Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses the crowd at 15 July Martyrs Bridge during July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day’s events Istanbul, Turkey on July 15, 2018 ( Berk Özkan – Anadolu Agency )
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed to solve Syria’s issue “on the field” after the upcoming local elections, which is set to be held on March 31.
“We will definitely solve Syria issue on the field, if possible, and not on the table, as the first work after elections,” the Turkish President said during an election rally in Istanbul on March 30, according to the Anadolu Agency.
Erdogan was referring to the situation in northeastern Syria, where US-backed Kurdish forces have established a self-administration. Turkey views these forces, especially the People’s Protection Units (YPG), as a threat to its national security. The Turkish President stressed that he will not tolerate their presence there.
“We have taught the necessary lesson to those who tried to do that and we will do the same to them in the future,” Erdogan said.
In early 2018, Turkey and its proxies in northern Syria launched a large-scale attack on Kurdish forces in Afrin and managed to take hold of the entire area within a few weeks. However, the situation in northeastern Syria is much more complicated due to the presence of U.S. troops.
Despite his promise, Erdogan will not likely launch any attack on northeastern Syria without a deal with Washington, which is still determined to defend its Kurdish allies.
sure he will…and i can fly and am form mars
dont cry like in afrin operation
i can also shoot lazers from my eyes !!
The Israeli media broadcasting from eastern Syria teaches us that the PKK are gods who’s actions are to be emulated. What should our response be to the zionist narrative? https://scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/d855f968e7c319f908983cd814f8f84a/5D43D6C6/t51.2885-15/e35/28434209_1887922747948718_7824291413754904576_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com
disregard the squatters’ views and teach the kurds a lesson, severe since they are teaming up with the squatters, and when the kurdish issue is settled, deal with the squatters nd kick them all the way to hell. turkey, iran, syria, lebanon/hezbollah, iraq and so on will do the trick and he squatters will be like the dinosaurs – something vague in the memory of mankind.
I cant believe what im seeing in the pic. Is that pic the one from the broadcast?
Gd 1
Erdogan LOVES to talk tough but when it comes to taking military action his bite is usually nowhere near as tough as his bark,
When the time is right. Iran. Israel treating each other no action world leaders are all same treat but no action