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MARCH 2025

Erdogan Says F-16 warplanes and T-155 Howitzers Involved In Strikes On Syrian Army

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Erdogan Says F-16 warplanes and T-155 Howitzers Involved In Strikes On Syrian Army


Turkey and Russia provide contradictory statements on the situation with the Syrian Army strikes on Turkish forces in Syria’s Idlib province. The strike killed and injured several Turkish soldiers.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that Turkey used F-16 warplanes and T-155 Fırtına self-propelled howitzers to strike positions of the Syrian Army. According to the Turkish President, the strikes killed between 30 and 35 Syrian soldiers.

Ankara claims that Turkish forces that came under attack by the Syrian Army were deployed in Syria’s Idlib zone in order to de-escalate the situation there. In fact, Ankara sent its troops to prevent the Syrian Army advance on the militant-held town of Saraqib, a stronghold of al-Qaeda-linked groups.

Commenting on the incident, the Russian military said Turkish aircraft didn’t breach the Syrian border, adding that it didn’t register any strikes on Syrian government forces’ positions.

“Turkish military units made movements within the Idlib de-escalation zone during the night from 2 to 3 February without informing the Russian military. They came under fire from Syrian government forces who were carrying out attacks on terrorists in the area west of the Seracab settlement”, the military said in a statement.

According to the Russian side, that Russian and Turkish military were maintaining constant contact in order to evacuate the injured troops to Turkey.

Syria’s state media reported the Turkish strikes, but said that there were no casualties in the attack.

The situation is developing.


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Prince Teutonic

They also used unicorns and trebuchets…

Leon Auguste



And the ottoman palm from which trump is still recovering

Zionism = EVIL

Turkey is in far worse shape than people realize. It economy is hurting bad, its inept military is overextended from Libya to Syria and its terrorists are on the verge of defeat. It has already lost over 1,000 cannon fodder in Syria and if there is a real war, the Turkeys will be cooked as they are hated by all. Only Putin’s appeasement of this moron Erdogan emboldened him. Russia should have declared a NO FLY ZONE in Syria from get go as Iranians had suggested.


Russia can’t defend even Latakia from Israeli strikes, no fly zone over Syria would be useless and shameful. However I bet Putin can wait a Turkish F-16 to enter north Syria ;)

Wayne Nicholson

Bullshit. When has Israel struck Russian forces in latakia? Give me one date …. one incident. Russian air defences don’t defend Syrian assets … from day one they never have. To date Russian S-300 and S-400 haven’t even turned on their acquisition radars …. even during the FUKUS strikes they only operated in the passive mode.


Actually Israel has never conducted a strike on Latakia on russian bases or troops. They have however striked SAA and Iranian positions (mostly militias and Hezbollah) around Syria but nothing in Latakia and never against Russia. Israel always informs Russia of air strikes, hence why Syria always activates its air defence systems when Israel strikes. And you are correct, no S-300 nor S-400 has been used in Syria but Russia does track Israeli jets with radars during strikes, to get a read of F-35s signature. Syria uses S-200 and soviet style air defence systems that are very effective but the Israelis does not fly within Syrian Air defence systems reach. For instance, the S-200 has a maximum range of 200km when fully upgraded (which I assume Syria has) and Israel fires their missiles from 200-300km range and with low altitude which makes it even harder for Syria to intercept as they lack low altitude radars.

Wayne Nicholson

” And you are correct, no S-300 nor S-400 has been used in Syria but Russia does track Israeli jets with radars during strikes, to get a read of F-35s signature.”

Yes … passive radar. They don’t turn on targeting radar. The Israeli’s / USA would love for the Russians to target their aircraft to get intel on how to defeat them while at the same time the Russians want Israel / USA to fly F-22’s and F-35’s in stealth mode to get intel on them.

“Israelis does not fly within Syrian Air defence systems reach.”

Apparently they fly down the Bekka Valley in Lebanon and pop up to launch missiles. The valley shields them from ground based radar and has lots of commercial aviation to make the risk of firing at them with the S-200 too risky.

