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Erdogan Tells Sweden: Don’t Expect To Join NATO After Quran Burning Incident

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Erdogan Tells Sweden: Don't Expect To Join NATO After Quran Burning Incident

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It seems the weekend Quran burning controversy in Stockholm was the straw that broke the camel’s back. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan issued some definitive sounding comments on Monday saying that “Sweden should not expect support from us for NATO.”

On Saturday anti-Turkey demonstrations in the Swedish capital included an incident where a copy of the Quran was burned in front of the Turkish embassy. The Quran-burning has enraged Turkish officials, especially coming off of another protest less than two weeks ago wherein a Kurdish group hanged an effigy of President Erdogan and tweeted out images.

Erdogan Tells Sweden: Don't Expect To Join NATO After Quran Burning Incident

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Erdogan on Monday said that Swedish authorities allowing it to happen (given police were looking on and didn’t intervene) said it’s proof they allow terrorists in their country.

According to Turkey’s Daily Sabah, Erdogan “slammed Sweden for allowing terrorist sympathizers and others freely distribute hate propaganda, saying that Stockholm should not expect Türkiye to support its NATO bid.”

According to one translation, Erdogan addressed Sweden, saying that if it “does not respect the religion” of Turkey or Muslims, “then you will not receive any support from us on NATO.”

On Sunday, Erdogan had reiterated demands that both Sweden and Finland as part of their NATO membership aspirations hand over hundreds of Kurdish terrorists.

“First of all, they need to extradite nearly 130 terrorists in order for their bids to pass our parliament; unfortunately, they have yet to do this,” Erdoğan said at a youth rally, according to state news agency Anadolu.

But both countries have argued this in some case would require changing free speech laws. Sweden recently said it simply can’t give Turkey what it wants, particularly in cases centered on protected free speech.

According to a description of Saturday’s Quran burning incident in Al Jazeera:

The Quran burning was carried out by Rasmus Paludan, leader of Danish far-right political party Hard Line. In April last year, Paludan’s announcement of a Quran burning “tour” during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan sparked riots across Sweden.

Surrounded by police, Paludan set fire to the holy book with a lighter following a long diatribe of almost an hour, in which he attacked Islam and immigration in Sweden. About 100 people gathered nearby for a peaceful counterdemonstration.

“If you don’t think there should be freedom of expression, you have to live somewhere else,” he said.

Turkey has requested that Swedish authorities take legal action against such demonstrations, particularly involving Kurds.

Anti-Sweden protests have popped up across Turkey and in other Muslim-majority nations:

Earlier this month Erdogan’s office said, “We urge the Swedish authorities to take necessary steps against terrorist groups without further delay.” Turkey often labels dissenting Kurdish groups as “terrorists”. Meanwhile, this new Quran burning protest incident has reportedly set off large-scale protests against Sweden inside Turkey, as well as denunciations by a handful other Muslim-majority countries.


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Chris Gr

The clear winner is Putin. Most of the European far-right and some of the Muslim far-right support him.


Europe is disintegrating. It’s a failed experiment. I live in Holland, Swamped by africans and muslims from all over the world the rats and parasites have come My own people in Holland are 2nd rate citizens. The biggest winners are Russia and Turkey. Slava Russia



True, very true (and btw. the same way the also the Rome Empire was destroyed by the very same evil entity behind the current civilisation destruction and wars).

But have you ever asked yourself who caused this situation ? Did you ever think about what would have happened had Germany won the 2nd World War. You think the National Socialists would have allowed invasion (aka mass-immigration) of jews, gipsies, africans, muslims into Europe ?

But who allowed it ? USA and Soviet Union (now Russia). Who was, and still is truely governing and controlling these countires ? Ask yourself this question please ! Who controls their banks, their medias, their education and JUDical systems ?

And still most people here not realize that they are both in cahoots? Can nobody see from all these facts, that they are both working together !???

So for all who have at least 1 functioning braincell left, it should be absolutely clear, that USA isn t fighting Russia, and Russia isn t fighting the USA. They didn t do in World War 1, they didn t do in World War 2, and of course they do not do it now (in World War 3) eighter ! Instead they, like always, work hand-in-hand in order to destroy those who are not accepting jewish supremacy !

