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MARCH 2025

Erdogan: Iran Cannot Leave Assassination Of Soleimani Unanswered

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Erdogan: Iran Cannot Leave Assassination Of Soleimani Unanswered


It will be wrong to leave the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Qods Force of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, unanswered, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told CNN Turk.

“I believe the killing of any commander from the top echelons of any country should not be left without a response,” the Turkish President said commenting on the developments around the Soleimani’s assassination.

Erdogan added  that in the recent phone call he asked US President Donald Trump to “refrain from escalation with Iran.”

“It is crucial now to take control of the crisis which might cause harm to all the parties concerned,” Erdogan noted.

On January 3, Major General Qassem Soleimani as well as Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units, and several other Iraqi and Iranian officers were killed by US strikes on the Iraqi capital of Bahdad. The US attac, seen by Iran as an act of war, put the entire region on the brink of a new large-scale military conflict.

On January 5, the Iraqi Parliament voted to expel US forces from the country and close airspace for the US-led coalition. Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi also revealed that on the day of the assassination Soleimani arrived in Baghdad under an official request from the Iraqi government. He was expected to receive de-escalation proposals from Saudi Arabia. This initiative was reportedly supported by US President Donald Trump during a phone call with the Iraqi Prime Minister.


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Hasbara Hunter

Erdogan appears to be with’m Muslims…Smokescreens slowly vanish…the AngloZioNazis are done in the Middle East….Unity among All Muslims is a good thing…Strong Fist against the Empire of Evil


once iraq grows a backbone and tells the unhinged states of A that you built the base without our approval so you are free to take it with you but off you go. and once the unhinged bastards are evicted more will follow and iran and turkey can deal with israel 7 ways from monday having them squatters pushing up daisies before long and never to return.

Franz Josef Kunz

You could say that Vietnamese had a backbone, Iraq is hopelessly weak and not willing or even able to fight the occupiers. The Pentagon planners know it, so the troops will stay as long as it is in the “national interest” of the most exceptional country in the world.


well the delusion is ripe in washington dc and I actually think it’s the most unexceptional country in the world – give me one example of their exceptionality or say something they’ve done that no one else have done – and do not forget to put together the millions f dead and starved in the wake of exceptionalistan’s progress in the world or the zillion of peoples lives they’ve ruined in the name of their own hubris

Franz Josef Kunz

That’s exactly what I meant, I guess you missed the attempt at sarcasm in my post. Sorry.

Debunking Arrogance

You don’t understand what is going on in Libya. Do some in-depth research.

Hasbara Hunter

Good idea…can you send me some links with some in-depth research…I bet you got some interesting links…thanks in advance

Liberal guy

U sultan of the so called ottoman empire 2.0 playing on both the sides.carefull about Libya outcome can be very dangerous for ur modern janissaries

Debunking Arrogance

He is right about Libya. Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, and Egypt want to overthrow the Muslim Brotherhood government of Libya based in Tripoli. Russia is siding with them because of the lucrative oil deals that Khalif Haftar promises Moscow.

Turkey’s military deployment to Libya is a good thing for the Muslim world, both shiites and sunnies. No muslim should side with the Saudis. You have only to identify the side that Saudi Arabia belongs to to identify the enemy camp against muslims. I am a sunni, but I understand that right now, the Saudis are the most dangerous Nation to both Muslims and Americans. Had it not be for Turkey’s intervention in 2015, Qatar would be like yemen today.

Yes Turkey did make mistakes in the past. but it is clear now taking an independent move from the US. the 2016 coup attempt was a dangerous US policy in towards Turkey, and that wound will not heal as long as Erdogan is in power.

Saudi Arabia and its allies needs to be stopped in Libya, and I think Turkey is equal to the task. Russia isn’t sending any international force because they are backing the wrong guy instead of Libya’s UN-recognized government.


If you look at the map, it’s already too late.

Peter Jennings

The Iranian admin should be very wary of a nato member encouraging them to strike out at the US and nato, of which Turkey is still a member.

Let Turkey formally leave nato and then trust them.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i agree mister erdogan, but when the shit hits the fan, who will you side with?


The Zionists killed 9 Turks on Mavi Marmara and what did this two faced hypocrite do? NOTHING!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

seems like Iran is the only one that actually stands up for itself


That is why Iran is a thorn for US and Zionists.

Xoli Xoli

That shit call Erdogan want to be update about what’s the next move.Just inform his Goliath king fat fuck Trump.