I’ve heard that the Russian air defences are interlinked with Syrian air defences so the passive radar data from Russian S-300 / 400 is accessible to the Syrians but the Russians don’t target the IAF.


Exactly, both countries, Russia and Israel is waiting for the first move. Russia will not fire against Israeli planes using their own AD as if they did, Israel would figure out how to counter it and Israel has so far only once used F-35s stealth features and that was before Russia deployed the integrated passive radars on its ADs.

Depending on where Israel strikes in Syria, they sometimes use Lebanons airspace and other times they don’t have to cross to another country if for instance they strike Damascus CS.


“Actually Israel has never conducted a strike on Latakia”

You are wrong. There was Israeli attack once not far from Russian bases in Latakia. And Russin’s have been warned in the last moment by IsraHell. Result: Syria defenses allegedly have shot dow Russian Il-20 recon airplane while trying to shoot down IsraHell F-16. Since than Israel has been warned not to come close to Russian bases ever again. And Russian gave as gift S-300PS to Syria despite Israeli opposition to that.


Yes but Israel never targeted the russian base in Latakia nor any Russian troops. Using the LL-20 plane as shield is a whole another subject.


These are your exact words on which I have reacted: “Actually Israel has never conducted a strike on Latakia” That was obviously not true. It is impossible to talk with the people who change their statement all the time. Good bye


Jesus christ, check my comment. “Actually Israel has never conducted a strike on Latakia on russian bases or troops”


I have copy pasted your whole sentence You have ” edited” the text and added those few words didn’t you? It is written there on the top that text was” edited”.

That”russian bases or troops” are not attacked is nonsensical statement added by you later on. Nice try.

John Wallace

“Actually Israel has never conducted a strike on Latakia on russian bases or troops.”

I think it is pretty clear the intent of that comment was that Israel had not attacked the Russian base or troops in Latakia. It did not suggest that Israel had not attacked Latakia itself. No need to start WW3 over a minor interpretation of wording.


“on russian bases or troops” was not there but was added later on. The point is that he has edited – changed text. It is difficult to talk if words are changed. That is all. I am not obsessed of being right I just don’t want to waste my time in conversations like that. So no need for you to exaggerate either

By the way suggesting that Israel would directly attack Russian base (which is wet dream of many neo-NAZI’s here )would be totals destruction of IsraHell. Jews are not suicidal idiots! They attack Iranians but Russia is not Iran.


He has ” edited” the text and added those few words “on russian bases or troops.”” After cheating like that I have nothing to talk end of story. — It is even totally idiotic to think let alone suggest that Israhell would attack Russian bases without IsraHell being totally destroyed. Jews are not suicidal idiots. I suppose that is wet dream of neo-NAZI’s and some Muslims here that Russia destroy IsraHell.

John Wallace

OK , I never spotted the edited and took the comment as the original. Fair enough. Lots of people seem a little testy today and not sure why. Most of us are basically of the same mind with disagreement on some points . Israel is not going to attack Russian forces nor Russia attack Israel. Too many ingredients in this pot for it to turn out well. US/ NATO . Turkey , Russia , Israel , Iran , Lebanon , Kurds and that isn’t mentioning the various rebel/terrorist groups that love and or hate each other. The next point is what happens with the groups that agreed to stop fighting and were moved too Idlib province as part of their reconcilliation agreement. Do they get concerned with the approaching SAA or are they happy / accept that the HTS and associated groups need to be destroyed with whom they probably disagree with anyway. A lot of mud to be stirred before this one is over.


Turks can be bought with right offer… The problem is Assad is disgusted with Erdogan but it would be very wise (to overcome animosity) to try to reach agreement with Erdogan where Kurds will be losers. Kurds are going nowhere and doesn’t need Assad as long as US is there. Erdogan would not hesitate to throw HTS under the buss if the Asad’s offer for Turkey is right. If Erdogan can turn back to Turk population and say look what we have from Syria (he has to justify lives of Turk soldiers with some final conclusive results for Turkey). And that doesn’t have to be Syrian territory at all. Kurd’s are GENUINE Turk problem. And Assad is in position to scarify Kurd interests and make them total losers. That would make Turks very happy That is my 2 cents for the way out of this war situation.


