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Erdogan Could Face Arrest In Sweden After Officially Being Accused Of Genocide

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Originally appeared at TheAntiMedia.org

Marking the first time Sweden country has ever lodged a complaint against a head-of-state, this week five members of parliament (MPs) from the Scandinavian country officially accused Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of genocide.

Erdogan Could Face Arrest In Sweden After Officially Being Accused Of Genocide

The MPs’ complaint alleges Erdogan has committed war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity against the Kurdish majority in Turkey’s southeast region since a truce between the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and government forces fell apart in 2015.

The official complaint was filed in the Swedish International Public Prosecution Offices. If that department decides to move forward with an investigation, warrants could be issued for the arrest of Erdogan and several other Turkish officials, such as Prime Minister Binali Yildirim.

MP Carl Schlyter says he likes the idea of Erdogan potentially having limited freedom of movement in his part of the world and hopes neighboring countries will follow suit:

“If [Mr Erdogan] is hindered from roaming around in Europe and influencing European countries the way he wants, then I hope that this will affect his politics.”

Such a move against President Erdogan was only made possible by a Swedish law passed in 2014 that allows the country to hold and judge its own court cases involving genocide and crimes against humanity, regardless of where those crimes took place.

“Anyone, who in order to completely or partially destroy a national or ethnic group of people” kills or causes serious pain or injury is “guilty of genocide,” the legislation reads.

The PKK, which originally sought an independent homeland for Turkey’s 15 million Kurds, launched its insurgency back in 1984. Since that time, an estimated 40,000 people, mostly Kurds, have died in the conflict.

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Fake news propaganda from Israel.

G Dean VanGaya

The Kurds have offered to, and actually are working with Damascus already. The YPG is setting up local, democratic councils where the councilors are majority arab in arab towns. They are for direct democracy and self-defense. If Assad unites with the revolutionary Kurds then Syria will easily expel Israel. The Kurds have been an oppressed people just like the Palestinians and have no interest in doing anything but fighting the likes of Zionism. The Kurds could easily be the biggest challenge to Israel if they can get Erdogan off their backs. But you, with your blind hate of the jews, can’t be strategic enough to see how to actually defeat Zionism. You are the enemy against Zionism Stephen, your armchair reactionary blindness is the thing standing in the way of the defeat of Zionism.


Syrians would rather trust Turks than the treacherous Kurds. Once bitten twice shy. YPG are rank opportunists. Iranian Persians know what the Kurds are like. The Iraqi Arabs do too. The Turkish of course know having being the victims of PKK terrorism for many years. If the Syrians do what they say, they will fall into a trap, and will have cut off an important ally, Turkey. Turkey is proving a thorn in Israel’s side. The Jews have an anti-Turkey campaign going on, and this Swedish stunt is the latest example of that. What will come next? More fake videos of “Turks” committing atrocities? Kurds have been exposed as oppressors, killing Arabs and turning them out of their homes in ethnic cleansing. Kurds have been oppressed people like Palestinians? LOL.


Oppressed by who? Assad and his father? And you think Assad should side with these “victims”? They, the targets of atrocity propaganda cooked up by the Israelis, should team up with the people who have been used against them?

These events show the Zionists are struggling hard right now. Their biggest threats to their plan of Yinon Oded are the Turkish. The Turkish are good fighters, unlike the SAA. They cannot be easily conquered. The Russians respect the Turkish. The Russians will arm them to the teeth to make them untouchable. The Russians need to court the Turkish because Turkey is a strategic country in this NATO-Russia conflict. Gaining Turkey as an ally is a big coup for Russia.


Turkey is also influential in the Middle East. As a Sunni nation, it has important links with Qatar. Qatar has influence with the different militias in Syria. Turkey too exerts a lot of influence in Syria. Many militia groups have Turks in them.

So Turkey is a key nation.

The Jews use racism of people to whip up anti-Turkish sentiment. Divide and conquer. However, I doubt this will work. Turks are very territorial and loyal to their people. They are very nationalistic.

Erdogan was a fool to go along with the Coalition to invade Syria. But he finally put two and two together and worked out Turkey would not gain anything from doing this. They would help their enemy, the Kurds, get stronger. Now, he won’t go back to what he was doing.


And Assad has gained a new ally. The priority is to get all the Kurdish-controlled land back. Assad doesn’t want to face the militias. He just wants to deal with ISIS. But the Turkish will do the dirty work.

