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The EU Is Creating Its Own Army

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The European Union is on the way to creating a fully fledged European Army.

The EU Is Creating Its Own Army

NATO Ministers of Defense signed the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) agreement in Brussels on November 13. The members of both NATO and PESCO are mostly the same. Sometime in the future, PESCO may become a fully fledged EU Army. For now, PESCO is the main and only product of pan-European military cooperation in the realm of military logistics and weapon production.

For decades Europe couldn’t integrate its member states militarily. Back in 1954, the fathers of the European cooperation decided against forming the “European Defense Community”. All security concerns were delegated to NATO, which was backed by the US. Following the UK quitting the EU, and Donald Trump becoming President, Europe decided to take its security into its own hands, without depending so heavily on NATO. The dream of EU not depending on the US may be closer now than ever.

23 countries have signed up to the plan. Denmark, Ireland, Malta and Portugal did not join PESCO. They have an option to join the initiative later on, if they so desire. PESCO is voluntary for all 28 states, yet. Once you join, though, you have to accept the responsibilities and realize them. These responsibilities will be put to paper in the national plans. Non-EU countries can be invited to PESCO, for a “considerable fee.”

For now, this initiative concerns itself with raising military budgets and efficiency, trying to conserve as much resources as possible. They plan to increase cooperation between the militaries of the member-states. The ultimate aim of this whole shebang, as described by German Minister of Foreign Affairs Sigmar Gabriel is to reach 65% efficiency of the US Army while spending 50% of its budget on it.

The budgets were discussed in June with establishing of a European Defense Fund. The starting sum is a meager €5.5 billion per year.  How would the EU spend it though?

First, integrating all the security forces of the EU with each other, with a single security contour by 2021.  Secondly, developing new technologies. The priority is given to unifying the armaments and the weapon systems in the region.

If these Napoleonic plans prove to be successful, PESCO will completely substitute the rigid and ineffective NATO. According to experts, managing this in such a short time is a very difficult feat, and is unlikely. But you can’t take away the fact that the plan is very ambitious. No matter if the whole idea is successful or not, this initiative is sure to play an important role in the fate of the continent.

If it is successful though, well that would mean Germany and France becoming new military and technological powerhouses. The Visegrad Four would provide the manpower for PESCO. Eastern Europe, Poland especially, has no lack of motivated and able young men ready to serve.

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Rüdiger Preiss

I always though there was a necessity for Europe to have its own joint force. Let’s hope that somewhere in future this reduces the presence of NATO especially in Eastern European countries …

Brother Ma

This pesco is just more money wasting and us wetdream.it means us gets eu to spend more on defence whilst us does not pay a cent and still has all control in the end!


US is only muscle,it isnt in control.

bankers are.

Rüdiger Preiss

Each country maintaining their own defence surely costs more than one united European defence

Brother Ma

Who cares? If money was all at stake we would kill off all our seniors because they are sicker than the the rest of the population and cost too much.


defense from what. We are the aggressors in case u hadn’t noticed.

Rüdiger Preiss

“We”? Who’s we. I am Austrian. NATO is an aggressor. The US, UK, France, and on the very top Israel..so, yes, France is an European country, but I’d rather they are part of a EU force than NATO. UK isn’t European, they are some crazy island next to Europe doing their own thing on the leash of the US


We is you and me. You think you get a pass when you participate in the FIAT banking scam, that which powers the murder and mayhem. Do you think the Austrian government isn’t a puppet gov, just like mine is.

UK and Austria, are both members of the BIS, are both globalists countries. I dont care what the herd thinks is what.

Doing their own thing. What a joke. They do imperialism like they have done for 500 years. Only a fool thinks any government under the FIAT yoke of slavery is free from collusion in globalism.

” Austria ranks fourth in the latest globalization index compiled by the Swiss Economic Institute of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology …”


“If it is successful though, well that would mean Germany and France becoming new military and technological powerhouses.” The author has a difficulty understanding historical trends-which are unequivocally against the EU project. In other words, Europe is finished..

John Whitehot

“In other words, Europe is finished” says the pawn paid in dollars


Pfff..Your “argument” is the equivalent of the “everyone I don’t like is a paid russian troll”. You are resorting to insolent ad hominem attacks against someone who happens to disagree with you. Ironically I must have been called a russian troll on twitter more than a thousand times these past 3-4 years. Check me as @JohnAndris to get a grip and understand who in your deluded zealotry call “pawn paid in dollars”. What happened to you is probably an application of the Nietzschean maxim “He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee” You are no different than the fanatic russia-haters,a zealot who discredits the cause he claims to fight for. So, f..k off.

John Whitehot

you’re crazy as fuck xDD


More insolent remarks, cheap name-calling. No wonder why you have that kind of comments/upvotes ratio. Enjoy your block/report.

John Whitehot



Not to say I agree with either of you. But blocking someone means you fear what they say. Suck it up. The world is full or morons, you cant shout them down, or shut them up.

You need ignore the ad hom, because that itself finishes any consideration many would have for their words. And leaving the ignorance there, and debunking it, is education for others to reason.


I don’t have to put up with a barking dog..It’s the same with insolent people..In any case blocking is just a figure of speech on Disqus..

Politolog Externista

Id say if the EU had good leadership and not sick liberals, EU army would act as a force to back EU as an independent geopolitical entity of its own. West and East, North and South all are very different … EU bureaucracy got too power hungry yet more and more subservient to Yank interests. Meaning, to provide cannon fodder to the US war against Russia.

As for all those who cant think for themselves, who think Russia= good guys, you dont have to be subservient to the Russians. You can be partners and it is best as such. In subservient position, Russians would turn their superiority with your situation going to worse. Russia serves Russia only. Just cause their media spew bs targeted at emotions the same way murrican mainstream does, it doesnt mean your/european interest is taken into account. Murrican ambitions take into account only their own interests. If you dont act for your own interests, you will be used by one or the other side to their advantage and to your disadvantage.

Just cause EU is very slowly disintegrating, it doesnt mean that there wont be any groups of states making smaller alliances. Lots of Eurostates happen to be remnant of empires. I think especially eastern part of the EU, former warsaw pact could form something of its own, independent of Russia, West EU and south EU. Yet not warmongering.


“Russia serves Russia only.” -Big delusion.

John Whitehot

how strange that this article and “a totalitarian europe..” are subsequential.

