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Eric Zuesse: Kissinger’s 8-Hour Interview Displays How Stupid Powerful People Can Be.

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Eric Zuesse: Kissinger's 8-Hour Interview Displays How Stupid Powerful People Can Be.

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Written by Eric Zuesse.

On May 17th, Britain’s Economist magazine published its 8-hour, 16,000-word, interview of Henry Kissinger, and the irrationality of his thinking there was undeniable. Senility might be blamed for it, but, if so, then he has always been senile, because his thought-processes were always stupid and pretentious in the same way, as will be documented here. Only, this time, he contradicted himself even more than he usually does, because of the sheer length of this interview.

He said that, upon further reflection, he no longer believes what he previously did, that Ukraine should not be admitted into NATO. Previously, he had said that Ukraine shouldn’t be allowed into NATO because “The West must understand that, to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country,” and yet he also said at that time (2014) that: “Ukraine should have the right to choose freely its economic and political associations” and “Ukraine should be free to create any government compatible with the expressed will of its people,” so that what Russia wants should be ignored.

That’s like saying: When Cuba’s Government, in 1962, wanted the Soviet Union to place its nuclear missiles there, only 1,131 miles away from being able to blitz-annihilate America’s central command in Washington DC (and so to prevent JFK from having enough time to authenticate that launch and then to respond to it by hitting the button to launch America’s retaliatory weapons against Cuba and against the Soviet Union) in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, only what Cubans wanted was relevant, and what Americans wanted (survival) was not. In other words: Kissinger’s statement at that time was stupid, even nonsensical because thoroughly self-contradictory — but, in any case, irrelevant. So: what is his new viewpoint on this matter?:

We are on the path to great power confrontation. And what makes it more worrisome to me is that both sides have convinced themselves that the other represents a strategic danger. [Oh, they don’t represent a “strategic danger” to each other as being the world’s two nuclear super-powers? Really? They aren’t? That’s not even an issue here, according to him. But he says it used to be. He doesn’t say how or why it no longer is.] …

The Economist: Russia has destroyed, I think, any chance of finding a way to live with Europe. In the short term, it’s going to be a junior partner to China, even as it is sort of clinging to its imperialist dream, with the invasion of Ukraine. Was where we are now inevitable, was it a failure of Western diplomacy? Or was it a catastrophic failure of judgement by Putin?

Henry Kissinger: It was certainly a catastrophic mistake of judgement by Putin at the end. I wrote an article, which you’ve probably seen, in which I substantially predicted the evolution. I thought that the decision to leave open the membership of Ukraine in NATO was very wrong. It was unwise, because if you looked at it from the Russian point of view, in 1989, they controlled Europe up to the Elbe River. They then withdrew from there, under compulsion of their internal system, but still — they withdrew from it. And every square inch of what they withdrew from became part of NATO. The only territory that was left was the country they always considered the little brother closest to them organically and historically. And now it’s going into NATO, too. So [that] was a big turning point, it was a final turning point.

[NOTE: In his entire 16,000 words, he ignores that the condition under which Gorbachev agreed to end the Soviet Union and its communism and its Warsaw Pact mirroring America’s NATO military alliance, was America’s promise that NATO would not expand in the direction of Russia, which turned out to have been a U.S. Government lie. Kissinger ignores this crucial fact.]

And at that time Putin was even saying that he didn’t object to Ukraine becoming part of an economic system with Europe, but not NATO. The year before the war [NO, it was 17 December 2021, which Kissinger also totally ignores], he made a proposal on NATO’s long-term evolution [to reverse it]. And we didn’t take it seriously. It was not acceptable by itself but could have been a starting point. Our negotiator was a wonderful lady, I like her very much, but she hates Putin so totally[That “she” is Wendy Sherman, Biden’s version of Victoria Nuland — but her instructions came from Antony Blinken, and there WERE NO ‘negotiations’, but ONLY THIS, which ignored each one of Russia’s demands — all of which were essential to Russia’s national security.]

Compare that with how the West reacted to the Berlin Ultimatum. Both Macmillan and Eisenhower used it to start long negotiations that went on for 20 years until Nixon and Brezhnev found the preconditions for a new Berlin agreement, which then lasted the rest of the cold war. We didn’t do that with Ukraine. And in fact, our negotiators said at the negotiation, that one American basic principle is that any country that meets our membership qualification can join. So that meant Russia will be totally surrounded by NATO countries. [He accepts that as being okay, though the U.S. Government had promised Gorbachev that it would never be allowed.] What is Georgia doing in NATO? We have every right to defend it, but why as part of a multilateral institution? In the 19th century Britain might have defended for a strategic reason. But it wouldn’t have brought in everybody else.

