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Eric Zuesse: What Changes There Will Be When China and Russia Become the World’s Two Leading Nations

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Eric Zuesse: What Changes There Will Be When China and Russia Become the World's Two Leading Nations

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Written by Eric Zuesse

China, the world’s leading nation in human resources, and Russia, the world’s leading nation in natural resources, border one-another, have no border-disputes, have the same ideology (win-win, which contrasts starkly against The West’s, which is win-lose or even — in America’s particular case — possibly lose-lose, which latter is the ideology that’s commonly called “neoconservatism” in America and “nazism” in Europe, and which ideology places as its highest objective destroying all competitors, even if that will also entail self-destruction: it’s based actually on hatred, an obsession to destroy ‘the enemy’).

Furthermore, on 26 September 2023, Russia’s RT News posted a lengthy (3,000-word) article about history, “Remember, no colonialism: Why Russia did not participate in the ‘Scramble for Africa'”, which provided the cultural background from which Vladimir Putin’s many repeated statements of his win-win ideology have their roots; and, on that same date, China’s Government posted at its Global Times site, a very lengthy (22,000-word) statement of exactly the same win-win ideology, but as being rooted in Chinese culture, “A Global Community of Shared Future: China’s Proposals and Actions” (I’ve extracted 2,200 words of its highlights, here); and, so, it’s clear that these two nations already are one country, even to an extent to which few of the world’s existing countries are — remarkably united in their ideology. This is an ideology that’s the opposite of the U.S-NATO one of expanding an empire (NATO), supremacism (by the U.S.) and subordination to it (by America’s colonies or ‘allies’) — it’s opposite to the ideology of imperialism and its colonies. Both in Russia and in China, coups in, or conquests of, distant nations that pose no national-security threat to a given nation, are condemned, and each nation’s sovereign independence is, instead, respected. Russia and China are already one nation in this fundamental, ideological, sense. The most solidly established nation is the one that is the most united in its ideology. More ideological unity already exists within and between Russia and China than within the United States, or in any one of its many colonies.

Therefore, if the world survives, then China and Russia will eventually become one country in fact, and perhaps the biggest barrier that it will have to address during the transition to become one country will be much the same that Switzerland (like a number of other countries) has already successfully overcome, which is the multi-language-problem, and the associated difficulties of constructing one shared culture out of what now are two or more different cultures.

The leaders of both China and Russia (Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping) have consistently, throughout their periods of leadership, advocated and practiced an ideology that is win-win, which means starting always from a position of equal rights for all nations — zero supremacism — and an avoidance of win-lose measures except when and where the national security of one’s own nation requires ultimately a resort to coercion (such as happened when, in February 2022, Russia resorted to coercion eight years after America’s coup installed in Ukraine, in February 2014, a neoconservative rabidly anti-Russian government which was increasingly threatening to position U.S. missiles onto Ukraine’s border with Russia within 300 miles of The Kremlin).

To the extent that Russia and China will grow their shared economy by marrying Russia’s dominance in natural resources with China’s dominance in human resources, it will become increasingly the world’s leader in trade, to such an extent that it will be establishing the standard that the entire world will increasingly be adopting. However, right now, outside of those two countries, international commerce is carried out predominantly in a third language, English, which is far easier for the rest of the world to learn than is either the Russian language or the Chinese language — both of which have alphabets and other idiosyncracies that are unique to themselves and that are not closely associated with many other languages.