The most russophobic and yank-licking countries in europe like the baltics, poland and the like are the most fervent oppositors of an european army.

these countries never wanted to really be part of europe – they always wanted to be part of nato to be able to perform their ideas of crusades.

of course, they wouldn’t care if europe would burn from paris to prague, and the US literally love that philosophy, that would bring total destruction all over europe and russia.

i’m not talking about entire populations having these ideas, but many people both in western and eastern europe need to open their eyes


No, they just want the easy money, yell at your neigbour, lie, imitate fear and get paid, free military hardware, lol, ukraine wanted to join, kind of backfired.

Rüdiger Preiss

I can imagine that East European countries prefer NATO because of their stronger anti-Russian attitude.

Aimo Huikka

Well, I’m not really sure how good thing is to citizens ofthe EU. IMHO this army has been designed for INTERNAL,not external conflict. NATO is force for external deterrent. What I mean its designed to keep EU together by force,if citizens in some countries get an idea “not to give a F*ck” to elites dream.

Aimo Huikka

There is already taken steps to limit freedom of speech and wrong thoughts. Do not say anything bad for illegal immigration. Don’t mention their inability and lack of motivation to work,or crimes they commits. If you dare to say that EU sucks and is bureucratic waste of resources, you must be putins troll. etc. etc. The EU sound every day more and more USSR.


Yet you say nothing about the FACT people like you are silent in the face of our mass murder, and bombing that is driving them out of their own countries into ours, while you pump their gas into your car. And then the really effin ignorant tools hate on em for it.|

wake up dimwit.


What you said is retarded mate. I agree that they are fleeing because of war in their country and i see that’s resonable. But if you’re welcomed to a country witb open arms, you dont start doing crimes and whatever you want. You have to become comfortable with the culture and living habits of that country (different sexualities, culture and acceptance, etc.). They want us to accept their culture and their ways of viewing different stuff (different sexualities, culture and acceptance, etc.). If a woman(tourist) goes to their country she has to cover herself up, but when the immigrants move to a country where burkas are not allowed (because of identity security) they get all angry becausr we’re “oppressing” their culture. If someone goes to a different country, one should respect their culture and customs, or way of life. It should be equal, regardless of nationality or religion.

PS, we pay for their gas, to be transported here and we pay it by the litre.

And for the mass murder and bombings, the main militaries there are USA and Russia, just a small portion of other countries military is there.


“What you said is retarded mate.”

intelligent rebut. You fail to help your ignorance shine starting with this. ========================== “I agree that they are fleeing because of war in their country and i see that’s resonable. ”

Except it isn’t war in their country, it is imperialism. You, and your ilk, put their gas in your car, while you whine about the crime they do when you drive them out of their country with your bombs. =========================== “You have to become comfortable with the culture and living habits”

Why on earth would you expect people to accept our culture of murder, death, theft culture as reasonable. I dont FFS, because I am NOT a MORON. ========================= “hey want us to accept their culture and their ways of viewing different stuff (different sexualities, culture and acceptance, etc.).”

No, what they want is for you, and your ilk, to fook off. Stop murdering their kids , and calling it democracy. Stop stealing their resources, and calling it freedom. Just so the men who own you, can own the whole planet. ========================== “PS, we pay for their gas, to be transported here and we pay it by the litre”

This is the most ignorant thing I have read this week. So you think paying the elites who steal the oil from Muslims, by the liter, absolves you from the responsibility of the murder you do to get it, at the order of your corporate owned government. Asimov had you pegged a long time ago. =========================== “ut when the immigrants move to a country where burkas are not allowed (because of identity security)”

So you demand obedience to something I do not accept as part of my culture. Clearly I was born long before you were. Because when I grew up, the police state did not exists pursuant a fake war on terror that you use to excuse for imperialism, expropriation of resources, and an invasion of privacy and imposition of the police state on, “we the sheep.”

The identity security would not be necessary if you were not here babbling about how imperialism is ok because you pay…. ======================= “It should be equal, regardless of nationality or religion.”

Leave the house tomorrow without your wallet dimwit, tell me how equal your culture is. ========================= Finally, I would like you to tell me once again, what is “our culture”, and then explain to me why I have to accept your definition of culture, and accept it is my own. Because ONE THING i KNOW FROM READING YOUR BABBLE, YOUR IDEA OF CULTURE is nothing like mine. Notwithstanding we likely reside in the same geographical location.

Just clueless arent you. Totally brainwashed to ignorance.


you babble ignorance as knowledge, and call fact as retarded.

They are NOT fleeing war, they are fleeing invasion by YOUR government. They are fleeing your bombs.

And what is our culture please tell me. Because I know for sure, yours isnt mine. Must I comply with whatever subjective horseshit you call as my culture. I think not.

And your identity security comment is ridiculous. You FEAR blowback from those whose families you murder, so you allow your government to remove your privacy and freedoms, one step at a time.

“If someone goes to a different country, one should respect their culture and customs, or way of life. It should be equal, regardless of nationality or religion.”

We live in a society built around inequality. This is just more ridiculous babble totally contrary to fact.

And of course YOU pay for the gas that your corporate masters steal from the nations you invade. You live in the land of the free, for those only with money….

And the difference between the USA and Russia. The USA is the leader of the globalist imperial movement, the Russians are not. Simple , and easily check-able fact. The morons babble lies and ignorance about the Ukraine, while the ignore the fact of the matter for the last 60 years.

In your face.

“”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia . ———— “That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!” John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks.


What you said is retarded mate. I agree that they are fleeing because of war in their country and i see that’s resonable. But if you’re welcomed to a country witb open arms, you dont start doing crimes and whatever you want. You have to become comfortable with the culture and living habits of that country (different sexualities, culture and acceptance, etc.). They want us to accept their culture and their ways of viewing different stuff (different sexualities, culture and acceptance, etc.). If a woman(tourist) goes to their country she has to cover herself up, but when the immigrants move to a country where burkas are not allowed (because of identity security) they get all angry becausr we’re “oppressing” their culture. If someone goes to a different country, one should respect their culture and customs, or way of life. It should be equal, regardless of nationality or religion.

PS, we pay for their gas, to be transported here and we pay it by the litre.

And for the mass murder and bombings, the main militaries there are USA and Russia, just a small portion of other countries military is there.

Floyd Hazzard

Smart. You see through the smoke.