To Putin, [his being against] Ukraine membership in NATO was an obsession. So now I’m in the weird position that people say, “He [Kissinger]’s changed his mind, now he’s in favour of full membership of Ukraine in NATO.” And my reason for that is twofold. One, Russia is no longer the conventional threat that it used to be. [Again he lies.] So the challenges of Russia should be considered in a different context. And secondly, we have now armed Ukraine to a point where it will be the best-armed country and with the least strategically experienced leadership in Europe. If the war ends like it probably will, with Russia losing many of its gains, but retaining Sevastopol, we may have a dissatisfied Russia, but also a dissatisfied Ukraine — in other words, a balance of dissatisfaction.

So, for the safety of Europe, it is better to have Ukraine in NATO, where it cannot make national decisions on territorial claims. [That’s his new argument.]

The Economist: So your argument for having Ukraine in NATO is an argument for reducing the risks of Ukraine to Europe rather than an argument about the defence of Ukraine? [However: who assigned to U.S. taxpayers the obligation to fund the multi-hundred-billion-dollar ‘defence of Ukraine’? What right does the U.S. regime even have to be ‘policeman for the world’? Who is really benefitting from all this? Is it really ‘the people of Ukraine’? Or is it U.S.-and-allied billionaires, instead?]

Henry Kissinger: We’ve proved now the capability to defend Ukraine. What the Europeans are now saying is, in my view, madly dangerous. Because the Europeans are saying: “We don’t want them in NATO, because they’re too risky. And therefore, we’ll arm the hell out of them and give them the most advanced weapons.” [And that’s a lie, too, because America has provided the vast majority of those weapons and advisors to the U.S.-installed Ukrainian regime.] And how can that possibly work? We shouldn’t end it in the wrong way. Assuming the outcome is the probable outcome, that would be somewhere along the line of the status quo ante that existed [prior to February 24, 2022]. The outcome should be one in which Ukraine remains protected by Europe [Oh, really? Europe will protect Ukraine?] and doesn’t become a solitary state just looking out for itself. [Again: he ignores that ever since February 2014, Ukraine has been a stooge-regime or vassal of the U.S. regime.]

I want to avoid that. Before, I wanted Ukraine to be a neutral state. But with Finland and Sweden in NATO it doesn’t make sense. [Why? He doesn’t say. It’s another lie.] I want Russia to give up much of what it conquered in 2014 [But America via coup conquered all of Ukraine except Crimea in February 2014, and that is what actually started this war], and it’s not my job to negotiate a peace agreement. I can tell you the principles of an enhanced, independent [ruled by the U.S. regime, as a satellite or vassal-nation] Ukraine, closely tied to Europe and either closely tied under a NATO guarantee or part of NATO. …

NATO should be maintained. But it’s not the spontaneous place to define our future in every area of the world. So much dedication has gone into NATO, and there are so many good people who believe in it and so many useful tendencies in its countries, but I don’t think NATO is the place to develop creative policies for all the issues of the world you are asking me about. Its greatest utility is a defence of Europe. …

If I talked to Putin, I would tell him that he, too, is safer with Ukraine in NATO.

This is not about my legacy as such. But the idea is, I have tried to implement [my view] from the perspective of having seen the challenges of societies in Europe.

The Economist: Yesterday was like recreating the last chapter of Diplomacy for the present day.

Henry Kissinger: [Immanuel Kant] said peace would either occur through human understanding or some disaster. He thought that it would occur through reason, but he could not guarantee it. That is more or less what I think.

A stupid person becomes easily distracted by irrelevancies in order to be enabled to continue believing the falsehoods that the person believes and holds dear. However, here are the basic facts that he ignores, and which he ignored even when he opposed allowing Ukraine into NATO (and, because it has no irrelevancies, it takes only 160 words, instead of 16,000 words):

JFK was right in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis to be willing to take the U.S. to a hot war (WW III) against both Cuba and the Soviet Union if Soviet missiles would become operational in Cuba a mere 1,131 miles away from blitz-nuclear-missile-annihilating America’s central command in Washington DC, disabling America’s ability to launch its retaliatory weapons.

