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Erdogan: Turkey Will Respond If Syrian Army Continues Attacks On Observation Post Around Idlib

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Erdogan: Turkey Will Respond If Syrian Army Continues Attacks On Observation Post Around Idlib

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made his comments during a speech to AK party members in Ankara on October 26. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

On June 14, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) of launching any attacks on Turkish observation posts around Syria’s Idlib and vowed that Ankara will respond to any such offinsive.

“If the regime attacks more Turkish observation points and continues to take such missteps, we cannot remain silent,” Erdogan told reporters in Istanbul before departing for Tajikistan to attend the Fifth Summit of Heads of State of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), according to the Daily Sabah.

The Turkish President went on to call the ongoing Syrian-Russian aerial campaign on Greater Idlib “inexcusable,” saying that Turkey is listening to the voice of the people in the region, who are “asking Ankara to intervene against the bloodshed.”

A day earlier, four Turkish soldiers were slightly injured in a mortar attack on an observation post south of Idlib. Turkey held the SAA responsible for the attack. However, the Ministry of Defense of Russia denied these claims and revealed that its warplanes hit the militants responsible for the attack upon an official request from Ankara.

Erdogan’s threat confirms that Turkey is trying to take advantage of the incident to increase the pressure on Damascus and force it to hold its anti-terrorist operation in Idlib. Ankara may even use such attacks as a pretext to launch strikes on SAA positions around Idlib. Such a development could lead to a dangerous military confrontation.

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klove and light

hahaha…… war is inevitable between Turkey and syria………….. u moron u idiot u r inevitable……..

again after 2 years…the main Opponent of assad Government is TURKEY….

Turkey=Moslem brotherhood Syria= arch rival of Moslem brotherhood


You’re starting to sound like that potcracker idiot who used to post comments here.

Xoli Xoli

Slow down no critics he has a brilliant point bru.


This sounds like that potcracker idiot:

“u moron u idiot u r inevitable……..”

Xoli Xoli

Stop smoking pot crackers.


You’re a moron.

David Parker

And you sound just like the jihadist head-chopping Daesch.


How so? Please quote what I’ve written and explain how it sounds like radical Islam.

Hisham Saber

And you sound like a loud, slobbering Zionist blowjob.

Astrid Watanabe

Case of the pot calling the kettle black.


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written that you disagree with. Or even tried. Because you know that it’s true and you can’t. Your problem is that you, like many vermin Jew, hate truth and getting your evil cult’s nose rubbed in your filthy lies and crimes.

molambo .

Comparing Turkey’s military capacity with the SAA is cowardice! The SAA is totally dependent on Russia, and the number of military personnel in Turkey is much higher and with the addition of the terrorists!

Hisham Saber

The Kurds alone are giving all kinds of headaches for the cowardly Turkish invaders. What do you think will happen if the Syrian government arms the Arab, Assyrian and Kurdish tribes of north-west Syria. Them along with the Syrian Arab Army, NDF, Hezbollah, IRGC and auxiliaries would roll right over Idlib, including Turkish forces.

Russia has but to send in ATGM’s , sniper rifles and satellite imagery and its all over. Even if Turkey sends in its much vaunted 2nd Division.

Turkey will be fighting in foreign land, against the Syrian people, military and allies. Its a no-brainer, Turkey would be forced out of Syria with its tail between its legs.

Turkey is a prostitute of Israel , U.S., and Saudi’s. And NATO will not be able to come to Turkey’s rescue, once Turkish forces start taking insurmountable losses, as they are starting to take at the hands of mysterious ATGM attacks already.

Iranian Falcon

Indeed syria needs Arab-Kurdish alliance for peace and shooting out these mongol turks. If assad assad his foolishness on denying kurdish identity in syria which have been their homeland since very ancient times even before arabs (syria was assyrian but was arabized) so the war will not end in favor of syria.