Rüdiger Preiss

Looks more like a conspiracy theory to me. A joint EU army makes perfect sense. Many of the smaller countries wouldn’t be able to maintain sufficient defence on their own. Instead, it will be much more efficient for a small country such as Austria to specialise in Mountain Infantry etc, whereas large countries such as Germany or France in Airforce / Navy etc. To have a joint army would be MUCH more cost effective and reduces the risk of rogue nations


Rogue nations ? Libya ? Do you really buy the Russians might invade with tanks instead of oil ? Turkey ? Even as crippled as they are by guilt , Germany alone could stop Erdogan . Military’s are just fear ideology , designed to keeping the common people poor , paying for outrageously expensive equipment . An EU army , would have no democratic control , as the EU government is not elected .

Rüdiger Preiss

I don’t think that a European Army should interfere in Libya or the Middle East, nor should the US unless upon request by the UN. What I meant was that with the example of the NATO bombing Yugoslavia in 1999, this would not have happened if Europe had a considerable joint force. Of course the EU government is elected – you are just replaying Nigel Farage’s nonsense. Each country sends their representatives who are directly elected by the EU member countries’ citizens. It would be much less possible for a EU Army to simply go and invade Iraq. So there you go, the United States ELECTED government is the biggest threat to humankind since we walk on this Earth, where is their democratic control??? NONE. All controlled by billionaires / predatory capitalism.


too late maybe. We destroyed Libya, which was the most prosperous nation in Africa. We did it, to impose usury, protect the petro dollar, and pump out the oil.

Wonder where your voice was then.


More disgusting, scandalous and shameful of what the French and British did in Libya can’t be ! =================== Memorandum on Libya: Fabrications against the State, Leadership and Army by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi



Old habits die hard, that’s the continuing past this time in Africa.


In Congo and Rift Valley it’s much worst ! =================================== Uganda: the hidden agenda behind “Kony 2012” video

by F. William Engdahl http://www.voltairenet.org/article173281.html ======================================== This one about Malaysia is impressive, but only in French, ca sera trop embarrassant si c’était en Anglais !

DERNIER NETTOYAGE AVANT DÉCOLONISATION 1948-1960 : « état d’urgence » en Malaisie par Arthur Lepic http://www.voltairenet.org/article14311.html


Ces pourritures …

In western Africa I once talked to a successful businessman and asked why his country didn’t let cheaper Chinese companies handle all construction in a big offshore project. His answer was ‘if we did the **** agency would organise insurrection’.

In another country in Africa colonisers just before giving ‘independence’ liquidated 800 peoples who could oppose their chosen pet dictator. I’ve seen the waterfall where they used to throw them.


There is another war going on, one that won’t be named in the main media:



Quel époque épique et quel bordel !

Je crois qu’il faut savoir raison garder, c’est le charivari habituel des luttes d’influences.

L’Otan/US/Arabie/Israel en Syrie/Iran nous préparent’ils une surprise, et en Europe de l’Est ?

J’ai le sentiment que l’Amérique et Israel sont entrain de perdre la partie contre la Russie et la Chine.

J’ai bon espoir avec la réouverture de la Route de la Soie, les voies Maritimes au Nord de la Russie et la normalisation des relations Russie Europe qui iront de pair avec l’affaiblissement de l’Amérique…

Rüdiger Preiss

“We” – not sure who you mean by that. I was one of the 1.5 Million demonstrating against the Iraq war in Hyde Park in 2003. I know it didn’t help – yet, our voice was strong and the number of people who are fed up with the NWO are growing. The invasion of Libya certainly wasn’t in my name. “then” my voice was just as loud as it is now, so no need to wonder


the debt is in your name. And that is all that matters. You are a slave to debt, you are a slave to governments who are slave to debt. You are a slave to the status quo. I dont care if you personally didnt do it. You participate in the socio econjomic paradigm that permits it. We all do.


Times are changing, Russia is becoming as Good as the USA are becoming awful !


From Catherine II to Vladimir Putin

by Thierry Meyssan

Since the beginning of the war against Syria in 2011, Russia has been supporting this nation against what it considers to be an exterior aggression. While the Western Press explains this behaviour as a case of solidarity between dictatorships, Thierry Meyssan brings to light its real historical motives. He notes that the victory, which also belongs to Moscow, opens a new period for Orthodox culture in Europe.

In order to build a modern Russia, Tsarina Catherine II decided to make its capital, Saint Petersburg, the world’s leading cultural centre. She rooted her country in its basic cultural foundations of Orthodox Christianity, developed the use of the French language, and invited the greatest European intellectuals and artists to her court, whether they were Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox, even Muslim.

Aware that the retreat of Christianity in the Middle East before the intolerance of the Ottoman Empire threatened a cultural loss for Orthodoxy, and therefore Russia, she entered into war with the Sultan.

This dream was thwarted by the French and British during the Crimean war (1853) and even more so by the Bolsheviks, who rejected the place of Orthodoxy in Russia. In 1918, they played the game of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on behalf of arms dealer Alexandre Parvus, Lenin’s sponsor.

The dream of Catherine the Great had to wait until 2017 to begin to be realised. President Putin also annexed Crimea and delivered Syria, not from the Ottoman Empire, but from the jihadists, supervised by France, the United Kingdom and the United States. Russia became the protecting power of all populations, whatever their religion, from the banks of the Nile to the Alborz mountains.

The summit at Sochi highlights the role of Russia in the Greater Middle East. It is now the protecting power of Iran, Syria and Turkey – the last two states changed their allegiance from Washington in 1991 to Moscow in 2017.

The awakening of the Orthodox culture will have important consequences in Europe. The continent is historically divided into a Catholic and Protestant zone to the West, and an Orthodox zone to the East. We talk and bargain with God in the West, we submit to his Greatness and we adore Him in the East. Family structures are less egalitarian in the West, and more egalitarian in the East. Since the 11th century, this cultural difference splits Europe. During the Cold War, the « Iron Curtain » did not respect this division, since Orthodox Greece had been attached to NATO, and Catholic Poland had been incorporated into the Warsaw Pact. Today, the extension of the European Union is aimed in priority at imposing the Western European model on the countries of Orthodox culture. Already, we can predict the dissolution of the European Union and the triumph of the cultural model opened in Saint Petersburg.

The Christians of the Orient have never felt themselves to be concerned by these intra-European cultural differences, but the Europeans have always considered them to be either Catholic or Orthodox. From 1848, France had imagined the displacement of the Catholics and the Maronites from Syria to Algeria, and the extermination of the Orthodox populations. Paris thought it could use these Christian Arabs, faithful to Rome, to keep an eye on the Algerian Muslims. Failing that, it ended up by using the local Jews (the Crémieux Decree) and entrusting them with the mission (1870). More recently, during the wars against Iraq and Syria, Western Europeans welcomed many Oriental Christians, who were in reality exclusively Catholics, never Orthodox.