He can thank them and reward them later – this is not important.

The priority is to make the US-puppet coalition collapse.

What the Kurdish will try and do is to get areas populated with majority Kurdish. But this will be hard to do. The Turks and Arabs are uniting. They recognize the Kurds as a common threat. Some groups are slow to come around. But it’s happening.


Without a political mandate, the Kurds have no right to say they are the legitimate government of any area.

If there is a dispute, it will come down to a vote. Therefore. it’s important the Arabs and Turks hold their ground, and don’t let the Kurds push them out of their homes and drive them to other places.

The Kurds are playing dirty. They have no right to claim any part of Syria as their own. The country is mixed ethnically. There is no exclusive Kurdish area. So the Kurds are probably working hard “preparing” the area so that they can claim it is “Kurdish”.

Therefore, it is in Assad’s interests to work with the Turkish. They have a common interest. Assad had better not mess up. He has a lot of allies. He should be grateful.

G Dean VanGaya

Do they need a mandate to hold local and regional elections all over N. Syria? To allow people to govern themselves, or do they first have to ask Damascus if they allow towns’ people to govern themselves? They need the permission of the ruling dynasty to have more democracy?


No foreigners are allowed to hold elections and act as if they own the government.


YOU ARE A MOST STUPID IDIOT OF A FOOL… Blaming kurds for everything , ignoring oppression of kurds for the last 100 years while IGNORING turkish govt who loves the israeli govt from which all together caused millions of syrians to flee and thousands to die !! And you will sit there talk about a few villages Kurds have been displacing.

Get your head out of the ground!

Stupid ASS !

if the arabs persians and turks did not push the kurds to edge and destruction of their culture , some kurds would not be manipulated by the devil.

But you keep ignoring that NO Persian Turkish Syrian GOVT ever allowed a KURDISH SCHOOL to be built ran by Kurdish Language centers and taught History, TRUE HISTORY ! And blame the kurds and say they are not like the palestinian case?? What right kurds have that kept them dignified as to not rebel? When your stupidities are stuck, You go on crying and blaming the kurds!


Jonathan Cohen

Language and culture are minor details beside ABORTION RIGHTS! History can be pretty important though.


Antifas do not have the right to impose their cultural Marxism on others. The last time Gentiles listened to them and let these antifas take over their government, 66 million of their people ended up being killed. Abortion is not accepted in many countries because it is considered murder. Do not impose your belief systems on others. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7893b725a257adba9a9468bab8686b5f4e8690465821609319e72e9d2fe83901.jpg


I don’t even know what Antifas is but from Solzhenitsyn I know

“If I would care to generalise, and to say that the life of the Jews in the camps was especially hard, I could, and would not face reproach for an unjust national generalisation. But in the camps where I was kept, it was different. The Jews whose experience I saw – their life was softer than that of others.”

The idiot hated the Jews because they had gotten a soften pillow in Gulag ?

In our country (Russia) the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State.


Don’t be stupid. Don’t use favorite Jews’ tool: strawman. He hates Jews because Jews killed 66 million Russians, Ukrainians, Latvians, Tatars, etc. Don’t pretend you don’t know Solzhenitsyn said that. Of course you would know what antifa is, you’re one of them.


Stop spamming every place with “ABORTION RIGHTS!”, you homicidal maniac.


Whatever. Even the USA who don’t like the Turkish call Kurdish PKK terrorists. PKK terrorists are helping the Kurdish militias right now. Blaming the Kurds for committing terrorism is the right thing to do. Supporting the Kurds is the same as supporting ISIS. Kurds are no angels. They have their hands deep in Armenian blood. Go and cry to the Armenians about how horribly the Kurds are oppressed. They will laugh in your face. Your sympathy for the Kurds is very fake. Next you will bring up Atrocity Propaganda. And Turkish have changed sides now. They are opposing the USA which caused millions of Syrians to flee and thousands to die!! through their support of ISIS and anti-Assad “moderate rebels”. Keep up with the news. Kurds say Israel is their friend now; they’re no friends of Palestinians. Do not bring up Palestinians and Kurds in the same breath. Kurds will let Syrian Arabs suffer the same fate as the Palestinians if they are allowed to succeed in their betrayal of their fellow Syrians. And not all Kurds support these Kurdish puppet groups; many are on Assad’s side. Why would they do that if they are so “oppressed”?

