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Erdogan Puts Hammer Down. Hagia Sophia Is Now Officially Mosque

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Erdogan Puts Hammer Down. Hagia Sophia Is Now Officially Mosque


Recep Tayyip Erdogan seems himself as the President that ‘makes history’. So, he seeks to make ‘historical decisions’.

On July 10, Erdogan signed a decree officially turning the world-famous Hagia Sophia into a mosque, after the Turksih  court ruled that its conversion to a museum in the 1930s was unlawful. According to the court, the 1934 decree converting the ancient Byzantine cathedral into a museum was not lawful. Immediately, Erdogan shared a copy of a decree on Twitter, mandating that the site be turned over to the country’s religious directorate and reopened for worship.

Dating back to the 6th century, the Hagia Sophia is one of the most visited cultural sites in Turkey, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the symbolic place for the Christian world. It was originally built as the great Cathedral of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire in 537 and was the seat of the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople.

Erdogan Puts Hammer Down. Hagia Sophia Is Now Officially Mosque


Earlier, Erdogan spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin said that opening the Hagia Sophia for muslim worship will not prevent local or foreign tourists from visiting the iconic site and that a loss of the structure as a world heritage site “is not in question.”

“Turkey will still preserve the Christian icons there, just like our ancestors preserved all Christian values,” he told the Anadolu Agency on July 9.

Despite the public rhetoric, the decision to turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque is for sure an act of agression towards the Christian world and a signal that Turkey is going to conitune providing the Erdogan-style foreign policy aimed at turning the modern Turkey into a kind of neo-Ottoman Empire under his leadership.

It’s interesting to note that Turkish propaganda on the highest level likes to adress the times of the Ottoman Empire in order to justify the occupation of northern Syria, Turkey’s ongoing intervention in Libya and other actions of the country in the region. So, it was just a question of time when the Erdogan government moves to restore other ‘symols’ of the Ottoman Empire ‘cultural heritage’ inside Turkey itself.

From the geopolitical point of view, the July 10 decision of President Erdogan is a logical public step highlighting the plans to implement the concept of New Greater Turkey in the Middle East and turn Turkey into the power that will have a real influence on the global scene.


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Ishyrion Av

Erdo the dog lives like a dog and he will end like a dog. Taking many of his followers with him in hell.

M.A. Lamett

Erdogan is doing this in order to boost his standing at the polls. I am a secular individual, but I believe Turkey has the right to do whatever they want to do with their property. Hagia Sophia is in Turkish territory and thus a Turkish property which served hundreds of years as a mosque. Erdogan announced the very first Muslim prayers to be held on July the 24th. It will be a historic day indeed.

John Wallace

Reading this it was built as a Christian Cathedral and used as such for several hundred years. Converted into a museum in the 1930’s now into a Mosque which maybe the most popular usage of it at the moment. It doesn’t say that it was used as a Mosque before nor does it say when the Minarets were added too the Cathedral.

M.A. Lamett

Yes in fact Hagia Sophia was used as a mosque nearly 500 years starting from the conquest of Istanbul by the Turks in 1453. The first prayer sermon was held by the Sultan Fatih (the conquerer) Mehmet the second himself. Turks consider Hagia Sophia as much sacred as the orthodox Christians do.


More BS, It was a Christian Cathedral for almost 1000 years, and inside is full of Christian symbols. So if the west conquers Saudi Arabia, then according to you it would be our right to turn Mecca into a Christian territory and abolish any Muslim symbols. Am I right?

M.A. Lamett

Turks did never destroy Christian artifacts inside the church. They just covered it by plaster. In a mosque pictures and icons are not allowed by the muslim belief. The icons will be plastered again it seems. Turks protected the church and renovated it over centuries, instead of destroying it. Mecca is a holy site for all Muslims and I would doubt that anybody can touch it, especially any western power. There is over a billion Muslims in the world and West would simply not dare to do that.


WE can nuke it, and we can nuke any Islamic shithole if we really want, or even with conventional arms, we can obliterate your shitholes easy and safely and you know that, there is no comparison in power.

For example if USA really wants to destroy Iran, then Iran is over.

M.A. Lamett

Pffff.. I am tired of you. You mom is calling you. Supper is ready. Then you have to wash yourself and go to bed, you kiddo.


lol bob, go back to your shithole and leave the western country that you living in now. We gave you the right to speak because in your shithole they would chop your head for any reason.