For Syria, the work of President Putin is the occasion to return to its own foundations after the experience with the jihadists, who seek to impose their unique cultural model on everyone – Syria is only great when it takes care of all its populations without exception. In the beginning, Vladimir Putin thought he could organise a « Congress of the Syrian Peoples » in Sochi. He finally recognised that in Syria, contrary to Russia, no community owns its own territory, they all live mingled together in their unique, shared homeland. It will therefore be a « Congress for a Syrian dialogue ».


He/she eats the same shit you do, clearly.

EU is a globalist construct. And it was not built to last. It is a transition state, into a one world socio economic paradigm. And that isn’t opinionated babble like you shared., it is PROMULGATED fact.

racist tools abound. Too stupid to see how they are getting yanked around by the disinformation, hypocrisy, greed and envy that is OUR society. While we get raped by rich people, of every colour, race, religion, and creed.

sickening ignorance.


Agree entirely !


What a rubbish. EU does not have to use force as firstly, anyone is free to leave, see Brexit, and secondly leaving has consequences, also see Brexit. All countries participating profit from the existence of the EU, one more than the other,

The EU has to adapt to changing circumstances and is slowly moving towards an integrated foreign policy. It is quite natural to see this happening too in the military.

For the time being most countries prefer to cooperate more and more and there are already regional structures in place, like the almost complete integration of the Dutch and Belgian navies.

Aimo Huikka

Really? How many times europeans has voted badly in this year? How many times there been talking to create bureous to fight false news etc. I can say, very many times. There has been a lot of actions to limit different opinion and finally, when brits are out, mutti gets its thirld kingdom.

Rüdiger Preiss

First time I see a reasonable comment from dutchnational :D

Aimo Huikka

Well. You have now lot of golden eggs in deutschland and even more is arriving through your non-excistent borders and sexual crimes has increased rapidly. Correct? Criminal acts caused by them are muted to death. Everybody who dares to challenge this phenomen is labeled as a nazi. In the mean time there is a lot of talk deepening “integration” of the EU. Common currency is nowdays and even common debt is on the table including common treasury. Politicians write their names on the paper and will get golden handshake. Best example is Jyrki Katainen ( European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness), who without any questions write his name on the paper to guarantee Greek’s “salvation packet”. 14 fucking billion € for Finland alone! For what? They gave him very nice job in the EU. Moneys were directed directly Deutchbank because it was first sufferer if greeks were doomed bankrupt. This means that Finland itself has guaranteed 14 billion itself because of bankers mistakes in Greek. Overall Portuguese and Spain has increased this load to nearly 40 Billion for Finland… Well Italy is next on the line and don’t forget the Spain… it is only sleeping…. GDP of finland is around 240 billion per year… Now you may get the picture. All these little these “little obligations” have been taken when our own debt vs GDP has rose from 27% to 47% of GDP. GDP also includes all activities which are paid from the new debt… I do pay highest taxes in the world and have one of the lowest living standards amongs highly educated (Msc) persons. Every time when I’m voting against this system I’ve been discredited to putins troll, nazi or just hllybillyboy. I’m pretty confident, that I’mnot alone. Therefore, most propable enemy of EU, Katainen and co. comes not from Russia, but from the people who are authorized them by election, but whom been betrayed. If you are interested in, read finnish history from 1917 to the present. My grandfather made HUGE PERSONAL SACRIFICES during 1939 to 1945 and now these bastards are selling this for couple of nice job.

Michele I.

Italy is not “next on the line”. Only during 2011 Italy spent more than 50 bilions for the “greek salvation packett”, more later as a warranty for Spain and Portugal. PS: If Italy would arrive to a Greek like situation (actually almost impossible), EU would implode, since Italian economy is much larger… and Italian debts as well, with a total of 2,220 bilions € (around 100 bililons of which made only to save creditors of Greece, Spain, Portugal…). In comparison the 340 billions of € of Greek national debt is nothing, and no special plan could save the creditors of Italy.


Don’t let your guard down…………….once a shitbag, always a shitbag !


Another pile of steaming turds from the purveyor of Dutch courage. Stupid man, look at the cuckolds in the EU running after the British bitch May like dogs on heat…………..please don’t leave us alone, hey we’ll take some economic migrants back…………baa baaa baaa. No the EU is fucked, as the resistance to it builds up in each constituent nation, its only a matter of time. Remember Yugoslavia ? Well the duration of the EU is gonna be a whole lot shorter.


NATO is design to be a US occupation force for Europe and serve the US interest’s against Russia !

It’s also a Proxy for the US awful dirty tricks in the Middle-East and Afghanistan !

John Whitehot

perhaps is a coincidence that in these precise days we have this kind of news:




If it’s the end of NATO and awful US tutelage, it’s good news, but Bruxelles is failed by lack of Democracy and Federalism to facilitate every different regions adaptation. EC has to be rebuilt with all Europeans together, Russia included…


The Idea of Europe in the work of Denis de Rougemont and the French non-conformists

Denis de Rougemont was a main thinker of the so-called non-conformistes des années trente, a movement of young intellectuals that appeared in France at the beginning of the turbulentcover 1930s, in opposition to both the individualism of liberalism and the collectivism of the Soviet Russia. [1] The main bulk of their work was published between 1930-34 and was concentrated around three separate currents:

The founders and members of L’Ordre nouveau. An intellectual movement established by the Russian migrant Alexandre Marc (born in 1904 in Odessa as Aleksander Markovitch Lipiansky), its goal was to prepare the conditions for a ‘spiritual rebirth’ of the European culture. Its effort was concentrated on going beyond such dualistic divisions as nationalism-internationalism and capitalism-communism. Its inspirations came, among other sources, from the Christian existentialism of Kierkegaard, the federalism of Proudhon, the great critique of Modernity Nietzsche, or from the historicism of Péguy. The thinkers who were a part of L’Ordre nouveau also included Robert Aron, Arnaud Dandieu, Daniel-Rops, Jean Jardin and finally Denis de Rougemont.

The Catholic revue L’Esprit of Emmanuel Mounier, founded in 1932. From the beginning it evolved in tight collaboration with L’Ordre nouveau. In reaction to the events of the Second World War it radically shifted to the political left , in order to slowly move back to more moderate positions of the ‘New Left’, under which it still publishes to this date.

