in SAA and Hezbollah counter attacks and Russian strikes. You can see the intensity of the Russian bombing by counting the number of smoke plumes around Saraqib. Winners don’t beg for ceasefire and run to Moscow. Russia should not give them a chance to rearm the terrorists and become entrenched in Syria which is their goal.

Liberal guy

So true


Um, Because Erdo is losing in Idlib and losing credibility in the world as a whole because he has been caught ‘in flagrante delicto’ as he cohabits with Al Qaida and ISIS.

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha there goes the last hope of Al qaida scums the so called modern ottoman empire


The statement is new, the video is not. And what do you expect?

He is now in a much stronger position:

Most, including Russia did not expect to invade with regular troops and join HTS and threaten all out war. And the sad reality is: If Erdogan would go all in and invade with all the power of his army, the SAA and Russia can not do much. With that, he is in a much stronger position and can somewhat dictate terms, at least in areas near turkey, where he has the advantage of cross border artiellery and UAV support from Hatay. And THAT is the fucked up thing.


Granted the Turkish armed forces are Large but they are not effective. The purges that began after the attempted coup are still ongoing and besides removing almost 70% of the officer corps from colonel up, at least 10% below that rank have also been dispatched. So, morale aint what it should be. On the diplomatic fromt Turkey are again found wanting. They ditch the Yanks after their inspired coup and snuggle up to Russia like a snake without venom. Then all things Russian are good and all things Yanki are bad. While Erdogan also threatens to flood Europe with refugees. So, Erdogan has made Turkey a pariah among the nations he now seeks support from. Last and probably most importantly, Turkey relies very heavily on Russian tourism and commerce. Putin as usual delivers a masterclass in cool diplomacy. Erdogan is clutching at straws as he starts to slide out of his loft. Expect Putin to catch the little viper before he drops into the meat-grinder who will then be revealed as a born again peacemaker. Spetsnaz will liquidate 10/12 most important Headchoppers. Good terrorists will get to join the Turkish army while “bad al Nusra” now leaderless and witless will confess their crimes against humanity and go live in HellAviv…….

Hanny Benny



nah, turkey is just being difficult and things will settle down shortly – the one and only peace-making thing is the obliteration of the illegal squatters in palestine – get rid of the jews and peace will come to the middle east. turkey, iran, iraq and hezbollah and eventually russia and houthis will be amply suited to eviscerate the jews to kingdom come and bring peace to the middle east. even clown prince mbs will appreciate such a development and will forget all about bff jared kushner (who hopefully will be 6 feet nder by that tiime.

klove and light

BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS This is Turkeys Peace program…….today Turkey airforce launched big atatck on several SAA sites

Breaking almasdar News SAA News site

Home Syria Turkish aircraft continue strikes against Syrian Army troops across Idlib, Aleppo Syria Turkish aircraft continue strikes against Syrian Army troops across Idlib, Aleppo By News Desk – 2020-03-02 0

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:25 A.M.) – The Turkish military continued their strikes on Monday against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in northwestern Syria, as their drones targeted several sites inside the Aleppo, Idlib, and Hama governorates. According to a field source in the Hama countryside, Turkish drones harassed Syrian military convoys, defensive positions, and gathering points, inflicting heavy damage on their forces.

While the Syrian military has imposed a no-fly-zone over the Idlib and Aleppo governorates, the Turkish Armed Forces have continued to target their positions across the northwestern region of Syria. The Syrian Army was able to shoot down at least four Turkish drones over northwestern Syria on Sunday, but not before losing two military aircraft themselves. This air war between Turkey and Syria has opened up a new phase in the war in Syria, as both Ankara and Damascus are now in open conflict inside the northwestern region of the country.

klove and light

dont trust Zionist controlled Moslem brotherhood motherfucker erdogan

dont trust treacherous Zionist pig putin


Of course mason anything for ww3,why not low intel to serve your masonic temples dream?

Hearken up frantic:


Albert Pike

Why do cut the best part out, that thing is 56min long and lands up to be about reptilians:

‘11500 years ago not much was known about the reptilian looking race other than they shared knowledge of space through time travel with other races such as the Alhoo of earth. What became apparent is their low spiritual development and disdain for anything they feel is weak, even among their own kind. As I mentioned their lives are determined by time. They are not aware of a timeless present due to their low level of conscious awareness. However, this low level of conscious awareness is superbly masked by their ability to live extremely long lives and the ease at which they can control anyone who comes into contact with them. The live on fear and are energised/empowered through this. The reptilians became the dominant controlling entity on earth because of their abilities to sustain themselves here.’ http://projectcamelotproductions.com/interviews/anglo-saxon-mission/anglo-saxon-mission.html http://projectavalon.net/lang/en/anglo_saxon_mission_en.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=12&v=rw4z-rSwNjY&feature=emb_logo‘

So this is all vodoo stuff – ala David Icke. There is only one book with a 11500 year cycle which is worth reading – the one the movie 2012 is based on – and that is this one: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16pTXGU-nMP7e91K1_yeknFmlJiSntERc/view


Is Turkey people so fool so keep having this animal as their president ?