In question has right putin and not you. Assad´s government has to give ethic rights for kurds. Similarly like have tatars, komis, yakuts, etc. in russia.


So why these systems were dispatched there if they are not used? How they defend their forces in Latakia if the radars are shut off?

Ricky Miller

Targeting radars are different from passive or situational awareness radars. They are way more powerful and emit in pulsing surges on a tight frequency so targeting computers can guide a missile to an aerial object’s exact location. Russia is aware from passive radar of what is flying nearby but with one known exception hasn’t pulsed with targeting radars. Keeping those under cover is important for signals information security. Russia has the capability to provide a more robust area defense for the Syrian theatre and as yet has chosen not to.


You are not very bright are you?! It is SELF-EXPLANATORY! Radars are activated only if the Russian forces are in danger Russian air defenses are to defend Russian assets in Syria only They are strictly for defending Russian military there and IMPOSING IDLIB NON FLY ZONE.


Radars are activated only if the Russian forces are in danger

BS! radars are always active

Russian air defenses are to defend Russian assets in Syria only

sure, and this is the evidence, that russia IS NOt ally of syria.

Human kind is doomed

Learn things before you start to speak. Several comments above are very accurate and they’ve explained difference between surveillance and acquisition radars!

Also, if Russia isn’t Syria’s ally, then who helped Syria to regain huge parts of it’s lands, hmm?


rusisa halped itself. to keep bases. thats all.

an allied counry would not tolerate presence of other armies in syria.

Human kind is doomed

You are not good at chess, right? Also, you don’t understand Turkey’s significance to Russia, do you?


especially in chess i am good. but papa putin is a weak chess player :)

usually the russian rules were weak. therefore lost 30% of territory of russia in 1901.

Human kind is doomed

You don’t say?


look at historical maps


Several comments above are very accurate and they’ve explained difference between surveillance and acquisition radars!

i reacted only to 1 comment!

Wayne Nicholson

SAM’s use 2 types of radars. A passive radar that just soaks up information and an active radar that give a targeting solution for the missiles for engagements. The passive radar give no signal that can be tracked back to the AD system but the targeting radar ‘pings’ the target and can reveal the location of the SAM and possibly information that can be used to jam it.

So far the Russians haven’t had to target an aircraft and have used TOR / Pantsir to defend against missiles and drones. Those passive radars on the S-300 / 400 are still very useful because they have a very big range and are networked to the TOR / Pantsir systems as well as the Syrian air defences.

Ricky Miller

Russia has declined to defend Latakia in the past from Israeli airstrikes but has discouraged such strikes to the point that they are so rare one is more likely to see Bigfoot before hearing of an Israeli strike on Latakia, at least one anywhere near to the current day we occupy on the calendar. The loss of a Russian recon plane has limited Israel’s freedom of action in the area around Russia’s bases.

Assad must stay

I’m kind of hoping there is a coup either in Russia or turkey, in russia putin getting replaced by a real hard ass, and in turkey erdocunt getting replaced by someone who doesn’t support headchoppers

Free man

“I’m kind of hoping there is a coup either in Russia..” – Assad stayed only thanks to Putin and Assad knows it.


As Iran survives only because of existence of Russia and China and not because of their famous “missile threat”. Iran would be nuked long time ago without Russia. Even China would be nuked long time ago without Russia. But Russia depends on the support of Chines economic and industrial Super Power without which Russia alone would not be able to resist US-NATO+allay onslaught! So everybody depends on everybody but only Russia is military nuclear linchpin on which depends safety of everybody.


Russia wanted to Nuke China in 1969 s during their border clash. They even asked the US for permission since China at the time was not on either sides good terms. Russia wanted to stop China’s nuclear program in its tracks.