Why is all that, you ask ? Because both USA and RU are controlled by Jews, which want to first eradicate Europe, then the USA and Japan, then that little bit what s left of fake-christian Russia, then Islam, and finally all none-jews apart from 500 mio, who will be needed as servile slaves and whores to the jewish self-proclaimed masterrace.

The ADL chief, and living scum, Abraham Foxman told this full openly in 25th Aug. 1998 in New York already, but people are to ignorant to listen to announcements of these disgusting, maximum satanist, hook-nosed demons.


And another one, Moscow’s ex prime Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, and also good friend of Mr. Putin, goes even more direct on it, listen here: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/U1gOYHsx3nVC/

Or Here too: https://birthofanewearthblog.com/the-jewish-agenda-to-destroy-the-white-race/

Therefore forget all the western (US & EU propaganda) as well as the eastern (Russian & Chinese propaganda) as behind them its just jews who not want to de-nazify or de-russianize your countries, but in fact want christians to slaughter each other. They want to destroy your nations by mass-immigration, mass-vaccination (ratpoison death-jab injections), and mass-idiocracy and mass-stupidity, globo-homo and climate agendas forced upon you by their medias and JUDical systems. They want that you, as a christian, go out and slaughter your christian neighbors, landsmen and brothers on their (the jews) behalf ! That’s the cause of it all. Therefore, wake up and DON ‘ T do it !!! If you start see through the fog of jewish lies and there media propaganda and refuse to kill your fellow christian brothers and sisters, these jewish vermin are the fucked ones.

And, god-willing, all christians and muslims one day will unite and hunt down all these hook-nosed filth of the earth, till the last cockroach is eradicated from the face of the earth, and mankind will be free of these satanic world-parasites once and for all.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

@BooHootin, I agree completely . We all know who rules the world. And we all know who we are not allowed to insult. The poison of society

Chris Gr

Rothschild, the highest person from what I have seen. But all of them are descendants of Nephilim.

Chris Gr

You are partly right. Sane brown, black, red and yellow people don’t like these thugs in their countries and they send them into Europe, because we Europeans play the village idiots.

These illegal aliens are mostly criminals and many of them are members of groups like ISIS/AQ or some other like PKK/MEK and far-left Trotskyist groupuscules.

These are not Jews but the synanogue of Satan. The good and real Jews and the other lost tribes, like the Ethiopians, the Igbos and the Mizoram in Burma, accept Jesus. This synagogue of Satan rejects Jesus and accepts the Antichrist.

Gypsies are lumpenproletariat.


It is not “the jews” it is a couple rich familys may count as jews but just like soros i think they are seeing themselves as gods instead of believing in one.

These super rich do not give any more damn for normal jewish people as for normal nonjewish they just know how to use them as a defensive shield against any criticism.

S Balu

Ericv But it normal and acceptable by you that european immigrants not only took over What is now called USA, Canada Australia,New Zealand etc and massacred the native Population these immigrants in Europe have NOT THAT LOW AS WHAT YOU DID TO NATIVES OF USA,CANADA AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND NEXT IT IS VERY NORMAL FOR EUROPE AND USA TO INVADE OUR COUNTRIES BASED ON LIES ,DESTROYING OUR LIVEHOOD AND COUNTRIES YOUR STUPIDITY AND WHITE SUPREMACY IS REFLECTING IN YOUR STATEMENT THE DAY OF WHITE SUPREMACY IS SOON COMING TO END SAD PART YOU SHOT YOUR OWN FOOT IN PURSUIT OF GREED INSTEAD OF SHARING THE PROSPERITY There are three new big hungry dogs in the block called Russia China and India Who going demand bigger piece of chicken that you have had monopoly for past 70 years plus whilst you focus on petty issues of immigrants and Muslims etc You have no manpower nor resources to fight these three hungry dogs


@balu. Take your pills and relax.. The ”white greed”’are the Jews. US is controlled by them. Jews are not white Europeans. They are not the same . The Jews controlled the mass-immigration to the America’s and wherever. Go bother them. If you want America back for the Indians : good for you! I want Europe back for the EUropeans.

