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MARCH 2025

EU Diplomatic Chief Expresses Disinterest In Joining Biden’s Escalations Against Russia Over Ukraine

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EU Diplomatic Chief Expresses Disinterest In Joining Biden’s Escalations Against Russia Over Ukraine

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Anglo Alliance hopes for Russian slipup in Ukraine crisis to justify military intervention.

Written by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst

President Joe Biden predicted last Wednesday that Russia “will move in” to Ukraine and take much of the country by force. Biden vowed harsh sanctions on Russia should war with Ukraine breakout. These threats of sanctions come as Moscow continually stresses that it has no plans or intentions of invading Ukraine, something that the majority of the EU recognizes but that the Anglo Alliance of Washington-London refuses to accept. None-the-less, it appears that the Anglo Alliance is hoping for a Russian mistake in Ukraine to justify a military intervention.

Biden announced on Sunday his consideration to send thousands of US troops, warships and aircraft to the Baltics and Eastern Europe amid rising tensions. The State Department issued Level 4 travel warnings for Russia and Ukraine, in addition to ordering diplomats’ family members to leave Ukraine. British diplomatic staff in Ukraine have also started to leave.

In this context, frustration is building in Brussels as Biden seemingly escalates tensions with Moscow out of nowhere. The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, responded to the Anglo diplomatic withdrawal from Ukraine, saying on Monday: “We are not going to do the same thing because we don’t know any specific reasons.”

“I don’t think we had to dramatize as far as the negotiations are going on — and they are going on,” Borrell added as he arrived for a meeting of EU foreign ministers, which included the videolink attendance of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

A day earlier on January 23, Blinken rejected calls for preemptive sanctions on Russia, saying that doing so would undermine the West’s ability to deter Moscow from any potential aggression against Ukraine. In this way, it seems overly exaggerated that the threats of sanctions are continuously pushed in Anglo media despite assurances from Moscow that there are no plans for invading Ukraine.

European Union members, with the usual exception of Poland and the Baltic States, recognize that Washington is escalating tensions in Europe for no good reason at all, hence why Borrell did not hesitate to highlight the need to not overly dramatize events. Moscow also recognizes such European positions too, acknowledging that the bloc is not united but that most states individually want to engage with Russia.

Take for example Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who only last week said that “I understand that Greece is a member of NATO, the EU. But we also see that Greece does not want to follow the path of worsening anti-Russian sanctions, Greece in principle does not feel satisfied with what is happening now between the West and the Russian Federation.”

Despite European antipathy towards war on the continent, it has not diminished efforts by the Anglo Alliance to try and isolate Russia from Europe. It is for this reason that British Foreign Minister Liz Truss announced development in London’s relations with Ukraine and Poland in their efforts to block Russia from Western Europe. This was stated by Truss during a speech at the Lowy Institute on global threats to freedom, democracy and the rule of law, according to the press service of the British government.

“We’re also strengthening our bilateral partnership following high-level talks in London in December – and we’re fostering new trilateral ties with Poland and Ukraine,” Truss stated on Friday, adding that Britain will continue to support Ukraine.

British think-tank Council on Geostrategy considers Truss’ statement as a possible announcement of a new tripartite geopolitical alliance between the UK, Poland and Ukraine, something that could be akin to the AUKUS pact signed by the US, UK and Australia to counter China.

In this way, it appears that in the European context, it is only non-EU member state UK and the minnow countries of the Baltics and Poland that are wanting to challenge Russia. From the European perspective, with the usual exceptions, it is believed that war on the continent should not occur in the 21st century.

However, it is the actions of the Baltic States and Poland, feeling emboldened by the strong rhetoric emanating from Washington and London, that could risk engulfing the entire continent in war. In such a scenario, it would likely once again expose the disunity and frailties of NATO as it is inconceivable to imagine that countries like Portugal, Spain or Greece would send their soldiers to fight and die for the sake of supporting Anglo-Polish-Baltic provocations against Russia. In this way, the Anglo Alliance hopes that Russia will miscalculate their manoeuvres and attack Ukraine, hence potentially justifying a military intervention.


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Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukropnazis are crying and raging 🤗 Most excellent 👍


No country in the world going to “support” Ukr. Russia doesn’t want to invade Ukr as well, as long NATO dogs don’t invade Ukr and set up bases. Dose Russia or China have military bases near US borders? No. But what would happen if they did? They start crying like pigs.

Also, ignore any rtd who thinks the West going to send troops (their military) to Ukr – The West wouldn’t ever do that. Remember how they got fuked in Iraq or Afghanistan, both of those countries were in shi* and guess what the satanic greedy yanquis invaded them and it cost them, to this very day. Now imagine yanquis “pigs” against Russia…oh I love to see pigs dead everywhere.

the end

No dead pigs everywhere, only goulash soup everywhere…


“support” Ukr? So that’s what the 100 billion+ military funds were for?

failed state is DOA, they could have used those funds for “cLiMaTe ChAnGe” or smoked it all, instead of wasting it on nazi scum like zelensky, and to sacrifice their tripwire forces.

Let it be known for the history books that US/EU/NATO doesn’t give a damn about their human lives.

Chris Gr

Actually, radical Iraqis and Afghans support Ukraine along with their Chechen counterparts.

Anty Muhamad 666

14 million people have signed up for voluntary army in Ukraine let’s find out how many Russians are ready to die for Filthy Putin the Comunist wich has delusional dreams of reunion of so called Mother Land Russia. Are you for fuck.ing real Putin? What do you think we are in1950?? Ooo you filthy delusional Comunist. Don’t you get it it will be suicidal to even try something like this. I think your military advisors are delusional and brain washed by the filthy Comunist propaganda.

Come and suck the di.ck of a democrat maybe you will wake up

Chris Gr

Ukrainians, Vardaskans and Bosniaks are the problem of Europe.

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