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Eric Zuesse: “Why Calling US a ‘Democracy’ Is Both False & Dangerous to Do”

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Written by Eric Zuesse; Originally appeared on strategic-culture.org

It’s false because it is definitely untrue, and that’s not merely because America has a higher percentage of its residents in prison than does any other nation on this planet, but also because the only scientific studies that have been done of the matter show — they prove scientifically — that the US is a dictatorship by its very wealthiest residents, against all the rest of the population. Traditionally, that’s called an “aristocracy,” not a democracy, but ever since Mussolini in the 1920s, it came to be called “fascism,” which is the successor to “feudalism” and thus is merely the modernized form of feudalism. What used to be called by such terms as “monarchy” or “aristocracy” is thus now called “fascism” but the leopard is the same regardless of what it is labeled, and what it really is a dictatorship. Mussolini sometimes instead called fascism “corporationism” and it certainly is today’s United States Government, even if some people choose to call it ‘democracy’. It’s what the US Government has been scientifically proven to be: dictatorship, by the richest few (the controlling owners of the international corporations), against the entire public.

Eric Zuesse: "Why Calling US a ‘Democracy’ Is Both False & Dangerous to Do"

But even worse than being only false, calling the US a ‘democracy’ is also itself extremely dangerous to the entire world, and here is why:

Every time that the US perpetrates a coup (such as it’s trying now to do against Venezuela) or a military invasion (such as it did to Iraq 2003 and Libya 2011 and Syria 2012- and to Yemen 2015-, and many others) the US regime and its propagandists call it an action ‘for humanitarian purposes’, and for regime-change ‘to bring democracy and human rights’ to that country, and it’s always lies, which wouldn’t even be believed by anyone who knows that the US itself is actually a dictatorship, which it is. So, the lie of calling the US a ‘democracy’ is actually okaying a lying dictatorship by using, for it, the term “democracy,” which this particular dictatorship chooses to refer to itself, for PR purposes.

Calling the US a ‘democracy’ is to support this government that the entire world (in the only polls that have been done of the matter) recognizes to be the most aggressive and dangerous regime on Earth. To smear the good name of “democracy” that way, by calling the world’s most rapacious Government a ‘democracy’, is to assist in corroding that high term of praise, “democracy,” and turning it instead into an insult, which applies to what is actually the globally recognized most aggressive and dangerous nation on this planet.

The United States of America used to be a limited democracy, but now it’s no longer even that, and to call it a ‘democracy’ at all is not only false, but it encourages the world’s most dangerous and harmful regime and sets it as a model for other nations. To encourage evil by lying to say it’s not that but is instead good, is itself evil, or else rabidly ignorant and deceived; but, in any case, it is a very wrong thing to do.

On March 7th the liberal US billionaire who owns Bloomberg News was so much opposed to the over-the-top, far too overtly fascist, billionaires who now control the country, so that Bloomberg News headlined “Pence Asked Merkel to Provoke Russia by Sending Warships to Crimea”, and their reporters opened:

The US leaned on German Chancellor Angela Merkel last month to conduct a naval maneuver in Russia’s backyard aimed at provoking President Vladimir Putin, according to three people familiar with the talks. At a Feb. 16 meeting at the Munich Security Conference, US Vice President Mike Pence urged Merkel to send German warships through a narrow channel between the Crimean peninsula and mainland Russia to show Putin that Western powers won’t surrender their access to those waters, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The German leader refused, they said.

On March 8th, RT (a reliably truthful news-site that the US regime calls ‘fake news’ because it reports truths the US rulers don’t want the public to know) headlined “Caving in to the US? Brussels kills its own money laundering ‘blacklist’ after Washington criticism” and reported that the US regime objected to the EU’s European Commission including in its proposed list of 11 additional money-laundering centers four US territories, after which “the Council of the European Union, which consists of the ministers representing all 28 EU members, justified its decision to reject the document with the arguments that seemed strikingly similar to those employed by the US Treasury.” Page 11 of the European Commission’s 36-page detailed explanation of its proposed list said: “Based on the review of additional information sources, the Commission’s analysis has concluded that 11 additional jurisdictions present strategic deficiencies for the purposes of Article 9 of Directive (EU) 2015/849. Those jurisdictions are the following: Afghanistan, American Samoa, Guam, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, US Virgin Islands, Samoa.” The objective of the additions was to make more difficult the laundering of proceeds from crime. A legal advisory from a law firm representing US international corporations explained that “The US Treasury Department has objected to the inclusion of American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands on the grounds that the European Commission did not follow the methodology used by FATF in developing its own list of high-risk third countries, and that FATF standards apply to all US territories.”