S Balu

ericv Jews or zionist are used frontage of the Evangelical ,Catholic and Protestant Christian churches so what hell are you talking about

Chris Gr

Yes, Native Americans should have their own land.

Chris Gr

There is not a problem of “white supremacy”. Groupuscules like KKK are small. Anyway, many white nations like we the Greeks, the Serbs, the Poles, the Baltics, the Hungarians, etc … , never did any colonialism and when we the Greeks/Macedonians (the real Macedonians, not the Vardaskan imposters) did imperialism with Alexander the Great, most nations accepted Alexander and considered him as saviour.


‘the Empire on which the sun never sets’ is a pipe dream. 1492-2022!


French people are happy about this situation. They did vote 8 times Macron in 8 votes.

Chris Gr

Macron played both cards. He played the patriot also and he is coming closer to Christianity. But he is hypocrite.


Europe is not disintegrating. Power is shifting to Central Europe. Today living standards are highest in countries like Poland or Czechia. Big homes, nice cars, low unemployment and integrated, mono ethnic society eager to work and built. Holland simply is becoming more like third world – divided. Rich white people lives separate lives than ordinary, mostly muslim population. Private estates – gated communities, private schools etc – this is new normal for Dutch…

Chris Gr

The winners are the Chinese also.


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Last edited 2 years ago by PatriciaCarrillo

we blacks live like kings in white country’s . the future black not white looool

cosmic dwarf

Erdogan’s antics are so transparent and predictable that I can’t help feeling a bit awkward reading about them. Sure, everyone you don’t like is a “terrorist”… now what does that remind me of? Oh yeah – the US neoconservatives, 20 years ago. Bit behind the curve there, pal.


He speaks of others supporting “terrorists” and spreading hate while he himself protects Al Qaeda and co. terrorists in Idlib who are known to be fond of massacring Alawites and Shias. And that’s without even mentioning his support for Ukronazis (though this pales in comparison to the support nazis receive from EU and USA). Erdolfgan is indeed a clown, when he starts talking about moral questions it’s always a parody. Still he has more independence then any European leader (not counting Lukashenko and Putin). He might let them join, but first he wants to milk this position of leverage as much as possible.

Chris Gr

HTS are just a bargaining chip. He says, let me finish PKK and I will let you finish HTS.



No, he is not a clown, but a dangerous traitor – who will, like Putin first make the country rise economically, give back its greatness to it for a while and then, after 95 % of population fully trust him, will lead the whole country into war and shit. Classic jewish stratregy, they did it with Carthage and their traitor Hannibal hundreds of years ago the same way (while at the same time fully infiltrating Rome Empire policy positions and seats – and in the next step destroyed that Emipre too) .

Erdogan is from the Dönmeh – a jewish community inside Turkey which was forced to accept Islam long ago. The Dönme were a group of Sabbatean crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire who converted outwardly to Islam, but retained their Jewish faith


Moreover he is member of the freemason arc-lodge called Hathor 51 or ‘Hathor Pentalpha’ same as George W. Bush, wheras Putin and Angela Merkel are members of the arc-lodge ‘Golden Eurasia’. Realize they are all NWO-JWO puppets !

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin
Chris Gr

Erdogan is Pontic-Lazic.

Buford T Justice

You can’t help feeling a bit awkward reading about them.? LOL Go have your head checked.

Chris Gr

Because neocons are not only in the US.


LOL! NATO and Sweden are showing that they are the true fascists.

A Fellow

By some random civilians committing blasphemy? You’re using the SJW & Atlantacist definition of fascism. If that’s also the “multi-polar” definition, the entire world is just cucked to one religion’s sensibility.


Islam is geen Godsdienst, maar een humanistische religie een levensovertuiging.

Als het om God gaat, dan praat men over geloof, over getuigenis en niet die opdringerigere overtuigen van een bepaalt levensbeleid.

