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Erdogan The Peacemaker: Turkey Calls On Iran To Deminstrate Restraint Amid Assassination Of Nuclear Scientist Near Tehran

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Erdogan The Peacemaker: Turkey Calls On Iran To Deminstrate Restraint Amid Assassination Of Nuclear Scientist Near Tehran


Turkey of Sultan-In-Chief Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who pretends to be the defender of Muslims around the world and the leader of the Turkic world, says that there is no need to start the conflict over the recent assassination of the key Iranian nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

Israel and the United States claim that Fakhrizadeh was the chief of the Iranian ‘nuclear weapons’ program. While Washington and Tel Aviv have not claimed responsibility for the attack, but there is little doubt that this was the Israeli operation with the US assistance.

On November 28, the Turkish Foreign Ministry released the followig statement (source):

No: 305, 28 November 2020, Press Release Regarding the Killing of Iranian Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh as a Result of an Attack

We are saddened by the killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh as a result of an armed attack on 27 November in Tehran. We condemn this heinous murder and extend our condolences to the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the family of the deceased.

Turkey is against all attempts aiming at undermining peace and tranquility in the region as well as terrorism in all its forms regardless of its perpetrator or target.

In this vein, we hope that the perpetrators of the attack will be identified and held accountable before justice. We also call on all parties to act in common sense and restraint and refrain from attempts that could lead to escalation in the region. (the emphasize is added by SouthFront)

In the context of this statement, it is interesting to ask how would Erdogan react if some state assassinates a Turkish top official or state-affiliated person? For example, the Turkish Defense Minister or Selcuk Bayraktar, the husband of Erdogan’s younger daughter Sumeyye, and the key figure in the Bayraktar UAV program.

While any ‘peacemaking calls’ of Turkey, which just days ago was threatening to go on a full-scale war with Armenia, are funny by itself, they also reveal an open secret of the Turkish foreign policy. Ankara calls on the sides to keep restraint because in the event of further escalation Turkey will have to clarify its position towards the situation and this position will expectedly be on the side of the United States and Israel despite all the public pro-Muslim rhetoric. This will once again undermine the years-long propaganda campaign alleging that the current Turkish leadership is somehow defender of the Muslim ideas and population in the region.


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Its a good advise though. Best choice is not to decrease Biden’s options. If there is a retaliation, he will face more opposition from the Jewish lobby as well as both parties that are unanimously support Israel, if he intents to get the nuclear deal back on. Just wait the Trump administration out and then get a favorable deal. The scientist is gone, no retaliation will bring him back. And interestingly IRCG seems to agree as they promised a retaliation but “not soon”. Iran has thousands of years state experience, they understand geopolitics very well.


Frankly, Iran will wait and strike at the time it suits its strategic interests. However, there will be unexpected retaliation. Persians are adept at statecraft.

Fog of War

Yes, play along with the ” good cop, bad cop ” narrative. Great advice.

Alekai Mordechai

Iran isn’t running out of time. Hubris aside scientists or not, JCPOA 2.0 will envision limit access of IAEA.

With Trump signing off, things need to roll fast. No matter the consequences. But therein lies the problem of getting the actual result.


Yeah, interesting things are coming into the empire. The politicians are on Bibi’s payroll and we know it. But I wonder how the fanatic left wingers like AOC and Harris will react. They are pro palestinian to the core. They have the guts of the jews. And their minions ( Antifa and BLM ) are even more extremists.


Directly from the Bibi’s ass a Zionist Sultan, a would be “peace loving person”, is calling for “restrain” showing his true affiliation to Zion and hidden alliance with IsraHell


He wants to be a leader in the entire Muslim world … and in Iran. Turkey wants to become one of the world’s leading power poles. Several years ago, at a conference in Europe, a Turkish colleague told me that they wanted to become the fifth largest power in the world. Today their demands have risen.In order to achieve this, the Turks are “obliged” to control completely and utterly the most crucial area of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean.

From the melting of the Arctic ice and the opening of the Arctic Circle to navigation to the infamous BRI (Belt Road Initiative), which is China’s new Silk Road, a new planet is being formed within the planet. A subsystem whose center is the Aegean and more broadly the Eastern Mediterranean, this can be seen geographically. To paraphrase Halford Mackinder, whoever controls this area puts a serious candidacy to become one of the rulers of the planet.