Young thinkers of Jeune Droite, who were mostly dissidents of the French reactionary and monarchistic right Açtion française. These thinkers included Jean de Fabrègues, Jean-Pierre Maxence and Thierry Maulnier.

Furthermore, Ferdinand Kinsky also includes among them those thinkers, from whom the non-conformists drew their inspiration: Stern, Blondel, Buber, Nédoncelle, Karl Barth, Gabriel Marcel, Jacques Maritain or Nicholas Berdiaeff.[2]

Although the non-conformists came from different backgrounds and their thinking took on some issues rather opposing positions, they all subscribed to the doctrine of ‘personalism’, and, consequently, to federalism. The non-conformists converged on the point that

‘man was above all not an “individual.” He is a “person,” that is both responsible and free, committed and autonomous, a being in himself, but related to his fellowmen by his responsibility’.[3]

As a person, human being is not a lonely monad, not even a rational being, which could exist outside of society, but a social entity whose nature is fulfilled only by sharing his life in common with others. To live within a society does not mean to be enclosed in a ‘homogeneous’ nation-state, but to be a part of multiple and overlapping ‘intermediary’ communities, which are most naturally formed around family, territory, or profession. For the non-conformists/personalists, these intermediary communities both historically and philosophically ultimately share the common European ‘well’ from which they draw their actual particular ideas and traditions. Europe and its culture for them necessarily precede nations and nation-states. The thinkers such as the Schlegels or Herder constructed the idea of a self-sufficient nation from already present, primordial European philosophical and historical traditions. The English historian Christopher Dawson best summarises this position in his 1932 work The Making of Europe, when he notes that

‘The evil of nationalism does not consist in its loyalty to the traditions of the past or in its vindication of national unity and right of self determination. What is wrong is the identification of this unity with the ultimate and inclusive unity of culture which is a supernatural thing.

The ultimate foundation of our culture is not the national state, but the European unity’.[4]

The nation-state was thus only one realised possibility of the European culture. A peculiar thing about nationalist movements was that they consciously denied the notion of their own continuity and grounding in the common European history and philosophical thought. Martin Heidegger would say this was a perfect manifestation of the ‘metaphysics of subjectivity’ – they picked up one particular set of characteristics out of their European heritage and by intellectual sleight of hand, suppressing the memory of their nations continuity with other European sources,[5] argued for their ‘homogeneity and cultural self-sufficiency’.

The French thinker Alain de Benoist recently argued from the same perspective, when he distinguished our ‘objective’ history as ‘a pile of representations of identity of past times and past protagonists’,[6] from our actual-assumed identity, whose dimension is always political since it is based on the projection of our past towards the future. In other words, our actual identity (in the 19th and 20th c., it was that of nations and nation-states), always grounds the collective ‘I’ in the past, based on values and necessities of the present and possibilities of the future. As Alain de Benoist adds, ‘memory screens [our timely, historical identity] and retains what conforms to its idea of the past and to the image it wants to give in order to give it a meaning’.[7]

Diversity of European identities

The purpose of Denis de Rougemont’s book The Idea of Europe is precisely to rip off our identity from the grip of the present and selective memory of nation-states and ground it in the timely and space-bound objective narrative of Europe. Rougemont’s preface to the book also forms the general leitmotif that weaves through the whole work:

‘ Europe is much older than the European nations. Their lack of unity and their ever more illusory claims to absolute sovereignty endanger its very existence. If only they could unite, Europe would be saved, and with it all that remains valuable in its richly creative diversity’.[8]


The Rape of Europa by Titian

‘from that time onward the name of Europe and the concept of Europe will recur in even more solemn contexts down to the Carolingian Empire, in apostrophes to the Pope, in ecclesiastical panegyrics, in prose and verse chronicles, and in the lives of the saints’.[12]

The final step was taken with Charlemagne, whose dominium was called ‘Europe vel Regnum Caroli’ and on whom his court poet Angilbert bestowed the titles of ‘head of the world . . . summit [or tiara] of Europe . . . supreme father’.[13] Europe thus becomes a political entity, which is not merely constructed as one of the contemporary three divisions of the map of the world (Europe, Libya or Africa, Asia), it is finally an ‘autonomous entity, endowed with spiritual virtues’.[14]

As we know however, this was a premature spring and the fragmentation of Charlemagne’s empire under his three sons soon followed, as if in the anticipation of the things to come in the period from the 17th to 20th century. On 434 pages, Denis de Rougemont continues to recount various conceptualisations of Europe that followed. Nevertheless, what is probably the most intriguing section of the book is part seven,[15] where he tries to mend together various 20th century historians and thinkers to give us an idea what ‘European identity’ means, if it went through such diverse historical manifestations.

Rougemont’s conceptualisation of European identity

First of all, through his overview of different conceptualisations of Europe, Rougemont lead us to reject the idea that there could be one ‘ true’ atemporal European essence, which could be taken as the lowest ‘common denominator’ of everything European.[16] Europe is above all the totality of its representations – and a European is in the first instance the one who finds in its diversity something that resonates with his ‘present I’. The first step in the formation of any identity is thus conscious self-identification, finding one’s possibilities not by ‘returning to the sources’, but by resorting to the sources in order to discover how do they fit into one’s present and future. It might be therefore said that there are ‘two Europes’, the one which is philosophical and historical, i.e., the one which provides us through its totality with different representations of what it has meant to be a European, and the other which is inherently bound to politics. The latter is dependent on the way one answers the question of what one wants Europe to be – 0n the way how does one ‘chooses’ one’s identity from the possible sources. In other words, in one way Europe (‘unconsciously’) already ‘is’, but in the other way it is still dormant, waiting to be appropriated as a political project – consciously adopted as a part of our own present identity. Only when Europe materialises through the political process as a cultural entity, it will be possible to ‘grasp’ it and built upon it in our social life in new ways.

This idea of ‘two Europes’ is in fact very close to the constitutive or expressivist theory of language of Herder. Its importance was recently recognised by the Canadian communitarian thinker Charles Taylor.[17] Herder, and through him Taylor, argued that the language not only describes the reality (‘what is already there’, on the background), as such theorists as Condillac claimed, but also constitutes and recreates it anew, under a different perspective. For Condillac or Locke, linguistic expression was always linked to some pre-existing content, to the idea that ‘at each stage of [linguistic] process, the idea precede[d] its naming, albeit its discriminability results from a previous act of naming’.[18] Herder, however, adds to the language a new, ‘expressive’ dimension, claiming that the interlocution not only describes, but that ‘it also open[s] possibilities for us which would not be there in its absence’.[19] In other words, by saying something, we do not only describe what is already there, but also shape it to a new dimension. By creating a political Europe, we do not only re-represent what is already there, but we are giving Europe a new dimension by the creative process itself.

