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MARCH 2025

Estonia Mobilizes Radicals From Paramilitary Formations Under Pretext Of Coronavirus Threat

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Estonia Mobilizes Radicals From Paramilitary Formations Under Pretext Of Coronavirus Threat


Members of the Estonian Defense League (Kaitseliit) officailly joined the Police and Border Guard Board on the border of Estonia. On March 17, President Kersti Kaljulaid permitted the Minister of the Interior to include up to 150 Kaitseliit members to ‘border control’ efforts.

According to the government, the paramilitary group’s duties will be primarily to support the Border Guard Board at the southern border, where border crossing have been closed. The formal reason for the move is a growing threat from the coronavirus outbreak.

The Estonian Defense League is a paramilitary group recreated on the basis of radical nationalist view. A notable part of its modern ideology of ‘combating the Russian threat’ in 1990. During the World War 2, the Estonian Defense League (the previous reincarnation of the organization) proven themselves as useful and loyal supporters of Nazi Germany. They were actively joining Nazi-formed Omakaitse to partcipate in operations against the Red Army and local population resisting to the Nazi occupation.

The modern variant of the Estonian Defense League is headed by Riho Uhtegi. He’s the former commander of the Estonian Special Operations Force and well known for his radical nationalist and anti-Russian views.

It also should be noted that over the past years, the nationalist propaganda and the propaganda of Kaitseliit have been on the rise in Estonia. If these ‘defenders of democracy’ deploy on the border with Russia, it’s easy to expect provocations (planned or not planned) by Kaitseliit members. Taking into account that Estonia has territorial claims to Russia, this situation may lead to a rapid growth of tensions between the two countries.


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Jens Holm

We do exact the same here organizing the ones, which are fit for the jobs. I dont think there is any need for commenting those paramiliaries like that.

They get hit by the virusses just as anybody else and prefere a low level as anybody else.

What the matter with You. Estonia has one of the smllest and most poor armies in the world and sime few paratroopers supporting it. Will they take Leningrad and destroy Your unpainted T34s from there???


Not to mention that the USSR brutally occupied them in 1940. Remember that enemy of my enemy is my friend thing? That’s how the Estonians viewed the Soviets back then. You can’t accuse the Estonians of collaborating with the Nazi’s against the Soviets when the Soviets had brutally invaded them. This is what is wrong with the Russian narrative. Because WW2 is now their great national creation myth everything the USSR did during that war was good and cannot be criticized. And when others co criticize it, like basically all of Eastern Europe, they get the they collaborated with the Nazi’s narrative. Because Russian cognitive dissonance. We did nothing wrong therefore they must be wrong. While it’s so easy for Russia to solve this. Just blame man from Georgia with mustache for everything wrong and play his victim as well. And the great irony is that it is actually true. Russians were as much Stalin’s victims as Estonians were.

Tudor Miron

Some times you sound like a well educated and independently thinking person. But sometimes it is clear that you’re a victim of western narrative :) That guy with mustache was the greatest leader that Russia had. That’s the real reason why west and local liberasts are trying to demonize his name as much as they can. Trotskist Kruschev who was most instrumental in creating lies about Stalin was one of the bloodiest figures and he gladly (together with the rest of trotskist’s khazar gang that took the power after the death of our leader) hanged his own crimes on Stalin. Estonia was part of Russian Empire from 1721 till 1918. After dissolution of Russian empire west managed to take that territory (don’t tell me fairytales about “estonian democratic republic”) under their control. Revolution in Russia in 1905 had the main goal – disassembling the Russian state and creating several “souvenir” states which will be subordinate to western capital. They did succeed in destruction of state. But than came Stalin and Russian state was back – even stronger than before. This is oversimplification but that’s what basically happened. Russia wasn’t a victim of Stalin. Russia was blessed with Stalin – otherwise there would be no Russia by now. If you want to know who served the Russia best – simply look who are most demonized by west – Grozny, Stalin and now Putin. As simple as that.

Rhodium 10

Western always have wanted to divide Russia in many states…Baltic states, Ukraine, Belarus…they failed in Chechenia that could have caused the emergence of new Pseudocalifates states inside Russia!…of course all of them are anti Russia because are fed by the Western Anglo masonry!…it is pathetic to see how slavic countries reject Russia because the elite who rule that countries receive a Fistful of Dollars to spread hate…meanwhile Anglosaxon and Francophone countries are united!…Russia should make a more agressive policy vs those political Judas who poison the slavic society!


Inconvenient Russian history has always been a problem for those who seek to plunder the largest national landmass in the world, Tudor. :)


you as briton better shut up! :))



Ooga Booga

Hitler was the greatest leader Germany ever had according to your logic. :)

Tudor Miron

Hitler was nothing other than a tool of so called western democracy – with their beloved racial superiority (it’s the same talmud, just the other way around) at the base of his ideology.


QUITE RIGHT, look at who gets positive PR in Time mag in May 1925…..


Tudor Miron

Their man.


Such soros genitiles too gutless to admit CCCP then traitors were infact khazar spawn evil revolutionist socialists whom were the other side of the NAZI/JEWHADI COIN!

Mental dyslexic incest wannabe low iq miseducated soros supporter ,the gimps a p00f,no need for futher explanation other than the abonimnation in its lies!

Make no mistake,nwo/soros/socialists decay all economies,lazy workers,easy murderers,stop everything everyone from reaping if in doubt look ar california just get an real idea about this george soros western socialism dream + leppars a plenty,where life is so green and clean they all say,.like fk it is,

Absolutely nothing communist about them either,they are all nazi incest spawners,chinese heterosexuals they certainly ain’t nor anywhere near smart!

This is why I laugh at low iq bots who assume high apartments,high rent is better than the little mansion thats complyed to all coomonwealth values!