Turk objectives walk directly over all Russian interests in the region. There is only question when the war between Russia and Turkey will start…there is no “if”. I am 100% convinced that war between Turkey and Russia is inevitable if Turdogan stays in power and Turkey preserves today’s objectives.


Halford Mackinder was talking about control of Euro-Asian continent as an instrument to control the world not “east Mediterranean region”. And US is definitely not the country that control EuroAsian landmass so we are in multi – polar world already. For the 1st part of your comment I agree with you.


“While any ‘peacemaking calls’ of Turkey, which just days ago was threatening to go on a full-scale war with Armenia, are funny by itself, they also reveal an open secret of the Turkish foreign policy. Ankara calls on the sides to keep restraint because in the event of further escalation Turkey will have to clarify its position towards the situation and this position will expectedly be on the side of the United States and Israel despite all the public pro-Muslim rhetoric. This will once again undermine the years-long propaganda campaign alleging that the current Turkish leadership is somehow defender of the Muslim ideas and population in the region.” Masterfully said.


Frankly, Erdogan has more Arab and Armenian blood on his hands than his Zionist retainers. He is a charlatan.

Jimmy Jim


The Objective

This is the most naive article I’ve read on SF till date. I laughed at the last three or so sentences. The author obviously does not understand Muslim history while attempting to write about it. I’ll address this comment to the author directly and provide some hints to help him understand the situation better. First off, Shiism is not Islam by any standard. I’ll make references to Shiite believes that is 180 degree from true Islamic faith: 1) The Shiite cult holds that ALL but a handful of the Prophet’s companions are either apostates or hypocrites.Their slander is targeted specifically at three of the four top Sahabas (disciples) of Muhammad (S.A.W). These Sahabas are: Abubakar, Umar, and Usman. The only disciple they consider to be a true follower of Muhammad is Ali. Sunnis on the contrary consider the ALL four Sahabas (disciples) as rightly guided and have the highest moral and spiritual character among all others. The significance of this difference cannot be overemphasized. This is only one of the many differences between Shiite and Sunni believes that make them complete OPPOSITES. This alone is alone to apostatize any Shiite who believes in it, making him a non-Muslim even if he insists to be one. I can’t describe all the differences between the Shiite cult and Islam here. What I’ll do is point this author to a source that’ll give him all the details he needs regarding the Sunni-Shiite issue so that he may write more intelligent articles on the subject. The good thing about this source I’ll provide is that the author ALWAYS makes reference to the Shiite scholar or book from which he took his evidences and proofs so that no one can label his argument as false of biased. I’ve never read a more balanced analysis of the Shite-Sunni struggle. Anyone who wants to understand this divide owe it to himself to read the book. It’s a 1000+ page book, but it’s the best source that explains the differences between Shiites and Sunnis in ways never done before throughout Islamic history. Here is the link: https://mahajjah.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/UMS-UPDATED-FINAL.pdf Or you can visit this page to download it: https://mahajjah.com/usul-madhab-al-shia-al-imamiyyah-al-ithna-ashariyyah/

Regarding Erdogan claiming to be a peacemaker, I can swear for Erdogan here cos I don’t know his intentions. But one thing is certain: Turkey won’t benefit by siding with anyone in this war. If it sided with Iran, America’s fury descends on Turkey. If it sides with Israel and America, Iran might drag Turkey into any future war by targeting Turkish cities. Turkey is doing a pretty good job now keeping an eye on Russia. It should continue in that path and help the Muslims under Russian and Assad’s oppression in Syria and Libya.

Erdogan does not need to tell Iran to exercise restraint. If the Mullahs want to see MAOB bombs falling on Iran, they can retaliate openly against Israel. That’s their trouble to worry about cos they started this mess with their habit of making enemies of their neighbors, creating militias allover, and threatening to eject America and Israel from the Middle East. I can’t see anything good for Iran in this except certain destruction. The mullahs managed to make Persians an endangered race right now. And some still consider them wise men. TO ME, THEY ARE THE BIGGEST FOOLS on Earth. I can’t imagine what’ll happen to Iran in a regional war. So many enemies pointing nuclear and conventional bombs at Iran and Iran has to dilute its strength by retaliating against them all. It’s already a lost cause before it’s started.