M.A. Lamett

Do not swear kiddo. If your mother hears you she will wash your mouth with soap.


Dont worry, I have yours here, she doing it just fine.

M.A. Lamett



Is that you taking an eye on us? Shame on you, you shouldn’t watch your mommy naked.

Brother Ma

I wouldn’t nuke Iran but Gulf arabs and Turkey are fair game. What is good for the good is good for the gander. When Christians take over a Moslem nation they should make all mosques into cathedrals.


Mecca was a Shiva Temple, the Crescent Moon is a Shiva symbol. The Black Stone in the Ka’aba, has Seven Stones embedded. Seven being another symbol of Shiva. Islam appropriates other religions symbols, Christianity did likewise Egyptian. At this point in time, Erdogan’s re-appropriation of The Hagia Sophie as Islamic rather than a shared history, seems designed to offend Russia and Greece. Especially Russia as it has the largest Orthodox Christian population. That does not appear to be sensible.

John Wallace

Thanks for that. The article never said anything about that. Why was it turned into a museum if it was used as a Mosque. It would be an interesting building to visit with that history.


So according to you, we can turn all the Mosque’s in the western world into Christian Churches, they are in our territory after all and we can do with them whatever we want, so its our right, right? I have no problem with that. Lets abolish all Mosque’s from the west, they dont belong here.

The Objective

The typical Christian biased representation of facts. Is the so-called holy sophia a church? It was hundreds of years ago. It has been a mosque too. How would you compare it to mosques in the west built by Muslims? Do Christians even have a Christian country in the world? The west purged the church many decades ago, so no country can call itself Christians. Unlike Muslims who have several Islamic republics and are working to create more.


What BS you say bob, Agia Sophia was build as a Christian Cathedral and was like that for many centuries, almost 1000 years, just because you turn it as Mosque at some point, it doesn’t make it right or justified, it still remains a Christian Cathedral, inside is full of painting with Holy fathers and Jesus and Mary. And of course they are Christian nations bob, the Christianity is the largest religion in the world. As this Mosques that are in western countries is our right to turn them in whatever we want since they are in our territory.

M.A. Lamett

There is an ancient saying in the wild west. “The man with the bigger gun has all the right”. So I’m afraid that Turkey has the bigger gun right know. This makes Turkey right and justified. Other so called “civilized” western nations don’t act differently either. That is why South America, Africa and else was literally raped by the white man for the last 500 years. If you are a westerner, I don’t think you have the right to preach any body of wisdom.


Turkey has the bigger gun? Are you so delusional? You compare Turkey with the power of western Christian countries? lol They can turn that 3rd world shithole into radioactive waste in few mins.

M.A. Lamett

Nonsense words. Are you a fifteen years old kid reading superman comics in your mom’s basement?


Lol Muslim bob, you envy us, you are jealous of western societies, I bet you living in a western country, because no one wants to live in your Islamic shitholes. And you know I’m right, if the west really want to finish you, we have all the power for that, from military prospective there is no comparison, its like comparing an Elephant with an ant.

M.A. Lamett

I am a realist and do not act by emotions like you. The fact is the power is shifting from west to the east as we speak and Western colonialism and exceptionalism is over (Thanks god). Sorry for you. You should immigrate to the east yourself.


Dont be delusional bob, the gap is so huge between Christian powers and you, its not funny at all. You will do whatever the west commands you to do, like the Saudi Arabia, the little western doggy. If the west really want to hurt you, either with economical terms or militaristic terms, there is nothing you can do about it. I say again, dont be delusional, all the money, power and firepower are belong to the Christian countries.


Even tiny Israel can send them to the stoneage. The kebaps here are so dumb! Well, here and everywhere really.


Exactly lol, all the combine muslim countries around Israel and they shit themselves, they cant mess with Israel all those millions of muslims lol.

Ishyrion Av

You are right, but we can’t turn mosques into churches. Either demolish them, either make them latrines.

The Objective

Which county has a Christian government working according to the Bible’s dictates? The mosques in the mosque were they built 1000 years ago? Did you know what the crusaders did in the middle East less than 1000 years ago? And you complain over a 1000+ so-called world heritage!