USSR”asked permission US?!!! Ha ha ha you pathetic Western clown !! Learn to read Western simpleton ! It was COMMUNIST USSR not capitalist Russia! Today Russia has EXCELLENT relations with China and that drives you NATO lunatics mad! Now back off !

Xoli Xoli

You just a Russian pussy cat hiding behind other people’s comment.Real useless used smelly condom.

Free man

“Russia should have declared a NO FLY ZONE in Syria from get go as Iranians had suggested.” – You don’t stop slandering Russia and Putin on behalf of Iran’s jihadist regime. Evil zio psycho.


He is snake and anti-Russian back stabber. He knows that Russia has already “NO FLY ZONE ” for everybody except SAA over the Idlib. No Turk or any other NATO plane flays ever over the Idlib! And that is surely not because of Iran but only because of Russia’s interdiction. Iran has no authority over Russia at all. Iran is not capable to defend their bases in Syria let alone to impose any “non fly zone” in Idlib

Free man

“He knows that Russia already has” NO FLY ZONE “for everyone except SAA over the Idlib.” – When one obsessively slanders Russia, on behalf of Russia’s “ally”, the truth is not really important to one.

Tony B.

The truth that seems not important to most here is that Putin has nursed Turkey from NATO almost completely and pretty much the same from the U.S. itself.

klove and light

where are my dumb Monkeys and donks here????? you Zionist putzin cock suckers??????

I told UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU sooooooooooooooo this is gonna happen…..

so SHUT the fuck up u Monkey and donk treacherous ziobnist pig Putin Lovers here!!!

fuck u Putin zionist Putin Lovers here fuck Israel fuck the jews

u stupid morons here(99%) Putin Lovers…Putin who Always was a treacherous Zionist pig!!!!!”


get yourself a beer for being right at the moment. Do you feel better now?


Klove n hoofed forgot to take his meds.

cechas vodobenikov

the turks r beginning to lie like the amerikans—trump claimed no casualties from Iranian missiles…no the turks r emulating amerikans

Human kind is doomed

Turks didn’t stop with lying ever, so this one is only natural for them!

opet ja

Turks wouldn’t enter Syrian air space. They probably used stand off munitions and their howitzers can fire from within Turkish territory with range of 30km at least.

Zionism = EVIL

I am not sure whether you understand the geography and demographics of the Idlib and Turkey border region, the Turkish towns across are more densely populated and the damage and casualties would be far greater if this escalates. The arsehole Erdogan needs to understand that the Turkeys will be cooked if they keep on sponsoring terrorism in Syria. Even Russia is getting fed up.


Russia would never let Syria to strike Turkey within his border, that would make the entire NATO to strike Syria

Karen Bartlett

Good point.

Assad must stay

who cares whether they entered or not, they still are in syria and need to GTFO

Jim Bim

The Turks are full of BS.

The Man

Maybe it’s because they’re not Turks, but TURDS!!! ;)

Zionism = EVIL

The Turks and Kurd turds are the worst scum in the so-called Muslim world and they both deserve each other.

The Man

Well said. Dump the dirty Yids in with them and they’ll be happy as pigs in shit!

Zionism = EVIL

That is exactly right. The arseholes were not expecting a firm Syrian response and should expect more body bags if they don’t leave Syria.



Zionism = EVIL

The Turkeys got whacked by a very precise SAA artillery strike. Erdogan is a liar and an illiterate moron. It is quite apparent that SAA will now go on the offense to liberate all of Syria and the Turkeys need to go home and Russia should be moving SAM batteries up to the border. The F-16 are no match for modern Russian systems, even the Ansarallah have been knocking down Moroccan and Jordanian F-16 with far less sophisticated SAM systems. First time there was a Turkey shoot and they got creamed.

Assad must stay

yea they got creamfaced hahahaha

Zionism = EVIL

BTW, 8 of their OPs are surrounded by the SAA and its allies and the situation is militarily untenable. The headchoppers are hiding behind dumbass Turkey masters. The area is very small and the SAA now has the tactical and geographical advantage. I hope the arsekissing Putin does not sign anymore “ceasefires” as the headchoppers are on the verge of collapse.

