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MARCH 2025

Erdogan Confirms Upcoming Turkish Military Intervention In Syria’s Idlib Governorate

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On Saturday, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan confirmed in a speech to members in his “Justice and Development” party that major military operation is underway in Syria’s Idlib governorate.

“There is a serious operation in Syria’s Idlib today, and this will continue,” Erdogan said.

Erdogan revealed that the aim of the military operation is to secure Idlib governorate. The Turkish president stressed that Turkey “will absolutely not allow the creation of a terror corridor along our borders,”.

“We are taking new steps to ensure security in Idlib. Today there’s a serious operation in Idlib and this will continue, because we have to extend a hand to our brothers in Idlib,” Erdogan added.

According to Erdogan, the military operation will be mainly led by the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups backed by the Turkish Army. Erdogan also said that the Turkish Army didn’t enter Idlib governorate yet.

The Turkish president also said that the FSA will allegedly receive an air support from the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Meanwhile, several Leobards-2 tanks of the Turkish Army were spotted inside Turkey along the border with Idlib governorate. Moreover, Syrian opposition sources reported that the Turkish Army opened at least 3 gaps in the border wall in the northern Idlib countryside.

In the last 24 hours at least 3 or 4 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the Turkish Air Force flew over many parts of Idlib governorate, including Idlib city.

So far Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) that’s believed to be the main enemy of the Turkish Army and pro-Turkish militants has not commented on the developments on the Syrian-Turkish border. HTS will likely chose to face the Turkish Army and FSA groups in limited areas only.

Erdogan Confirms Upcoming Turkish Military Intervention In Syria’s Idlib Governorate Erdogan Confirms Upcoming Turkish Military Intervention In Syria’s Idlib Governorate Erdogan Confirms Upcoming Turkish Military Intervention In Syria’s Idlib Governorate Erdogan Confirms Upcoming Turkish Military Intervention In Syria’s Idlib Governorate Erdogan Confirms Upcoming Turkish Military Intervention In Syria’s Idlib Governorate

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jhon malakiat

really happy seeing turkey army backed FSA and HTS kill each other. I dont care who is winning. But If I may choose, I hope HTS winning and parade until turkey land..

that’s call karma..

Man Dagang

It will be surprise Karma when turkey allied fsa & Hts attacking Afrin, Manbij then Latakia & Hama…

jhon malakiat

it will be good. then turkey will aligned with terrorist HTS aka alqoida. Its good reason for Russia to attack both HTS and turkey backed FSA…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well you will be the one surprised as their already is fighting in Hadad ongoing , HTS is knocked around by other FSA groups and the other FSA have nothing in common Erdoggy FSA group. The SAA has everything in hand as there will Russians and Iranian troops deployed in the region, soon Beit Jinn will be dealt with one less pocket of vipers heard they are going to send in the 42nd Ghaith Brigade to hunt HTS in Idlib next.

Trustin Judeau

HTS have been attacking Hama for years lol


I’m sure Assad doesn’t mind a little infighting in Idlib for the time being. He has other fish to fry

MD Ranix

fsa/traitors and turks/against assad are a lethal combination to the future of syria – hts/terrorists are even worse – what can syria benefit with their presence?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Remember most are not part of Erdoggy’s FSA (Turkish), even USA has only terrorist groups HTS and Falayq al Rahaman group and Jaish al Islam. All the groups who violate the deescalation will be dealt with.

Shylo Duffy

I honestly wish I had more faith in Turkey or should I say I ve more trust in It’s President, he’s been known to be somewhat wishy washy concerning Syria, however perhaps this time things will be be better I imagine he’s finally had enough of the US saying one thing and doing another as well as treating him unfairly. He must be able to see that with Turkey the US has proven yr after yr that they have no respect for him.Meanwhile Russia Iran Syria, have treated him as a equel partner.I think the time has come when Turkey has finally pulled the blinders off realizing once and for all the US will never give him what he wants, ORneeds..

Man Dagang

Turkey shld attack PKK in Afrin & Manbij first..dont be too idiotic in following butchers putin & assad

Gavin Allen

Turkey should attack the Syrian people in their own country? Idiot.

Shylo Duffy

Putin and Assad are angels compared to the scum thats in Syria.I support Assad 1000% as should anyone who understands the facts.Those with eyes that see, know the truth and you obviously are blind.

Cheryl Brandon


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The destruction of HTS will be soon and those tanks are being deployed in case there is any funny business from the Kurds in Afrin and Manbij which only one might interfere and that’s Afrin. The AAS wiil be forced to lay down their arms as they re in the Iranian zone, Hezbollah will clear those ones out. Then the SAA will rid the other non compliant groups as they are in the Russian zone. The butchers in those areas will be dealt with and may Allah have mercy on their souls, NOT!

jhon malakiat


if you want to know why bashar assad still standing in syria, after more than 6.5 years in brutal war, you can watch those video. how assad still loved by his people.

and yes, russia, iran and hezbollah has backup assad. but without big support from his people, impossible for Assad stay in power and fighting against jihadist from 80 country and support by USA and Nato.

see this: https://youtu.be/x8xcs3Gwouw

“with blood and our soul, we sacrifice for you, Assad”

Assad is not saddam nor qaddafy. both of them is truly oppressor. so when western came to his country, his people not backup them.