M.A. Lamett

I don’t mind. Just do it. But don’t forget the millions of Muslims may turn European streets and cities into a bloody mess. Muslim populations in Europe are unemployed and they are treated as second class and constantly humiliated by the west. So they are full of hatred and ready to trigger at any excuse. I don’t think European politicians have the guts. They are just big mouth cowards.


Don’t make any mistake here, you cant do shit, if the govs want they can send your apes back to your shitholes were you belong. The right movements are risen all over Europe and the west in general over the last few years. So soon either those Muslims in the west will start behaving as proper citizens or else a new crusade will start, and this time for good, after all the west has all the power. If we really want we can turn your shitholes into dust.

M.A. Lamett

I am a peaceful individual. But millions of muslim youth living in Europe are fed up of being treated as second class citizens. They may up-rise and may cause lots of trouble, if any of the mosques is touched. In France alone there are nearly 10 million muslims and ready to even die for their cause. Be careful what you wish.


Be careful you what you wish for, in France there around 5.5 mil muslims in a country of 66 mil, if they try any real BS, then the military will take over and all of them would die and then we will turn our attention in your homes in your 3rd world countries to finish you.

M.A. Lamett

Hahahaha. You are really a kid. Like the idiot “Cigarette Smoking kid” above. Call your mom to change your diapers. LOL.


The truth hurts doesn’t it. Dont make us start another crusade, because with your behaviour, this is were its going and you wont like it.

M.A. Lamett




Uche Anthony Esealuka

Don’t be silly. France does not have the fortitude or the resources to implement what you are suggesting. The Muslim population in France or in Germany will either be mainstreamed, that is to say, absorbed into these respective countries or they will remain a dagger pointed at the heart of France and of Europe. This will be exploited by political and authoritarian Islamist hacks like Erdogan.


You are the silly one, France and Germany has all the resources to do what needs to be done if the shit hits the fan, as long those muslims integrated respectfully with the western society, there would be no problem for them.

Brother Ma

All non secular Moslems should be thrown out as did Spain and the Balkans in the the Reconquista.

Lazy Gamer

That Reconquista became the reason why the catholic church in Spain was more powerful than anywhere. And with that, came the abuse of power. Careful when fighting monsters that you become one yourself.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

You are mistaken. Turkey or Erdogan do not have the right to turn the Hagia Sofia to mosque. The decision to do so is based on a limited advantage. In the present, it solidifies support for Erdogan among the rural Islamists voters. In the near and immediate terms, it confirms him in the eyes of the secular world as a leader who cannot be trusted. It will isolate him in Syria, Libya and elsewhere in Europe. These will have consequences.

Ishyrion Av

How lame could be the muslims turks to take the Holly Sophia, a Christian cathedral and rape it in a mosque? Taking by force someone else’s shrine and claim they own it? Even if at the moment when the Cathedral was built, the turks were chasing rats in the Mongolian desert. Time is coming for them to go back where they came from!

Turkophobia - TSK rapist

I am a muslim and i disagree with that HAGIA SOPHIA will be returned to a mosque again. Erdogan that ottoman p1g want to revive ottoman empire. his dreams got foiled in syria and libya, and now they will be foiled inside turkey.


The barbarism of the turkSIS regime (AKA Erdoganistan) is nothing new. They rape, they murder, they steal from the Kurds, from the Syrians, from the Iraqis and from the Libyans. In the not so distant past they have commited more genocides than anyone else nation combined!

And now that TalibanErdogay is losing in Syria from the Kurds (and even from Kurdish women freedom fighters!), losing in Libya from Haftar, has everyone who has a voice with a different opinion than him in jail or killed, now Erdogay needs to have some sort of a ”win”, something to make his sheepbrain-voters happy and ready to vote for him again.

So he commands his employee – judges to ”decide” in favour of converting a world heritage monument Built in AD 537 to a mosque!

A slap in the face of the human race, a slap in the face of civilisation and another slap in the face of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin the Christian Orthodox, the leader of the most populus Orthodox country, Russia.



M.A. Lamett

It must have hurt really bad, huh? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/10419a4e0f1062e80153b7b7233b8887ee54d215c40ae43a4ae48ca445dd7c8f.jpg


He is sniffing his own shit after fingering his own ass !

How nice, this is a turkisis thing aint it !

Do you do it too? I think its time you stick up your ass now and sniff it a bit too! Dumbass!


somebody here is trying to make him look younger….