Perhaps this was also a reason why Heidegger in his later thought credited the poetry for allowing us to temporally ascend to the ‘authentic’ Being. As one of Heidegger’s interpreters Richard Polt notices, ‘if Heidegger is right, then our most authentic relation to language is poetic. Instead of using language as a tool for representation, we should respect it as a rich source of poetic revelation’.[20] The poet thus represents an authentic existence – instead of using old words and worn out meanings, he ‘appropriates’ the reality in relation to his own person. Does it mean that all great minds who try to build Europe politically are also poets?

The Abduction of Europa by Rembrandt (1632)

The Abduction of Europa by Rembrandt (1632own person.

This excurse to the theory of language might help us appreciate what Denis de Rougemont is ultimately suggesting in his search for ‘the’ European identity. Although there are undeniable sources of European culture such the ancient Greece, Rome and Christianity, the Celts, or the ancient German tribes, what Europe is for us will in the last instance depend on what do we want it to be. It is true that the most of the European thought arose as the positive or negative reaction to the ancient Greeks, be it the Romans with their sombre gravitas who unsuccessfully tried to emulate the joyous Greek spirit, or the Christians who upheld the rational Apollo at the expense of Dionysos. Nevertheless, in the last instance it always depends on ourselves whether we identify with these sources or not. Paul Valéry for instance felt closest to the Greeks, claiming that

‘what we owe to Greece is perhaps what has most profoundly distinguished us from the rest of humanity. To her we owe the discipline of the Mind, the extraordinary example of perfection in everything. To her we owe the method of thought that tends to relate all things to man, the complete man. Man became for himself the system of reference to which all things must in the end relate. He must therefore develop all the parts of his being and maintain them in a harmony as clear and even as evident as possible. He must develop both body and mind’.[21]

Denis de Rougemont would have certainly agreed with Valéry. One might even argue that personalism itself – with its conception of a person as against the liberal idea of a self-sufficient individual, is the conscious adoption of the Greek heritage on the part of the non-conformists. Rougemont keenly notices that our Greek heritage has become in the recent years more important, arguing that

‘the revival of our interest in things Greek is reflected in the twentieth century by the most varied symptoms: discovery of the pre-Socratic philosophers . . . the vogue for mythology (Freud’s Oedipus complex, the Ulysses of Joyce or Kazantzakis, Spitteler’s Prometheus, Gide’s Theseus, Cocteau’s Orpheus, etc); revival of the themes and titles of Greek tragedy by many playwrights, poets, and composers (“Choephores and Eumenides,” by Claudel and Darius Milhaud, to mention only one example, re-created the sacred thrill of the ancient drama, of which a poet like Racine retained only the plot); rediscovery of the secret of the Doric style; passionate researches into the mystery religions . . .[22]‘.

Philosophically and historically, as Denis de Rougemont shows us in The Idea of Europe, we therefore already are Europeans. Politically and in our memory, some still consider themselves to be enclosed within ‘homogeneous’ national entities and deny their shared European roots. Only the future will shows us, however, whether we will also manage to appropriate our identity politically.

[1] Probably the most exhaustive treatment of the movement’s history and its fundamental ideas is given by Bayle, Jean-Louis Loubet Del, Les non-conformistes des années 30 : Une tentative de renouvellement de la pensée politique française (Paris, Seuil, 2001[1969]). Bayle is also credited for being the first to call the movement ‘non-conformistes des années trente’.

[2] Kinsky, Ferdinand, ‘Personalism and Federalism’, Publius, 9:4 (1979), p. 132.

[3] Ibid., p. 133.

[4] Quoted in Rougemont, Denis de, The Idea of Europe (New York, The Macmillan Company, 1966), p. 422.

[5] Anthony D. Smith already showed that the ‘nation builders’ drew heavily from more primordial European ethnicities and regional identities, see for instance The Ethnic Origins of Nations (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1986).

[6] ‘On Identity’, Telos, 128 (2004), p. 48.

[7] Ibid., p. 50.

[8] Rougemont, The Idea of Europe, p. xi.

[9] Ibid., pp. 40-41.

[10] Ibid., p. 43. The French thinker Louis Rougier in the work Celse contre les chrétiens (Paris, Labyrinthe, 1997[1925]) used Celsus’ polemic against Christian monotheism and universalism as the starting point for his own critique of Christianity.

[11] Rougemont, The Idea of Europe, p. 43.

[12] Ibid., p. 44.

[13] Ibid., p. 46.

[14] Ibid., p. 47.

[15] Ibid., pp. 363-434.

[16] A terrific overview of what constitutes the exclusivist ‘identity essentialism’ and its critique is provided by Alain de Benoist, ‘On Identity’, pp. 52-56.

[17] Charles Taylor, ‘The Importance of Herder’, in C. Taylor (ed.), Philosophical Arguments (London & Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1997), pp. 79-99.

[18] Charles Taylor, ‘Heidegger, Language, Ecology’, in C. Taylor (ed.), Philosophical Arguments (London & Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1997), pp. 100-126.

[19] Ibid., p. 107.

[20] Richard Polt, Heidegger An Introduction (Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 1999), p. 177,

[21] Quoted in Rougemont, The Idea of Europe, p. 367.

[22]Ibid., p. 370.

Politolog Externista

Russians really care about EU efficiency … because too well armed ‘EU’ would be tough to both Russia and USA. That is the reason why Russians are caring about EU economical well-being. In Cold War, one of Warsaw Pact countries had 30 percent of GDP spent on military. It was late 60-ties. Considering current GDP on milspending is already more than 1 percent of GDP, there is a great potential for some useless military spending yet, before they get too heavy of a burden to carry that useless weight. Any military buildup within the EU should be about sidelining USA. Kick them out. Then there can be easing of tensions EU-Russia, smae for sanctions. EU is too weak militarily and politically cause most politicians are being kept on a leash by american interests. Murrican interest is a contradiction to EU countries national interests.


I think this is in response to a desire one day where Nato is no more and EU can be independent of US which actually make more wars than any European country.

