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Escalation In Northern Syria: Kurdish Forces Shot Down Two Turkish Drones Near Tell Rifaat

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Escalation In Northern Syria: Kurdish Forces Shot Down Two Turkish Drones Near Tell Rifaat

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Late on April 13, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) shot down a Turkish drone that was flying over their remaining territory south of occupied Afrin in northern Aleppo.

The drone, identified as a SERÇE-1, was shot down near the village of Bineh west of town Tell Rifaat. The SERÇE-1 was developed by Turkey’s defense giant ASELSAN for the Turkish military. The drone has a duration of 30 minutes with a 1 kg payload within a range of 3 to 5 km. The downed drone was equipped with an optical system.

The drone was scouting YPG positions near Tell Rifaat after a surprise withdrawal by Russian forces from the area. The forces have since returned.

A day after the incident, a second drone was shot down by the YPG near Tell Rifaat. The drone was reportedly dropping leaflets with a warning to the locals.

“Whoever trusts the leaders of Qandil [the stronghold of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party] gangs is like someone who trusts water in the sieve, and what happened three years ago in Afrin is the clearest evidence of that.

Rise up against this gang that is lying to you, save yourself and your children, and leave the region, the signs of the near return of rights to their people are in front of you.

The true sons of the land will return to their area

Forewarned is forearmed,” the leaflets read.

The Turkish military and its proxies have been eyeing Tell Rifaat and its surroundings for several years now. From there, Kurdish forces launch attacks on a regular basis.

Despite the recent developments, a Turkish-led attack on the Kurdish-held area remains unlikely. Russian forces are still present there along with Syrian government troops and Iranian-backed factions.


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Supreme Blyat

Very poetic


I’m good with it … while the turkeys are extremely proud of their drones … it seems NOT ALL COMPONENTS are locally sourced … eh?

Canada has STOPPED sending a key component … making more drones impossible for now

Besides … the economic downturn has impacted further state purchases

Sheesh …. if it wasn’t for bad luck …. eh?

76 mm Super Rapid

Not so key component(Wescam Mx-15 Eo/Ir camera),it has equivalents in the market like Safran,Flir and Hensoldt but Mx-15 is definitely the best(60 years experience).Canada not only stopped Mx-15 sales also another various projects like Asıst (Aircraft Ship Integrated Secure and Traverse) which is shipborne helicopter landing system. İts Turkey’s fault violating the end-user agreement.They didnt inform Canada and used Uavs in Libya and Nk war.


Thanks for the confirmations … 👏👏👏

My source was Burak Bekdil an honest Turkish newspaper reporter

Jens Holm

Thats right. Turks might need advanced parts, but they can try something else.

Anybody private person can buy a drone by internet and get it witin a couple of days. You only has to have a written licence and promise to follow the local rules like not ebing near the airports and over private gardens.

So any integrated Turks can order one or several.

A good start fopr total beginners might be this https://www.pix4d.com/

The Objective

What violation of end-user agreement? Why didn’t Canada sanction Turkey when it used UAVs against Assad’s soldiers? This is all America’s efforts to cripple Turkey’s defense industry. America forgot that it was their refusal to sell Turkey drones that pushed the Turks to build theirs. They won’t be able the cripple the Turkish defense industry. It will surly mature to INDEPENDENCE.

76 mm Super Rapid


Jens Holm

Thats right, but thats mainly the more advanced one. It has been possible to send drones as small airplanes conneted to a simple radio sending pictures or webcam/video.

Luck is the other way too. The YPG might try and try but suddenly they get 2 drones down.

Supreme Blyat

I think Canada and Austria restarted components delivery.


Burak Bekdil’s article was written a couple of days ago


if YPG Turds can do it, anybody can do it… so much about “invincible” Turk drones…

Daniel Rich

@ HiaNd,

“If YPG Turds can do it, anybody can do it… so much about “invincible” Turk drones…”

It’s all in the fine-print; turkey’s drones are not visible, as long as you keep your eyes closed :o]

Jens Holm

Turks has different kinds of drones foir different purposes and also in generations. Thats one.

YPG as well as the PKK has to have tools for it.

Its very much about seize and visibility as well as speed.

Jens Holm

That makes no sense at all. Too many bad parameters.

Supreme Blyat

Those are not the $1 million drones Turks used in Lybia and Nagorno.

The Objective

Are you claiming the U.S tried to protect SAA from Turkey’s assault?

Supreme Blyat

No, I was talking about Russia.


