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Erdogan Is Footstep Away From Turning Hagia Sophia Back Into Mosque

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Erdogan Is Footstep Away From Turning Hagia Sophia Back Into Mosque

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As the West is hurrying up to entrench even more neo-liberal canons into its systems of governance and social norms, the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is pushing to turn iconic Hagia Sophia (former Greek Orthodox Christian patriarchal cathedral, later an Ottoman imperial mosque and now a museum) into a mosque.

On July 2, the Council of State, Turkey’s highest administrative court, completed a hearing on this question. According to the decision of the court which will deliver a written verdict within 15 days, the UNESCO world heritage site will be reopened for worship or will continue to be used as a museum.

This decision will mean the annulment of the 1934 decision by the Council of Ministers that turned it into a museum. The prosecutor on the case emphasized that decision on turing Hagia Sophia back into the mosque was up to the government.

Over the past years, the matter of Hagia Sophia’s status has repeatedly been the source of various speculations of the Erdogan government that uses the question to push further its neo-Ottoman propaganda and strengthen own popularity among the conservative Islamic part of the society.

Now, when Turkey founds itself deep inside Erdogan’s push to become a Sultan of the New Ottoman Empire (by invading Syria and Libya), the factor of Hagia Sophia once again appeared in the center of Turkish propaganda. Taking into account that Erdogan seeks to be a great leader that will be remembered in Turkish history as the person that ‘Made Turkey Great Again’, it’s highly likely that Ankara will opt to really turn the UNESCO world heritage site into the mosque.


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Liberal guy

The ottoman empire 2.0 will never happen

The Objective

What is coming is way bigger than the Ottoman you so passionately hate and fear with no justification.

In Exile

Yes let them do as they please within their own borders but not within mine. First we must kick out the Jews then the Muslims then… you get my drift sir.


Go ahead man, kick everybody out

In Exile

Why do you think Nation States exist, different races cannot coexist within the same borders. I have no problem with white Muslims like say Bosnians but draw the line at Pakis, maybe Turkey can take their brothers and sisters in?


Islam transcends race man. So there are no white, blue or brown Muslims. Might as well kick them all out

Brother Ma

You are mistaken sir. Bosnian Muslims are worse than Pakistanis as they are recent converts and thus have the insecurities of not fitting in with the Old Moslems.


This is ignorance. Where do you get stuff like this from? A uncle told you? ”Bosnian Muslims are worse than Pakistanis as they are recent converts” what the hell man? At least do some research and present yourself better

Porc Halal

What is certain is that bosnians are former Slavic Christians … they were forced to convert to islam by the invading ottomans … so brother ma is right … in fact, if we look back, most muslims today are descendants of forced converts because the spread of islam was by the sword and not by the word as in the case of Christianity …

The Objective

A pretty tough ambition

Liberal guy

Oh really and what’s that? HahHahaha

The Objective

Be careful so you don’t end up losing on earth and going to hell

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha care for ur self yr grave

Liberal guy

U ottoman fan u fools think that I fear from the ottomans and so called ottoman empire 2.0. Hatred well tell these hatred things to the wahhabis alsauds who backs stabbed ur ottomans from orders of the zio british nobody what’s anything but Islamic unity and these Al sauds wahhabis the loyal slaves of the zionist are there for breaking this unity among the shias and sunnis whether of any race arab, persian, turk, berber, roman, hind etc. For survival of isreal and for there nwo

The Objective

If you think I am talking about ottoman 2.0, you are wrong. What is coming will make ottoman 1.0 seem like a joke.

Liberal guy


The Objective

Yeah, but what’ll happen is far bigger than the Ottoman empire 2.0 you so passionately fear

The Objective

Fuck the UNESCO heritage bullshit. Turkey is a Muslim country. Are Muslims not allowed to run their countries according to how their religion dictates? You won’t allow Muslims in your countries neither do you leave them alone in their countries. I pray to live long enough to see how this global anti-muslim struggle ends, though I have no doubt how it’ll end.