Assad protect all minorities, and yes including christian. and ironic, many westerm country with christian leaders, even support the death cult terrorist to kill so many christians..

Gavin Allen

What on earth are you talking about? He’s invading Syria to murder Syrians. “Meanwhile Russia Iran Syria, have treated him as a equel partner.” – Russia has Afrin ringed with MANPADS to shoot down the Turkish airforce. Do you really think Russia would be an “equal partner” with the biggest supporter of ISIS? “he US will never give him what he wants” ??? He wants to murder people. Pull your own blinders off, ffs.

Shylo Duffy

I tried to delete this comment but wouldn’t allow it I admit I didn’t read the article I just assumed and obviously I assumed wrongly.I thought that Turkey was going in with Russia , Syria, Iran.not against I was a fool for 1 not reading 1st and 2nd assuming. My mistake.

Kira Binkley

The enemy is not Syria, or Assad.


So Turkey must now kill it’s own creation? HAHAHAHA


If we believe that , we’ll believe anything .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

HTS is US creation but the AAS are Turkey why the Turks were mad when the HTS attacked AAS factions, we all need score cards to keep track of who is who.


Yeah, I was just thinking the whole Idlib mess was created by Turkey in the past. Used to be very porous borders for arms, etc. I guess now HTS is trying to seize the arms of the other groups because they should be running low by now.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

HTS has no problems with small arms , but thy lack any heavy weapons like artillery and armor.

Gavin Allen

More attempts at genocide and ethnic cleansing from the dog Erdogan under the pretence of fighting his own terrorists. His poor boys are going to be fried in their tanks…

Shylo Duffy

I hope you’re right From what I can gather Turkey has the 3rd biggest army and it’s without a doubt that they are use to fighting I do hope however that once and for all Syria, Russia, and Iran give it their all and if the US backers continue terrorizing I pray they get what they so deserve.

Cheryl Brandon

I suspect Erdogan is lying. Russia will never air support to FSA! Russia asked Turkey to man the de escalation zones so, ii they trip up; Russia will intervene .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That’s already happening sorry, but all three zones need securing now to get rid of the US and their proxy forces. There are 3 deescalation zones in Idlib being MAINTAINED BY RUSSIA,IRAN and TURKEY the sooner these are in place the better. They need to put an end to US game playing as they will try any excuse at the next UN meeting.

Kira Binkley

Looks to me like it’s America vs. the world. About time, world, to fight back!!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US is trying to put so many plans in to effect, they destroyed Yugoslavia and Ukraine as they were worried about stronger economic ties growing within Europe and possible Asia and the Middle East. This countries could have been able to supplant the US economy, they would’ve been gaining economic parity and upsetting the US “apple cart’ quite a bit sooner .

Kira Binkley

The Turks have always wanted to “…establish justice…” in Syria. Same kinda excuse the stupid Yanks use. I’d love for Erdogan to try to “…establish justice…” in America!!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

3 zones all controlled by Russia ,Iran and Turkey in Idlib so how are Turkey going to do anything they have two enemies who can wipe them out to contend with and not talking about Iran and Russia.

Kira Binkley

I guess we’ll just have wait and see.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This will get rid of some of the Turkish FSA and take out the Al Qaeda/HTS (US)there and need to work on the AAS/Al Qaeda(Turk) next hope Hezbollah is sent in to deal with them. They are all referred to as AQI or Al Qaeda International.

Kira Binkley

Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Gotta keep Trump in confusion.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Keeping Trump confused is not the problem , think he was born confused. Keeping the Neo-Con think tanks,Mid East policy wonks and Generals all confused is the important thing.They have some of the most egotistically bright and stupid minded people in the world, which makes them dangerous that will work on every angle of approach to this.

Kira Binkley

But Trump must be gotten rid of, so we can wage war on the real enemy. The vile entanglement of Leftism and global deep state.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Trump isn’t the problem and neither is he the solution, this the Neo-Con agenda which is what the left and Rinos morphed into, they are happy as long as they are getting their kickbacks. The deep state is something that rose it’s head at the inception of the US and every other nation and has continued to expand and grow.

Kira Binkley

Let me put it this way: Trump is A problem. Just one of them. Got to get rid of him.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Thing is better to leave him there as he is everybody’s nightmare and he is better at exposing them by his buffoonery.

The other more dangerous man is Mike Pence due to his unpredictability, and his deep links to Aipac and Israel along with the CIA, he is more part of the establishment than Trump will ever be.

Kira Binkley

Trump has become a problem to me, personally. In his zeal to attempt to raise the image of the U.S. in the eyes of the world, he is endeavoring to trap “The Ghost”, using me.

Kira Binkley

Don’t know about Pence. But I’m not particularly against AIPAC nor Israel as some are.

Trump, however, with his singular and perverted goal to attempt to raise America’s image in the eyes of the world, is a menace. He fails to look forward and use long term strategy, as some others do, notably Putin.

And in his zeal to further America’s interests, he WILL cause future problems. Can’t you see that? And in America now, there are no restraints on the office of the presidency. In fact, the Deep State elements in America’s government are helping him.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Politicians are acting like that everywhere it’s just not a local US phenomenon , they are growing braver as people are too secluded in their tiny worlds. They seem to have no care until it affects them, until then it’s same old same old, garbage in garbage out.

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