Art Best

Turkey is a democracy. Turks elected this lying murdering psychopath.

All Turks are ‘Tayyip Erdogan.’

Even the supposed opposition support the Turkish army 100%.


not a democracy after the “coup”


May Allah protect TURKIYE!

Art Best

You Turkish monsters committed the worst crime in mankind’s history, the genocide of the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians.

You and your filthy Islamic “God” Allah who rapes children, you are only good for extermination.

Genocide the Turks and save a planet.


Caliphate is coming back! We Turk want Ottoman empire!

Art Best

You Turkish monsters committed the worst crime in mankind’s history, the genocide of the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians.

You and your filthy Islamic “God” Allah who rapes children, you are only good for extermination.


Greeks ethnically cleansed turks during the greek war of independence. Greeks and armenians did the same during the turkish war of independence.

You europeans shouldnt be talking, look what you did during the colonial years.

Jim Bim

You Turks are not human, but orcs.


You are fucking funny xD

Lone Ranger

Erdofuck is crying and raging… SAA is gaining, Turkroaches are draining ;)

Porc Halal

Hahaha…that is so true!!!…the turkish trolls are crying and raging…hahahaha…

Zionism = EVIL

Turkish delight :)

Porc Halal

Hahaha…you know what ‘rahat’ (i.e. turkish delight) means in my language?…shit…literally!!…no kidding

Zionism = EVIL

It is sugary shit, what do you expect from the turds :)

Lone Ranger

Free XXL Tampax for every hasbarat troll…;)

Tudor Miron

Poor Erdo.` Swift victory didn’t happen and losses are mounting. The more he jerks the deeper he sinks.


I guess that President Putin would be happy with a ceasefire that involves all Turkish troops and proxies returning to Turkey from ALL Syrian lands, Tudor.


Putin cannot fuck with us, he knows that Russians love our nation and dont want their vacations spoilt.

Tudor Miron

Is this why Erdogan is flying to Moscow and not the other way around? If you really think that vacation in Turkey is something important for Russian population than… well OK :) Russians love your nation? Historically Turks were playing the role of cannon toddler fighting Russia on behalf of UK.

Art Best

Fuck the Turks, and fuck the Turk lovers the Russians.

Russian women love filthy Turkish dick and dirty Turkish money.


Fuck Israel, we have our own plan and its called “greater turkey”. We our biggest power in middle east.

Art Best

Turks are an abomination.

Exterminate Turks.


Keep dreaming bitch. We beat whole world during our war of independence, nobody can top our fighting spirit. We are the warrior race.

Art Best


You only fought against the Greeks!

And the Greeks would have won the war if the Jewish Bolsheviks had not supplied arms, ammunition and food to your Donmeh Jewish Ataturk.


HAHA Greeks never beat us in any war without european aid.

Art Best

They had taken half of Turkey before the Russian scum betrayed the Christian peoples.


Yeah, killing and raping civilian women and children. They were burning all cities, villages and mosque down too. Turkish army was fighting everywhere, this is why the civilian was vunerable but when they regroup, greek shit his pants and run off.


We fuck the “spartans” LOL

Art Best

Sure, Turks are homos.


No, Spartan were this :)

Art Best

You said you fuck them.


You are a goat race


You too mason:




Art Best

Putin and the Russians BETRAYED the Syrians, Hezbollah and the Iranians.


Assad kill his own civilian, he is mad man.

Porc Halal

Jihadi turks and their terrorist proxies in syria are the real murderous here you douchebag … they have been killing the civilians … They have terrorized the syrian people since 2012 … it is time for you to leave them alone and go back in your caves, beat and abuse your wifes and children and live your miserable life without bothering others …


Typical pro assad propaganda. Fact is that he was killing his own civilians.

Porc Halal

You represent nothing but the deceiving turkish propaganda…

Porc Halal

And the so called ‘civilians’ you are talking are nothing but savage islamic state criminals!..that’s the fact!


