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Erdogan: S-400 Is Done Deal. S-500 Will Be Jointly Produced

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Erdogan: S-400 Is Done Deal. S-500 Will Be Jointly Produced


On May 19, Turkey celebrated the centenary of Independence Day, which marks the beginning of Turkey’s War of Independence and the emergence of modern Turkey. It is the day when Mustafa Kemal, later to become Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, arrived in the Black Sea city of Samsun from Istanbul to organize the war that saw the remnants of the Ottoman Empire transformed into modern Turkey 4 years later.

In 2019, Turkey’s Independence Day came amid Ankara’s row with Washington over the sovereign decision to buy S-400 systems from Russia. This very decision triggered a histeria of the Washington administration.

On May 18, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the purchase of S-400 from Russia is a done deal despite the US opposition. The president also noted that Turkey will “sooner or later” get F-35s from the US, despite current delaying by the US side.

“They (the U.S.) are passing the ball around in the midfield now, showing some reluctance. But sooner or later, we will receive the F-35s. Not delivering them is not an option,” he said adding that Turkey will also jointly produce S-500 with Russia in the future.

Tensions between the US and Turkey were especially high during the past few months with Turkey set to begin receiving the advanced S-400 surface-to-air missile system from Russia. Washington threatened Turkey with sanctions and suggested it buy the US Patriot missile system rather than the S-400, arguing it is incompatible with NATO systems and is a threat to the F-35 fifth-generation stealth aircraft. It seems that these attempts failed.

The Russian-Turkey S-400 deal worths $2.5 billion for 4 S-400 battalions. According to the Turkish side, the dlivery of S-400 systems is set to start in October 2019. The S-400 is capable of eliminating aerodynamic targets in the range of up to 400km and ballistic targets in the range of up to 60km.

At the same time, Russia is finalizing its S-500 system, which is capable of intercepting targets in the rage of up to 480km. According to the Russian military, the delivery of S-500 systems to the army will start in 2020. If Turkey joins Russia in its efforts to finalize the system and to expand its capabilities even further, this would become a turning point for the international weapon market in this field. Turkey does have an advantage over Russia in some technologies, for example in the development of electronics, and has a large number of highly skilled developers and engineering personnel. This fact will only strengthen the Russian S-500 project in the event of the cooperation between the two states.

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I thought the S-400 deal had been cancelled? Was that fake news then?

Saddam Hussein

Yes, it was fake news spread by German websites.


German press = CIA.

Prince Teutonic

I wouldn’t trust those back stabbing pesky little Turks even with S-200 system. They play a double game someone must be stupid to trust them!

Mustafa Mehmet

Fuck you to nic nic


No why don’t you fuck off, Turkish sewer rat.

Mustafa Mehmet

After you Mr Mike you lots insult us all day long and we got no right to say anything ha piss off moron

Saddam Hussein

If Russia had a backbone, theyd sell these to Syria. But the Israeli regime has full control over Moscow in who they sell their technology to, and they certainly trust Erdogan more than President Assad.


Syria can not afford s400 price tag. Even if they did, buying MiG 35 or Suk 35 would be of greater value militarily. The aircraft would complement existing air defenses and would provide an effective IADS.


Syria is not because it can not afford the price tag on S400 is not receiving them.


russia is trying to prevent WW3 happening and as for backbone, I think they show more than once if they have it or not. Now if you not bright enough to understand the why not and why they do what they do, it means you lacking grey matter quality and not that the russians have no back bone.,


Syria ain’t got no money honey. Russia would sell to almost anyone, if the price is right, and they are sure you are incapable of reverse engineering them.

Tommy Jensen

Big big mouth. Too big mouth! Without knowledge about America being a winner nation of winners. You goatfokkers will regret you ever challenged America.

Wait and see how you will be sanctioned in the most sophisticated way with hyper plasma nano technology from space!!

S Melanson

…will this finally prove to be the winning technology that can take out the goats? Remember last time, all incoming missiles were neutralized by Dynamic Spray Array Goat Milk SAM Systems. And the ground assault was worse, it was terrible, the carnage and sickening images of milk stained bodies littering the battlefield…


Will the US Space weapons be painted in Rainbow colors so as to send a Welcome message to Aliens ?