S Balu

A fellow Game is focus on one single issue whilst three fat hungry dogs get away to challenge Western supremacy and loot Remember when two dogs fight third get the whole piece


sanna marin is an other puppet of the EU-prolgbt gang

No To NATO In Finland

Sannan Marin our PM she’s brainwashed! 🤯😵 believes every lie Ukraine regime writes on Twitter. In spring 2022 she went to Bucha’s staged massacre theater scene and believed it all. There she became our dancing cocaine slut, a dancing war whore for Zelensky 🍑🤡💃🏻 whom she just ordered to give 400+ Million Euros!!! We have at least 10% poor population who will have difficulties buying nessecary food medicine etc, but to Nazi pig 🐷 Zelensky’s endless needs she gives & the poor will have to pay for her newest 400+M € to Zelensky’s endless pockets and cravings for more money & weapons. THAT evil corrupt regime never gets enough! 🤡 + his henchmen 👿 are very angry and regularly insult us for not giving enough money 🤬! But Ukraine’s Central Bank is of course now the Capitol Hill in Washington. American taxpayers will suffer.


She doesn’t “believe it all”. She is instructed to play along like a good little b*tch. Like all owned assets


Terrorism is probably being generous but deliberate antagonism might fit, as well as telegraphing a rejection of islam, which, given our newfound understanding of who apparently owns the EU parliament, is very politically incorrect…

Sionist Slaves of America

Yeah baby. Anyone who supports YPG-PKK-SDF Kurdish terrorists needs to pay a price.


So that means I simply gotta publicly burn a book to cause international outrage? Don’t tease my hazardous self.. ;>


“One way to show contempt for something is to publicly burn the symbol associated with that thing. For example, burning a nation’s flag (the symbol of the country) is a statement of disrespect and contempt for that nation. Burning a person in effigy is an act of contempt for the person represented. And burning Bibles is a statement of contempt for God, for the church, or for religious authority.”

It is the same case with burning Quran.

You need to remember one thing kiddo, before burning Quran, the same type of people were burning Bibles, so if you think you are like them join them. Be like that Danish sub-human an attention seeker hoe.

Trust me, there are many people that burned Quran/Bibles – no one would give a fuk about you doing as well. But ONLY IF YOU COULD FUKING READ THE REPORT YOU MIGHT UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE GIVE 2 SHITS.


Hey, look it is our Jen.

That guy is Danish, ofc he is, and he was kick/banned for doing the same thing in Denmark (I believe, it was a few years ago). Now as you know he moved to Danish areas of Sweden and doing the same thing again.

Also, he is a lowlife being – the only thing people know him for is mainly for burning Quran in Denmark and Sweden. Guess what, that is the only way he gets his name around and ofc he going to do it again and again as he is failure and an attention seeker.

I believe he is doing it again now because the Kurdish terrorists attacking Turkey while hiding in Sweden, Finland and Denmark. What funny is he looks 101 British… and his “goals” are to attack Muslims and kick refugees/migrates from Denmark. I’m not going to bored you to death but Kurdish terrorists got played and they are going to pay for it in Iraq, Syria, Turkey or anywhere else.

Also, Sweden is a weak state and doesn’t want to join NATO (their far-right thinks that) and Turkey can easily use this as an attack towards Turkey. Russia is the real winner here with Turkey. Like that ugly pig burned Quran before but what has he achieved with it? Nothing. Even now you have to question that. On the other hand, Turkey and Russia laughing at NATO – Someone in the West might fuk Sweden sooner or later for this because uncle Sam wants them to fight Russia later.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345
Chris Gr

“Refugees” are not genuine Muslims but lumpenproletariat.


Furck Urtogan with a burning Qoran. One of the current biggest reasons to be suspicious of Pappa-Poot is his playing footsie with the vilest of vile like Urtogan.

Gorgeous George

Sweden is the cuck country per se. I can’t believe they are not handing over some 3rd worlders in order to get into NATO as quick as possible.

Buford T Justice

The guy pictured burning the Koran is a dead man . Not too bright , obvioulsy .