What would happen if the jihadis took over Syria, you would see mass killings of minorities, Christians, Shia. Syrian people are used to living in a secular country

Legis Legis Juscius

how he betrayed them?rusains bombed saraqib for 2 hours, also suplied with new equipment, inteligence and special forces


How? Read Elihaj J. Magniers latest report. SAA, Iran and Hezbollah are pissed, and rightly so:



Yeah, downvote, but no argument. Keep your precious delusinal world view kid.

Art Best

This war would have been over 2 years ago if Putin and the Russians wanted it. You are responsible for at least 100-150.000 unnecessary deaths.


Different nick, same retarded and primitive antiPutin propaganda..


He is right this time. Or do you call SAA, Iran and Hezbollah high level sources Putin propagandists?



Erdogan always had a deal with Putin. They are doing joint patrol as we speak in East of the Euphtrates. The goal was to show Assad that his nothing without Putin. It’s Not SAA or anyone in that matter except Putin whos technically the de-facto leader in Damascus.

All of the ragtag SAA militias and allies whoever they are couldn’t stop the Rebels alone. They can all join forces they won’t be able to overcome the rebels without Russa and thats what happened since 2015 Assad was nearly defeated. This is the true message that has come across to everyone with a half brain once again and people realize this

Mack Dane

True, but very few posters on SF have even half a brain, as is evident from the many childish conspiracy-theory laden posts on the site.

Art Best

Another Jewish troll.

Art Best

Hasbara troll,

Putin BETRAYED the Syrians.

Hezbollah and Iran saved them.


Betrayed? Saraqeb was given to him literally but you don’t see it maybe your eye sight is not so good. All the territories you see that are red was taken solely by Putin. Assad lives today because of him

Legis Legis Juscius

not entirely true, first motnhs was the hardest for SAA and their allies, they still managed to hold 4 years agains ISIS, kurdish insurgents, USA presure, and turkish backed terorists invasion till russains came in, so its 50% russain job 50% syrian, because they are fighting on the ground


They were dying a slow death when Russia arrived and saved them literally. They couldn’t have reversed from the point they reached

Art Best

Putin is an immoral scumbag. So are most of the Russians.

Mack Dane

Hezbollah and Iran offer the world foul-smelling, unwashed barbarians who promote life as it was back in the 14th Century.


Sadly true.



yes russia want to keep syrian on leash but iran and HEZB are in syria for couterpart russia can’t play this too much if she want to stay in syria with advantage after this


lol all the 22 drones are gone ?? hahaha erdronegone want’s ceasefire i bet he still thinks that saraqeb is still under his control doesn’t know that in the few days the saa will be on jisralshugur outskirts choking the fu*k out of the turk rats from two front



Just in from Erdogan THE NEXT 180 TURN:

Erdogan: In the event that the Syrian regime forces do not withdraw to the borders that were defined by Turkey, their fate will perish


he’s being saying this for 1 month what’s the big deal ? he got his ass handed to him in saraqeb february is done he can’t do sh*t apart from few pussy drone strikes …putting turkish soldiers in front lines against 25th brigade tiger forces and hezbollah is suicide body bags in the hundreads back to ankara

Legis Legis Juscius

turkey doesnt have the power to fight against russains, they cant even defeat syrans unless their send full force


I’m certainly not an expert on Turkish public opinion. But I do understand human nature. And I’d be surprised if there was much support for the tangent that the Turkish government has gone off on with this Idlib escalation fiasco. Nobody in NATO wants to get involved in supporting the Jew’s proxy Turkish terrorists with direct military support and intervention.

The Syrian government coalition doesn’t need to attack Turkey, even if it’s clearly justified, to devastate what the Turks are doing in Idlib. There’s enough fire power available that’s been used in previous campaigns to lay waste to the entire Turkish operation in Idlib. And the Turkish military there are fair game and sitting ducks. All that the Turks will accomplish by pursuing conflict is wasting human and financial resources in a losing battle. They need to make a course correction and stop doing the Jew’s Yinon plan forever war dirty work for them.


NEVER fuck with us.


Porc Halal

We don’t fuck with you…we are actualy fucking you!

Jim Bim

Go back to Mordor and fuck your goats.


One nuclear strike on Istanbul and you are conquered.


You have been conquered from the inside. Donmeh are the undisputed masters of Turkey while you are bragging about your valour.

Lazy Gamer

Something still has to be done regarding the drones and the artillery. Im guessing there will be an approved sale of new drones to Turkey. With hands on assistance. lol At least Erdogan is now hesitating on the ground offensive.