True the Turks have advantage in electronics tho, those Bayraktar Drones are very good ones, very still image, very high accuracy, I have seen a lot of live feed from those drones when the Turks hit some Kurdish targets those drones have some sophisticated electronics.

Daniel Miller

If you think turk roaches have a advantage in electronics production you are delusional.


I know so, and above all I am citing South Front report.

If Turkey joins Russia in its efforts to finalize the system and to expand its capabilities even further, this would become a turning point for the international weapon market in this field. Turkey does have an advantage over Russia in some technologies, for example in the development of electronics, and has a large number of highly skilled developers and engineering personnel. This fact will only strengthen the Russian S-500 project in the event of the cooperation between the two states.

Daniel Miller

ok you really are a idiot. Turkroaches have not advantages in any way over Russia. They are IQ 80 inbreeds just like arabs. What else will you say? That ppl from the Balkans have better quality of life the the west?


Better quality in what way? In money not but in respect to live and sovereignty of countries oh yes.

Daniel Miller

Yes in money,life expectancy,health care ect. Their is a reason why so many ppl form that shithole part of europe migrate to the west and east.


What shithole part of Europe?

Daniel Miller

the Balkans are the shithole of europe


You are uneducated moron who don’t know shit.


The have more specialized teams of generations with electronics, not some advantage over Ballistic Missiles or something. Because they have been handled a lot of stuff from all around the world, the Chinese, the US.

Daniel Miller

…….that makes 0 sense do you even know what you are talking about? Electronics development is not about handeling what someone else made but making your own. If turkey is so good at electronic engeneering why do they send their students to Moscow to study the same thing? Also if you are really that dumb to compare military grade electorics to civilian ones you really do not understand what you are talking about.


“Turkey does have an advantage over Russia in some technologies, for example in the development of electronics, and has a large number of highly skilled developers and engineering personnel.“

Who ever wrote this is the most ignorant person I have read on the net.

AM Hants

Was thinking similar. Would Russia allow the whole of the S-500 project to be developed with a NATO nation, or just the export version?


turks are notorious to be saying things that have no bearing to the truth for domestic consumption and to force the west, i.e. US into a deal with them, using Russia as the scarecrow against them and play with their fears. The russians go ahead with them even agree that they may jointly build the SU 57 with them.

The turks are pushing for war with Greece and Cyprus going after the gas and oil deposits so lets see where that end, with the support of the english. US been a colony and the military bitch of the zioenglish I am sure at the end it be ordered to kiss turkish ass, so lets see where this will leave russia.

With the exception of syria that at the moment the turks got what they wanted and still do with russian aid, any where you look what the russians support turkey it is the enemy as for example Serbia in the Balkans, Ukraine and many other locations where russian interest and turkish interest are in direct collision. I been reading this site and what people post here for some time and realize that all here are focus out of focus missing the forest for the tree.

So to answer your question I very much doubt russians will share technology with the turks, but I dont put it beyond them to go to a point in order to at least break turkey out of NATO. This last years stranger things than that been happening in the name of national interest.

AM Hants

Still, the good thing, it will seriously wind Washington DC up, which is so worth it.

S Melanson

Your last point is really important and I provide below an excerpt of a comment I posted 5 days ago and would like your thoughts:

There is a complex interplay among the various nations in play as actions of state actors seem contradictory making it difficult to determined whose side they are on. This tells me we have reached the mid-stage of transition to a new multi-polar world order. This is important. Why?

Because this is the most dangerous phase of the transition.


It sounds a bit suicidal as Turkey will certainly provide it to NATO for evaluation and counter-measures. It is a bit incredulous that Putin has a naive fascination with Turkey that may prove to be at Russia’s peril. Only time will tell.


Lets just say that the US may want turkey to buy it! If Turkey stays in NATO and i am sure they will, the USA and NATO allies would sure like to learn its weak points! Hard to say which way Turkey is moving! One thing is for sure, they wont get F-35’s if they buy S-400’s!