Supposedly, the methodology of FATF was more ‘transparent’ than that set forth in the European Commission’s 36-page detailed explanation of its proposed 11 additions. The European Council arrived at its rejection of the 11 additions to the list on the grounds that “The consultation ended on 28 February 2019, with the required majority of delegations having declared their intention to object to the delegated act in question, in particular on the basis that the act was not established in a sufficiently transparent way.” The European Council thus accepted without question the US regime’s undocumented allegation that the US regime’s chosen methodology is more ‘transparent’ than the European Commission’s is. In a press release, the European Council justified its decision on the grounds that it “cannot support the current proposal that was not established in a transparent and resilient process that actively incentivises affected countries to take decisive action while also respecting their right to be heard.” In short: BS. How can either the US regime, or the one in the EU, reasonably claim to be ‘transparent’? It’s ridiculous. That’s merely a relationship between the imperial nation and its vassal-states. They’re all dictatorships, they’re a hierarchy of dictatorships. But only the US dictatorship has been scientifically proven.

Anyone who opposes America’s dictatorship of the world will call the US regime what it is: a dictatorship. This cat is now out of the bag and roaming wildly, almost everywhere, trying now even for Venezuela, the Kerch Strait and the South China Sea. (Calling the South China Sea and Kerch Strait ‘disputed waters’ is like calling the surrounding waters of the US ‘disputed waters’; but only the international bully-regime is deliberately trying to “provoke” other nations in order to get them to buckle to its international dictatorship — which is the US regime, which regime Obama had called “the one indispensable nation,” meaning that all others are ‘dispensable’. It’s clearly not only Trump that’s the problem. It’s the regime, which is the dictatorship, and it outlasts any particular ruler.)

The US is no democracy. It clearly is a dictatorship, by its richest. To call that a ‘democracy’, is to insult democracy itself. Maybe America’s actual rulers would therefore like that.

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SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Zuesse has it wrong. America is the way it is /because/ of democracy.


nah he’s right. the so called democracy you morons speak so much about is just a faux democracy, manipulated beyond recognition and even the sacred constituition has lost all meaning and is just a piece of paper that is neglected when it suits the washington insiders.

so if you have any guts retired what ever, call for a demonstration in washington dc, a humongous demonstration of veterans, 1 to 2 miliion battle-used veterans to set things right. to retake the governing powers from the criminal and corrupt cabal in washington dc. the vets are the only ones that can actually take back control of the country from the criminals like fatso, like bedbugcrazy bolton und zu weiter.


Let me guess, Russia is a true democracy.


Who cares what Russia does, they don’t bother anybody else. America is a problem because it roams the world killing and stealing.


Russia is contained by America, that’s why they act so butt hurt. They feel like they should be the ones that steal and kill, but the life is not fair :)


for someone like you, just one word – idiot!!


American veterans tried that in 1932. The US government cut them down with cavalry. The USA has always been a cun*.



but sure they can try again, can’t they – 2019 is a time when very little can be kept private and in 1932 you couldn’t get the same kind of numbers together like you can today. and it’s doubtful the corrupt and criminal cabal in washington dc would be able to command the army or the national guard to attack a veterans demonstration, even if it went out of hand.

Brother Ma

MacArthur was the prick who did it.

Jens Holm

They all were ordered to it. Eisenhower and several other famoys in WW2 was there too.

It of course didnt make it better.


No, democracy is not at fault here. It’s just the way all political systems go. In any political system an elite will form, even if you literally murdered the entire previous one, as in communism, and they will come to see their rule as just, logical and basically their birthright. At best they come to think they know what is best for everyone and at worst they see it as their birthright to plunder the wealth of the state for their own good. Democracy, socialism, communism, theocracy, fascism, feudalism, corporatism, el presidente for life, monarchy, it doesn’t matter, it happens to all of them. And the only difference is how the elite legitimizes its rule and the openness and brazenness with which they do it.


SFC Steven M Barry seems like Hitler and his Party were, which despised democracy. Of course, in their case, their ideology explained it. And similarly Mussolini wrote contemptuously of democracy. Both men were fascists, but Hitler was the racist type, and so his ideology came to be called nazism, named after his Party but not capitalized like the Party-name. So: what’s SFC Steven M Barry’s excuse?

AG Korvin

How many Russians fled their democracy to taste the horrors of the West? A few millions. Speaks volumes.