Without Putin, we finish Syria one week MAX


Tell your brothers must not to trust gulen,or cia,or the uk,or the masonics teorrist nwo cabals, if you really care for your peoples,Do you honestly believe Your leader will forgive treachery? The law of the land is serious,not a joke for the masonics of london to reap from your blood ok!


Despite Putin’s inaction and his full intent to avoid war with the terrorist Turks to keep them happy buying Russian gas, the SAA was able to more or less withstand the full brunt of the terrorist ZioTurki airforce defending ISIS/al-Qaeda. Erdogoon must understand he and his terrorist invaders are gonna lose no matter what, even if Russia keeps trying to avoid conflict with them.


Inaction? He was always active. They were bombing Saraqeb together at one point


The RuAF was grounded on Kremlin “deescalation” orders for at least 24hrs while the SAA was under fire from Zioturk F16 and drones trying to wipe out the SAA and allies. This just happened last weekend and you shouldn’t be surprised. It was right after the 35 Turk terrorist scum were killed by a Russian airstrike.


The Russian Commondos gave order to SAA whoever leaves saraqeb will be executed


What? Turks/ISIS/al-Qaeda managed to recapture Saraqib, there were no SAA or Russian commandos there until yesterday that it was liberated again, and the operation was spearheaded by SAA/Hezbollah, not by Russian commandos.


It was spearheaded by Russia. They bombed Saraqeb and gave the order flee you die or stay and fight


Where’s the evidence?


They used Thermobaric bomb against the rebels in Saraqeeb and destroyed large sections of the city. They were eager for saraqeb. They were commited to capturing it


Whataboutism.. What shylock said was true, and totally invalidaed your claim, and then weite something totally unrelated? LOL.

Zionism = EVIL

Turkeys simply can not win, they don’t have the strategic mass on their own and no NATO nation will help them.


If Turkey and Russia go into direct conflict the world losses As awhole. Trade would stop, Nuclear winter, plus the war spreading to the middle east especially to the nuclear states joining in. It would create a massive disruption to society and may lead to the collapse of modern society

Zionism = EVIL

Believe me, it won’t go that far. The Turkeys are third world shithole that can’t even win against Syria, let alone Russia, that is why NATO even wants them to get a bloody nose as they are nuisance and not lied by anyone.


Haha we can flatten Syria in one week MAX.


A childish fantasy.


Turkey has not entered to any war. Believe me if war breaks out in the black sea region it would spread to the rest of the world as its located in a trading hub. Allies would have to enter the war (Not NATO) the war would spill into the middle east region trade stops, plus nuclear winter the crop will fail. just due to that 60-70% of the world would die not because of the direct impact but due to the nuclear winter that would follow it would create 5-10 years of unheard of starvation. Pakistan will enter on behalf of Turkey if Nuclear is used.

Great wars begin from such incidents and it spreads without any stop engulfing the world as awhole. India and Pakistan with couple of exchanges can sink the world literally and send us back 100 years in time

Swift Laggard II

Man Russii is just pathetic. Totally pathetic. To ally with them is to be doomed


Russia cannot fuck us, putin know this.

Swift Laggard II

Their problem not mine. I see them strutting all over imagining themselves to be a super power, but their behavior since the syrian intervention is just pathetic. total losers


You are the problem facist,you and your kind logistics point to you kweers, you deplorable population reduction maggots,who were crushed by turks in ww1! You have no more power losers,truth has finally caught up with you eugeddon!

Legis Legis Juscius

he can, but it will not be good for russia trade and other things, erdogan not be forever in power, so in the future diplomacy may change, nbut russia is more then enough to destroy turkey pretty quickly(thats acording to US generals)


We can do plenty of damge to Russia, Putin doesnt want to play with the fire.

Zionism = EVIL

Russia defeated you 16 times without using nukes like today, so eat your kebab and go to bed.


Our empire was extremely weak by that time. I would have liked to see them try in the 1500-1600s


Sure the Turkish Empire was strong then, but how is that relevant? You are weak now, so take heed of that and don’t start military adventures with cheques you can’t cash. Besides you are fighting for israel anyways, not for yourselves. Ataturk was a Donmeh crypto-jew (fake muslim) and so is Erdogan. Get rid of the Donmeh in your government and see sanity and wealth return.


Take heed boy listen up,Putin knows the real enemy,either way anyone who dares try to stab the true superpower of the 21st century will rather go to hell just to cool off instead! Like I said warn your brothers of the real enemys,don’t be full on frgn egotistic wanker !


No masonic kweer you and your kind are utterly pathedic,facist loser masonic of london scum!


zio troll

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