Yes, that’s what I worry about – that the U.S. is putting up a front about it to fool Russia, but if Turkey gets its hands on the S-400’s they are going to sell the technology or allow NATO countries’ and Israel’s inspectors access to it. I can’t believe Russia would be selling these to the same country which shot down its pilots about 3 years ago and laughed about it. Russia will be losing one of its main advantages over U.S./NATO. Only when the Russian tourists stopped coming the following summer, and it hit a major Turkish industry hard, did Turkey express some regret and give a half-baked apology. Russia was too quick to be friendly and help Turkey’s economy again. Also, there is no genuine sign of Turkey leaving NATO. It is too geo-strategically for U.S./NATO so I doubt it would ever leave without some kind of war.


honestly i think the S-400 is only part of the puzzle! I think that Nebo-M radar thing is what is also needed! Nobody said Turkey was buying that too! That radar is what allows Russia not only to detect but to track stealth also! they say that Detecting is not so hard, but tracking is the real problem! Russia says it can! You have to track a target in order to kill it! So i think there is more to this than meets the eye! russia isnt going to expose themselves! they are not stupid! All they are doing is making sure that Turkey now switches sides! Perhaps enter into the Eurasian Union (because turkey has wanted to be in the EU for a long time)! * Turkey wil have a lot of political power! * Russian gas to europe = political power * S-400’s which means independence and ability to switch sides when they want at a moments notice! * They are the gateway to the black sea, Europe, Asia and Africa (by land). Turkey is playing geopolitical games! it gives them their real power! Turkey could be the straw that breaks the camels back in terms of a Cold war or a Hot war between NATO and Russia / China / Iran!


Turkey is trouble though. They supported the terrorist groups in Syria and Turkey was a gateway for foreign mercenaries all over the world into Syria. Syria’s manufacturing plants and equipment were looted and trucks with the machines and loot headed back to Turkey. “Russian gas to europe = political power” Thing is, it wouldn’t have even gone through Turkey, but Bulgaria, if John McCain/U.S. didn’t threaten Bulgaria to renege on its SouthStream agreement. I really think it is due to Russia feeling the need to build that pipeline why it so quickly became friendly with Turkey again.

Oh, and Turkey is the major culprit for flooding Europe with the illegal migrants. The migrants are coming (some even flying in on Turkish airlines) to get on the trek. Turkish smugglers have made billions: the smugglers charged several thousands of Euros apiece for the migrants. Turkey launches them to the Greek islands, just a mile or two off of Turkey’s coast and Greece if pretty much forced to take them and not allowed to ship them back. Turkey also pushed them into Bulgaria.

Fact is Turkey plays dirty and causes trouble to many countries. So it being more powerful is not a good thing.


“Turkey is trouble though” I 100% agree!

“Thing is, it wouldn’t have even gone through Turkey, but Bulgaria, if John McCain/U.S. didn’t threaten Bulgaria to renege on its SouthStream agreement” from what i remember it was the EU and Germany in particular that changed the rules that stopped Bulgaria from having SouthStream! New policies were that the nation transiting the gas (Russia) could not own the pipelines routing the gas! “Oh, and Turkey is the major culprit for flooding Europe with the illegal migrants.” 100% agree but i think it was also a plan made by elites! “divide and Conquer”! I feel sad for Greece! Lets hope Brexit and Frexit goes through!

AM Hants

Possibility, but, it is only the export version, which is so different from the Russian version.

US tried to back engineer one of the old S 300s, which Greece has and I do believe Ukraine has given them a few of their old Soviet S 300s. However, the US have not got the skilled engineers, to be able to access the information they require, to get ahead of the system.

My Name Is Al, provided a wonderful family tree of the S-300 and S-400 family. So many versions, but, very few, open on the export market.

These are not the same as My Name Is Al, posted, but, shows the family tree.




agree! I also believe the Nebo-M is the key to detecting and Tracking Stealth! I dont hear anything about Russia selling turkey that! So i trust Russia makes the right decision! in fact i KNOW they will!