Jonathan Cohen

There might be a point about Armenians, I don’t know.


Whatever. Even the USA, who don’t like the Turkish, call Kurdish PKK terrorists. PKK terrorists are helping the Kurdish militias right now. Blaming the Kurds for committing terrorism is the right thing to do. Supporting the Kurds is the same as supporting ISIS. Kurds are no angels. They have their hands deep in Armenian blood. Go and cry to the Armenians about how horribly the Kurds are oppressed. They will laugh in your face. Your sympathy for the Kurds is very fake. Next you will bring up Atrocity Propaganda. And Turkish have changed sides now. They are opposing the USA who “caused millions of Syrians to flee and thousands to die!!” through its support of ISIS and anti-Assad “moderate rebels” … Keep up with the news.


Kurds say Israel is their friend now; they’re no friends of Palestinians. Do not bring up Palestinians and Kurds in the same breath. Kurds will let Syrian Arabs suffer the same fate as the Palestinians if they are allowed to succeed in their betrayal of their fellow Syrians. And not all Kurds support these Kurdish puppet groups; many are on Assad’s side. Why would they do that if they are so “oppressed”?


When you insult any other person with any word, please look yourself in the mirror and you will find that person.


I assumed you were just a regular redneck, but I got you are just another Turkish bítc, it like the Great Putin said “You are an idiot then the Jews are to be blame”


Nothing wrong with being Turkish, you stupid racist.


The wrong thing is not to admit your people did something wrong in the past. Turkey people are beautiful people but not try to hid what is impossible to hid. Turkey support terrorism and had oil business with terrorists, that is why Er-DOG-an got mad with Russia and shot one russian plane. Right now, Turkey has taken north Syria land and will try to keep it.


Why are you so fixated on the Turkish? Why do you dwell on this event that was perpetrated by Jewish Turks and Kurds and Turkish? What do you want the Turkish to do? You want them to go back to Turkey and let the Jews take over Syria? The Jews who killed 66 million Russians, Latvians and Ukrainians?

You’re mad at the Turkish because they mucked up Jewish plans for Syria, aren’t you? You have a mission to talk up Atrocity Propaganda against the Turks, don’t you? For your masters in Tel Aviv. There has been a rash of Jews on South Front talking up the Jewish-orchestrated Armenian Genocide, an event that happened 100 years ago. What has this got to do with Syria right now?


Almost every nation has something they have done wrong. Why are you focusing on Turkey? Why is the ZOG world picking on Turkey right now? The Turkish peoples are people with the least guilt among the pantheon of nations with genocide on their hands in modern history. In contrast, the Jewish Nation has the guilt of the Armenian Genocide on their hands. They have the guilt of the Holodomor Genocide in which 7 million Ukrainians perished; they have the guilt of the genocide of 60 million Russian people under the Jewish Bolshevik communist government of the USSR. They have the guilt of 2 million German women and children raped at the end of the Second World War by Soviet soldiers. http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=77kna The Young Turks and Donmeh – Jewish people who lived in Turkey who orchestrated the Armenian Genocide


They have the guilt of the holocaust of 1 million German POWs who died in the death camps of Eisenhower. They have the deaths of untold millions of Middle Easterners and North Africans (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria etc) after the 9/11 false flag tactical nuking of the Twin Towers and WTC 7, which started the so-called War on Terror. They have the guilt of the deaths of 10,000 Americans in the 9/11 false flag tactical nuking of America (3,000 immediate deaths from the tactical nuking, 1,000 already dead from cancer, 6,000 who have cancer now and will die from it in the future). Do you want more? Link: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/749aad46f28ae95e2cbacd41d1c2789cc283e313e681f94631a1dba524f84f20.jpg http://edition.cnn.com/2016/08/15/health/september-11-cancer-diagnoses/index.html and https://apunked.wordpress.com


Learn about the Armenian Genocide. Here: http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=95;

One commentator says: “Everybody should know that Armenians rebelled and joined the ranks of the invading Russian Army fighting against us.

Wearing Russian uniforms they betrayed the Turks who had lived with them peacefully for centuries and hit them in the back.

So it was just for Turks to move Armenian population to other locations for strategic reasons.

Turkey was fighting for its survival. It was being constantly attacked and invaded from all sides. Everyone should understand this …” Continued below:


“… Also it is a fact that you should admit the Armenians committed many atrocities against Turkish population together with the advancing and invading armies.