But the Western oligarchy is very good at selling itself as a democracy. Most people in the West still believe it as well. Even quite a few people who enter into the political system. And Western media and culture are everywhere these days. Giving people elsewhere the false hope that the West is the land of Milk and Honey.

And in all fairness, Russia became an utter shithole during the Yeltsin years and it took quite a long time to clean that mess up. And in many ways that mess still hasn’t been cleaned up completely. So the allure of the West remains.


“It is accepted as democratic when public offices are allocated by lot; and as oligarchic when they are filled by election.” Aristotle

Blah, it’s an oligarchy just like any other. Only some level of direct democracy is democracy, since only then does the Sovereign express their binding opinion.


And as we saw in Athens, that still didn’t stop a certain group of people to sway the Athenian democracy to their rule. Just look up people like Alcibiades. When the rules of the game change the elite changes its game play. Most citizens aren’t that knowledgable, most citizens aren’t as erudite. He who can talk a good game can sway a democracy to do its will.


No system is perfect, but having the representatives listen to the masses as well as vice versa is the best way to limit them disagreeing. Athens was a good first go of it, but like bitcoin or the Newcomen engine, first generations are not always optimal!


Athens a good go? Athens is the very model of the American Empire, Rome? Not at all. Just look at it, a democratically elected government that uses its military might and vast network of allies to bully both enemies and allies alike. Which embarks on a steady stream of ill fated military adventures until it finally collapses. It its day it was hated by both enemies and allies alike. The US is the new Athens. And Athens soured generations on the concept of democracy for 2500 years. The US founding fathers desperately tried to come up with a concept for democracy that would not descend into yet another Athens. And still they failed.


It’s false because it is definitely untrue, and that’s not merely because America has a higher percentage of its residents in prison than does any other nation on this planet, but also because the only scientific studies that have been done of the matter show — they prove scientifically — that the US is a dictatorship by its very wealthiest residents, against all the rest of the population. Traditionally, that’s called an “aristocracy,” not a democracy, but ever since Mussolini in the 1920s, it came to be called “fascism,” which is the successor to “feudalism” and thus is merely the modernized form of feudalism. What used to be called by such terms as “monarchy” or “aristocracy” is thus now called “fascism” but the leopard is the same regardless of what it is labeled, and what it really is a dictatorship. Mussolini sometimes instead called fascism “corporationism” and it certainly is today’s United States Government, even if some people choose to call it ‘democracy’. It’s what the US Government has been scientifically proven to be: dictatorship, by the richest few (the controlling owners of the international corporations), against the entire public.

There is so much wrong in that part its not even funny. A high school student would have written a better piece, if only because what he writes at least gets graded. The rule of an aristocracy is oligarchy. It did not become called fascism, because fascism is a political form of system and oligarchy is not. Just like feudalism is. Or communism, or democracy. Aristocracies can be and are part of any political system, and you know your country has a ruling aristocracy when the sons or daughters of previous political leaders become political leaders themselves. We see it in the US, the Kennedy’s, the Clintons, the Bushes, we see it in communism, the Kim dynasty. The rule of an aristocracy, or just a single dude as in dictatorship is usually not an official form of government, as neither will justify their rule by that name. Hereditary dictators usually justify theirs as monarchal kings, ruling by divine rule, although officially that can still be different. The Roman Republic was never officially ended by Augustus and even though we define his rule as monarchy, he was officially the first citizen of the Roman Republic, with the old senate still present. Similarly the Kims rule in Korea as First Chairmen of a People’s Republic. And Republics are usually the favorite cover of elites to justify their rule.

Jens Holm

You certainly is a spotted leopard among too many.

But as usual, You dont compare with other systems telling what they are…

Lazy Gamer

Everybody wants to rule the world lol

Jens Holm

And not everybody want to give their hand to Africa…


The US is not a Democracy. It is a representative Republic Do your research troll.

Jens Holm

Many many un representative republics – funny isnt it.

I think You actually has 52 united states and its very difficult to improve, when they or many insist in their own old systems.

They coould need reforms. A start could be the one getting the most votes always becomes president.

Its also very strange, You have to registrate as voter over there because all already are voters, when they becomes 18 years old.

We all get a letter telling the day for election, where it is and when it opens and close. We also are adviced we can vote by letter.

And when we arrive to the election day, we show our letter and good ID ands then get of polical parties, persons in them and local lists as well. We can do that, because we have the same ID system for the whole country.

We also after some votes are not enogh to elect any addd them with others from other regions and make them into extra members making the elections more fair in numbers of votes. Its very easy to do so by relative simple computer programs.

I wish they could do that. That also very much prevent cheating by moving election borders.

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