This is a right move that they start to be able to protect themselves independent of other countries outside EU


There are a lot of Washington think tanks and the official NATO troll center (Stratcom) backing this move of an “EU army”. The “EU army” is basically justified by the “Russian threat”. And while it could mean that EU wants to become more independent from USA, it is a contradiction since USA is actually increasing military presence within EU.

Now USA has broken the INF treaty and installing medium range missiles in Romania and Poland. War is now much more closer than before that happened. The jew world order wants to see Europe and Russia in flames. Sad to say, but they might succeed since the EU and sovereign political systems are totally corrupted and the people are brainwashed to believe lies to a very large extent.

The thing is though, if US citizens think they can replicate their “success” of WW2, emerging unscathed to rebuild the world and enjoying huge economic growth while doing it, they are seriously mistaken. They will go up in flames as well this time around. There is absolutely no question about it, Russia (and perhaps China) will make them pay for anything they do in Europe.


Very true indeed as we all know as long as the war is not in US , they are more prone go for war while Europe /Russia destroy each other and benefit from huge arms sales

Is Europe is independent, Europe would really think double carefully about getting their own land destroyed even if they can win the war.

So I feel this is a good move towards world peace


If the “EU army” gets integrated to NATO, it will be a bad move for world peace. If it doesn’t, it will most likely be a good thing as it means more independent EU. I have my doubts though, but we shall see. There are a lot of contradictions surrounding this event.


NO EU nation is independent. Period. FIAT money rules.This is an unalienable fact. They are slaves to debt, just like we are personally.

“Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talks of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile… Once a nation parts with the control of its credit, it matters not who makes the laws….Usury once in control will wreck the nation.” William Lyon MacKenzie King, former Prime Minister of Canada ============================================ If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809) ============================================ The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.” -Abraham Lincoln ==================================================== “Issue of currency should be lodged with the government and be protected from domination by Wall Street. We are opposed to…provisions [which] would place our currency and credit system in private hands.” – Theodore Roosevelt

===================================== While the fact is ?

“In the modern economy, most money takes the form of bank deposits. But how those bank deposits are created is often misunderstood: the principal way is through commercial banks making loans. Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money”

Bank of England.

Albert Pike

Read ‘The next 100Years’ from George Friedman and you will find no independent European Countries. But what do I say, listen to the man himself, and what he said at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in the beginning 2015:




Here is the fact.

EU is controlled by the non elected politicians in Brussels. They have authority over nation states. And clearly they are globalists.

Remember the bail ins? :P

No nation, or collective of nations can be free, while under the yoke of FIAT money slavery.



“Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talks of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile… Once a nation parts with the control of its credit, it matters not who makes the laws….Usury once in control will wreck the nation.” William Lyon MacKenzie King, former Prime Minister of Canada ============================================ If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809) ============================================ The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.” -Abraham Lincoln ==================================================== “Issue of currency should be lodged with the government and be protected from domination by Wall Street. We are opposed to…provisions [which] would place our currency and credit system in private hands.” – Theodore Roosevelt

===================================== While the fact is ?

“In the modern economy, most money takes the form of bank deposits. But how those bank deposits are created is often misunderstood: the principal way is through commercial banks making loans. Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money”

Bank of England.

Romulus Nicola

European Union is heading to a full scale dictatorship. Get ready for NWO, we’re almost there.

Solomon Krupacek

This wuld be the best thing for EU.

2 million troops, 5-6 fleet, incl. carrirs, 3000 muclear warheads with different missiles.


Your numbers are likely correct or easily attainable.

It will not work though in the present EU. As long as there is no integrated foreign policy, an integrated military is impossible.

Solomon Krupacek

be sure, there is a strong and growing group, which want this. suverain EU. no hegeony.


Solomon and the Dutchnational 2 big fat Israeli Trolls…………..”suverain EU……no hegeony”…………..what a pair of mental defectives unable to string a decent sentence in English and so full of hubris, that their true colours show thro’ every time. A pair of sick dogs that somebody really should put down.


roflmao . How is that possible dimwit ?

lol they are ruled from Brussels by bankers even now. And you babble about sovereign ?

“”Under the Euro and the rules of Eurogroup and ECB, decisions are no longer sovereign but central, taken by not-democratically appointed faceless bureaucrats like Holland Finance Minister, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, President of Eurogroup. During the Cyprus bank crisis Dijsselbloem proposed confiscating all depositor money, big or small, to recapitalize the banks. He was forced to back down at the last minute, but it shows what is possible in the coming EU bank crisis that is pre-programmed by the defective Euro institution and its fatally flawed ECB.

Under current Eurozone rules, effective January, 2016, EU national governments are prohibited from taxpayer rescue of their banks, preventing orderly resolution of bank liquidity problems until too late. Germany has adopted a bank bail-in law as have other EU governments. The new bail-in rules are the result of a bureaucratic directive from the unelected, faceless bureaucrats of the EU Commission known as the EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (“BRRD”).””

clueless to how your world actually works. Google the Bank of International Settlements, and there you will find your daddy.


You are a slave. Talk of sovereignty is ludicrous, given the fact of globalism.

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of the Bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.” Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the Bank of England in the 1920


Bankers aren’t different than any Human groupe, alike Priests(Irish), Politicians(US NeoColonialism), Journalists(MSM), Doctors(The Ringworm Children: Zionist genocidal experiments on Jews) Lawyers, Military, Writers, Painters, or what’s ever, excellence is seldom, cretinism is deafening… Human “Nature” is mostly shit ! More Powerful, worst !


how do you figure best. frikken war mongers make me sick.

Solomon Krupacek

no war monger. 2% of gdp for defense budget cowers this. and 2% =/= warmongers. your beloved russia givse 3-4% :P but such army is able to defeat the whole eu against any cuntry.

vivat STRONG EU!!!


a dull stupid warmongerers….to stupid to understand divide and conquer. Too stupid to understand that inequality rules, and they are useful idiots in support of that mindset.

eric zweistein

This is actually one of the biggest stories of 2017. Zion realized that its asset NATO isn’t all too popular in Europe. Maybe a Zion owned EU army will have less trouble sending the European goys in the Russian death trap. Oy vey!