Ilived to know how good life was before the 21st century,now look at how kweer their comments are in relation to productivety,now epa california are the beggars! This is what happens when you comply with incestive facist soros moral disorder!

I thinks its funny how these soros trolls think they are living only for soros to throw them under the bus straight to hell,without even realising it,what fkn iq?


What about the gulags i don’t know enough about Russian history to have a firm opinion on Stalin but didn’t millions die under his watch


Read Solthzenitsyn! Yes, millions died, but the khazars were in control of the vast gulags, and it is clear they did it.


stalin, chrushchev were no khazars.


Probably the only ones who weren’t.


no, boy! 22 million members of communist party!!! millions of red murders during red terror. mostly russians.


and gullags founded stalin

Tudor Miron

It was way more complicated than local liberasts and zio’s like to paint it. Stalin came to power during extremely brutal times – civil war which lasted from 1917 till 1923. Also it is a huge mistake to think that Stalin had some sort of absolute power. At this point I really don’t have time for a long post. I would suggest one simple thing look at numbers provided by CIA’s Rand corporation (a source which can hardly be blamed to be pro Stalin) https://citionhall.ru/en/biologiya/skolko-reabilitirovano-zhertv-repressii-stalinskie-repressii-kratko/ If we listen to western media at this very point than we would believe that Assad is some kind of monster gassing its own people left and right. But those who are able to look at actual facts on the ground know that this is not true. I would suggest that you first look at documented numbers, not some groundless claims by snakes of Solgienitsin kind. Stalin’s main “crime” was that elites did suffer. There was personal responsibility of bureaucrats/government stuff – something that disappeared right after Stalin’s death when Khrushchev came to power. Elites didn’t feel save – they were forced to serve the common people and state (not the other way around). Gulag’s – saying that it was Stalin’s responsibility is saying that one doesn’t know how, when and who did what in those times. This is something that should be approached in professional, historical way of doing things – published documents, archives etc. Than the picture is completely different than that narrative that is common now – very similar to what we have with Assad example.


Thanks for your reply it looks like i will have to look into Russian history which means a lot of reading and study and there’s so much going on now it won’t be a top priority but i would like too as Russia has been a major player in this world for quite a while and it would be beneficial to have some background knowledge on the place. im a bit confused about where Russia stands at the moment on the surface it doesn’t seem to have been successfully infiltrated by groups like the illuminati pedos that run all western governments but it does seem the Zionists have influence there and the illuminati and the Zionists have the same or similar goals and they both seem to be under the umbrella of Freemasonry sigh. But one thing i do know is that if Russia fully capitiualates to the west the world is fucked


By the way do you happen to be from Russia?

Tudor Miron



Cool thanks for keeping the psychos that control western governments in check the world owes you guys a beer or two


You russians are imperialists, colonilalists, suppressors of nations! estonia was part of russia, and? rusians had never right occupy them. you have no right occupy finnish karelia, yakutsk, nenyenc, chcechen, tatars and 320 other nations in your colonialistic, archaic imperium.

russians go hove from occupied lands!

Tudor Miron

Harder little trolly, harder :) This may not be enough to impress your masters.


You low iq wanker,seriously fo you cia trolls think you will get away with the hitler was right narrative,particularly when it was stalin who liberated rurope from incest scum like you and your ever so righteous incest adolph,whom proved how evil his socialist agender was insomuch as drwing stalin into the conflict,where he was focused more on rellocating soviets to avert the german onslaught,in the early stages,well truth cannot contradict no matter what ye khazars wannabe lgbt advocates on incest and grave homosexuality appleases for the masses,the fact that germany failed 3 times over the last 100 years compared to cccps once where with the help from homosexual gorbachev was the only reason yo their fail,albiet no 24 trillion western union debt you know that imf stinktank?

Stalin had to purge out the socialists khazars and rellocate 6 million to the middle east, The nazis were very sick people whoms god opted to suicide and take its wifes life too, Oh well,history proved nazis invaded and destroyed where as soviets had no choice by to enter and deploy just crimea and other parts back then when the peoples was at risk to be taken over by a packa incestive humiliated insulting demented facist phaedo types Yeah flogged,one only needs to see nazi/mwo/ei-epp policys towards children as opposed to stalins or nowadays putins for the matter,That is how truth rules over gimps!


Hitler wasn’t right. But neither was Stalin. Try to focus.

David Herzog



Don’t you try to lecture the grandchildren of those who pulled the triggers! :)


Russia, in effect, looks at all of Estonia as Russian but gets freaked that Estonia might want a minor border adjustment? You guys are funny.

David Herzog


Ooga Booga

This is not unique for Estonia and is common in all Scandinavian countries, Switzerland etc. with small standing armies.

Tudor Miron

Mixing Switzerland into the same mix with all Scandinavian countries is beyond pathetic :) Look at the history – don’t you see a little difference? Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania – they have little in common with Scandinavians. Their elites hate Russia for the very same reason that Polish elites do. Both wanted to dominate Slavic world on behalf of their western masters.


LOL…sure, big bad Estonia just wants to get its big bad empire back when it ruled all of Russia with an iron hand for centuries. Got it, Igor.

David Herzog


Tudor Miron

Get lost creature. Your stupidity is an insult to common sense.


Damn little slavs, they think they are boss? Only Russia is Boss of all Slavs!

James Adams

Nationalism Isn’t radicalism. Fuck you south front

James Adams

Nationalism Isn’t radicalism. Stop lying south front


It is.

But the russian nationalism is much bigger.


Russian nationalism stops at Putin’s masters (jewish billionaires)




Oh c’mon. There’s only 1.3 million people in Estonia. War with Russia? I think not.


Russia war on mighty Estonia? I think not either :)

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