Black Waters

Erdogan turning into a fascist pretty quick. I guees there’s no difference between a fascist and a extremist these days. The big difference is that this lunatic is in power.

Black Waters

USA it’s pushing his puppet to distance from Russia, don’t ever forget that Turkey it’s an Occupied country, it has U.S bases on it. ERDOGAN is a CIA/ISIS operative.

To this day i still don’t have any clue why putin sell to him S-400, this is insane. If somebody has any clue on this issue, plz reply to me.

PD: CIA/ISIS trolls and bots plz don’t eve bother to waste my time, i won’t talk with your kind.


He sold the S400 το have leverage on him.

Brother Ma

What leverage …when Erdogan does all the decisionmaking?

Ishyrion Av

What is good an S-400 without missile to fire with? And what if the radar suddenly stops working because a certain spare part is missing and is coming in 6 years?

Brother Ma

Yes but Erdo can just stop using them and swap back to the Yankers as they are lusting after him. Turkey is the hottest whore in town and both Russia and America want her. It is a lot of power and Greece /Cyprus need to work out a way to break that attraction soon.

Ishyrion Av

I’m sure Russia is aware of this possibility. They sell to Saudi Arabia too, which is an US ally. Reverse engineering must be, for some reason, impossible. Remember, Russia also sells RD-180 rocket engines to US for more than 10 years and US tried to reverse engineering them, but they couldn’t.


Since 2018 I have been not able to understand Putin’s policy, trying to please anybody simply it does not work. Even Iranians now are getting closer to the Chineses, they don’t trust Russia anymore.

Black Waters

Well guys… you see, we found the troll/bot pretty quick.


Russia is pushing Iran outside Syria but not the turks, you can call me troll but that is a fact

Turkophobia - TSK rapist


M.A. Lamett



Go back to the steppes ape mongol.


He said he doesnt know where it is, I drew a map for him here :



Τι τουρκοφοβια ρε φιλε? Αλλαξε νικ!



Mustafa Mehmet

Ha sıktır pezevenkler

johnny rotten

In medio stat virtus, virtue is in the middle as the Ancient Romans taught, evidently Erdo the Kahn did not go to school, he does not know neither Philosophy nor History, for this reason he is destined to a hard and bitter defeat, The big men always treasure History, the little ones don’t, Erdo is just an angry dwarf.

Sylvain Jeuland

Then in the future, the French majority will turn the christian churchs into mosques.


So much hate going on here today. 1. The many Christians in Turkey are still entitled to their freedom of worship and do not feel restricted in any way 2. The conversion of the Hagia Sophia into a museum in the 1930s was a British ploy to break the Ottoman Empire’s (Turkey) Islamic backbone 3. Granted it was a Christian house of worship for several centuries but it had become a mosque after the conquest of Istanbul. Why was there a need to turn it into a museum after 500 years of being used as a mosque? 4. Mosque or church, the Hagia Sophia is more useful as a house of worship than some museum (why UNESCO designated it a world heritage site is beyond me – I am willing to wager that it was precisely to keep it from being returned to the status of a mosque). So much happens behind the scenes that eyes do not get to see. 5. Turkey must continue ensuring Christians and all other religious groups in Turkey continue exercising their right to worship with no difficulties. That is the Islamic way.


Wrong this is the islamic way :




Brother Ma

A dirty perv like no other.


I got no time for you dude, go back to your cave


My cave ? hahahaha you are the muslim not me. You are the one who loves children, and murders your own women cause they dare to drive a car!

GTFOH mongoloid t w a t




How about the 1000 years before that when it was used as a christian church ?

Go f u c k your self turkisis c u n t !

M.A. Lamett



Sure it was used as a church for 1000 years before but it was last used as a mosque for 500 years until about 90 years ago. So you wanted it to be restored into a church even when it was unlawfully declared a museum by the British in the 1930s? This is Turkey simply getting back its independence, and that seems not to be enough when you have Pompeo making noise like he has a say about what Turkey can and cannot do in Turkey.


What independence you dumb fucking twaty buffoon!

It was a museum, nobody wanted to turn it to a church again. Have you been drinking your own piss again?

Your propaganda is lamer than the other kebaps here.

M.A. Lamett

It will still be open for tourists to visit. What’s the big fuss?

Jens Holm

Its like making Kontstatinople into Istanbullies. No repspect for keeping the past well and a connection to the Chritians world.