Putin was right to be willing to take Russia to a hot war (WW III) against both Ukraine and America (and its NATO military alliance) if Ukraine would be admitted into NATO so that America then would be able to place its nuclear missiles 317 miles away from blitz-nuclear-missile-annihilating Russia’s central command in The Kremlin, disabling Russia’s ability to launch its retaliatory weapons. (Russia has also a “dead-hand” system installed in order to launch automatically if The Kremlin becomes annihilated, but it might not work. In any case, America’s intent here is evil, and must not be allowed to test its effectiveness. However, Kissinger thinks it should.)

Kissinger’s stupidity is in service to his personal psychopathy, nothing more. But what he has revealed repeatedly in his statements over the years is that stupid psychopaths can and often do end up in top positions not only in Nazi Germany but in post-WW-II America.

In this interview, he similarly lies in order to justify the U.S. regime’s attempts to replace international laws with international rules, and he even has the audacity to assert that China’s Government — which strongly opposes this U.S. goal — merely wants to participate with the U.S. regime in defining what those “rules” will be: “They’re not heading for world domination in a Hitlerian sense [like the U.S. regime actually is]. That is not how they think or have ever thought of world order. [To them,] world order means they are the final judges of their interests. What they want is participation in how the rules are made.”

His assumption is that his audience will be at least as stupid as he is — and sufficiently misinformed so as to believe what he says. But how does such a person basically differ from any other of the sleaziest salesmen? What’s the difference between what he is and what they are? Maybe the difference is that he has been more successful at it.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.



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when did this git ever create peace or help to bring peace? it bewilders me as to how he can have ever garnered as much respect as he has. i recally reading about him, articles where he was interviewed re the middle east and israel, avidly in the 70s. he failed to impress me. he knew quite a lot about things. i guess that some people can see the emperor’s clothes as anolther nobel peace prize was undeservedkly won.


nobody with a soul “respects” this pile of protoplasmic filth. the juice media jive is all that ever pushed this satanic goblin into the limelight. in a world run by humans this thug would have been executed 40 years back, if not sooner. z


right , at the least after bombardement of hanoi or the support to murder salvador allende in chile. i have also always mistrusted this ridiculous cult about him in the media. his “wisdom” , like cynical inhuman outing of a psychopath and his false advices and comforting words – nothing but spying poison by an evil snake. nobel prize for peace ? no , lucifer’s prize for creating wars and destroying humanity.


kissinger brought peace to cambodia, to chile, to east timor. the peace of the grave, technically…but still peace.

it’s not everybody who can be complicit in two separate genocides, you know. respect!

(i’m really hoping this filth drops dead in the next week. a woman i respect has her birthday on may 27th, and she deserves better than to have her day ruined with stories about this butcher turning 100)


giving ukraine nukes and allowing them to join nato is creating conflict and not preventing it. even if russia waits until they are attacked, giving ukraine a nato membership card and or nukes will do nothiing at all to calm tensions,m everything to exacerbate them. are our politicians and banksters just stupid or are they beyond stupid are the questions we should ask, nukes to nato nations will fly and the politicians certianly will deserve this outcome, the people, less so.


generating chaos is what neoliberalism is all about. its a psychopathic philosophy and it always finds willing idiots to do its bidding.


i thought the nobel peace prize winner for his efforts in the war crimes of vietnam laos and cambodia was already dead?!!!

certainly looks like a propped up corpse!

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

satan loves its juice

V for victory

he was also doct strangelove in that famous movie…

Peter Jennings

he’s probably been feasting on terrified children’s blood, after it’s drained from the poor child. what amazes me is why he wasn’t assassinated long ago. he has been shit stirring everywhere.


si, sería bueno que se viera en el espejo cuando habla de stupid people with power. ¿ cuántas guerras de usa apoyó y estimuló ? ¿ cuántos golpes de estado propuso y apoyó en latinoa mérica ? este tipo es solo un criminal con premio nobel de la paz quien comparte las riendas del mundo.


100% criminal de guerra de clase mundial.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sebastian

kissinger worked tirelessly to screw up the world. he found his calling in us military intel and became a deep state flunky. somewhere along the way the hitler youth knocked something out of him.


with what kissinger said, i can only say to him : si vis pacem, para bellum.