Xoli Xoli

With due respect it’s not about how big the army is but what type of artillery and weapons the army is using.Besides that Syria has bestTiger forces not this surrendered terrorists which Russia is training.If a bomb falls their leave everything and run to the tunnels.Hisbollah has rewrite history books of war fighting formidable force.Iran also has scary fighting units with lion heart just as Yemeni fighters.Natos night mare is Taliban USA drop apparent mother of all bombs but still their are coming and killing Americans in Numbers even down B 52 and many choppers and jets.Fake news excuse is jets always malfunction.

Jens Holm


Xoli Xoli

You know nothing .You only know weapon carriers and think their are untouchable or did you fall out from your mother hall.


It appears that the ‘Turkish Observation Posts’ are a variation of past fake Chemical Attacks that could be construed by the war hawks within NATO as an attack on Turkey etc.

You can call me Al

On that Syria Livemap, it states “Erdogan: Washington has not kept its promises about Manbij (east of Aleppo). This does not mean that Turkey withdrew its hand from there, but will continue to implement the plans we drew”……what do you think of that, remembering they are Turks ?.


It was President Putin who stated a couple of years ago I think that the ‘US Government is not Agreement Capable’.

This is still the case today and the tactic of a thief.

Erdogan is in a fix. He and his close circle enabled terrorism within Syria to provide stolen Syrian assets and artefacts very cheaply to Erdogan and friends. Erdogan has given the expectation of reclaiming Ottoman lands to his voter base, yet he knows that Russia and Syria will not allow that.

One way way to redeem himself with the US and Israel would be to use the large Turkish military to close the Bosphorus to Russia and attack Syria. The prize being control over much of Syria and the green light to destroy the Kurds.

Russia would have to respond with military force or submit to US demands. This will not happen with the current leadership for certain, and rightly so.

The Genie of WW3 would then be out of the box and Chinese man power with Russian air and nuclear power would win I would think.

This is just one of many scenarios. I doubt that Britain today could cope with such a war, especially when we see the reaction to the Grenfell Tower disaster, albeit a disaster that was totally the fault of sensible regulations not being enforced, that has also been frustrated by the intentional snail pave of the enquiry, with the hope that those affected will get bored and bugger off . The Stiff Upper Lip is no more. Would it return to all parts of the diverse society in the UK? Who knows.




Many thanks. :)


Не за что))


Great analysis. You should write for South Front.

Jens Holm

Anal.ISIS :)


Thank you.

Jens Holm

Words, words words…


Amazingly you have spelt your ‘words’ trio correctly ,BUT without the ‘ in word’s.


In that case, the war hawks have to begin the WWIII. Lets go war hawks boys, start it!


Fake news.

Jens Holm

25 sheep come marching.


Somebody’s lying.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

The Turks are just as duplicitous as Jews. Well… What else can be expect of the Muslim Brotherhood cesspit?

Mustafa Mehmet

Fuck you moron


That god will give you twice what you desire to the others.

David Parker

“Allah” is an idol invented by Mohammed. Every “devout” Muslim discovers this as he enters hell with a hard-on.


I was speaking of ethical behaviour here, nothing more.

Tudor Miron

David… Direct translation of word Allah = God. Nothing more, nothing less. God is not an idol (despite many people trying to use idols with various intents) it’s just “All that is”. I’m not a fun of any “official” religion, It’s just that your statement that God is an idol created by Mohammed is a bit off mark.

Jens Holm

A lot think so.

Xoli Xoli

Be careful he might fuck you bloody gay.

Mustafa Mehmet

gamodi banaiosu


mongoloid is time you ease on jerking off…… your single cell can not take it any more.


Gamo tom mohameti sou kai to mouni tis manas sou poutanas gie. O mpampas sou ειναι Ελληνας μαλακακο!

Mustafa Mehmet

Gamo Di manası re foskosu


Careful shit-kebap dont rush, you might tear your stockings !

Xoli Xoli

I dont understand my rapist gaot fucker.