France is under Zion total control, Government + Medias, etc. ! Since Sarkozy, French President are US/NATO choice

Operation Sarkozy : how the CIA placed one of its agents at the presidency of the French Republic http://www.voltairenet.org/article157821.html

Hollande & Macron too…

Who is hunting Angela Merkel? http://www.voltairenet.org/article189972.html


This is a pure globalist plan. EU hasn’t been pulling its globalist weight militarily, so it is time to get a European military force going which will NOT be controlled by the states, even though the people of various states HAVE TO pay for it. This is globalists trying to create a second imperial army. It will be the global banksters army. From Europe, but not for Europe. This is why EU economy has been deliberately depressed, it makes it more attractive to have a paying military career. And the Poles and the others will die for bankers only…

Jim G

The European Union elites are becoming more dictatorial as each day passes , these socialist elites like to lord ot over member states and its citizens , they are seeking ever more powers over countries. These elites have have opened the flood gates in regard to millions of people from the islamic world to enter Europe knowing full well what the consequences would be in regards to peace stability and harmony, there are more than 55 million Muslims in Europe at the moment. The question i ask all European citizens is why on earth would you want to allow a powerful European army to be controlled and used by these undemocratic socialist elites? If anything Europeans should be making sure that you dont give these elite socialist EU commissioner any more power over you , not more power over you , WAKE UP FROM YOUR SLUMBER FOLKS





The only thing this army will be used for , is to put down unrest and revolts in member states………….. just wait and see.


clearly a valuable ability as the EU disintegrates….Also be good army to attack Russia with.

remember the “bail ins” ?


Why would you want to attack Russia, who is a Nuclear power ???????


I dont want to attack Russia, but the globalists will, if they do not submit to globalist control of their country, and resources..


what do you think drives world politics?

“Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – One World, if you will.If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it ”

| David Rockefeller | ( see trade deals removing soverignty,immigration, imperialism, and inequality as the effort “to build a more integrated global political and economic structure”)


Its not gonna happen Don, America will already be in a state of complete civil war and no longer in a position to attack anyone.They will be too busy keeping a lid on what is happening on the home front……………….just wait and see. One thing you haven’t factored in is ;” The will to fight and win”………………that’s something the US military lost back in Vietnam.


Well, what I did factor in, is that

A) America NATO cabal is surrounding Russia with tanks , missiles, and nukes.

B) the twisted shites in power in America think they can win a nuclear war.

C) Russia doesn’t like to be told what to do… :P And it will fire nukes, if nukes are fired upon Russia. Without a doubt, and they have said this.

So although I do hope you are right. I am not sure which opinion will prevail.

“The will to fight and win”

This was lost, and clearly, it doesnt matter any more huh.

-Illegal war after illegal war, ( no will to stop that) -basic freedoms taken police state emergence, ( no will to stop that) -a raping of wealth from the lower classes to the top. ( no will to stop that, in fact, the majority of the retards support the inequality thaT ALLOWS THIS.) -A fake political system, ( no will to stop that) -A fake monetary system, ( ( no will to stop that)

AND FINALLY, jobs are going to technology. This will happen mostly completely in less than 50 years or so. IN less than 20 years half the jobs gone.

The kids today, want the things money can buy, but dont have jobs to buy th emade to fail junk, or to pay the mortgage.(deathpledge) The military offers them jobs, a good wage, and all they got to do is murder some people who they are taught are less than human.

I would suggest, that will is not relevant, and it hasn’t been, for a long, long time.

Humans no longer even protest war as a collective. Their minds twisted to a murder death culture.


Well, what I did factor in, is that

A) America NATO cabal is surrounding Russia with tanks , missiles, and nukes.

B) the twisted shites in power in America think they can win a nuclear war.

C) Russia doesn’t like to be told what to do… :P And it will fire nukes, if nukes are fired upon Russia. Without a doubt, and they have said this.

So although I do hope you are right. I am not sure which opinion will prevail.

“The will to fight and win” This was lost, and clearly, it doesnt matter any more huh.

-Illegal war after illegal war, ( no will to stop that)

-basic freedoms taken police state emergence, ( no will to stop that)

-a raping of wealth from the lower classes to the top. ( no will to stop that, in fact, the majority of the retards support the inequality thaT ALLOWS THIS.)

-A fake political system, ( no will to stop that)

-A fake monetary system, ( ( no will to stop that)

AND FINALLY, jobs are going to technology. This will happen mostly completely in less than 50 years or so. IN less than 20 years half the jobs gone.

The kids today, want the things money can buy, but dont have jobs to buy the made to fail junk, or to pay the mortgage.(death pledge) The military offers them jobs, a good wage, and all they got to do is murder some people who they are taught are less than human. I would suggest, that will is not relevant, and it hasn’t been, for a long, long time.

Humans no longer even protest war as a collective. Their minds twisted to a murder death culture caLLED DEMOCRACY AND FREEDUMB..


I have known about most of the things in your narrative for 30 years or more…………. and found myself more and more isolated as a result. If anyone ever bothered to read what “Agenda 21” has in store for them, they would start to wake up. As the first wave of economic migrants started to walk over our open borders I was threatened with lethal force as I confronted our police with a baseball bat who allowed this scum thro’ our open border. The orders came from Brussels and it was then that I had real proof that our government, our sovereignty had been condemned to the scrap heap. I knew that democracy had looooong since been just a word in a dictionary, but now I saw with my own eyes that a dictatorship was in place and that “we the people” , were nothing less than a doormat for them to shit upon. Very few people back then, and we’re talking olnly 2 years ago, knew anything about the coudenhove-kalergi plan, and even today, you won’t hear anything about it in the MSM. We need Russia, because I see that they have m ore freedom than we do, and there is the start of an undercurrent of civil disobedience starting. The fact that folks are arming themselves to the teeth, doesn’t worry the bad guys as they we try to declare an armistice and you will be forced to handover your legally owned firearms. It will of course take place as the various sleeper- cells of ISIS-economic-migrants kick off the start of a europe-wide civil war, inspired and controlled by the zionists. If the public simply started taking the yids off the streets right now, you will be guaranteed a reaction……………….. BTW, Ignore anything which is uttered by fools/trolls/scum such as Dutchnational or the other fuckwit solomon krupacek


It is also fascinating to observe those who have closed their eyes to the deliberate degeneration of Western Society for decades now and who were unwilling to listen to what they knew to be true but were afraid to admit due to the pervasive state control using Political Correctness.

Today those people understand that they have been abused , its easy to see in their eyes BUT as all who have been conned and cheated, they feel foolish and would rather think about trivia instead.

When they do accept fully the dreadful reality , their rage will be akin to an unstoppable assault on Zionism and all its followers.

That is when I and others can say ‘I told you so, lets get the job done and free the world from Debt Slavery’. :)

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x