Assad must stay

Yes no more ceasefires!!!!

AM Hants

Do you remember what Syria was like, before President Putin lent a hand?

How far they have come, looking at the bigger icture, not, just the smaller portions?

Turkey came in handy, to allow breathing space, till they were ready to deal with Idlib. Whether with or without the approval of armchair gossips.

As President Assad said, when praising the wisdom of Russia’s strategy, ‘You either have a nation or you don’ t’.

Karen Bartlett

Weren’t the ceasefires for the sake of civilians getting out of Idlib on the humanitarian corridors?


Well one thing we all forget is how the South to Israel border was cleared with no major offensives due to political movements done by Russia with Israel and Co. Including Turkey who moved terrorists out of Hama for the most part

Peter Jennings

Turkish troops are getting in the way of the SAA doing their jobs, so if they come under fire from Syrian forces they only have themselves to blame for that.

Erdogan can bleat how he is helping the situation in Idlib but every man and his dog knows that isn’t the case. When Erdogan finally exasperates Russian patience, Erdogan may just find that there is a kill switch on his recently acquired S-400’s.

Zionism = EVIL

The Turkeys are in Syria illegally and secondly they are terrorist sponsors.

Jimi Thompson 2

Um, just FYI… Erdogan is kiIIing SAA troops on purpose… Turkey is WITH THE TERRORISTS… the very same terrorists that are, and have been, funded by the U.S., UK, Saudis, and more or less ALL NATO states, as well as multiple Emirates.

This is not “new”.

Did you just now wake up from an 8 year coma?

Peter Jennings

The conflict in Syria began nine years ago. Try to keep up.

Who said ‘Erdogan is kiIIing SAA troops on purpose’? Oh that’s right, you did. Your comment then goes on to point out the obvious that even the trolls have stopped trying to debunk.

Jimi Thompson 2


So, let me get this straight… when you started out your comment with this “Turkish troops are getting in the way of the SAA doing their jobs, so if they come under fire from Syrian forces they only have themselves to blame for that.“… to you, in your mind, that was tantamount to saying “If Erdogan wants to continue to destabilize Syria by utilizing mercenaries from U.S. backed terrorists groups, this is what he should expect.”

Is that right?

Are you honestly trying to tell us that in your mind, those two sentences mean the same thing?

Pfffft… you’re a clown.

Assad must stay

piece of shit erdocunt needs to GO and his love affair with Putin needs to DIE!


Turkey failed to notify of convoy movements in Syria’s Idlib before getting shelled by Damascus troops – Russian military

“Units of the Turkish military conducted movement within the Idlib de-escalation zone during the nighttime from February 2 to February 3 without informing the Russian side and came under fire by the Syrian government troops, which were targeting terrorists west of Saraqib,” the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation said on Monday. https://www.rt.com/news/479932-turkish-convoy-russian-reaction/

Jimi Thompson 2

Although there are a lot of broken promises that lay by the wayside where Trump is concerned, his complete 180 flip on Syria, and his refusal to shut down the borders and stop all immigration until most of the illegal invaders have been deported, are the two most disturbing for me.

In a matter of 4 years, I have gone from being willing to take a bullet for him, to having a hard time mentioning anything positive he has done (because of the so many broken promises), to still being willing to vote for him while biting my tongue, to where I am now… which is utterly disgusted.

Sigh… SMFH.

AM Hants

Understand where you are coming from. Wanted him in, owing to 50% chance of peace. Now, like all Western politicians, feel my skin cringe whenever they are mentioned.

First thought, they relish in genocide and ethnic cleansing. Followed by, easy to blackmail, owing to life style choices, finishing with easy to coerce.

Look at everything with ‘false flag’ eyes, including Chinese Flu Virus and latest MI6 false flag in Streatham. Nothing is an accident, courtesy Operation Gladio and Operation Mockingbird, were never shut down.