Mustafa Mehmet

Live poor goats along. you filfy dirty minded low steam breanless Cockroaches. I’m always going to be behind you. let me translate for you. fuck your whatever you believe Jesus. Buddha. Hindu. All fuck offfff

Xoli Xoli

Calm down my lion musfucker.

Mustafa Mehmet

Oli we can try to see who’s gay?

Xoli Xoli

We dont need to see my lion. Mostafa.

Len Zegelink

you are a erdogan slave you are a total loser


Truth hurts, doesn’t it boy?

Hanny Benny


Hisham Saber

no, fuck you. Moronic Turk. Prostitutes of NATO / Israel / U.S.

Mustafa Mehmet

no stuff you. fuck nato. Israel.. us..assd to they should live Syrian along to make they own decisions. you stupid maggot

Mustafa Mehmet

Sober . latest news we keep hearing. Erdoğan planing to divert euphpates rivers water somewhere else . Instead of terrorist area in Syria


Here’s the bottom of my shoe. Look closely.

Mustafa Mehmet

After you mmm then again don’t want to get my shoes dirty


Since the Khazar Khanate of Early Middle Ages was also largely Turkic, maybe their is some attenuated linkage here?

Hisham Saber

Absolutely correct you are.

The Ottoman Empire is the reason for all the anarchy in the Arab world today. They fought the Russians numerous times and lost. They also fought the British/French and lost. They are the reason the British/French and U.S. split up the Middle East and sow discord, of which the chickens are now coming home to roost.

They are the reason Palestine was sold out. They committed a grave genocide on the Armenian people, which they deny with a straight face. Today, the radical Libyan militias controlling Tripoli which the Libyan National Army is trying to eradicate are being weaponized by the Turks.

Hayat Tahrir Al Sham, a terrorist group in Syria’s Idlib, as well as the mysterious, and loosely organized disparate group of anti-Damascus terror groups in northwestern Syria are being funded and weaponized by Turkey.

Turkey has invaded Syrian lands, an act of war, and wont even consider withdraw. Therefore, Turkey should be made to pay a debilitating , bloody price for their arrogance and crimes against the Syrian people, and others across the Middle East who have, and are suffering due to Turkeys support for regional terror.


you are right bvt sadly whole Un is US/nato bitch and nobody cant do nothing about it.. And Russia is playing 2x games..World is doomed..

Mustafa Mehmet

You can always ask Lawrence of Arabia to come and help you traitor

Mustafa Mehmet

Open 1 more bottles of blue label whiskey you clueless person


Veterans Today suggests that Ignatius of Loyola and many of the jesuits who ran the inquisition were converso jews. And so were most of the most virulent early marxists in russia. There is a pattern

Jens Holm

They probatly was there too. I suggest that tomorrow the sun will go down in east.

Dušan Mirić

You’re not welcome, better pack your things and leave – while you can.

╭∩╮( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)╭∩╮

do shit about it trash instead of talking lol enter idlib while Turkey is there, i dare you, even your Russia cannot save you hahaha

Hisham Saber

Meanwhile the Kurds by themselves are attacking and killing/injuring the moronic , inept Turkish military personnel and equipment.

If you think the sorryass Europeans are going to come to Turkey’s rescue, your sadly mistaken. Turkey will soon leave Syria with its tail between its legs. Bastards of NATO, prostitutes of Israel and the U.S. Problem is, none of tour supposed friends really like you. They wont even admit you into the European Union, because you Turks are so backwards and savages.

╭∩╮( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)╭∩╮

Hahahaha what a joke, Turkey destroyed YPG so easy in afrin, ask your murrican masters how it went for them :D

???????? ?????

We can just crash your currency some more while increasing funds to Gülen and sending PKK directly to your airports


Way too American for me

Iranian Falcon

Afrin was green lighted by europe europe and was a tiny region surrounded by nato savage army with floods of turkish terrorists. Dont even compare it to kurdish kurdish they can make pain in turkish ass deeply haha just dare and invade if you dare mongol bastards!