The language that is the most-understood around the world is English, and it is easier for a Russian to learn than Chinese is, and is easier for a Chinese to learn than Russian is. Chinese is the world’s most-spoken language, but it’s all almost only within China, and therefore isn’t commonly used in international commerce. Furthermore, the world’s third-most-spoken language is Spanish; and a Spanish-language Web-page that’s titled in English translation as “The 20 easiest and most difficult languages to learn” ranks English as the 5th-easiest, saying: “Although English is not the easiest language to learn for some people, it is one of the most accessible languages and that is why it is the most used language in the world and spoken by the most nationalities. One of the reasons why English is easy to learn is because there is a great educational offer to train in this language and the British and American influence is very great around the globe. On the other hand, a large amount of its vocabulary is based on words with Latin roots, something that does not happen in other Germanic languages such as, for example, German.” (So, German isn’t within the 10 easiest.) By contrast: that Website ranks Chinese as being possibly the most difficult of all. Furthermore, a Web-page that is titled “What is the most difficult language to learn if you speak Spanish?” says, flat-out, that “The most difficult language to learn if you speak Spanish is without a doubt Mandarin Chinese. That is because it does not even have an alphabet, that is, it lacks a syllabic phonetic writing system. And how does Mandarin Chinese writing work? Through thousands of symbols that mean different things. So first you must learn to speak it, and then, to read and write in Mandarin Chinese, you must match each word with the corresponding symbol.” This same site says that Russian is among the most difficult, because “It is a complicated language that has a case system, which means that nouns and pronouns change shape depending on their function in the sentence. Furthermore, it does not use our alphabetic system, but its writing is based on the Cyrillic system.”

If China and Russia together are to join to become the world’s future leading nation, then clearly they will be teaching English as a second language in all of their K-12 schools. This will not only facilitate commerce between both countries, but it will enormously facilitate the commerce between each of them and the entire rest of the world. Putin and Xi should therefore establish this, English as a second language throughout their respective countries, as being a goal, and the method and timeline for achieving it.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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“if china and russia together are to join to become the world’s future leading nation, then clearly they will be teaching english as a second language in all of their k-12 schools”.

disagree dear author. english is a phonetically and grammatically damaged language. there are horror films that carry this thematic concept.

you unwittingly advocate the demise of sovereign nations. i will say a word or two for you in my thoughts. we all have much to learn…


i don’t think english will always be the default language. once the hegemony money dries up so will the use of the english language. not gonna happen overnight but with time. just like many african nations are now ditching the french language of their colonizers…everything comes and goes. more and more chinese kids are also picking russian to take for a second language. less are taking english than before for example 10 years ago.

Abu Mahdi

totally agree, people used to speak multiple languages not so long ago and you couldn’t do business with neighboring countries if you did not speak the local language. a russian speaking english to a chinese or the other way around sounds more like a wish from a lazy anglophone… i also believe it shows your respect as a guest when you speak the host country’s language.

Edgar Zetar

you live in lalala phantasy world… not because you speak a native languaje other than english will mean that you are sovereign country. in africa they are ditching french and adquiring english instead you need a languaje to communicate, no matter what languaje you use. it seems to me this article from eric zuesse is just “propaganda”. world powers hegemons are fighting to have the third world countries slaved, usa has most of the world.

Barba Papa

latin survived the fall of the west-roman empire by more then a thousand years before french took over as the lingua franca. english has become so widespread it is the most likely 2nd language for most people on earth. in that sense it will serve a purpose even if, that still remains to be seen, the us were to diminish. whereas outside the french or spanish speaking worlds no one is speaking french or spanish, thus limiting their usefulness.


russian should be wary as russian defeat the old mongol. china have long memory and know chinaman could walk to old empire rus rather than sail to america. old pootin is walkin a tight-rope for sure.

Bernard Davis

the mongols are /were not chinese – even though ignorant westerners think they are because they have similar features. the chinese were just as much victims of the marauding mongol armies as anyone. why do you think they built the great wall?


after the mongols overcame that wall they became a legitimate chinese dynasty….

Edgar Zetar

eric zuesse lives in lalalala nothingburger world… to anglosaxons uk empire and usa empire costs more than two centuries and lots of wars and slave so many countries in order push english right to the top of languajes, so you cannot replace a languaje so simple, you are a stupid.

Edgar Zetar

also languaje is a tool of people; the empire who has the most people worldwide and who has the greatest land and resources will win. usa controlled most of the world after wwii, has most of the world population inserted in their western banking system. eric zuesse is so blind about this. usa (masters of universe) could use all of ukraine population against russia, afterall they have already won the territory of ukraine, they can repopulate ukraine in one generation


– “they can repopulate ukraine in one generation” … but how??? with african migrants?!