You talk about things you don’t understand. Classic bombers can’t give any “support” against drones since they don’t use air to air missiles and have no auto-cannons installed. But any multi role jet ( MiG or Sukhoi ) armed with those weapons can very easily take down any kind of drones and give 100% protection. The cheaper option (than to have jets flying around to “protect”) is short range air defenses like “Tor”. They are 100% capable to take down all those drones.

Supreme Blyat

I agree with you on SU vs drones but I’m dead curious about the TOR or whatever DPR&LPR has. In the Nagorno footages it appears that drones were mostly used to guide precise artilery fire.


You are talking about Isralei “Heron” semi stealth reconnaissance drones bought by Azerbaijan They have Turk “Baryaktar TB2” (the same Ukraine bought – they even license produce those drones) They are attack drones that can carry bombs or air to ground missiles. Normally both types of drones are needed Reconnaissance drones discover targets, then they send “Baryaktar TB2” to destroy them. Top speed of “Baryaktar TB2” is (I think) 230 kmh only. So you see they can be extremely easy targets. No problem to shot them down with “Tor” missiles or some fighter jet. The problem is when one doesn’t have proper air defenses! In those situations drones dominate and do whatever they want…

Supreme Blyat

“Top speed of “Baryaktar TB2″ is (I think) 230 kmh only. So you see they can be extremely easy targets.” Pantsir is even easier. As seen in Lybia and Idlib…

The Objective

Turkish drones are not invincible – in fact they are far from that. But at least they do kick some ass. Haha.


we all saw what those drones can do when there are no adequate air defenses… like in Azerbaijan-Armenia war

The Objective

30-minutes endurance drone by ASELSAN. LOL. Are you kidding me? That was a rebel knock off man. I’ve never heard of any serious defense factory building a 30-minutes drone. That’ll be useless for both surveillance and combat. Look for something else to write dude. LOL.

Jens Holm

You are wrong. Its very much about what they are used for. You easy can find some having 74 minutes too and with extra cargo.

Here You fx can connect them to artillery and missiles finding targets for them too.

Those small ones are not uselees at all and every military units should have one, where I would say 30 minutes are a little too low.

The Objective

30 minutes is too fucking low man. Can you give one example of what a military will use some 30-minutes’ drone for? I can’t find one despite thinking hard. Perhaps a suicide drone? But certainly not for combat or surveillance.


We are talking about turkish drones here – most parts aren’t even turkish ^^

The Objective

List those parts that aren’t Turkish apart from the camera (which there are alternatives).

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Rise up against this gang that is lying to you, save yourself and your children, and leave the region, the signs of the near return of rights to their people are in front of you.

The true sons of the land will return to their area”

And who are the true sons, the Ottoman Turkmen. Erdogan’s already ethnically cleansed 300,000 Kurds from the area but now want’s even more to leave, but that’s going to be harder to achieve this time around, because unlike the first time he did it this time around the SAA are imbedded with the Kurds. I didn’t add the Russians are also imbedded with the Kurds because they very often evacuate the area whenever Erdogan threatens to invade, and then only return when they realize it was just another one of Erdogan’s bluffs, but the noble SAA ALWAYS call Erdogan’s bluffs, they never ever desert their Kurdish ALLIES, yes I did say allies. Assad should be giving the Kurds MANPAD’s and cheap surveillance drones to help them fight against the Turks, but he should give them untraceable drones and MANPAD’s so the Syrian Government can’t be linked back to them, covertly buy some US manufactured equipment and give it to the Kurds, maybe give them some TOW systems too just for good measure.

“Assad should be giving the Kurds MANPADS…”

Why, so that they can start shooting down Syrian planes as soon as the (immediate) Ottoman threat has (temporarily) passed?

Absolutely nobody trusts the Kurds and fur excellent reasons.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Assad seems to trust the Kurds who live in the western enclave, he lets them live and operate in SAA held territory and attack Turkish held territory, he wouldn’t do that if he didn’t have a working relationship with them. And Assad also has good relations with many of the Kurdish groups that live under the US administration, it’s just the SDF leadership that Assad has problems with. Perhaps you should find out what Assad himself has to say about the bulk of the Kurdish population, as opposed to what he has to say about the SDF leadership.

They could switch loyalties at any minute.