That may have been an exaggeration, but Turkey does graduate a lot of good quality engineers like Iran, but in not in the same league as Russia, but so far its students have access to western universities and technology. But it is baffling why Russia would compromise its most sensitive military technology by selling it to an old historical enemy and a NATO member?


same reason they agree to sell it to the Saudis, but none is talking about that do they? People that in desperate need of finding a knight with a shinny armor to do their fights are in constant look out for a savior and they fail to understand that the major global players have very different values and reasoning than them, when they apply their strategies and 100% of their strategies have nothing to do with saving the world, or them, but dominating each from its own angle the whole of humanity, one way or another.


i disagree with you 100% You cant make a blanket statement like that without proof! As far as i am concerned Russia DESTROYS Turkey in electronics simply due to their number 1 spot in Radar and electronic warfare! Russia made the worlds first Scanned array radar and the whole world copied! So if u want to say what u said, send some material evidence along with it! Personally, i think Turkey are low class intelligence! All their advanced tech is given to them based on their geographic importance! They might be the most advanced muslim nation but compared to the west and Russia they are a fart in the wind! Hence why they kiss the ring of UK, Russia or the USA! They have US aircraft, German Tanks, Russian Air defence etc etc! The only thing they make is small shit! Who gives a fuck! They are useless!


are you been stupid now, or just lazy? I quoted what is been written in the article that obviously you did not read before answering. Try and keep up and learn to read before you answer, other wise, you show your self to be as the turks you describing and I agree of your assessment as to how low level are the mongoloids.


i do not care for “articles”! Even this website has been wrong! Have u quoted stuff from this website? I have also read that Turkey is hopeless! Should i get a quote from an article for that too? Turkey is OBVIOUSLY Not advanced in these areas! I know i could make you sit in your chair and think about this for 10 minutes as to why i am right! Are you ready? Start naming all the advanced systems Turkey has made themselves INCLUDING the electronic components! (REMEMBER: i want the components to be made in Turkey and not imported or given the RIGHTS to manufacture) I’ll give you the names of all the Russian systems that are 100% made in Russia?


OK…… Ready??? Set….. GO!!!

(See you tomorrow, i look forward to your list of Turkish system made 100% in Turkey and NOT imported or Contracted by Germany or UK or USA)


I dont dont argue with mentally challenged and for the looks of it you are one.


EXPOSED YOU! Wow, u were challenged and u opted out nice and quick!

u must be a Beta Male OR someone who knows he is wrong and will be embarrassed! Come on dude, dont make it so obvious! Put up a fight for fuck sakes! YOU MADE A STATEMENT AND YOU BACKED IT UP BY SAYING IT WAS “FROM AN ARTICLE”! NOW LETS COMPARE HARDWARE MADE 100% INDIGENOUSLY BETWEEN RUSSIA AND TURKEY!


I wasnt arguing i was debating, challenging you and disagreeing with you!

Then…… you took the back door! bye HardHawk! Byeeeeeeeeeeee

Mustafa Mehmet

Who gives a shit about Cockroaches like you just.


With a name like Mustafa, im sure it would hurt to give a shit! in fact it would be annoying!

“ignorance is BLISS”!! Right Mustafa?

hahahaha Truth always hurts! Hey, dont come back complaining and getting your vagina itchy and sore! Come back with a list of systems made 100%indigenously by Turkey (not contracted to develop nor imported) and ill come back with a list of Russian stuff! We will see who wins this argument! (lol i already know this will be an easy win for me hahahaha)


Ready…. Set… GO!!

(see you tomorrow) (p.s wash your vagina, its not healthy to leave it dirty)

Mustafa Mehmet

Dirty filfy Cockroaches go back to your cave now. your fucking mother waiting for you stupid cu… t


hahahaha Send me your list of “advanced turkish tech” ill send u the russian list! We see who wins! you dumb muslim cunt!

Mustafa Mehmet



Your not a man! You cant be! nobody would refuse a challenge and insults at the same time! you must be a girl! (or gay) There can be no other reason why u are so submissive!

Mustafa Mehmet

Dumbo I’m behind you ?


you are shit at this game! Has anybody told u this? You remind me of this guy on the left (in the video)! Thinks he’s cool but is just a fuckin dumb ass loser!