But I’m pretty certain the will be NO retaliation against Israel or America. Their likeliest response will be on Saudi Arabia through the Houthis. But even that might invite a U.S strike on Iran’s facilities if done while Trump is still in office.


But one thing is certain: Turkey won’t benefit by siding with anyone in this war. If it sided with Iran, America’s fury descends on Turkey.

Turkey is already “siding” with IsraHell by protecting the aggressor . And Turdogan could have stayed neutral very easly. By sending condolences to Iran and condemning a terrorist act and shutting the fu*k up about all the rest … But somehow Turdogan have chosen to patronize and by doing that he took side of Israel advocating for not punishing their crime! Considering that Turdogan is not even wounded during putsch and he has put half of the Turkey in prison for the failed attempt of putsch, his words are totally hypocritical. Not to mention all Turk invasions of Iraq,Syria, Cyprus and intervention in Armenia Turdogan is anything but peace loving person and last person to recommend “peaceful solution” to anybody and even less to Iran.


You forgot the Turkish foray into Libya :)


Yes I did, thanks! Turkey is starting to have too many of them, difficult to remember them all…


And I thought I was forgetful, Lol.


Let me guess, your Sunni?

Vox Populi

He is a Salafist with ISIS agenda made in Langley.

The Objective

Call me whatever you want, but you Shiite agents on SF should not be allowed to have a field day misinforming unsuspecting readers. You had nothing to say to my comment cos you lack credible points to counter my claims. All you can think of is label me this and that. Iran will be destroyed. Mark my words. It’s nobody’s doing. It’s Allah’s doing. It’s no accident that you have thousands of missiles and nukes pointing on your country. What other non-nuclear armed state is facing such threats? But just like Shiites go, you’ll never come back to your senses until destruction comes.

Vox Populi

Drink less and snort even more.

The Objective

It’s obviously a waste of time reasoning with you. No more replies to your idiotic comments

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt these goy trolls are too woke…


My friend! no reasoning in what you wrote… Go back to learn more about creed….

The Objective

Perhaps you’ll enlighten me from your viewpoint. I’m always open to learning.


Why bicker over regional tensions when the real troublemakers are the Globalists?


Because the world is about to change…Western world dwindling and the others smell the blood….And everybody is up for grabs to take what is weakly defended. It is called “filing up the vacuum” or “redistribution of the power”. Just like in days of USSR collapse NATO took almost over everything controlled by the ex-USSR.

The Objective

The globalist cause trouble, but Iran too causes a lot of problem for the Muslim world. You don’t understand because you don’t know their history.


The Globalist’s are the ones manipulating everyone and causing all the wars. Do you not see how your brother’s are manipulated into doing their dirty work in Syria/Iraq etc.?

The Objective

What you say is true to some point. But there are other troublemakers we shouldn’t ignore. Iran being one of them. Ever since the Mullahs came to power in Iran, there has been intense tension and deadly clashes between Shiites and Sunnis in the Middle East. Prior to the Mullahs, the middle east almost exclusively focused on Israel. Thus, the Iranian mullahs proved so much a threat to the Sunni Arab states that they choose to cooperate with Israel over the Shiites. And truly, I also prefer Israel over the mad Mullahs of Iran. You may not understand this because you know little about them and what they can do given the chance. I’ll attempt to explain a few points that might further clarify my position.

Israel is making trouble for the Muslim world by oppressing the Palestinians. But look at it this way: Israel’s problem is limited almost exclusively to the Palestinians.

Iran on the other hand represent a diverse range of challenges. First, it creates Shiite armies within states and these militias end up oppressing the local population more than their declared enemy, Israel and America. Take Lebanon and Iraq as prime examples. What do you think will happen should a Sunni Militia be formed in Lebanon just like Hezbollah? What’ll happen when they clash? What happens if Sunnis were to form a Militia in Iraq that asks the U.S to stay? Majority of Iraqi Sunnis don’t want the U.S to leave. You know why? Because they feel more oppressed by the Shiite militias than U.S forces and America is like a protection force for them.