Does their religion dictate to eradicate all traces of cultures that previously lived in the area they occupy? If that’s the case then fuck your “religion”. Not saying that the Christians didn’t do the same to the traces of pagan worship in Europe, but both Christianity and Islam are middle-eastern religions so they have to have something in common at least.


Hagia Sophia was a mosque for over 500 years so returning it to that state shouldn’t really be a problem for anyone unless of course you are the West who think they are entitled to interfere in the matters of other sovereign states and cry like babies at the mere suspicion that some country interfered with their elections.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It was a Christian church for longer, before the Asians turned up.


easy one, unless you start behaving like normal people and like us europeans apostatize en masse from believing in those anachronistic deities we will tear you apart and feast on your spent muzzie souls like we have done numerous times in the past

battle of lepanto will be celebrated thereafter as your greatest victory LMAO

The Objective

Yeah, we’ll see if Islam or Europe triumphs in this war. Can’t wait to see it started and I’ll be glad to join even if it means moving from Africa to the warfront on foot. I know Europe still remembers Salahuddeen Al Ayyubi. This is not the first time you have messed with islam, but it’ll be the last. Actually, you haven’t had any lasting victory on us for once. Turkey, which is the closest country to Europe is witnessing a strong Islamic awakening. What happened to your European influence? Let alone Muslim countries in distant lands. Your greatest line of defence are the hypocrites amongst us. Unfortunately the hypocrites rule our countries right now, from Saudi Arabia, to Egypt, Jordan, North Africa, to Asia and others. But current event shows these hypocritic rules are going through increasing instability and will ultimately collapse, cos that was the prophecy: a time for khilafa, kings, and tyrants, then back to the khilafa. We are currently in the era of tyrants, and this era is coming to an end from the many wars around us. I pray we both live long enough to see it.

Liberal guy

Well pal if ur talking about the return of true khilafa it would come until all signs of the end times are fullfilled and most of the signs are fullfilled at this moment but you can’t fix date it might take 200 yrs or 50 yrs or 3 yrs or next yr or 90 yrs u can’t fixed any date and ofcourse most signs of end times have already appeared so based on hadith we can only predict that the return is very near but not sure as u can’t fix date lets c what happen in the future

The Objective

I didn’t fix a date to any event. That’ll be wrong. But from the Hadiths regarding the era of dictators ending and the wars that preceeds the malhama, it is clear to me that a U.S war on Iran will precipitate this event. My reason is, the deadly weapons on both sides and the willingness of Iran to bomb most GGC countries and topple this US puppet regimes. Should this happen(and it is more likely than not) much of the Middle East will be in turmoil with millions of deaths. That’s why I feel this period is quite close, unless a US-Iran war doesn’t happen. But considering the crisis that idiot ruling America has started, I am not too sure we’ll live the next five years without that war.

Liberal guy

Let’s c

The Objective

A point of correction: the khilafa will return when Mahdi emerges. Most scholars agree that all of the minor signs have occured, hence we are waiting for the first major sign, which is the Mahdi. A dire situation of war, death, destruction, and suffering is what leads to his emergence. Already, the world is so full of opression and suffering that it is unlikely to imagine anything worse that the current situation. If the US attacks Iran, Iran will retaliate against the US forces in the region. Should America continue with the attack, the war escalates and Iran targets even American puppets and Israel. The Saudis, Emiratis, Bahrainis, are all puppets that’ll come under attack from Iran. These monarchies are deeply hated by their populations whom they rule with an iron fist. So the puppets will collapse, and a general chaos will ensue. The middle east is currently a powderkeg waiting to be ignited, and I think Trump will ignite this powderkeg if reelected.

Liberal guy

And what about the sufyani bastard and the Dajjal who is recently been realised and this greatest fitna does not hv much time left even iblis and Dajjal just know hw much we know that when it will happen no time time is 100 % guaranteed

Liberal guy

And of course Dajjal is having trouble building the kind of third temple he wants and as I said earlier he also knows as much as we do regarding the the arrivals. My logic tells at this very moment Dajjal and his master is really worried as things aren’t go there way and since they already lost the war fighting a lost war and the building of the third temple is not going as the want.