Just me

kissinger is as ridiculous as the rest of these pseudo-experts on something that doesn’t exist. there is no ´´geopolitics´´ there are only puppets playing their roles and we are their target.


oh by the way, he’s jewish..thats good to know


the hell with all the old fking jew garbage , the most hideous snakes on the earth .

John Kesich

how much has russia “invested in democracy building” in ukraine? — are you sure dr hank didn’t say, “the issues are much too important for the ukrainian voters to be left to decide for themselves.”?


what exactly is your point? it’s something like “if the rape is inevitable, lay down and enjoy” to russia!

John Kesich

i’m referring to the $5 billion victoria nuland “invested” in empowering nazis in ukraine, carrying out ethnic cleansing of russophile ukrainians forcing russia to “invade”. of course, the us engages in “humanitarian interventions”, while russia invades.


the power of satan will only get its demons so far. looking at the sucubus, and other corrupted mass murdering piece of filth, diane feinstein and fellow poisoned juice, hank ki$$inger, the living dead jabba da hut and one sees clearly the evil and the sickness that spill out of the soulless black eyed beasts. say no to satan and its minions. z


senile satan, aka jabba da joo should get together with that other evil sucubus, feinstein and breed zillions of undead things to continue destroying humanity. say no to poisoned juice! zz

V for victory

time to replace him with chatgpt…

Hank Mehrens

hahaha…the former fav. of the putinistas and anti-liberals ….fallen from grace-.hahaha. people praising him before now smear him…that was quick.


as a german i have to say:”yes, the phantom of the so called” ugly german ” exist! in person of these old war criminal who is from german origin (unfortunately)! today it looks like kissinger is somewhat of the dark grandmaster of all of these scumbag, looters and dump gangsters wich rape my beloved vaterland for so time now! what a shame to all of us!


he belongs to the whole world , he is the symbol of all the false attitudes of the so called western civilisation of the 20th century. no matter if jewish or german , he could also be polish like zbigniew brzezinski or norwegian like jens stoltenberg.

Zahadi al-Zaddi

no contradiction to say a nation sh’d not be admitted to nato and also that it has the right to chose which alliances to join. an alliance has the right to choose whom to accept. the u.s. w’d not have been admitted into the warsaw pact no matter what. if nations not bordering “the north atlantic” want to form an alliance, they sh’d call themselves the not an atlantic treaty organization (nato). otherwise, isn’t it past time for andorra, san marino, and fiji to join nato?


očakával som to. bolo to iba otázkou času kedy tento starý dementný dedo zmení svoj postoj k ukrajine. vždy bol proti cccp!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by aamater

kissenger is the same fool who in 1971 went to china and negotiated opening the america to china. this started china’s industrialization and militarization, where they are not a major regional threat to their neighbors, and the us.

do we really want to take his advice on ukraine?

Uncle Ho

the editors of the economist should never believe their own bullshit. it makes for a false narrative that is self deluding and bad decisions follow. maybe they can get better interview instructions from the lodgemaster next time.


it is surprising that at his age, he is capable of so much strength and loftiness of conversation, on such a difficult topic…? i don’t know what pills he takes…?

Hurry up Putin, It's getting LATE!!!

lizards are gonna lizard!


no ven esos tipos con poder que eeuu esta enviando al mundo entero a un apocalipsis nuclear mediante un armagedeon masivo termonuclear con un uso masivo de armas de hidrogeno por que eso es lo que va a suceder si no enfrian las cabezas en washington y londres por que eeuu esta enloquecido buscando tenerlo todo y ese es el error que conducira a un horror masivo en verdad seria mucho mas inteligente la opcion de ganar ganar

disfruten sus ultimos dias


lo de ucrania es la crisis de los misiles cubanos segundas parte recargada por multiplicado hasta el armagedeon y jamas se vio tanta estupidez masiva en las clases gobernantes del occidente protestante pero es normal se creen dioses si tienen una biblia a mano


la nota mas chamuyera de este blog hasta ahora mucho humo y espejos es logico kissinger es un gran manipulador versero y mentiroso como el mejor tal como corresponde a la cultura anglosajona sin sentido del honor


kissinger is blaming putin for the war, but he also blames nato for giving him reason for it. he says putin wasn’t against ukraine joining the eu, but joining nato was a red line. the interview was very long, over many hours, and kissinger contradicted himself. but – the guy is only days from his 100th birthday. allow him some room for error.

Last edited 1 year ago by aussie43
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