Edgar Zetar

they own almost all western population, they can create a propaganda that ukraine is the christian paradise and will repopulate so fast… and who cares people? you will own the land anyways, control the people and collect the taxes, and you have already taken away ukraine from russia’s side. who is winning here? russia lost land and usa win land. don’t have to be a genius to understand who is winning

Edgar Zetar

russia is against the wall right now, i wonder if russia could repopulate so fast their fallen soldiers, i dont think so. to usa ukraine is just a tool to conquer russia in the mid or long run. the nuclear deterrence is the only tool that saves russia of being converted into another colony of the anglosaxons empire. after they conquer russia, the masters of the universe will say they bring democracy and freedom onto russia


very funny comment, but i agree with most of what you say. nuclear weapons is russia’s only savior. but what if there’s a soviet-style breakup? russia may be isolated and contained from all directions. finally, the west will install its puppet in russia and that’s all. they don’t need a war to conqure russia.


media cartels need to break up. never seen the soft power of russian or chinese hollywood. tik tok is owned by goldman and netflix is th bernays family who did the propoganda manual of the twenties. murdoch still rules in a way.

here is th news – elo

Edgar Zetar

you are speaking my languaje friend, the us army occupied hollywood since its inception, hollywood was a propaganda machine since born. if you study the genealogy of hollywood directors you will see most of them are descendants of the military, most stars and actors were sons of military. anyways, cinema born during the century of wars, so you should expect they will use it as a weapon. believe it or not almost any human invention could be used as a weapon.


rus and chn will never merge, nor should they consider it. rus fed is already a multicultural entity with many distinct and ancient languages/dialects, and long may this continue.

what’s the point of a multipolar world if countries need to merge to achieve it? but to adopt a roman language (and its culture, as the two are inseparable) to enable common communication is sheet madness; and the inevitable path to collapse via infiltration by us/uk.


english is built on an imperialistic hierarchical vernacular in both logic and construction. discussions in this language will likewise follow this same path. it served colonialism and hegemony perfectly for centuries and its inherent poison will destroy any country adopting it as a second language.

similarly francophone rules dictate a particular way of thinking and cultural expression and has been crucial in the subjugation of african cultural independence.

Bbbbig Putty

of course russia has no colonial past, just ask the baltics.


of course the baltic states have led a blameless existence (give or take nazi collaboration and concentration camps). and, now encouraged by nato expansion they’re still yapping..

the point, however, was about the idiocy of allowing hegemonic english as the principle second language twixt rus and chin. language doesn’t precipitate actions, but is can nurture and sustain the reasoning that underlies those actions.

Bbbbig Putty

>what’s the point of a multipolar world if countries need to merge to achieve it?

slowly the plan that transcended factions dawned on him…


you should address your concerns to ez. i’m pointing out the ‘bloomin’ obvious’ that zuesse seems incapable or unwilling to address week after week. again, it’s all tied to the well worn peculiarities of english language constructs and vernacular.

and ’round we go …


china will be as willing to let the russians be their equals in the future like the us is willing for china and russia to be their equals now. 0% chance

Paul Citro

the world would benefit from having a universal language. since english is the closest we have to that now and it is serviceable we might as well go with it.


‘the world’ would not benefit in any way from the adoption of homogeneous culture via the hierarchical vernacular of roman-english; globalist elites and their corporate backers would.

the very existence of other cultures and subcultures (in all manner of writing, graphics and speech) preserves diversity of art, thought and logic. it protects us all from corpo-slavery under an overarching global hegemon and its woke mono-kulture.

cultural diversity sustains us against all the odds.


diversity of logic?! are you on mushrooms?

Bbbbig Putty

he’s a tankie. they generally disapprove of psychedelics and get off on torture instead.


no, just a solid multi lingual education.

Last edited 1 year ago by B.F.Finlayson
Bbbbig Putty

things will be less gay but catch fire for no reason more often. humanity’s false binary choice in 2023…go with the west and be rewarded with bum-fun…go with russia where you will be bummed as punishment. how about the elites leave our arses alone?!


in the 70 when i was on scool, we had a teacher who told us that esperanto could be the world language to comunicate.


this is unlikely to happen. the muslims will dominate the world after america.

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