Iranian Falcon

If those kurds would have been helped by USA & Israel like turks lie claim it, now Turks would be fucked in anal ass! Seriously PKK doesnt have anyone’s support except their own. Thats a pity. But real prostitutes of Nato & Israel are turks indeeed.


Here’s a basic fact – Turkish military in Idlib has no air cover – none. At outset of conflict, the Syrian military shot down a Turkish F-4 Phantom over Syria in 2012, and ever since Turkey rashly ambushed a lone Russian Su-24M in 2015, Turkish warplanes have not entered Syrian airspace, as they are well aware that payback awaits them. No Turkish air cover – means Erdogan will remain all bluster and no action.

Xoli Xoli

Then Syria will also respond it is their country and land no illegal terrorists observation post.Do or die Syria must attack Turkey observation post until Turkey withdraw from Syrian land.This thing of using terrorists and attacking own equipment and military by USANATO, Turkey, Saudi Arabia,Israel and puppets must stop.We know this outdated tactic futsek Erdogan devil allah worshippers.

Hisham Saber

Please, leave Allah (swt) out of this you Islamophobic cunt. Don’t you know that the good guys, the Syrian Arab Army, NDF, Hezbollah, IRGC ect and the majority of the Syrian people worship Allah.

You moronic imbecilic brain dead kid.

Astrid Watanabe

Allah needs no defense from you. Allah sees the heart, not the word. [I think]

Xoli Xoli

allah is devil he is not Jesus the God and Messiah. allah doesn’t have Holy Spirit, allah only has Muhammad and head choppers.God doesn’t have 72 virgins in heaven.allah has 72 in hell.God has a son.allah have jihadist.God worshipers choose whom their want to serve.allah worshippers are force sin birth until death and parish.If their abandone worshipping allah their heads got chop off.Jesus the God worshippers doesn’t abuse the Holy name God.But allah worshippers kill and call allah the devil.Jesus the Gods people are free.But allah’s people are confine and women oppress till death.God says dont kill allah and thor of Israel says kill.

Xoli Xoli

God children repent from their sin and go to heaven.allah people kill or martyred and go to hell.Allah people kill humans and think their do a favor for their gods allah’s.

Xoli Xoli

The Russians are bombing shit out of your allah fucker.He is hiding in Idlib.My God is sited in heaven.

Xoli Xoli

PKK must be arm with anti aircraft missiles because Erdogpig has armed his HTS=ALQAIDA terrorist with anti aircraft missiles and messiles it all has already declare war between Syria and gaot fucker Erdogan.

Jens Holm

In which country

Xoli Xoli

Your know were you come from and were you belong.Get in son.dissapear in your mothers hall.

Iranian Falcon

Haha indeed bro, or north syria will be north cyprus too! Really enlisting turkey to nato was a treachery to human kind !

Xoli Xoli

Very true .

David Parker

Now Erdogan threatens to do openly what he has been doing all along – attacking the sovereign government of Syria in an effort to annex that country and turn it into another Ottoman Muslim hellhole.

Hanny Benny

calipHell for everyone ;) one day comes back to turkey :) :) :)


Turk, go home!

molambo .

Sincerely personal. Syria is all sliced. Turkey invaded and set up his Bunker, Usa with Kurds divided his territory where the SAA does not pass! And Russia managing all that!

Tommy Jensen

If Erdogan and US “moderate rebels” can be kicked out of Aleppo, they can also be kicked out of Idlib. It would however be much easier if Erdogan would take his 120 000 ultra radicals in Idlib home to Turkey and make a money deal with EU. Europe will love to get them in as sleeper cells for Obama and the globo-homo Democrats.

Tudor Miron

I like it more when you put sarcasm asid and say it directly the way it is.


Yes I agree!