Jimi Thompson 2

It’s so much worse than Mockingbird now (as if that wasn’t / isn’t bad enough)… SMH.

Did you ever get a chance to spend any time looking into their new, more powerful, literally all consuming global mass-media / propaganda psyop?

I think I sent you a link to a site a few weeks ago… it’s regarding the EXPOSE Network / Zinc / Open Information Partnership.

When one considers who all is involved, it is beyond horrifying.

CIA / MI6 / Institute of Statecraft / the Australian Government / the U.S. State Department / Atlantic Council / Jones International Group (ShadowNet + CrowdForce) / Soros – Open Society / National Democratic Institute / International Republican Institute / Rockefeller Foundation / Tides, etc., etc.

The funding is in the billions (more or less an unlimited black bag op), and the two primary functions are to 1) create an overwhelming network of web-based properties (human rights websites, business websites, news websites, lifestyle websites, social channels, etc.) that run globalist propaganda, 24/7 on an international level, and 2) to use the Jones International Group’s weaponized psychological warfare toolbox to search out opposition information (blogs, social accounts, websites, news sites, etc.) and silence them, force them to shut down, or get them deplatformed.

It’s going to be like what we are seeing now on all major media and social networks, multiplied 1,000,000 times.

If you think people are dumb or uninformed now, the reality of it is that they are getting ready to turn the “heat” from 2, to 10.

Check this when you can… it’s many hours worth of reading and cross-referencing, but… sigh.

Make sure to read all 6 parts… and have a throw-up bucket and a few bottles of wine handy.

> https://in-this-together.com/expose-network-and-the-open-information-partnership-summary/

Karen Bartlett

I’m not going to vote for him again.

Karen Bartlett

When he bombed Syria that was enough for me. He appointed the CIA head torturer to high office, a guy who doesn’t support the 4th A to the Supreme Court, various neo-con war monger to important positions, etc. He’s not misled. Imo, he’s just as much an imperialist as the warmongers, just hides it behind b.s. rhetoric, which he’s clever at. He’s got a lot of people fooled. (But I still wouldn’t have voted for a Clinton.)

Jimi Thompson 2

I can’t blame anyone who has resolved to that position.

There is no way I will ever vote for a Leftist… unless I think there is a possibility that they have enough power to and backing to start implementing policy that will force people to rise up against the machine and initiate the purge.

I most likely will just walk away from “the whole deal” and watch it all burn down… unless I hear the call in the night!

Karen Bartlett

Yes, I am considering simply not voting, since there seems to be no one to vote for. If Rand Paul runs and gets to stay in the race, I will vote for him. He is anti-war and supports the Constitution.

Jimi Thompson 2

I can appreciate that… especially for the reasons presented, except for the latter one!

The Constitution – especially when on factors in the elaborations in the Federalist Papers – often stand in affront to “Libertarian Ideology”.

That said, I can’t role with Libertarians… politically speaking… only because “things” are already to loose, and I am firmly of the position that very stringent measures are required… all things considered.

Not trying to be argumentative… just FYI.


Karen Bartlett

Well, I haven’t read the Federalist papers, but I looked them up on Wikipedia. I don’t like Hamilton’s ideas of having a strong central gov’t, a national bank, and protective tariffs which would benefit the Northern industrial section of the country, generally at the expense of the South. At the time of the “Civil” War, the South was paying about 80% into the federal treasury, while 75% the funds were being spent in the North, for “improvements” such as canals, infrastructure for Northern cities and subsidies to Northern business.This was a main issue leading to War.

Slavery was a minor issue, mainly an issue on the grounds that the Northern States didn’t like the 3/5 Clause and wanted no blacks in their States or in the New Territories.Many States, such as Illinois, Lincoln’s home State, had laws which forbade blacks from living there, and so did some of the Territories, such as Oregon. After the War, hundreds of thousands of freed slaves starved to death or died of exposure or disease. The North made little to no provision for their welfare, in fact, Lincoln said they could “root hog or die”.