The Objective

Dajjal will emerge when the time comes. The Mahdi will only spend 7 years on earth after his emergence, and the Dajjal will appear during Mahdi’s era. But Dajjal will not emerge until Mahdi fills the world with justice as it was filled with oppression. The Jews rejected Christ. Allah will punish them by making them follow the Dajjal who’ll lead the to hellfire.

Liberal guy

First let c when the gcc wahhabis and the zio state of isreal falls

The Objective

When it comes, it’ll be fast, like the beads of a necklace following one another when the string is cut. Actually, it has started already, for those with foresights. What wise men see siting down, fools cannot see even from treetops.


” that was the prophecy:”

Those who believe in prophecies they have lost, and they have not understood. . The greatest warriors in history belonged to WHITE LEAVES and they did not believe in prophecies, only in their abilities and in their minds.

The Objective

We shall see.


” I know Europe still remembers Salahuddeen Al Ayyubi. ”

No, no one in Europe knows him !! Who the hell is that? , Unlike him, the whole planet knows the name of Achilles.

The Objective

Then do some googling


Is a waste of time. He is not an important person.

The Objective

It’s not about the person. it’s about history.


Lel look at that muzzie believing he is strong for the reason qatar paid for a few fancy bombs which were used to blow other muzzies to small bits. Now thinks he can take on France or Russia. No dear, European militaries are not made up of arap humpers riding around in the deserts on toyota hilux trucks and shooting their AK47s

The Objective

Arabs account for less than 10% of the Muslim world, and I am not an Arab. The same thing the Europeans felt about their power untill Allah brought salahuddeen. The rest is history.


Muslims taught you how to live like human beings you fool. You didn’t treat your women as people until about 100-200 years ago, practiced medieval medicine and had no headway in science until Muslims taught you. Stop that b.s and sit down. Islam is a great faith and will only liberate you. Of course your ignorance will get in the way and you’ll come back breathing like a dragon but before you do, picture this: the current banking system will only enslave the world until you get to your senses and get rid of interest. That is what Islam does.


Yet another islamic fιlth prioritizing religion over family, nation, prosperity, reason, justice, honour and our well established western values. An old book ( potpourri of even older myths & fairy tales adapted to brainwsh arabs ) put together by an autistic or epileptic arab shaman won’t save you or change the fact you have been the ultimate losers in everything you tries in the past


Let me educate you today fool: you call that prioritizing religion over family, nation, prosperity, justice, honor and well established Western values? You call the banking system enslavement of your societies and objectifying of women justice and honor? Women in the West are nothing but sex symbols. If you doubt that, check any 10 random ads and tell me how many have women on there for no reason whatsoever. Islam is not just a religion, it is a complete system that brought prosperity and ushered in the European renaissance. But of course ignorance will get in the way of such information. While you continue acting a fool running around thinking you are the smartest kid, some of us who live in the real world and have the time to study some real history look at you as just that – a fool.

Brother Ma

No problems. We can then turn all the mosques into Churches over night as it is our country right? Can’t wait! Too many mosques all over the UK ,Germany and Franceetc


Your country? Dude those are your countries and Muslims have theirs? How about all the British, German and French Muslims? They are not French? Churches have been turned into mosques and vice versa, most importantly nobody is praying in the Hagia Sophia right now. Churches and mosques are both houses of worship, why the hate?

The Objective

Yeah, just like you did in Spain. That’s if the mosque in Turkey was a church.

Albert Pike

Turkey is a Dönmeh country, and in Dönmeh countries Israel decides what’s better for rabble rousing…

The Objective

Nothing is parmanent


” Turkey is a Muslim country. Are Muslims not allowed to run their countries according to how their religion dictates?”

but so do we…we have the right to do whatever we like in our country.If we want to make the house where Kemal was born brothel…or to tear down all the mosques. Every people does what they want in their country … only.

