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Eric Zuesse: Ukraine and U.S. Lead the World in Nazism

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Eric Zuesse: Ukraine and U.S. Lead the World in Nazism

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Written by Eric Zuesse 

Nazism, as an ideology, is global-supremacist racist nationalism, not merely imperialism but global-supremacist imperialism, which was founded by Hitler’s German political Party, but it exists even today in Ukraine, where its exterminationist passion is directed even more against Russians than against Jews. Unlike Hitler’s German nazism, Ukraine’s hates Russians even more than it hates Jews, and this hatred of Russia is a passion that America’s Government shares in virtual unanimity by both of America’s political Parties: the Democrats and the Republicans. There are many things that those two Parties passionately disagree about, but they both are nearly unanimous in hating Russia and despising Russians — so, in February 2014, they grabbed Ukraine in their coup and appointed a rabidly anti-Russian government there.

America used Ukraine’s nazis, hiding behind the popular anti-corruption demonstrations at the Maidan Square in Ukraine in February 2014, in order violently to remove Ukraine’s neutralist and democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych, and replace him with an interim leader, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, whose appointment culminated President Obama’s coup, and then “Yats” immediately fired all the top generals and appointed in their place ones who determined to seek out and exterminate all who resisted the new regime, and this was most of the voters who had voted for Yanukovych, almost all of whom were the half of Ukrainians whose main language was Russian in south and east Ukraine, instead of Ukrainian in north and west Ukraine. They also seized the Russian Orthodox churches and made them Ukrainian Orthodox churches — a new branch of the religion whose head is the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople in Istanbul Turkey — not the Russian Orthodox Church, which is headed by the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia. Russian-speaking Ukrainians, under American rule, became less than second-class citizens: they became a free-fire zone for the new, U.S.-imposed, regime. So: the Obama-imposed regime took away from them not only their country but their Church.

The only country that regularly and always votes in the U.N. General Assembly against Resolutions that condemn racism and bigotry in all of its forms including nazism and Holocaust-denial, is the United States (because ever since 1945 the U.S. has brought into the country so many elite Nazis and gave them sanctuary and hid their atrocities from the public), but in recent years one of the main excuses it gives is that Ukraine is voting against it and so America must do likewise in order to reaffirm its support for Ukraine. The only other country that has often been joining with America’s and Ukraine’s pro-nazi votes at the U.N. has been Canada, which (like America) brought in and provided sanctuary for many Ukrainian nazis after WW II. In fact, as I headlined on 24 September 2023, “Canada’s Parliament Gives Standing Ovation to 98-Year-Old Nazi SS Ukrainian”. But actually, America’s anti-Russian military alliance NATO is riddled with nazis. And America’s lie-based invasions of Iraq in 2003 and of Libya in 2011 and of Syria ever since 2013, are all nazistic, too; so, the evidence that the post-WW-II and especially since 2000 U.S. Government is nazi is clear and undeniable. Anyone who would call this a democracy would have to be either blind or crazy.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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can you believe there were plans for a nazi coup d’etat in the usa in 1933 organized by wall street? smedley butler was the designated fuhrer but he blew the whistle to the authorities.


the “coup” did not lead to bringing any national socialists to power. it did make them cannon fodder and elevated them to limited positions in sbu’s security service.

why don’t you read literature written by italian and british fascists, romanian legionaries (corneliu codreanu), and german national socialists?

you are too lazy. zelensky, marina abramovic, and others would be imprisoned or exiled under real national socialism.


i was not talking about ukraine, but a failed coup in the usa in 1933.

Edgar Zetar

i don’t like eric zuesse, he is a schollar, only read without comprehensive analysis or getting deeper… the world created after wwii were divided in two fronts, two main military contenders (usa anglo-saxon empire and slavic ussr culture); the prussians were destroyed and slaved, also the races and empire in france and netherlands japan were conquered. the winners did whatever they wanted in the 1st gen after wwii.