The North was rabidly racist (Alexis DeTocqueville, “Democracy in America”, 1830) while in the South blacks and whites often lived in the same house.The South did not like the institution of slavery but it had been put in place by the British and was difficult to end quickly without mass starvation of blacks and bankruptcy of plantation owners.Abolition actually started in the South, but events such as John Brown’s massacre and Nat Turner’s massacre of Southerners caused the South to fear abolitionists, who were often violent.

Lincoln was a firm supporter of Hamilton, and was a wealthy railroad lawyer before running for office. The first thing the War enabled was the building of the Transcontinental Railroad (started in 1862) taxpayer funded and rife with corruption. It cost thousands of dollars per mile to build, while privately-funded railroads had been built for much cheaper.Also, it went through Northern States, which the South had objected to for years, wanting a railroad line which would benefit them as well as the North. (Thomas J. DiLorenzo, “The Real Lincoln” and “Lincoln Unmasked”.

However, Sen. Rand Paul is a Republican. His father is a Libertarian. I don’t agree with all the Libertarian platform either, but I do agree with their assessment of a too-big federal gov’t (this was the main result of the War) and too many unelected official bodies making too many regulations which don’t benefit Americans but government.

Jimi Thompson 2

Sigh… SMH.

If you want to truly dig into the factual history of the Civil War era, and other time periods that pertain to the fairly early history of this country,check with Robin > https://disqus.com/by/disqus_ARFScQbinf/ < … she's awesome, and is a thorough study.

You're welcome…


Karen Bartlett

Thanks, but I A) have an Master’s and know how to do my own research and B) have at least a dozen books about the War in my library and C) subscribe to the Abbeville Insitute and other sites on which published historians write articles about the War. I can’t imagine an unknown blogger knowing more than they, sigh… SMH.

Jimi Thompson 2

“an Masters”… “an unknown blogger”… “published historians”… LOLOL!!!

“I also use Wikipedia as a trusted resource reference, which is why I copied and pasted several paragraphs from the site.”

“Although I have an [sic] Master ‘s [sic], and subscribe to the Abbeville Institute and other sites that publish articles written by historians, I know nothing about the Federalist Papers.”

Cool story… you’re funny!!

Good thing you have an Master’s!!

Karen Bartlett

“copied and pasted”?

Ricky Miller

I’m not voting for him again. He is literally incapable and or unwilling to supervise the national security state in Washington D.C. They are literally running around creating havoc, barely supervised. His miscalculations stand a good chance of starting a major war with Russia and China both if he’s given four more years. As much as I despise the Democratic alternatives he has proven himself to be too great a risk. He will not carry Ohio again in 2020.

Jimi Thompson 2

He’s carrying out an Israel First agenda, in regards to both foreign and domestic policy, which, as a whole – or even individually – has absolutely nothing to do with the America First agenda, and is very close to, if not fully, a Neocon / Neoliberal First agenda.

I will most likely sit this one out until, and if, a true America First candidate evidences himself… properly!

Assad must stay

yea dont vote at all, im not

Assad must stay

i know how you feel as i also had high hopes for him but now i wish he were removed from office as soon as possible

Jimi Thompson 2

I don’t want him gone just yet, and it most likely would be “best” if he made it 2 more years or so… if for no other reason than to keep people “in place” while those who are building cases on so many DS operators can stay focused.

I do know exactly how you feel though… ugh… so frustrated.

Assad must stay

why? he is doing nothing but creating trouble for the world

Jimi Thompson 2

You may have only seen the top line of my comment… check the rest of it out, as I elaborated a little bit!

Assad must stay

I did but who knows if he is even going after anyone in the deep state anymore? He is completely controlled by israel now, they probably have some dirt on him too

Jimi Thompson 2

You are exactly right on both counts… however, you still need to reread and think about what I said.

I never said “he” is doing anything about the DS…

Joe Doe

Russia is lousy protector. Yes, Russia helping Syria on limited bases, but Putin using Syria for Russia interest. To have strong Protector means other nation will be afraid destroying your country. Syria being attach almost by everyone and Russia just watching. Now no one even afraid of Russia and SYria paying the price.

