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Eric Zuesse: How U.S.-And-Allied ‘News’-Media Exploit Americans’ Prejudices

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Eric Zuesse: How U.S.-And-Allied 'News'-Media Exploit Americans' Prejudices

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Written by Eric Zuesse.

On June 1st, I googled “Tara Reade” for ‘news’ about that woman who had  — so the earlier reports about her had alleged — switched her residency from the U.S. to Russia because she allegedly feared her safety in America on account of her having accused Joe Biden of inappropriate sexual advances toward her during the period from December 1992 to August 1993, when she was in her late twenties (and maybe this was a photo of her at that time), while she was a staff assistant in his Senate office. She had alleged that Biden’s staff fired her when she complained about it to them, but she never knew whether Biden was even aware that she had complained about it. What ‘it’ was didn’t even become specific until 19 April 2020 while Biden was running against Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Presidential nomination. But then it became very graphic and was reported on NPR, under the headline “On The Record: A Former Biden Staffer’s Sexual Assault Allegation”. Obviously, her decision to go public with these allegations at that time would mark her for the rest of her life, irrespective of what her motivation to do so at that time was.

Might the consequences of that decision by her have made likely impossible for her to have any decent future in this country (the U.S.)? Obviously, the answer is yes. No one in the public can know what the reality was, concerning the matter, but the allegations alone could have been enough reason for her to have left America in order to start from scratch in a culture that won’t be prejudiced against her. There aren’t many such countries, but Russia is certainly one of them.

Ms. Reade had been an ardent Democrat, but even Republican Party ‘news’-media such as Fox ‘News’ is covering this story hostilely toward her. On May 31st, Fox headlined “Biden accuser Reade defects to Russia out of ‘safety,’ expert warns it’s not whole story: The White House declined to speak for ‘an aspiring Russian citizen’ or ‘the convicted spy’ sponsoring her”, and provided lots in order to stir and feed into their audience’s prejudices but nothing in order to provide anything that an intelligent viewer would feel a need to know about that case. Of course, on the Democratic Party ‘news’-media side, the situation was no better, but perhaps a bit less blatantly so: the New York Times headlined “Tara Reade, Who Accused Biden of Assault, Says She Has Moved to RussiaYears after accusing President Biden of sexual assault, Ms. Reade told a Russian outlet that she had moved in order to feel safe.” This report stated that “in April 2020, no former Biden staff members could corroborate any details of Ms. Reade’s allegation or recall any similar behavior by Mr. Biden toward her or any women. A friend of Ms. Reade’s said that she had told her the details of the allegation at the time.” And then the ‘journalist’ reported people who had provided evidence that on one or more unrelated matters she had lied. Any person who makes a sexual allegation and who can be proven ever to have lied during their life, is likely to be peremptorily dismissed by the Establishment. The Times‘s ‘journalist’ failed to report that when “in April 2020, no former Biden staff members could corroborate any details of Ms. Reade’s allegation or recall any similar behavior by Mr. Biden toward her or any women,” Biden was running in a very hot primary contest against Senator Bernie Sanders, and so trusting what those “former Biden staff members” said about this matter, at that time, would be fitting only for a fool to do — but that ‘journalist’ did it and presented it to the ‘news’-paper’s readers. Then he went on: “A friend of Ms. Reade’s said that she had told her the details of the allegation at the time.” And that would have been news-worthy to report if the journalist immediately went on then to interview that “friend of Ms. Reade” — but instead he dropped that potentially explosive lead like a deadweight of lead (or maybe of depleted uranium) — or maybe like a political bomb. Democratic Party ‘news’-media tend to be much more sophisticated in their techniques of mass-deception that are Republican ones.

As regards Ms. Reade herself: perhaps India, or some other country that America’s billionaires aren’t yet targeting to be taken over, might have been a better choice for her as a place to try to restart her life.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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tipul iar a cazut…. s a împiedicat…. mai cade pe scari… in tinerețe peste…. colaboratoare….

Demons devastating Humans = makes my cuck bigger

“i would have kids, then guess what. i will abandon them to my wifey and find a new one.” – every human dad


good riddance to her, don’t let the door hit ya, byeee…the big focus should be on hunter biden and funky foreign monies. selling access to dad=danger-close to high crimes/misdemeanors. if we want better world relations then start by cleaning up d.c.

olaf b

she was lucky not to be silenced permanently like hundreds of clintons and bush’ victims.

Joseph Vona

many germans, well over 10,000, and other white europeans are applying to enter russia. siberia is looking better by the moment.

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