But for you Christians and Westerners, Armenian blood is much more precious Than Turkish Muslim blood. So you are completely biased against Turks in favor of the Armenians in this issue.

I suggest you to be more objective in this matter. Admit the fact that both sides suffered and must repent and apologize each other for what they did.” http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=95;

Armenians’ hands were not clean. They were like the SDF: traitors to their host nation who wanted to bring in and help the outside enemy. Kurdish people should watch out. Arabs may wreak revenge on them later. A blood feud may start. There are more Arabs than Kurds. Turks are also part Arab. Turks and Arabs are against backstabbing Kurds.

G Dean VanGaya

Yes Assad and his father kept Syrian Kurds from owning land, from having Syrian passports, from growing vegetables, would shoot Kurds down in their streets, etc. The NE of Syria was treated like an internal colony where Syria took up to %40 of it’s GDP from the rich grain, cotton and oil fields, but didn’t allow them to grow vegetables to industrialize, etc. But their Alawite area got every kind of factory and could hold out as it’s own self sufficient territory for years if it needed to.


I agree in most of what you are saying. However, Turky is a genocidal country (Armenia) that can not be trusted and still is a member of NATO. I am sure Russia is very careful about all of this.


Don’t be stupid. Tell me how more genocidal Turkey is compared to UK, France, Netherlands and the US, also members of NATO. Hmmm?


You can not use the madness of other persons to justify your own madness. Of course, USA, France , England, Portugal, Israel….all of them have committed genocide, one way or another ( just read the Tanah and you will enter in shock). Do no try to kill your friend just because a serial killer killed 500 children… do not do that please. Sooner or later each nation has to pay for its own madness, small of big.


Kurdish have also genocided people, you idiot.

Jacek Wolski



Waaahhh … You anti-Turkish or something???? Yinon Oder plan getting wrecked by the Turkish??? So frustrated Jewish screeching? More evidence Jews are RACISTS.

Jacek Wolski

I love Turkey, just not over cooked ?

Jacek Wolski



Stop dwelling on ANCIENT HISTORY. Turkey and Russia are friends now. Turkey and Russia are going Kurdish-puppet hunting. Keep UP!

G Dean VanGaya

Yes, Kurds are clearly an oppressed.people. To say otherwise is ridiculous when whole kurdish cities are being bulldozed to.the ground.


What are you talking about? Which “Kurdish cities” do you mean?

G Dean VanGaya

http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/kurds-displaced-historic-quarter-southeast-turkey-amid-reconstruction-plan-702192398 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurdish_villages_depopulated_by_Turkey



suggested reading for you http://ekurd.net/iraqi-kurdistan-sold-2017-05-23 another one is please google these 2 phrases separately and you will be surprised… first “kurdish land grab” and second one “al-kindi hospital kurdish betrayal” That should put things in perspective for you my friend.


Nobody denies that the Kurds have been wronged, that’s a historical fact. However, Kurds have time and again betrayed the Syrian people. There have also been instances of forced ethnic migrations, which has alienated many Arabs. The referendum to claim Syrian land, back channel dealings with ISIS and coalition to gain Kurdish majoritymajority. You’ll be surprised that Sinjar, which was “liberated” by Kurds, why do Yazidis rather want to join Iraqi PMU instead of YPG? The Kurds simply lost the goodwill when they changed sides to back stab Syria with the help of the enemies.

G Dean VanGaya

How did they backstab? The SAA left the NE for dead to ISIS so the SAA could focus on the defense of Western Syria. Did the Kurds backstab by surviving, by taking US arms instead of Daesh shovels for their own mass graves? By liberating a third of the country from ISIS, by dying in the thousands fighting ISIS to free the city-prisons of DAESH? The Kurds in Syria weren’t even allowed to have Syrian passports, weren’t allowed to own land, were attacked by government forces. The Kurds were dirt poor, how are they ‘the Jewish plot’?!!

The YPG are barely getting light mortars from the Americans, while the US gives ISIS Al-Nusra, etc., SAMs and TOWs every year. US Senators told Flint Arthur just last month, that they will drop this democractic left wing YPG bull shit as soon as they can. Now that the US looks like an anti ISIS hero, instead of the creator of ISIS they will drop the Kurds. But the Kurds are crazy organized, because they have an advanced direct democracy, despite not having electricity, no agricultural equipment (Daesh/Turkey destroyed almost all of it), almost no electricity, almost no fuel. They have been blockaded, with no one helping them other than US special forces giving them AKs, machine guns and light mortars.