Now burn the Talmud outside the Israeli Embassy.

The Crunge

The Swedes probably did it in purpose. Good excuse to get out of a stupid war with Russia.

S Balu



It was done by russia. Sweden will join Nato regardless


Greece will not allow:)


Wouldn‘t even pay attention to such ppl More unfortunately, Russian propaganda flirts with „Western“ xenophobes, while lamenting Nazis in Ukraine. Not very coherent.


Firstly, Erdogan never keeps any promise or deal and Turkey has perfect record of violating any deal or promise for centuries. Secondly, the right question is, why Turkey which invaded Cyprus in 1974 should be NATO member at all. Thirdly the answer is that NATO is utterly corrupt and controlled by US military-industrial complex so local politics including Sweden and Turkey doesn’t matter. By the way, the NATO concept is based on “spreading democracy”uh,uh. Ukraine, Iraq, Yemen, Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan and so on really don’t look like a good place to live after NATO interventions. And it is not up to Sweden or Turkey to take decisions, it is US MIC who takes decisions.

Anyway, if Erdogan feels so strong to confront USA and Russia both at the same time, he could be surprised when USA oust him by color revolution or assassination and Russia will not move the finger to save his sorry a** as they did the last time in 2016


Go back to school and learn history clueless idiot

Chris Gr

Turkey invaded Cyprus because Cyprus wasn’t part of NATO and because the stupid politicians of Greece betrayed the Greek Cypriots.

S Balu

Chris Gr Whole of Cyprus belongs to Syria read the history Greeks were brought in by Britain to alter the demographic composition of Cyprus

Chris Gr

The British actually supported the Turkish Cypriots.


Sweden like France and all other west European countries is controlled and run by jews

Chris Gr

Illuminati globalists

Peter Jennings

It sounds as though someone is stiring the pot. Turkey will leave nato and Sweden will join it, just at the time when nato becomes irrelevant and obsolete.

It seems Sweden is going along with the NWO without a fight. Maybe they didn’t want a repeat of Oslo or another Utøya?


Yeah, of course they burn the Quran, because its done deliberatly to provoce Muslims and the Muslims took the bait. One thing is intresting and never talked about is the so called “rightwinged” ones, who are they, when they are all die hard ISISrael friends, love the wars in Muslim nations, love the slaughter fest on the Palestinians, etc, to the raw hate against Iranians and now Russians, witch they, have yapped about for decades. EDL was run by a Jew, the same in France, etc, but somehow, we dont debate that either. And the second fact is, Norway and Denmark hides and protects MEK, yup, and they even pay them wellfare, etc to arming them to terrorise Iran. WE lost our nations in the 70s, to the present, and Norway is one of the most heavy cencured shitholes in the known universe, but this problem also shows why I cant fully trust the Russians at all.

Chris Gr

Most of the European far-right like Putin and Assad and most of these also like Israel.


Let me translate that for you: The goal was always for Finland to enter NATO, but this way it will seem as though someone actually asked Erdogan for an opinion.

Welcome Finland to NATO!

Turks are spineless as the rest of the world.


Unfortunately… Nobody in Russia would get an idea, to cash in, on this anti-NATO event in Turkey. And burn publicly photos of the Western NATO people who burned Quran. That would have huge positive impact not only on domestic Muslim community, but also on building, growing anti-NATO sentiment in Turkey. And get huge positive response throughout whole Muslim world around the globe. That would boost even more, already positive global image of Russia tremendously!

Tommy Lee

Go suck off a got, Jizzslamist faggots.


Funny that erdogan is doing something good. Must be an accident.

Wayne Gabler

Is that the best they can do? Why not something like, ‘You (NATO) can have Sweden, as long as you allow any Muslin in Scandinavia to be repatriated to ‘wherever home was’, Insert Moses saying, ‘Let my people go.’ Turkey can act as the hub. Africa could use ships, Nigeria is the port they will stop at first. As a sign of good faith, Turkey can take a holiday from Syria, especially the arms trafficking. Make it human trafficking, by taking the families of the hired guns with them

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