This Iranian problem is not limited to Iraq and Lebanon. There are Shiite militias in Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Palestine, and even places as far away as Nigeria. This makes Iran a more dangerous threat to the Sunni Muslim world than Israel. Iran sets its sight on any country that has a significant Shiite population. Even Azerbaijan has a reason for siding with Israel. Turkey too has severally accused Iran of attempting to stir up trouble through the Shiite community in Turkey.

Haven’t you been reading about extrajudicial killings in Iraq by Shiite militias? Haven’t you read about the assassinations of Sunni and Shiite activists that oppose the PMU? Where do you think this is leading?

The globalists cause trouble, but there are other troublemakers to we should not ignore. Iran is certainly one of them.


You are a tekfeeri…. I am a Sunni.. it’s clear you do not understand muslim creed at all….

Since when did not accepting any companion of Muhammad makes one a Kafir? The rejection of some companions is both scholarly and political as well. Even in sunni sources there are great references by sunni scholars in favour of imam Ali being the right successor I also do not know of any Shia authoritative doctrine that labelled the other three caliph as apostates. Yes, there could be some extreme writers of some Shia about them as apostates but never the mainstream believe of shias. Surely, when it comes to we sunnis there are some extremist views as well such as the Salafis and the Wahabis which you belong to… but never the view of mainstream Islam.

So why do you take the believe of some few and smear it on all?

It is clear that you’re a tekfeeri. A Wahabi fool as always

The Objective

I’m going to treat this subject with you to a considerable detail. But first, I need to know you are willing to discuss it. Before I say anything right now, I’ll ask you one question regarding your claim about mainstream Sunni believe not holding Shiism as misguided. The question is: Do Shias believe in the Sahih hadith? I just want a simple yes or no. Then I’ll tell you the implication of such by any Sunni standard whether Sufis, Salafists, Wahhabis, etc. I’ll also show you from Shiite scholarly and classical works where they accuse all but a few of the Sahabas of apostasy. I’ll also quote and provide references to shiite books that show believes that even SUFIS consider apostasy. Just answer the first question, and from your answer, I can either ask you a second question or proceed to discuss other points.

Note: Your claim that Sunni scholars belief the Ali should have been the first Kaliph clearly shows you are SHIITE not Sunni. No true Sunni makes such a claim.

The only Shiites considered Muslims are of two categories: The ordinary Shiite who’s unaware of these believes and therefore doesn’t necessarily support them. And the Shias who disagree with the Kaliphate of Abubakar, Umar, and Usman based on political grounds, but do consider the three to be God-fearing. These are NOT the Twelver Shiites of Iran.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Where there are many mosques there is poverty and unrest. All because of a distant fantasy god.

The Objective

Never mind what I am. Just refute my argument with logical explanations if you are sincere


OK, your argument that Sunni aren’t Muslim is opinionated.

The Objective

I never said Sunnis aren’t Muslims. If you mean Shiites, then read the source I provide. You’ll learn what the World’s Sunni scholars have to say about Shiism throughout Islamic history. Scholars as far back as over 1000 years ago also contended with Shiism. Just read.


Yeah, Shiites I mean. Just another branch of the Muslim religion. They follow similar religious practices, no?

The Objective

No. That’s what they want everyone to believe. Because this is the easiest way to sway unlearned Sunnis to enter Shiism. Their teachings and believes are largely secret. It’s not everything the tell the ordinary Shiite or Sunni. Were they to reveal the true Shiite belief to unlearned Sunnis, they’ll certainly shock many with some horrific beliefs. For example, Among their sects are those who say prophethood was wrongly brought to prophet Muhammad instead of Ali. However, the 12vers in Iran hold slightly different beliefs from these, but they too collectively condemn Muhammad’s closest and most trustworthy disciples and followers. By their belief, more than 95% of Muslims apostatized after the prophet’s death and only about 10 or so remained faithful. That means the Qur’an is questionable as it was transmitted by these same people the Shiites claim apostatized. They are the only Muslim sect I know that questions the authenticity of the present Qur’an. Many other horrific believes that’ll shock Muslims and surprise non-Muslims that such a belief exists in Islam. But that’s the reality. And that’s why we can never unite with those misguided sects. There has never been unity among Sunnis and Shiites at any point in history. And there isn’t about to be now.