The YPG formed as an a small activist organization in the streets after the 2004 attack by Syrian forces in Kurdish cities. You people simply have no historical time line for your commentary. You are ignorantly cheering for Turkey, which actually is confirmed for having sponsored the invasion and destruction of Syria. Turkey is now building an occupation wall in N. Syria while it indiscriminately bombs Syrian refugee camps (it is doing that all TODAY!!), and still you cheer for Erdogan as the saviour from the ‘zionist plot’. You are ridiculous!! There is no proof of this mass de-camping of actual, non-islamo-fascist arabs. But anyone can go and watch hours and hours of video of Arab councils democratically running their own towns mere weeks and months after YPG liberates them from being an open-air ISIS/Turkish prison camp. Despite everyone being against them, the YPG is strong, they are against all states and domination. If Damascus worked with them, which it already is a little, and united forces to create self-defense forces constituted by the Syrian people themselves, as governed by direct democratic councils by the Syrian people (this is what the PYD and TEV-DEM are already doing), not Ba’athists bureaucrats and politicians who failed miserably in protecting the country (you think they couldn’t have stopped the gangs at the borders before they reached a full occupation of Aleppo?! The reports are that at first, gangs, coming across the border in dribs and drabs, not as an invading army juggernaut, but as a policing and armed border guard matter. Why didn’t the Syrian police and border guards stop these armed thugs coming across in a few trucks here and there? How do these gangs travel over 100 km all the way into Aleppo, stopping to rob people and shops along the way, and then take the biggest, most important city in the country?!!

READ! READ the history, then use logic.

Jonathan Cohen

Do these arab councils respect abortion rights? they had better because democracy is not enough without human rights, especially ABORTION!!!!


Abortion is murder. In Abrahamic religions murder is a sin and abortion is outlawed.

Jonathan Cohen

Therefore abrahamic religions are evil and should be carpet bombed.

G Dean VanGaya

All the three monotheisms’ ‘holy’ books – the Koran, Bible and Torah are full of violence. All those religions are crimes against humanity, clearly.


It not what it’s written what it’s counts but the contemporary interpretation. Stoning is the preferred capital punishment in old and new testament. When the last time you hear being applied in Judaism or Christianity ? (In Judaism stoning was abolish 1900 years ago and capital punishment 1350 years ago)



Abraham was Jewish and Christian was spin off and Islam was shady plagiarist copy. So disgusting antisemitic, say it the Jewish depended religion. By the way it’s bullshit in Israel abortion is allowed. it’s only your Turko-neck interpretation that is wrong.

G Dean VanGaya

That remains to be seen. I personally wish the Kurds would keep more control than they are, as they are clearly more committed to womens’ rights. I saw a video of an arab dominated council from Taraq (filmed probably under just 3 weeks after the YPG/YPJ liberated it) the other day and there was one token woman, in full hijab there at the council, which is night and day from the Kurdish towns in the East where women are often the majority participants, have their own women’s rights councils, and armed women go door to door all over the towns, telling women of their rights, reminding them that they don’t have to put up with any patriarchal BS anymore, that the law is for women to abort if they like, to report male abusers, to report any child marriages, etc., and have the men brought to town courts IMMEDIATELY. The whole world, let alone, the Middle East needs more Kurdish occupation!.. I almost think it’s too bad their revolutionary philosophy doesn’t allow them to occupy. But by the revolutionary Kurdish example, if their example isn’t continually blockaded by misinformation, they will change the middle east, and the world. Turkey has admitted to itself that they can’t so easily invade the Kurds because the Turkish occupation of Syria has started to build a wall in Idlib, Syria with guard towers, so it looks like they don’t think they can pull off an invasion of Efrin right away… But instead will hide in their occupation of N.Syria behind the walls and probe and wait for a chance to invade more of Syria.


What about the baby in the womb does it not have human rights where is his/her choice Abortion is a disgusting practice i wish ISIS would do a suicide bombing in your house take out the trash so to speak.