Hisham Saber

I seriously doubt that there are 120,000 radical militants, terrorist in Idlib. Not by a long shot. If that were the case, they would be causing hell all across northern Syria, even Aleppo. I would say maybe 25,000 – 30,000 armed militants/terrorists in Idlib.

Jens Holm

Send him a mail. Turks already has sevral post offices there too :)

Smith Ricky

You shall face Russia as well, Good luck Erdofag.


Russia will do nothing against Turkey because of their economical and commercial ties. In other words, Turkey (NATO member) has known how to stuck Russia in Syria.

╭∩╮( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)╭∩╮

Hahahaha, Russia cried like a mad fag when their jet got shot down


and turkos cried like b* when their s*x forts were bombed,lol.


And then they lost Russian tourists. Many resorts mothballed. Also Russia blocked many produce imports. Russia kicked them where it hurts.


Absolutely correct. Only the idiot does not deserve such high quality information! Grunting, and hahahas, and four and three letter words are more than enough! ;)

Cheryl Brandon

If you do not want your post attacked, get to F..K out of Syrian territory!


Maybe Syria shouldn’t have disposed of their Chemical weapons arsenal after all since Chemicals are affective against cockroaches

AM Hants

Does Erdogan know that Idlib is in Syria, not Turkey?


Of course he does. However, his proxy bitches are getting a jolly rogering from the SAA and friends.

Iranian Falcon

Turkish bigger plan! While in here shout about israel ireat plan nobody knows atadog (atatutk) drew a map of greater turkey from albania to azerbaijan of iran to there from kirkuk to idlib! This is how they occupied north cyprus and EU did fucking nothing because greece was poor. Now they want to abuse and seize north syria!

AM Hants

One of the places, I used to work, in the early 80s, one of the girls in the office was a Greek Cypriot refuge, owing to the Turkish invasion. At the time, and upto 2014, when I started following events in Ukraine, I was seriously ignorant of international politics.

However, one of the posters, provided a link, with regards Kissinger, Obama and Nuland, relating to Cyprus, which included the Kissinger quote, ‘whoever controls Crete, Malta and Cyprus’, controls the world. Do believe it all falls in with the ambitions of those behind the ‘Greater Israel Project’. I then found out about ‘Operation Gladio’ and came across this book:

Gladio, Nato’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe: The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia… Richard Cottrell.

Although a heavy read, it also covered who was behind the Turkish invasion of Cyprus and why. Well worth reading and persevering with.

Obama, Kissinger and Nuland: Cyprus 1974 – Cyprus 2017… http://www.defenddemocracy.press/obama-kissinger-and-nuland-cyprus-1974-cyprus-2017/

Remember the ‘FU EU’ phone call Nuland had, with Geoffrey Pryatt, when she was working with Ukraine, organising The Maidan and so much more and Geoffrey Pryatt, was the UN Ambassador to Ukraine?

Well, Nuland moved from Ukraine to Cyprus and Pryatt or it might be Pyatt, went from Ukraine to Greece, with his offices in Crete. Coincidence or not.

At the time, May became Prime Minister of the UK and in order to entice Turkey from Russia’s orbit, and the Turkstream Project, and were Turkey and Russia discussing the S-400, back then? Anyway, they were going to sort Cyprus out, with the Greek Cypriots expected to give everything upto Turkey and turn Cyprus into a NATO member nation. May had agreed that the UK would hand one of the UK military bases to Turkey, but, it would be under the guise of NATO, so Turkey would have a base in the North and South of the Island. It was all meant to be tied up, before Trump took office, in January 2017. Of course, having Nuland involved, the talks went belly up and then Turkey went rogue with Russia, so the deal was off. However, no doubt, they are still trying their hardest, with little success, to implement the ‘Greater Israel Project’.


Here are a few images/maps of the area and what they are after.


Countries gaining territory in black. Countries losing territory in red. Countries remaining the same in grey.