Edgar Zetar

usa army and navy was the greatest but the world was so big and they cannot expand worldwide, doesn’t have the technology or communication tools. ussr was a land army while usa uk were a sea ocean army. the two sides were contenders but the establishment, the elites, the central banks, industry, technologies was the same, no matter what they said, the rulers of the aftermath of wwii had all the same thoughts the same ideology, sharing most of the same values.


you’ve made many good points. i only disagree on the soviet and russian military. us was more specialized, ussr was more about large-scale mechanized and aerial warfare. they had some better things than americans who were less prepared for waging a total war. i think russia and the ussr are still underestimated, no matter any ineptitude they have displayed in the past or present.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric
Edgar Zetar

both sides taked some scientist and technologies from the defeated prussians, the race of the male barbaric superhumans were reduced to a defeated and slaved tribe of child’s. their fathers were called the evil itself, they put all the blame on the defeated ones while usa army and navy expanded so quickly over the globe. ussr was the weakest world power so they developed in a defensive mode, not like anglo-saxons who always were in attack mode.

Edgar Zetar

the usa military only accepted complete submission from all other goverments worldwide. the eagles and the exceptionals will give the tools, ideology and reform all goverments to all their satellites or lesser goverments worldwide. the head of goverments born in washington, their ideology was carefully prepaired and deployed worldwide. the civil domain born from their ashes and the new generations were educated in lesser child sciences.

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

the winners take to themselves all the real sciences, doctrines, and education to themselves, only allowed to their caste to their breed and gave to the defeated ones the lesser child sciences they took out all vestiges of the previous wwii sciences, doctrines and culture. the occidental world had so many false ideologies and doctrines inside, the false doctrines were used against their enemies, whoever which takes the false ideologies will become the slaves. this still happen in today’s world.

Edgar Zetar

the only goverments who were not conquered by others and removed their head were the real world powers of today. washington and moscow are in a cold fight (war) since usa become a world power, so many others were defeated, berlin, paris, tokio were reduced to a child’s playground after wwii… the exceptionals were so clever and developed parts of the world to have control over their conquered territories, they created puppet goverments just to fake the world is free, just and fair.

Edgar Zetar

welcome to occidental culture, welcome to the jungle; were the carnivores are at the top of the pyramid are just puppets of the head of fake goverments and they only be put in place to continue the charade; from the moment their puppets doesn’t follow the rules of their masters they are disposable and erased… even after their death their are called evil and their useful puppets are called saints and heroes. that’s why friedrich nietzsche and their teacher hated so much emmanuel kant doctrine

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

the issue washington dc going against moscow is a real issue, because if usa pushed moscow to the point of life threat, moscow will unleash all the weapons both world powers were developing after wwii, sometimes they developed together usa and the ussr like weather control systems (so global warming my ass), they even experiment with humans during cold war, shared space programs.

Edgar Zetar

even in ukraine russia is fighting with old and obsolete weapons that the world can digest the 90s weapons but if washington dc attacked moscow directly they will unleash for sure all their interplanetary weapons and missiles over the masters of the universe heads and the exceptionals, so they will be no more exceptionals after all and the eagle won’t be the eagle anymore.

Edgar Zetar

but usa are the number one by far also they have their military disguised in the civil world and in their puppets goverments worldwide, russia use a traditional centralized command control while the world imperium of the exceptionals divided the world on descentralized zones command and control, usa has all the advantages by far, but they don’t count on human faith and human skills and human intelligence to take down all their imperium (empire) once and for all.

Edgar Zetar

human willpower, just wonder where i had read this words before, but the world the masters are promoting worldwide are all against people true development, against all human virtues, they wanted to divided all of us internally (domestic policy) while they controlled us from the puppets goverments officials and the rulers they promoted just like ukraine 🇺🇦 where the hollywood actor were incepted as president using propaganda and cia playbooks.


not entirely old and obsolete weapons. i would suggest they have many weapons measuring up to nato’s.


the current democrat party could be called national socialists using whites as the inferior race and biden/obama as their hitler while having an intolerance for other political parties and being a political construct of the educational system while having a disregard for the current rule of law.

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