Jonathan Cohen



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Any number of people that Gentiles are accused of killing pales to the number of people killed by Jews. Holodomor – genocide of 7 million Gentiles by Jewish Bolshevik communist government of USSR in Ukraine. This was a man-made famine in 1932-33. This article just lets you know that the Swedish are vassals of the Jewish cabal. They will allow themselves to be manipulated into speaking the hypocritical language of the Jews. They will ignore the real holocausts done by the Jews, such as the genocide of 66 million Russians, Latvians, Ukrainians and other Gentiles during their reign of terror in the USSR.


@Putin Please remove or kill this disgusting antisemitic, like you said “You are an idiot then the Jews are to be blame” https://youtu.be/8mKe81Gs4FY?t=142

Real Anti-Racist Action

People who blame National Socialist for everything are anti-Japetic-bigots. People who claim Jews are responsible for nothing are anti-Human-bigots. The Jewish Talmud itself says that Jew not longer have to kill Animals, cause they have killed enough Goyim’s for 1,000 years of atonement of sin. The Jewish-master-race theory is a racist philosophy that needs to die out. http://realjewnews.com/


I am just anti-criminal Jews as all human beings should be including Jews. And I love Semites. Palestinians are very nice people, lovely – no problem with Palestinians whatsoever. White people, the Ashkenazi, even stole Palestinians’ racial and ethnic identity; not just their land. Now the Ashknenazim go around saying they’re Arabs: poor them, suffering oppression from the white people. HAHAHA. Using the Palestinians’ race as a cover so that they can use the racism card and oppress non-whites, the Palestinians. Very slick and very sick.


You are have points on some but have you got nothing else to do but write 100 comments.. I am Armenian Georgian Kurd, so i dont need to cry to Armenians about kurdish dilemma which i personally live and You are ALL TALK! How many palestinians lost their language and recognized as non existent( israelis at least call them arabs or palestinians), how many of them never had even 1 school built, or had their cartoon kids channels shut down , how many palestinian countries are divided in to 4 differeent nations and abused oppressed by them and labelled terrorist even way BEFORE PKK idiot… HOW MANY NATIONS in the world are there where 4 nations opress collaboratively to exterminate the culture !!?? Kurds have been fighting since 1923 where were your precious palestinians stupid fool? Kurds give their laments for them but them for us?? oh no …erDOGan CIA Israeli puppet along with frenchy lover iranian govt loves to demonizze Kurds and now they are against Israel?? WHAT FAKE world you live in? Israeli Airforce has 4 seasonal trainings in TURKEY !!! every year.. Turks israelis usa saudi quatar were just yesterday together and you think TURKEY CHANGED COLORS?? you must be watching TV 24 hourss.. We muslim Kurds will fight and beat them stupid arabs and protect the rest as they have NEVER helped us be…

SHUT UP until you live in our shoes ! I still cant speak my language without being labeled terrorist in TR and soon TR will be destroyed INSALLAH! Glory to true Islam, Russia!!


Ah, shut up. The Kurds are fine. In Turkey, they can live like normal people, speak whatever language they like. Same in Iran. Whole areas are dominated by Kurds. Iranian government leaves them alone. They can speak whatever goddamn language they want, they can wear traditional Kurdish clothes, and indulge in as much Kurdish culture as they desire. No one gives a fug. So long as they don’t do terrorism, they are left alone. Don’t know much about Syria, but as far as I know, Assad is a good guy, and so was his father. Iraqi Kurds are the same. They’re a bunch of communists who want everything for free, and they don’t want to work for it. These Kurds have the commie disease bad. They are being used by the Jews. They had better wake up, otherwise they will be forever a marginalized rootless people, never settled, always resentful and bitter, whining about persecution, just like the Jews.


You see Stephen, you came to right place for you, here you may sound moderate even, almost normal. Erdogan is an unwanted béitch.


Stop having nightmares with Israel!


FO Israel. Israel is a terrorist state of Benjanyahu.


How old were you when you were submitted to brainwashing through lobotomy ??


Es comun pensar que todas gente que viene a hablar en disqus son personas adultas en su pleno facultade cognitivas, pero el chiste es que Stephen es un loco de atar que vive en Turquía, y en lugar de gente lo traten le dieron Internet e externalización el tratamiento a tu y a mi. No te olvides., no lo tomes en serio ? Lo peor de esto me parece es que es el futuro de Internet. Lo mas divertido con el es dar libertad a tu razonamiento, el ni siquiera tiene uno.