Greater Israel Project

Quoted in the same article is Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya on The Yinon Plan (1982) “ … a continuation of Britain’s colonial design in the Middle East”:

“(The Yinon plan) is an Israeli strategic plan to ensure Israeli regional superiority. It insists and stipulates that Israel must reconfigure its geo-political environment through the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.

“The Israeli Dream”: The Criminal Roadmap Towards “Greater Israel”? Ethnic Cleansing Planned in the Middle East? History, Legality Ignored

“Israeli strategists viewed Iraq as their biggest strategic challenge from an Arab state. This is why Iraq was outlined as the centerpiece to the balkanization of the Middle East and the Arab World. In Iraq, on the basis of the concepts of the Yinon Plan, Israeli strategists have called for the division of Iraq into a Kurdish state and two Arab states, one for Shiite Muslims and the other for Sunni Muslims. The first step towards establishing this was a war between Iraq and Iran, which the Yinon Plan discusses.”… https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-israeli-dream-the-criminal-roadmap-towards-greater-israel/5391839



Tudor Miron

As much as I’m trying to look at wider picture and longer run (the task to withdraw Turkey from NATO is one formidable objective) I’m really growing tired with this dumb a$$ Erdogan. This “passenger” is dumb as a rock and is actually acting against himself not “seeing the forest behind the trees.”


Erdogans biggest enemy is his own country and its people. As the bodybags mount his ability to stay in power will drop. Syria and Russia just have to keep fighting and bombing. Time is on their side.


It is really ridiculous to read that what non-Syrian people think about Syria. If you are serious, why don’t you fight for Syria and save your Syrian friends? Why are you only talking about matters which you really don’t know but only read? Are you noticed that almost whole people in this geography are Muslim and majority is Sunni and when you call people to fight with each other, innocent people are dying? You can be constructive when you criticize the sides in Syria. While Iran, Russia and USA and even France is in Syria, isn’t it normal that Turkey attends in his neighbour country? You are only talking and if you don’t have a constructive opinion or logical view, your words are not worthy. How opposition factions cannot beat Russia with their MANPADs or weapons, pro-government factions and terrorists of PKK cannot beat Turkey with their new toys. You must think about any else solution.

I think people should discuss how a new constitution should be and how sides create a permanent solution by this platform!

Jens Holm

Thats how facts are. You got one supporter and me in this.

They fight till none is alive.

Iranian Falcon

Also talk about Terrorist Turks that vandalized afrin and abuses syrian soil and people which you did before to iran in 1923 and you did in 70s to Cyprus! arabs never liked you mongols thats a fact also you hate humans nevermind arabs kurds armenians persians you hate EVERYONE that is not of yourselves! So the one talks about syria is not you in any way.


I think you should join PKK/YPG ranks if you really hate Turks and think Syria… ☺ If you still stay alive, then we can talk about your experiences… I don’t answer people who know nothing about history and international relationship…

Iranian Falcon

Haha lol you know history? That ataturk gave it to you? Because in there even god is turk! And UFOs have turkish turk it then they are turk also! ? Also you honor your army when they have anything of themselves not be NATO & Israel Prostitutes killing innocent people with western guns! You cant even defeat an insect without westerners aid!


It is certain that i know better than you. Before you read and then we can talk. Because your racist comments don’t make any sens. Even you don’t have any idea which weapons Turkish army use. Yes we can argue about Turkey’s politics but you have to gain some certain informations. Your words are only stupid…

Iranian Falcon

Yes 70 years in NATO i know where you want to escape ;) ok my laughing got more hard when you called me racist! A turk calling others racist is like lucifer calls deamons evil LMAO! As i said i am completely familiar with turkish things but i im not turk so i see things as they are i dont dont to justify or lie about it you can fool yourself friend not me not others. ;)