Mustafa Mehmet

Your mama thinks different ‘she thinks I’m the best


You know the difference between your mother and a washing machine??

After i dump a load in the washing machine, it doesnt follow me around for the next 3 weeks! BOOM!

Mustafa Mehmet

You felt it.. boom boom I won’t hurt you dumbo I take it easy don’t cry now


Well done. This is called leader.

All world leaders should learn from president Erdogan that how to defend their own national interests. All world leaders should know that instead of becoming slave of America and Israel its better to do suicide. S-400 is the end of America and Israeli influence on Mideast.


2,5 billion out of which half is loan. Russia is an idiot to supply the Turks. Not even for 50 billion


I wouldn’t say ‘idiots’, but certainly playing a long-term strategy game that may give them a better result.

Daniel Miller

I think this guy is delusional

Promitheas Apollonious

you think?


He is playing to his voters, he is very like Trump.


no just a hired hand that does exactly what is ordered to just like Trump is.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Currency union next?


Turkey has nothing to offer Russia in R&D, and the S-400 isn’t even in mass production so no one is planning an S-500 yet. I think Erdogan has signed up to buy an S-300 and he’s trying to make it look like he got a better deal than he did.


Indeed. Even the S-300 frightens the US.


The old nut bag Erdogon is back at it twisting Russia’s arm to get access to highly sensitive technology in exchange for preference over the West and not being overly hostile on matters such as Syria. It’s a fine line Russia treads.

Promitheas Apollonious

dreaming is for free and all turkish war industry is been build and is run by the scandinavians that are using turkey as cheap labor, same as every one else who went there and open production factories. I wait to see if indeed turkey will receive S400 first and what cut down version of them will receive, then I decide what is happening.


James Turkey will leave America back in technology race.


Iran is the only country in the entire Islamic world that has a satellite launch vehicle and have launched its own satellite in the orbit. Muslim countries should learn from Iran instead fighting with each other for Israel and America.


You think that Muslims only inhabit the ME, Malaysia is a Muslim nation and has a social and education system that is more advanced than many so-called western nations. Religion has nothing to do with it, it’s the culture of the people.


Muslims are concentrated in the Mideast and had oil resources that is why on American targets.


Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim nation with 260 million Muslims or more as no accurate census has ever been taken.


Malaysia is one example but u left an important note out! ITS BECAUSE THEY ARE IIN THE COMMONWEALTH!

Maybe do more research next time dumb ass! Culture has nothing to with it either! Youre either in THE CLUB or youre not!

India is out of the club, then they went to shit! Dominican republic out of the club, went to shit!

Also, resources and geolocation have more to do with it! Hence Singapore

Fuck i wish you would start reading more! youre so fucking dumb!


Very said the miserable Ukraine, Lithuania and Latvia have no S-400. Its a shame.


You only need air defenses if the US deems you worthy of bombing.


Turkey will supply the wheel nuts for the S500 making it a cooperative effort.


What about the Turkish expertise in Wing Nuts ?

They are world leaders there.

Xoli Xoli

Russia has the finest technology it doesn’t need GPS it has glonass and uses Kaspersky. The biggest threat for Russia is USA and Israel if their sell S-400 to Syria and Lebanon it will be block.But if Russia sells to NATO countries it will be criticized for sometimes and then it is acceptable. The main Reason is 8f USA leave it unchecked then its weapons sale will be disrupted.It will later lead to no control over member states.Which may lead to collapse.Turkey is technologically weak Russia only need Turkey over Bosphorus strait.Nothing more nothing less.As we all know Russia is box by USA and cant event fly out.Iran China,Pakistan, North Korea have advanced technology which is the biggest threat and fear of USA NATO and Israel.Turkey has advanced terrorists technology.

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan has terrorists and this terrorists will be used to test S-500 systems jointly.


Russia is dumb for getting so involved with Turkey when it comes to developing weapons. They might as well give all their technology to NATO and the U.S. Hell they have proven they can’t compete anyway.


that the s-500 will be jointly developed is just what erdo thinks as putin hasn’t said anything along those lines. and erdo is right – of course the f35s will be delivered.

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