He is a two faced MB deceptive jihadi, just like the Saudis. He would love to see Iran retaliate foolishly, after the US hits Iran hard, he steps in and bites off an oil rich chunk of Iran.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

the blessed nation of Iran will always be victorious, they have God as their mightiest defender

Mehmet Aslanak

Erdogan, as an islamist, have some deep feelings about US & Israel, same as Iran. The difference is that Erdogan can’t shout out his feelings, unlike mollas do.

Liberal guy

Pal why he supported the so called Syria moderate rebels since 2011if he was with persia he is playing on both sides keeping the Russians happy so called sympathy with Iran helping in large quantity the terrorists and crying am with the warriors of Islam whether shias or sunnies still so friendly with the Anglo Nazi zios this what muslim brotherhood is all about and he acts as vice president of the Muslim brotherhood company.

Mehmet Aslanak

He was not with Persia. Persians are shia, while Erdogan & his islamists are sunni. They don’t like each other much unless there is a common enemy. About the moderate islamists in Syria; US armed them (as well as ISIS) to topple Assad, Erdogan trained them in Turkey & Saudis funded them. That’s why ISIS armory is full of US weapons. US switched from them to the Kurdish Kommunist Party (PKK/YPG/SDF) in 2014 when ISIS become nutsacks. Erdogan & Saudis stayed committed to the moderate islamists in Syria, since they are sunni, like Erdogan & Saudis.

Liberal guy

He his with the Muslim brotherhood company

Liberal guy

There no rift between shias and sunnis all are anti zios only radical terrorists scums are against humanity

Liberal guy

Really he supports sunnis? only he support radical sunnies who are against humanity

Liberal guy

Go to youtube and see his speeches we muslims must unite. Am not against turks am only against radicals who are in any country anywhere

Rhodium 10

USA tried to eliminate Erdogan by coup…he has like the Iraqi government the enemy at home!

Hasbara Hunter

The U.S.A….is everyone’s Enemy…for they are the Global Terrorists & need to be Neutralised…


of course not and if he starts with closing the incirlik base and lays his hands on the nukes there, the situation will be quite different, in particular if he strikes israel with a few of the american nukes. so erdo – go for it. israel has no right to exist and will just fuck up your plans for the middle east. in fact Iran and Turkey could become the primary players in the region once they’ve gotten rid of the jews.


You have such delusional and demented wet dreams. You must really hate Turks and Iranians since if there were any reality to your proposals, there would be a very great number of them who would be turned into such pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor by just a few of Israel’s couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles. Now claim down and take your meds.


fuck ff stupid – you’re worse than aids and a rash at the same time

peter mcloughlin

That two big NATO powers have major differences over Iran – and their militaries almost clashed in Syria – points to a huge weakness internationally, a maelstrom of chaos, where nothing is certain but the certainty of nuclear Armageddon. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/


If the Islamist Iranians step too far over the line or now push for a nukes, there could be nuclear Armageddon but it will be all in Iran.


Guess Erdogan is worried…justifiably.


see idiots like joke123 and jens holm are at if again , same serious tripe as always so please do not indulge them by replying which leaves them ina vacuum, about the same as in their heads. other idiots are bob and arsonars askiwiecics or some such and they are also better left alone or ignored

Martin Benitez

erdogans clearly looking forward to caos so he can exploit it for his own interference in the region america iran saudis turkey and isreal need to just keep there shit to themselves and leave the arab nations to sort out there own problems without outside interference its far easier for negotiations of rival groups and fighting corruption without all these outside nonsense every one needs to focus on there own countries problems of witch all those countries have many

Debunking Arrogance

SouthFront is a propaganda website for Russia. What Russia is doing in Libya is dangerous for the Muslim World. I support Russia’s policies towards Syria, but certainly not their greed and exploitation in Libya. They are acting just like the US does. Russia being a world super power will act no differently than the US, most likely worse.

Russia wants some control over Libya’s oil regardless of the cost in human suffering for Libyans. They are siding with Khalifa Haftar, a renegade soldier who is opposing the Muslim brotherhood government of Libya. They support a renegade over the internationally-recognized government of Libya, all because Haftar promised them good oil deals.

The Muslim Brotherhood are trying to overthrow the corrupt Saudi monarchy, and other evil monarchies and dictators in the Muslim world. They are an existential threat to all these G.C.C countries and Egypt. That makes Libya’s official government a natural ally of Iran and all Muslims who oppose corrupt rulership of the Muslim lands.


Maybe but you are losing in Libya and will lose. If there is an all out war with Islamist Iran, it’s over for Assad, Hezbollah and Hamas. And Erdogan will likely be given the Soleimani treatment.

Joe Kerr

Dream on: “Assad will be gone in 6 months”- Shimon Peres, 2011.



HE…… WAS…….A…….JEW!!!!!


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