To hate any nation is one of the racism indications. Whereever you go, people say that you commit a hatring crime just as racism. And also you are an ignorant and knowless person. Your comments don’t have basic theories. It is clear that you are an Iranian Kurd. It is normal. I respect your indentity. But it is also clear that you are not a human. I don’t have anything to discuss with you. Because whatever i say, you will go on barking. But i can recommend you to read history. Maybe you can learn realities and to respect other nations…

Iranian Falcon

No i am persian because i i suppo my iranian race kurds should i be kurd too? This is your logic? Lol. Well you think your polite so your decent but not not you also dont respect anyones nation but also deny your government crimes go just type child abuse and torture of turkish army & police against kurdish children . And lets lit forget history says your from altay steppes in north china migrated and flooded iran & minor asia and south west asia. Also your HISTORY is full of genocide ethnic cleansing and rapes. So you must read history i mean ENGLISH not turkish ;)


? you are a funny guy but your nonsense comment makes people unnecessarily busy. I read history even in Russian. If you read history and ask me anything, i can answer. By the way, have you ever watched 300:Spartians and Rise of an Empire? What do you think about that film? ? I really wonder…

Rhodium 10

Turkey observation post are used to provide intel, weapons and medical cares to terrorist…it is similar with US post in Al Tanf area..where ISIS find shelters under cover of US forces!

Jens Holm

Thats not semilar to Al Tanf at all. ISIS dont find shelter at Al Tanf.

But those Turkish posts are not the only ones. Of course You forget that. Those are blockers.

Nick Sobkowiak

Oh the Turks can’t do anything. If they even fly one plane over Idlib for air support it’s getting shot down

╭∩╮( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)╭∩╮

Like the Russian jet that got shot down by Turks? :) just wait if manpads are provided, those russian birds will come flying down with ease

Nick Sobkowiak

The head choppers already have manpads moron, try to keep up. I’m talking about Turks flying into Syrian airspace, not Russians flying into Turkish airspace. Again, your brain is slow try to keep up

Mahmoud Larfi

A short yet very informative vidéo on the subject (must watch) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw4u_OI0skM

Iranian Falcon

Haha lol how you expect a turkish brain keep up to yours human brain haha lol.

Iranian Falcon

Of course everyone knows turkey turkey is with israel and US because turkish brain cant create those guns only NATO free weapons sent for you mongol hordes


I hope Turkey attacks Syria army, I really hope so. Then, Turkey (NATO member) will show up his real face, and I want to see Russia reaction (trying to protect Turkey and its terrorists through peace agreement).


Why would Russia be responsible for responding to an attack on the SAA?

Iranian Falcon

By green lighting it.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Iranian Falcon

The only way to stop Turks is by Arab-Kurdish alliance against those mongols. Once they did this for iran against uzbek hordes. Believe me there is no reliable ally than kurds, they never ever have had dirty or hidden politics they are what they say. I hope peace for syria sooner but will not get it if assadis wants to deny kurdish identity in syria which have been there for thousands of years before even arabs came. (Syria was for Assyrians not arabs arabs and syrian arabs are not pure arabs arabs why they gave better face than any other arabs lol)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

sorry but the kurds are kinda dumbasses, constantly looking to the west for help, as soon as they wisen up and realize you can never trust US word, maybe then they will realize an alliance with assad/syria/arabs is the right ticket to success

╭∩╮( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)╭∩╮

Idlib is Turkish

Hisham Saber

Turkey has more prostitutes than any other country in the Islamic world.

Jens Holm

Try Bangla Desh next time.

Iranian Falcon

Azerbaijan too and full of gays also lol.


Azerbananistan is the correct spelling. ?




Turk Army con observe from WITHIN Turk borders.

Joe Dickson

Turkey staged the video of setting the crop fires and they lied about who attacked their own outpost. They are not worthy to be allies. Russia needs to teach them who is boss.

Jens Holm

You were there.


When is the election part 2 in Istanbul? Erdogans party lost so the the judges ordered a do over until the people vote the correct way Erdogan and the Islamists want.


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