The Objective

That so called heritage was a mosque long before modern Turkey was born. Turkey will only be reinstating a mosque, not destroying a church. Besides what happened to some mosques in Spain?


I don’t care what Spain does. Everyone has jurisdiction only within their own country. i don’t give a shit for mosques and buildings. The world would be much better if everyone was looking to their job … than trying to impose itself on others. I don’t like pimping from one country to another. Whoever wants mosques … in his country. Not in non-Muslim countries. I am against religions, because they only create problems and wars on the planet.

The Objective

Wars still happen even without religions. The problem lies with humans, not religion. For example, WW1 and WW2 were not religious wars. The Soviet Union and America fought a cold war over communism, and that war turned to a hot one in Vietnam. Religion had nothing to do with it. War is human nature, a d always stems from the efforts of one group to dominate the other.


Let Turkey do what it pleases inside Turkey since no one is being disadvantaged

Lazy Gamer

While Turkey is entitled to do so, let the same principle be applied everywhere. See, there will be protests because a certain temple or mosque was demolished.


Exactly, they want to open mosques all over the fucking planet but spit on non-muslim or more precisely non-turk heritage whenever they can.

cechas vodobenikov

muslim brohood moved from Egypt to turkey–birds that cannot fly—they “Kurds…armenians)genocide like amerikans…” amerikans have always been genocidal, enjoying killing from afar”. Philip Slater

Brother Ma

Erdogan’s Greek great -grandfather must be rolling in his grave. As the last of the great freedom fighters against the Turks in the late 1800’s he’d be crying.

As I said ,no Moslem is worse than the recent convert or their descendants.

Albert Pike

It was Dönmeh great grandfather, and it’s all theater anyway, since he does Israels bidding…

Brother Ma

He does Israel’s bidding but no ,it was Pontic Greek. His great grandfather was the richest most powerful man in the village area and a guerilla warrior AGAINST the Turks. However ,he was obviously turned or his descendants turned in the last greatforced islamicisations of Pontus in the 1880-1890s. Erdogan is not his real name. His real name is Batakoglu or something like that but they changed it as it means “warrior or bandit”(against the Ottomans. ) When his family moved to Constantinople.

Having Greek blood is irrelevant though ,as it is culture that makes you a Turk ,not bloodline. Most famous Turks or Moslems in the Middle East are half or full Greek or Armenian or even French(In Egypt). Many despicable men turned to Islam and others were force-converted. It happens even now in Idlib and Kurd -controlled areas of Syria where Christians have to go “underground” to survive.

Porc Halal

Yep, true but it is not the standard rule, you know…every muslim which adheres to islamic ‘values’ and applies them on a daily base is bad, really bad…

Tommy Jensen

This is exactly why we dont have peace but wars today. Because churces are secret societies spreading propaganda and divisions A new worldwide purge together with Corona should happen today and not tomorrow, “the war against churches”. Churches should be demolished or changed, and mosques erected EVERYWHERE for world peace and gender equality.


Nobody destroying churches. No Muslim has the right to destroy a church


Muslims destroyed Churches in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. Christians in the ME have the best lives in Israel, that’s a known fact.


And you determine the so called known facts? There are hundreds of thousands of Christians in these countries you just mentioned, living in peace and exercising their freedom of worship. Did you not deport Christian Africans recently? Or you only take the Middle Eastern Christians? Dude, you got no right to say nothing with that apartheid state of yours. They end only one way, that state will be gone.


Jews were persecuted by both Muslims and Christians, but unlike other states we don’t do it to others. The Palestinian issue is about land, so even in a conflict we don’t destroy Palestinian Mosques unless they hide weapons there. Inside Israel both Muslims and Christians have freedom of religion, no one is telling them anything and they have their own religious leaders to decide what to do, and not the state. People love shouting “apartheid” about Israel without even knowing why, truth is Christians have very good lives here and many of them are wealthy.