Assad must stay

i wish iran were as powerful as russia, they would be the best protector for syria

Ivan Freely

Nations don’t sacrifice themselves for others. Russia is only doing what’s best for their own interests. And if it means allowing others to occassionaly throw pot shots at Syria then so be it.


Yeah yeah, we also remember turkoid reports of killings millions of PKK and ISIS in north Syria lol. Fuck Turkey in Syria and fuck Turkey in Libya! Erdogan is a fucking joke, bad one at that.

Lazy Gamer

Is Erdogan trying to test the red lines of Russia or is Russia trying to make Syria deescalate and accept the status quo?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes and yes.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Erdogan is a lying, dictatorial piece of camel shit.


Turkey must observe restraint and allow Syrian troops to continue their operations without interference. Assad controlled Idlib will be a good news for Turkey in the long term.

Karen Bartlett

Erdogan seems to lie constantly. just like Trump and his cabinet.

Ricky Miller

President Erdogan is lying about the F-16’s. At least all evidence to the current minute says so. There are no reports of Turkish aviation from any non-Turkish sources with the exception of helicopters Turkey used to evacuate the wounded. Turkey did respond using artillery, including heavy rockets and did so from both inside Idlib and also, surprisingly, from observation posts that are currently surrounded by the SAA. Syria responded by getting on with it and actually captured the village that Turkey was trying to block them from. Russian and Syrian airstrikes have resumed across Idlib in larger than average volumes and it seems like nobody except Russia wants to back down and de-escalate. Turkey is even striking at SDF positions across the North and the Turks declined to show up at a rendezvous point to undertake a joint patrol with Russian forces. It seems like the Republic of Turkey wants to fight everybody at once. SDF, SAA, General Haftar’s forces in Libya, Cypriots and Greece, and argue heavily with the Americans all at once.

Hey Russia. Are you going to insist that the Syrians continue to allow the resupply of Turkish bases that are behind Syria’s lines, even as those outposts are now being used as firebases against the Syrians and being protected by Russia’s military police? Is President Erdogan going to continue to be permitted to define the narrative here about Turkey’s rights under the Astana and Sochi agreements while President Putin doesn’t even say publicly that Turkey has not honored her responsibilities under the agreements? Even more, is Russia to allow Turkey to punk Russia out in public with statements about Turkey telling Russia that it will not permit being blocked in carrying out combat missions over Syria? Not to mention Turkish proxies overrunning a Russian MP post and killing four of your personnel and yet you say or do nothing in response? If Syria was worth doing in 2015 than shouldn’t it be worth doing well? If not, why is Russian personnel being asked to risk themselves and Russia’s military reputation, required for deterrence, by being there at all? As much as I appreciate Russia’s efforts in maintaining International order, including in Syria, your current prolonged posture inside Syria makes you look inept or even weak and invites further challenge and setbacks, some of which might prove humiliating beyond immediate recovery. To put it rudely, which is what you deserve this day, this shit’s getting fucking ridiculous. If I were a senior officer deployed in Syria today, or in Moscow, I’d resign in disgust and publicly detail why. And join a political movement inside Russia which takes both it’s security obligations and it’s international reputation seriously.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well said buddy, and yes the world is watching Russia’s reputation being torn to shreds thanks to Putin’s constant capitulation to Turkish demands.


Those Turkish bases are Turk stupid mistake and it is in SAA advantage to have those Turks there as future HOSTAGES in the situation of larger conflict !

So it is in SAA interest to have them there

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Turkish drones are constantly flying over Idlib, Aleppo and Al Hashaka, and so do US drones too, WTF are you talking about,

“But they still can NOT FLY over the Idlib”,

But they can and do all the time, so don’t spread BS and get your facts straight, there’s been a US drone over Idlib for 2 days straight now and the Turks frequently do the same thing.





Raptar Driver

The Russians are playing with fire when it comes to the Turks.


Too much fog of war, this could all be just war-propaganda.

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