I am no religios. But I dont like that part.


Dude, you do not have to do the name calling. Of course if you weren’t behind that keyboard I’d smack you but that’s for another day


Yeah yeah you d smack my cock with your buttchicks is what you d do.



No, I’d really smack you cuz you are a stupid little boy with no sense of self worth. I’d beat that ”self worth” into you


Told you what you d do.

Fart my balls is the most damage you could inflict to me boy!


Jens Holm

Well the Bolsjevics made churches and monestaries into cinemas and shoppingcenters.

When Christianity chaned in my country many moneataries was used for builkding material for castles for the kings friends.

Jens Holm

We have to get used tomore recycling. Egyptian Faroes did it too:)

M.A. Lamett

Turks always treated the Christian minorities fairly in their history. Christians were free to pray in their churches but had to pay an extra tax, which was not that much. Even this obligation was abandoned in late centuries during the Ottoman reign. The Christian minorities got more powerful and eventually occupied top positions and Turks were left out in the cold. So much so, even the Ottoman currency was printed in four languages. The Europeans were given the infamous capitulations (excessive trading rights) and this accelerated the end of the Ottomans. It was a big mistake and caused the downfall of the empire. Finally many Greeks left Turkey after the catastrophic Greek defeat in 1922 following liberation of Izmir (Symrna). Turks living in Greece came back to Turkey. Today, Turkey is a 98% muslim country.


1# The Armenian Genocide , also known as the Armenian Holocaust, the Armenian Massacres and, traditionally by Armenians, as Medz Yeghern was the Ottoman government’s systematic extermination of its minority Armenian subjects from their historic homeland within the territory constituting the present-day Republic of Turkey. The starting date is conventionally held to be 24 April 1915, the day Ottoman authorities rounded up and arrested some 250 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders in Konstantinopolis. The genocide was carried out during and after World War I and implemented in two phases: the wholesale killing of the able-bodied male population through massacre and subjection of army conscripts to forced labour, followed by the deportation of women, children, the elderly and infirm on death marches leading to the Syrian desert. Driven forward by military escorts, the deportees were deprived of food and water and subjected to periodic robbery, rape, and massacre. The total number of people killed as a result has been estimated at between 1 and 1.5 million. The Armenian Genocide is acknowledged to have been one of the first modern genocides,and it is the second most-studied case of genocide after the Holocaust! To date, 23 countries have officially recognized the mass killings as genocide, a view which is shared by most genocide scholars and historians.


Any genocide committed by Turkey, if they did, was wrong. There is no two ways about it.


Lose the ‘if’ from that post and maybe you ll have a point.

Jens Holm

Kurds did several 100.000 too after that.

Have You never wondered how so much space is for Kurds in the borderlines to Turkey, Syria and Iraq. Kurds stayed and took land. Turks, where turks were urbanized. And those 2 big killer groups still fight about what they took from Armenains, yazidis, Christians. jews a.s.o.

When I am down I sometime says: Those people certainly deserve each other and no peace. Here the PYD kurds has excused wha their Grandparenets did.

Jens Holm

Yes, Armenians should not even be able to be found as bodies. There is a memorial for thise killed outside DEZ.


2# The Assyrian genocide (also known as Sayfo or Seyfo, Syriac: ܩܛܠܐ ܕܥܡܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ or ܣܝܦܐ) refers to the mass slaughter of the Assyrian population of the Ottoman Empire during the 1890s and the First World War, in conjunction with the Armenian and Greek genocides. The Assyrian genocide took place in the same context as the Armenian and Pontic Greek genocides In these events, close to three million Christians of Syriac, Armenian, or Greek Orthodox denomination were murdered by the Young Turks regime. David Gaunt accepts the figure of 275,000 deaths as reported at the Treaty of Lausanne and ventures that the death toll would be around 300,000 because of uncounted Assyrian-inhabited areas, leading to the elimination of half of the Assyrian nation.Gaunt describe how the perpetrators went to weigh village by village! In 2007, the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) reached a consensus that “the Ottoman campaign against Christian minorities of the Empire between 1914 and 1923 constituted a genocide against Armenians, Assyrians, and Pontian and Anatolian Greeks.

Jens Holm

Nice ro read at least somebody from the area know the history of the area better then someoe like me.