Well, thank you for you insight. I don’t follow it too closely myself, but a lot of what I see is the similarities. I guess it comes down to how closely you follow what is written. Not everyone is going to agree with it, which is how the split has come about in the first place. But if they want to believe slightly differently, then that is their choice, and certainly no reason to angry about.

Shia man

James you took information from a person who loathes Shia Muslims everything he said is a lie the differences between Shia and Sunni is simple Shia followed the prophets family while Sunni followed his so called friends even though the prophet appointed imam Ali as his successor in the prophets last sermon ( ghadir khumm) Shia take their teaches from the prophets number one student who was with the prophet through thick and thin who was also the first male in Islam while Sunni follow someone who was gay and ran away from battles.


Yeah, there is a lot of propaganda here. Don’t take what I write too seriously.


Frankly, Shia are fighters for the underdogs. They are into social justice.

The Objective

I’m not angry at Shiites over their belief. What I don’t like is their constant attempt to spread this believe through deception and violence. I guess you are American. If you live long enough to see it, the Shites will start such a bloodshed in the middle east like never seen before. They have trained millions. They have saturated these militias with arms. God help that region when this powderkeg explodes. And it will explode one day.


You could say the same about Sunni. Especially, given all the ‘assistance’ provided by Saudi Arabia and the CIA.

The Objective

The Saudi Monarchy, ISIS, and other GCC monarchies do NOT have the support of the Sunni Muslim world. That’s why they’ve abandoned Saudi Arabia to its war in Yemen. You won’t hear any of the world-popular Muslim scholars saying good about the Saudi monarchy. They’re evil. Many times Khalid Yasin and others have publicly condemned these monarchies and dictators.

But that is not the case with Shiite militias. They have state backing and ideological backing from the entire Shiite establishment worldwide.

I don’t understand why Westerners see the Shiite militias as a lesser threat than ISIS. To me, they are more dangerous due to their level of organization, the unwavering backing they get, and the kind of armaments they have. One of these days, something will start and these guys will kill thousands of American troops. Maybe you guys will wake up then. Not that I sympathize with America. They deserve whatever the Shiites do to them in the future. But that doesn’t also mean I agree with Iran.

If the U.S and Iran will fight their wars without other countries suffering, I don’t care what they do with each other provided non-combatants aren’t harmed – whether Shiite or not. But Iran is expanding the war to encompass others (Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc.). If you were a citizen of one of these countries, you may understand the threat these militias pose particularly to Sunnis. Apart from that, there is also the threat of America or Israel starting a war do destroy some militias and that can lead to a wider conflict. Take a look at Syria. That is the same condition Iran has created in many countries. It’ll lead to what we see in Syria. Most likely a civil war instigated by the U.S or Israel.

Shia man

Spread their belief through deception and violence???? You mean what you guys do to the Shia and any country who wont accept to pay allegiance to you. It amazes me how you hypocrites think honestly you keep poking at the Shia you keep threatening the Shia you keep killing the Shia you keep trying to make their life’s miserable and then you expect them not to fight back??? Are you even a sane person?

Shia man

Why you making up lies who you work for?

The Objective

Which ones are lies from what I said and why? I’ll accept any corrections if you can proof me wrong.

Shia man

We question the prophethood of Muhammad and which Shia sect does this?? Bring up this point then saying the Twelver version is different you do understand twelvers dominate the Shia world with over 90% of Shia being twelvers. Fool So we question the authenticity of the Quran??? If you knew anything about our beliefs you would know that every time the prophet had a revelation about a verse imam ALI would be the one who the prophet comes to so imam Ali can write it down. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sJDzfngTW6Q

The Objective

You don’t need to resort to insults my friend. It deflects the essence of this argument, which to me, will clarify some important points. That said, I’ll explain somethings. But first, I need to refute a blatant lie you’ve said, which even Shiite scholars won’t agree with you: You said Ali was prophet Muhammad’s scribe (the one who wrote down the verses from the prophet (s.a.w himself). You are wrong. The prophet’s personal scribe was: Zayd bin Thabit. Read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zayd_ibn_Thabit#:~:text=c.%20610%20C.E.&text=According%20to%20Islamic%20traditions%2C%20Zayd,from%20the%20ansar%20(helpers).