The Objective

If Turkey leaves Syria, Iranian forces will suddenly become vulnerable to America. Is that what you want for your Iranian allies? As long as Turkey is in Syria, Russia needs Iran.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If Erdogan left Syria and took all his Muslim brotherhood terrorists with him, Assad, Russia and Iran could wipe out all the terrorists altogether, and then Iran would no longer have a legitimate reason to stay in Syria. And if the Iranians left Syria for good, the US wouldn’t have a legitimate excuse to stay there either. I’m a simple man and see things very simply, I’ve found most things just seem a lot more complicated than they really are. Like when I asked would you really chop someone’s head off just because they didn’t adhere to the same laws you did, and you didn’t respond, simple men like me know what that means. You’re a true enemy of the free Syrian people, the perfect example of what Assad’s really fighting against, because just like all Muslim Brotherhood followers, you come bearing gifts in one hand but deviously carry a dagger in the other. It’s people like you who give the real moderate Muslims a bad name, you pretend to be moderate just so you can sneak in and attack from within the city walls. You’re the sort of person I’d force to take lie detector tests if you wanted to immigrate to my country, and if you failed the test I wouldn’t just send you back to your country of origin, I’d jail you for life, the charge would be attempted spying and subversive activities. Stop playing silly games.

The Objective

You are becoming provocative and I may have to block you. First you said I deleted my account several times because my beliefs were tormenting me. Then you called me a supporter of “head-choppers”. And now you are accusing me of having the willingness to chop someone’s head off just because he/she contradicts my beliefs. You are actually beginning to sound very desperate towards those who oppose your views. Have you lost your ability to disagree humbly? Have I ever insulted you or hurled swear words at you? But I’ve insulted a lot of trolls based on their attitude towards me, and many have stayed out of my way (no longer hurl abuses at me).

I don’t reply to all comments or points in a comment because I’m a very busy man. If you really need my response on any issue, request directly that I respond to it and I’ll find time to do that.

I have given you a number of verses of the Holy Qur’an that forbids the actions of ISIS and other similar groups. I even shared a link to a community of Muslims scholars worldwide rebuking Baghdadi for his erroneous claims and actions and this applies to all other groups like him. I’m not in Syria neither do I have any access to intel.

You don’t just want to believe that Islam forbids the actions of ALL terrorists and even non-terrorist who harm people “unjustly”. That’s because you want to believe Islam is bad. When I realized nothing I’d say can convince you that non of those evil actions are permitted in Islam, my last action is to just ignore some of your rants about head-choppers, MB, etc.

My stance remains unchanged regarding Syria, and if I had a way to influence situations, I’d do it according to what I believe the best course of action. Dictators give terrorists a legitimate reason to exist. Terrorists give dictators a justification to be brutal. And then this terrorist-dictator circle of violence gives external powers a legitimate cover to intervene and promote their personal interests. All this happens at the expense of the people of such countries. But democracy cancels out all claims by a dictator, terrorist, or foreign powers. If Assad can work to facilitate democracy in Syria such that all leaders are elected, both terrorists and external powers will have zero reasons to be in Syria. Everyone must pack their bags and leave. But I noticed that Assad is averse to anything democracy. What I want for Syrians is a democracy like that of Australia. But Assad certainly won’t agree to that, just like all his hypocritical supporters won’t agree to it.

In conclusion, I’d not migrate to ANY Western country and raise a family there. I cannot live comfortable in a place where women move naked despite being clothed. I love women who are chaste and a community that is peaceful and pious. Your glamorous Western lives don’t impress me for a second even though I’m financially successful myself. If I go to Australia or any western country, it will only be for studies, and I’d politely decline if they asked me to stay. But to you, everyone with this mindset must be a head-chopper. Everyone who disagrees with your lifestyle is certainly a terrorist.

Really, you’re beginning to bore me now.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, you’re so hypocritical it’s almost a joke. No one wants to stop you living the sort of pious life you want to, but people like you want to stop people like me living the sort of lives we want to, and you insult us, call us immoral, and think you’re better than everyone else.

The Objective

That would provide good excuse for Turkey to gain more ground in Syria.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Or a good excuse for Russia, Iran, and Syria to recover even more territory from Turkey.

The Objective

They tried in February 2020. How did that play out? If Turkish soldiers are harmed in Syria, they have the right to retaliate against those who attack them – and they will retaliate.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Syrians won back a fair chunk of territory, Russia replaced most of the SAA’s losses, and the terrorists who once supported Erdogan have started attacking Turkish forces, that’s what happened. Turkish soldiers shouldn’t be in Syria at all, so they have to be eliminated, wouldn’t you kill Syrian soldiers if they invaded Turkey.

Jihadi Colin

For a “shot down” drone it doesn’t look particularly damaged.

Maybe the bang bang rat a tat of shooting was enough to being out down by sound waves alone.

Diana Cornwell


Putin is collaborating with Erdogan and the Turks to commit GENOCIDE in Syria. Putin and the Russians have BLOCKED the application to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in order to prosecute the Turks’ horrible crimes against humanity and genocide which Turkey has committed in Afrin, Syria: https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/2020/06/08/Turkey-is-committing-war-crimes-and-crimes-against-humanity-in-Syria

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