Sé muy bien que la mayoría son niñatos que desde pequeños les han enseñado a apuntar el dedo al malo de la historia que siempre suele ser el mismo, el culpable de todos los males del mundo desde la época bíblica. A mucha gente en estos foros y en otros donde también te veo a ti, les han enseñado a memorizar pero no a pensar por sí mismos. Una pena pero de vez en cuando me gusta picarles! En fin, que se le va a hacer. Shalom Shabat!


He possible was submitted to electric shock therapy, or living a Turkish jail like in the Midnight Express movie.


I going to see the important movie The Promise (2016) about Armenian Genocide.


I saw it last week, pretty interesting though! Yes, I do recommend it.


You can watch the video about the Holodomor, the Ukrainian genocide in which 7-14 million Ukrainian people were killed at the hands of the Jewish Bolsheviks. Right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afVdnbMd6gA HARVEST OF DESPAIR (1984) And who were the architects of the Armenian Genocide? The Jewish Young Turks. And who did they send out to massacre the Armenians? Kurds.


Terror party, Turkey the unwanted bétch is also invited. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/29b9e1d67b3e5ced5889c36b19b3793de49f4fb365146faec05d2038466823d1.jpg


FO, you are from Israel grown up on our charity.

Israel should be screwed up deep inside in Israel to retreat them from Golan Heights and from whole Palestinian land.

Jacek Wolski

FO, you are from Mars grown up on our charity.

Mars should be screwed up deep inside in Mars to retreat them from Uranus Heights and from whole Uranus land.

Jacek Wolski

Uranus is a terrorist state of Al-Uranus.


Yes, you are right, but any way, Turkey is a genocide country (Armenian). However, specifically why Er-DOG-an is a genocide, I have not idea.


FO you are from Israel.

Jacek Wolski

For you are from Uranus.




Better COL!


Finally a country has the guts to say it like it is, without all that rubbish of the geopolitical importance of Turkey. A crime against humanity is a crime against humanity, even when committed by or in order of a loud mouthed turkish bully.

Wish that the Netherlands had the guts.


Guts? What guts does it take? Are they afraid of the Turkish? Or are they afraid of Israel? How many countries bow down to Israel and make Holohoax denial a crime? Politically correct Swedish that bend over and takes in any refugees the Zios order to them are brave? LOL. Even Poland and Hungary say no to immigrants. Sweden and Germany have been gelded a long time ago. Everyone knows those countries are cucks.


They are afraid of the “political correct” idiots from the left and the turkish (and dutch) islamo fascists crying islamophobia everytime they are reproached for being anti democrat, anti christian, islamofascist, antisemite etc.

Moral fibre is lacking in several countries, often including my own.


Genocide trumps Islamophobia in the Politically Correct World of the Hypocrites. Every PC tard should know that. No risk to Sweden for whipping out the genocide card.

The Farney Fontenoy

This is laughable, Erdogan should have his ‘movements’ limited …but ISIS mass murderers are welcomed with open arms to Sweden & even given cash to help them ‘settle in’ …Sweden is a pathetic joke.


Erdogan is a rat, no shit. He must be prosecuted, right? If he is a war criminal, then what the fuck is every US President since Johnson, with the possible exception of Carter? Bush, Cheney and Rummy makes Erdogan look like a choir boy. Along comes Obama and he tries to outdo Bush…now we have another psycho, Trump. Just start adding up their victims and see who killed the most. Then there is the torture, summary executions and on and on. Where is Sweden’s outrage there? This story sounds like a western screw job…not that Erdogan doesn’t deserve it. We won’t even begin to mention the infrastructures, economies and futures that have been destroyed by the west…and lets not forget the worst of the lot, the instigator, Israel.


I support Sunni Kurds not Communist terrorists Fuck Abdullah Ocalan Freedom for Kurdish Muslims death to the Commies.

gfsdyughjgd .

Sweden must hand over Erdogan to Amercan and ISIS gay marines to be rape for create terrorism with Saudi Arabia Barbaric Salmon fish.Erdogan has cause too many atrocities against Libians,Iraqis,Syrians,Yemen,Afganistan and have betrayed Qatar with his Nato/Saudi,USA coalition just for Sunni interest oil and gas pipeline.From Qatar via Syrian FSA=ISIS terotery of Deir Ezzor.


Erdogan has changed sides. Keep UP!!! America is 100x worse than Turkey. It’s clear you are biased.

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