“We question the prophethood of Muhammad and which Shia sect does this?” This sect is called the “Ghāliyah” and they are the worst of all Shiites. They even go father by claiming Ali to be god. I’ll provide a source at the end of my reply, because I can’t discuss everything by typing here. You owe it to yourself to read it. The author draws his proofs against Shiism from your mainstream Shiite books which you might not be aware of.

“So we question the authenticity of the Quran???” Indeed there are Shiites sects who do question the authenticity of the Quran. I’ll quote a few lines from a very authoritative research work which you can further investigate. There are all the proofs you need and nothing is hidden. “The claim is that the Qur’ān is incomplete and that the complete Qur’ān, which is protected from any distortions was in the possession of Amīr al-Mu’minīn ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib I who then passed it on to the next Imām until it reached their hidden and awaited Mahdī”

“Thus, this claim is intertwined with the personality of ʿAlī I. However, he is the one who decided that the Qur’ān should be the basis of judgements during his khilāfah, he recited it and he complied, believing that that is the only way to please Allah. If he had any other Qur’ān in his possession, he would have definitely shown it to the public. How could it be permissible for him to comply to a distorted book as far as seeking the pleasure of Allah was concerned? If any of their claims had any truth to them, he would have definitely brought out the complete Qur’ān which he had gathered, compared it to the distorted one and solved the matter, especially during the days of his khilāfah. Any other possibility simply cannot be true, as the one who allows the masses to fall prey to the deception of another is just as guilty as the one who deceived them”

Get this book and read it. It’s free and the best book on Shiites ever written by any Muslim scholar throughout Islam’s history. The PDF link: https://mahajjah.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/UMS-UPDATED-FINAL.pdf

Shia man

More confused propaganda never heard of that sect you can’t even search it online “Ghāliyah“ And your propaganda machine is confusing Kitab al jafr with the Quran Kitab al jafr was passed on from the prophet to imam Ali and his progeny You do understand we don’t believe what you believe your ancestors fought against imam Ali for rulership after the prophets death even though the prophet appointed Ali but you always want to spread lies and propaganda and divert attention away from this matter. Even to this day you still reject imam Ali(a.s) right.

The Objective

We don’t reject the Caliphate of Ali. In all Sunni traditions, we view Ali as one of the few rightly-guided Caliphs.

The sect I mentioned, Ghaliyah, exists. You can read more about it in the resource I recommended earlier. Not everything is on the internet. This sect is relatively small. That’s the reason you haven’t heard of them. But just patiently read that book. I’ll give you all the proofs you’re asking for from mostly Shiite sources.

Anyway, I don’t want to debate this any further as this is a highly-critical issue reserved for the VERY knowledgeable among Muslims. I wouldn’t want to say anything wrong lest Allah hold me responsible. But if you really want to understand the subject any better, I recommend you compile your questions in a single text and pose it to “islamqa.info” or “Ghayb.com” among others. They’ll give you all the explanations and references you need.

May Allah guide us onto the straight path, both Shiite and Sunni. And may he destroy those who cause Islam harm whether Shiite or Sunni.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Today’s religions are old-fashioned and outdated. They simply do not hold up in today’s modern and enlightened world.

Lone Ranger

Multi account hasbarat…?


He’s not a sunni….from what he wrote it’s clear that he’s a tekfeeri (Wahabis boss)

Fleecing Rabbi

Meshuggenah dung beetle putz, Muslims are killing each other over such nonsense.


If I were cia/coksukn fascist pro genocide mi6 of the freemasons,I’d be extremely dissapointed in erdo’


If such a statement came from the Dalai Lama, it’s a serious consideration BUT coming from the Sultan of Turkey?!

Fleecing Rabbi

Erdogan is a great man and the pride of Khazaristan. Mazal Tov.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…


Well if there was one person to not take advice from, it would be Erdogan.

Vox Populi

Turkey backs Iran after scientist’s assassination

Turkey condemned the “heinous assassination” of a senior Iranian scientist and called for the perpetrators of the attack to be held accountable.

“We regret that the Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh lost his life as a result of an armed attack in Tehran. We condemn this heinous murder and extend our condolences to the government of Iran and the family of the deceased,” Turkey’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday, according to Anadolu Agency.

It added, “In this regard, we hope that those who committed the action will be unveiled and held accountable before justice, and we invite all parties to act with common sense and restraint, and to avoid attempts that will lead to an escalation in the region”.