Here I thionk Ypu shopuld put in Kurds as killers as well as being killed too. Their part often is estimated to 400.000. Iknow no nyumbers for Kurds killed by Turk in about 1924.


3# The Greek genocide, part of which is known as the Pontic genocide, was the systematic ethnic cleansing of the Christian Ottoman Greek population from its historic homeland in Asia Minor, central Anatolia,Pontus, and the former Russian Caucasus province of Kars Oblast during World War I and its aftermath (1914–23). It was instigated by the government of the Ottoman Empire against the Greek population of the Empire and it included massacres, forced deportations involving death marches, summary expulsions, arbitrary executions, and destruction of Christian Orthodox cultural, historical and religious monuments. According to various sources, several hundred thousand Ottoman Greeks died during this period.

Jens Holm

Too much color on that comment. Greece actually attacked Izmir and made the 1918 to 1919 war.

But barbarisme by Turks didnt stop by that. The last armenians in the whole turkey was killed in Izmir in 1924.


4# The Kurdish genocide , The Dersim massacre took place in 1937 and 1938 in Dersim Province (now known as Tunceli Province), Turkey. It was the outcome of a Turkish military campaign against the Dersim Rebellion by local ethnic minority groups against Turkey’s Resettlement Law of 1934. Thousands of Alevi Kurds and Zazas died and many others were internally displaced due to the conflict.


5# The Bulgarian ethnic cleansing , (genocide) After the end of the 2nd Balkan war Turkish Ottomans commited ethnic cleansing against the Bulgarian population of eastern Thrace.

On 23 November 2011, Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gave an apology for the Dersim operation, describing it as “one of the most tragic events of our recent history”.

The Allies of World War I condemned the Ottoman government-sponsored massacres as crimes against humanity.


Whatever the Ottoman empire did or did not do really mattered little since the British empire was so determined to see it gone. The British empire did not want a united Muslim community because that would stand in the way of so many things. It was not Turkey’s fault.

Jens Holm

You forget the other Empires in this.

Brother Ma

What a whitewashing of the facts to suit poor downtrodden Turkey…

Anduin Lothar

That’s a lie!


drugs again? i told you to stop taking them!!


If you want it why dont you try to get it! Yeah thats right, you cant. So turn another church into a mosque …thats all you can do.


M.A. Lamett

Just for you. Stelios Kazancidis ALA TURKA Bekledim De Gelmedin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RhCYEUAzsc


So which one is your mom which one is your sister I always mix em up.


M.A. Lamett

The song above was continuously being played by the Greek in Cyprus while they were massacring Turkish Cypriot civilians in Cyprus before the Turkish intervention in 1974. Greeks were mocking Turks, saying “I’ve waited for you, you didn’t come”. When Turkey finally came and successfully kicked the Greeks out of half of the island, there was a banner reading “WE CAME!”.


BS. You unlawfully invaded Cyprus. Nobody recognises the occupied northern part. You steal rape and murder. Thats is the turkish – turkISIS way. And you had Kissinger’s (the biggest Jew-twat ever) blessings. Greece had a junta going on at the time, otherwise you d be running still to Anatolia.

M.A. Lamett

Nah…This is fake propaganda. You didn’t hear about the trilateral agreement of intervention between Turkey, Greece and Britain? Intervention and liberation of Cyprus was according to book and the conventions. Sorry. You lost 1/2 of Cyprus. If you continue misbehaving you may lose more.


You can do fuckall today. If you could you would have done. Half your army navy airforce officers are in jail or they v run away to escape Erdogan’s wrath for that coup … Remember?



Thats why you employ your cousins the pakis to fly F16s. They are almost as bad as your tukisis pilots too! Greece is got air superiority and naval superiority too. 6000 islands …each one an aircraft carrier, try to sink them!

WE pray every day u ll make the fatal mistake so we can sink your whole fleet of kebap-sailors!

M.A. Lamett

Former Greek Defence Minister Evangelos Apostolakis “We can not fight the Turks, they are a military super power”



hahaha propaganda!

he is actually saying he can take Ankara in 1 day !

M.A. Lamett

You failed again!



Really ?

This was recent :


M.A. Lamett



hahahahahahahaha Change the subject !


The turkisis economy is as bad as everything else turkisis anyway!

if it wasnt for Qatar and the 12 bil $ you stole from the Libyans throught the other turkish kebap Saraj you d be killing each other in the streets for human meat!