Your Prime Minister is openly racist and you wanna deny that? Yes you are an apartheid state, you can’t doubt that. Just so you know, Muslims gave Jews refuge, don’t get it twisted. How do you think you found yourselves in Muslim lands as everybody was hating on you across the globe? Cuz that’s what Muslims do, they protect people. But nobody says that cuz showing terrorists blowing up markets keeps the narrative going.


I know, I am an Iraqi Jew and we have lived in Iraq peacefully with the Muslims till they decided to kill us after 1948, that is why my grandparents came to Israel. Do you deny the fact that Muslims killed many Jews and forced them to leave their Aab states?


If Muslims killed Jews, you wouldn’t exist right now as Europe had decided to exterminate you. Muslims have always protected you since the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Now if some governments became hostile to Jewish people after that UN joke in 1948, you should understand why. In fact the ”real” Jewish people did not create that joke of a state.


You see when Christians first conquered Jerusalem, they slaughtered 80,000 Muslims in one day. About 100 years later when Muslims conquered Jerusalem, they allowed combatants to leave and protected the Christians, nobody was slaughtered. Since Jerusalem keeps exchanging hands, if a Muslim army ever one day takes it, you will be at peace cuz they will show you what protection means.


Is this freedom of religion in Israel? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvwNXNV8GxM


See, Jews do not acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah so they are acting a fool like that. You need to forgive their logic because a Messiah is not supposed to die on a cross so if you see one hang up like that and dying, you will be a skeptic. Of course the only faith that understands Jesus never died is Islam and if the Jews understood that, they’d know he is the real Messiah they have been waiting for. Nonetheless, religious freedom should mean just that

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your lot started off with genocide of the inhabitants of Jericho.

Today, you kill kids.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your lot killed the founder of Christianity, as he shamed your trading in the Temple rabbis, selling kids. Your racist and sectarian state is an affront to religion.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Kick the invaders out, Constantinople is a Christian city.


You really wanna go there? Dude, you may end up with no home

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I don’t live there, but I don’t live in Rome neither, but would hate to see a goat fucking race take that place over. Thank Britain and France for stopping the Russians taking it back in the 1860-70s, the same gets who also gave Palestine to the Khazars.


If you wanna keep going there, I wonder where your grand parents came from to settle where they settled. We go back long enough, you are on somebody’s land, stop this b.s

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Don’t be such a melodramatic bitch.

I don’t support living in a cave under the ocean, but Constantinople is a Christian foundation city.

The Jews are desert people, not Palestinian.

The Objective

Come get it

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Did you win in Afghanistan yet!

Of course not, the USA only ever beat the Native American bow and arrow warriors, even then you used chemical weapons against them.

M.A. Lamett

Hagia Sophia is the property of sovereign Turkey and Turks can do whatever they want with it. It was used and maintained for centuries as a mosque by the Ottomans, so I don’t see any problem to use it as such again. It is only up to the Turks to decide, so it is nobody’s business. It is also a known fact that Greece destroyed many Ottoman mosques on their territory after they gained independence in the 19th century and the western world just looked the other way. On contrary even medieval Turks did not destroy any church on the lands they conquered, but preserved and converted them into Mosques. Who is more civilized?


Problem is: Ἁγία Σοφία IS the Orthodox church. When the Turks turned this church into a mosque, it was the same as if they had demolished it, because at that moment it ceased to be a church. They saved the building, but the basis for the existence of that building ceased to exist. You say the building matters? Let’s turn all the mosques in my country into public toilets! There won’t be any problems, right? The buildings are preserved!


It is Turkish property, it hasn’t been a church for centuries and Turkey can still turn it into a house of worship. Since it was a mosque for over 500 years, the easiest thing is to turn it back into a mosque. Unlike Greece that destroyed mosques, the Turks just converted churches and continued using them as houses of prayer. Muslims are not supposed to destroy houses of prayer.

Porc Halal

unlikely to happen…US officials already expressed their opposition to this filthy move…they warned the goatfuckers of the consequences in case they will go ahead with their plan…


They have no say brah. Who is the US? Wanna find out, wait for 2 weeks.

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