Vox Populi

As SF recently posted, the Turks will put pressure on Russia in the Caucasus and other Muslim majority areas.Turkey is becoming a strategic threat to both Russia and Israel. A Turko-Iranian alliance is a natural.

Fleecing Rabbi

Russia belongs to us. Putin is a our man.

Lone Ranger

In a parallel universe. Shalom.


Look! The parallel universe! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/63a491bf14a02b52f77a00c97f89bf1bbb3d7aae606fb45696eae19e142b58e3.jpg


If that’s all the evidence you’ve got, I’m disappointed.


That’s a meme, not evidence lol


OK, so not to be taken seriously!


Sure, memes should come with disclaimers for the Russian public.

Lone Ranger

What proves that? I can show you the same pic with Porkyshitko and Zellerksy.


I know. That’s the point.

Lone Ranger

Aside from that anything is better than neo/zionazis.


HAHAHAHA I have never seen Putin in so much disgust. Really, what the heck was the man on his right showing him?


He’s showing him how they spent the money for the Tolerance Center.

Servet Köseoğlu

Classic diplomatic condolence,condemnation text.. ı didnt see anything wrong with the message… South-front why do you so hateful to Turks?Peacemaker role belongs to Oman which is the only country in the region that has good relations with İran,İsrael and ksa..

Omani efforts that Iran reached the historic nuclear agreement with the United States and other world powers in 2015 after initial talks in Muscat between then US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif, along with top diplomats from other world powers..

You are figuring out news out of your ass and advertising Turkey in worst,ugliest way..

Ps:In the context of this statement, it is interesting to ask how would Erdogan react if some state assassinates its top official or state-affiliated person? For example, the Turkish Defense Minister or Selcuk Bayraktar, the husband of Erdogan’s younger daughter Sumeyye, and the key figure in the Bayraktar UAV program. This not a journalism and you are presentating news like ghetto trash..

Fleecing Rabbi

Russia will be divided soon. Mazal Tov!

Lone Ranger

You spelled the U.S. wrong tho Shlomo.

Captain Freedom

You’re the one who’ll need some mazal tov… Russia was already divided and survived. However, Isn’treal can’t allow that and yet its inevitable, with the mess they have created in the middle east. In the end, the “jew” supremacy state will be overwhelmed.


Not even the varyags and the mongols were able to accomplish this.

El Mashi

Turkey has no business in Syria. Doing Israel’s dirty work. Turkey not a Halal country

Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont know Turkey halal or haram country and personally ı dont have any religion but we have 911 km border with Syria so everything happens there positive or negative has direct affect us..Ps:You should be specific in your statements..if you tried to tell me that Turkey has to work with Assad thats another case..

Furkan Sahin

you just know Muharrem Ince will cooperate with Assad if he becomes president and he will also withdraw troops from Idlib

Furkan Sahin

I think Ekrem Imamoglu Mansur Yavas Meral Aksener is also collaborating with Assad

El Mashi

Turkey is the regional tyrant in alliance with Crusaders. Turkey has stolen land and Syria’s wealth. No where in the Quran says that you can be a tyrant and a murderer and a thief. This is shameful and hypocritical. Turkey uses the Crusader script Latin. Assad is none of your business. Turkey is not halal.

johnny rotten

ErDOGhan is flirting with her secret boyfriend Nethanyahoo and bidding on alleged new president Joe Biden, from whom he knows he is unloved, to put it mildly. He plays his media cards by taking an example from the two rogue states, the ones that use the false excuse of fighting terrorism to practice terrorism freely, i am so bored of americunt and isisrahell.


You cannot say that to st erdo,carefull gulen:


He has elected himself as leader of the Muslim world. He will be victim of his ambitions and his hubris just like US and IsraHell are. And when Turkey falls, they will have no friend to come to help them.


All I wanted to say (you have said it yourself) that Turkey is not in friendly relations with any Muslim countries in the region (not even Saudi’s) except Azerbaijan. Agree, that there is distant possibility that West (if NATO survives collapse of US economy) comes to help Erdogan with strings attached (but not as Erdogan’s friends).