M.A. Lamett




M.A. Lamett

Greeks after 1974 defeat in Cyprus. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9cade6ea61286f05394074ba6bbedc8e0ebf254424d52649a0aa28b922987eda.jpg

Ishyrion Av

Why you put your picture here?

Brother Ma

Now at all according to book. You haven’t left and you brought in invader settlers who have even displaced “native” Turks of Cyprus. I could tell you stories but I will leave it for another day.

Blas de Lezo

Israel needs to annex all of the WB, deport all Palestinias to Jordan and turn Al-Aqsa Mosque into a church.


Why? Cause they give a shit about a christian church ?

Didnt you get the memo ? THEY DONT GIVE A SHIT about Christians, even though Greek Christians saved them from the n@zis in Greece!

They love the kebap!

Mustafa Mehmet

And who save you kalamara.? with out BRITISH help Greece was doomed


Israel will not exist with time, the world does not have a short history like you’d want it to. A country that is only 70 years old and running around like they own everything does not phase the educated mind. We know it is only a matter of time. They do not care about Christians anyway.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXPJNDVfBgU [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/BWjXI8L.png)


[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/UpFNK9u.png) [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/8FCrH2m.png) [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/DOUea1K.png) [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/lRhr7u5.png)

Mustafa Mehmet

Congratulations make sure you can use them. If you can afford to ⛽ re mascot kalamara ?

Icarus Tanović

What do you expect from Erdogan the brute Wahhabi? I don’t give a smoke to this.


Just not enough creativity to build something grander than 1500 year old technology..

Rob Centros

Parasites. Living off a superior culture’s genius.

Assad must stay

whats the big deal with this? i dont get it can someone explain to me?

Lazy Gamer

Imagine the center of your religion dedicated to other gods. lol For me, the harm is in the culture and tradition that is going to be lost. Id want to see what the Byzantine emperors devoted their efforts to.


It’s a move meant to show dominance over the weakened EU.


Imagine if the Orthodox Church was to build a Church on Mecca. Sofia is the ‘home’ of the Orthodox Church, as Jerusalem is to the Jews, or as Rome is to the Roman Catholics.

Lazy Gamer

A more precise analogy is replacing the Kaaba with a cross. lol


The conversion into a mosque has many recipients. .Hagia Sophia became a mosque for Muslims in the Arab world to convert who beat Erdogan in Libya, against their leaders..

Porc Halal

So the pro-communist and pro-islamist UN just ‘deeply regrets’ the decision of islamic turkey and that’s all …. wow! … not condemning no nothing…and we are talking here about a very important Christian heritage … I wonder if a simple damn and shitty mosque in the west will ever be transformed into a church, how would the UN react?! …the same it can be applied with any western goverment or even eastern goverment (eastern-Europe and Russia)….

cechas vodobenikov

turkeys do have bird brains—their most visited tourist attraction now reflect turkey insecurity and xenophobia—the 5 billion USD Russians have traditionally spent as tourists in turkey each year will transform into a trickle….will the Germans continue to tourist and spend their 5 billion each year as tourists in a nation that is populated by uneducated zealots? more turkey self hatred and stupidity. perhaps they can induce some un civilized amerikans to convert to the muslim brotherhood


So the onion-head / garlic-head decides to declare Hagia Sophia a mosque. Big deal. His days are numbered anyway as their meddling in Syria and Libya both turn into their ‘Vietnam’.


Do not pay any attention to the theater erdogan regime is putting up…they dont care about AGIA SOFIA they dont care about Lybia …their true target is Aegean sea…they know Aegean sea is a Greek lake and they cant stand this..they want to blow will anger…they are destroying their own country just to make everybody else believe in their play…and the poor Turkish ppl cant do anything about that dictatorship.I wish to all the Turkish ppl freedom some day.

Mustafa Mehmet

Aegean sea Greek re takis you have to much ouzo again wake up you having a dream

cechas vodobenikov

not true—turkey has designs on North Africa and believes Libya is the entry…Much has been written about Turkish activity in North Africa and their effort to displace French influence. It is correct that they are increasing their incredible poverty and damaging their social economic conditions


This move by Erdogan shows that he is afraid. He fears those who plan to dismantle ( shred) Turkey that’s coming with quick steps.


This move by Erdogan shows that he is afraid. He fears those who plan to dismantle Turkey that’s coming with quick steps.

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