Furkan Sahin

to be honest i think erdogan is the worst president i have ever seen in my whole life even though old days turkey president was better than him Erdogan is only good one thing is to build country but the rest miserable system terrible

Furkan Sahin

I would rather have Afghanistan President than Erdogan

Alekai Mordechai

Congrats!! you want a baccha baj as a president.


nah, the alliance ain’t ready yet to wipe the jews in palestine off the map, forever – it will happen and it’s necessary for erdogan to clear out the jewish trash in palestine, but since the alliance hasn’t finalized the preparations it pays to be patient. but rest assured that the jews can look forward to be nutrients for sprouting flowers in palestine once the world has come together and seen the need to clear out the jews in palestine together with the alliance. the jews are cooked and will soon be a distant memory and will serve as material for the next brother Grim’s horror stories.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Israel’s great fear is peace in the Middle East. It will be the beginning of the end for the state of Israel.

Rhodium 10

Nothing special!..Both are partners in Syria and during NK war…


Exactly. I wonder why this pro-Russian site dares to criticize the friend, partner and ally Erdogan? After all, it is not like Russia is in position to chose its companions as if there are many applicants. The partnership has been well established for many years as both sides have been on the “same page” when it comes to the Serbs, Syrians, Armenians etc.

Free man

Why ? His statement is very balanced and empathetic to Iran. Especially when the IRGC has no idea who did it.


It was the venusians who did it. Right? After all, why the treacherous zios would orchestrate such as assassination? They have only tried, for the last 5 years, every trick in the book to force Iran to attack them. Ask Syria for more informations!

Free man

” They have only tried, for the last 5 years, every trick in the book to force Iran to attack them. ” – You’re right. But that doesn’t change the fact that the IRGC has no idea what is happening in Iran and who killed the scientist.

El Mashi

I hope Erdogan’s statement is “empathetic” once Iran takes its revenge which it will execute at its own time. Shalom.

Free man

“We also call on all parties to act in common sense and restraint and refrain from attempts that could lead to escalation in the region.” – very smart. Especially when the IRGC has no idea who did it.


Very obvious it was Israel and the US. Even Brennan scolded Cruz for being reckless.

Free man

Two things are obvious: 1. The nuclear facility in Natanz explodes and the chief nuclear scientist is killed with all his bodyguards. And the IEGC has no idea who did it. 2. The Mullah regime will rush to blame Israel and the United States.


Israel is blatantly outraged at Iran obtaining and enriching Uranium. Meanwhile, they secretly build nuclear weapons themselves. Israel are hypocrites and bullies at the very least.

Free man

Yet it doesn’t change the fact that the IRGC has no faint idea who did it. Embarrassing but true.


Didn’t Israel brag about destroying the nuclear facility? I’m sure I remember them rewarding the person who led the cyber-attack. Not to mention everything else they have done.

Free man

No. A bomb exploded in Natanz, it wasn’t a cyber attack.


Frankly, you are an embarrassing and desperate troll.


Yeah right….

They certainly don’t mind celebrating the incident, and hyping up Iran’s threat to the world.

Free man

Like it or not, they’re smart.

Alekai Mordechai

A bomb managed to damage a room.

Truly a pinnacle of achievment.

Free man

More like a cubicle : https://vid.alarabiya.net/images/2020/07/09/615bb005-698d-42c7-96d0-d5b108c846f9/615bb005-698d-42c7-96d0-d5b108c846f9_16x9_600x338.PNG

Alekai Mordechai

Again truly a pinnacle.


Frankly, you are a desperate embarrassing troll.

Free man

Frankly, You are funny. Did you also find Erdogan’s Jewish mother? Like you found one for Sisi and MBS.


Frankly, Erodogan was not loved as a child, he lay in bed all the time crying and developed a flat head. Embarrassing but true.

Free man

Frankly, the stories with the Jewish mothers sound more reliable. LOL.

Alekai Mordechai

Let saudis take the slack eh??

Free man

I heard that restaurant owners in Tehran accept shekels. Since 20% of Tehran residents receive their salary from the Mosad in shekels ;-) Probably soon they will start accepting Saudi dinars as well ;-)

Alekai Mordechai

Dinars for dinners??

This is all you’ve heard of?

Assad must stay

Rescue rangers hahahahahahahah

cechas vodobenikov

now Erdogan and Brennan working for Soros? this murder serves no purpose–it does not hinder Iran

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