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MARCH 2025

EU Gas Prices Soar On NS2 Delays, Sudden Belarus Pipeline Closure

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EU Gas Prices Soar On NS2 Delays, Sudden Belarus Pipeline Closure

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Originally published on ZeroHedge

European natural gas prices continue to soar after Nord Stream 2 pipeline delays were seen earlier this week, and now a major crude pipeline from Russia into Europe has temporarily halted flows due to “unscheduled repairs.”

The newest market generated information pushing up European natgas prices to the highest levels in a month is due to a Belarus portion of the Druzhba oil pipeline system carrying Urals crude from Russia to Europe has temporarily halted flows to address “unscheduled repairs,” the Russian energy export giant Transneft wrote in a statement.

“Unscheduled repairs were started on one of the branches of the Druzhba oil pipeline, limiting the flow in the direction of Poland for approximately three days, while the planned target for the month is not being revised,” Transneft spokesman Igor Demin said.

Gomeltransneft, the operator of the Belarusian section, said maintenance began on Nov. 16. “Starting from yesterday, Gomeltransneft has started an unplanned maintenance at one of the lines of the Druzhba pipeline, having restricted [crude] pumping towards Adamowa Zastawa [in Poland] tentatively for three days, but the plan for the month is not revised,” a Transneft spokesman said. 

Druzhba is one of the largest pipeline networks in the world that carries a mix of heavy sour oil of Urals and light oil of Western Siberia, where its network splits in two and pumps the crude into a northern section, Poland and Germany, and a southern area, Ukraine to Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary.

The unscheduled repairs, restricting flows, come days after Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko threatened to cut the transit gas supply from Russia to Europe over a migrant crisis at the Belarus-Poland border.

Compound that with the approval process for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline now delayed

As Katabella Roberts writes at The Epoch Times, Germany’s energy regulator the Bundesnetzagentur announced on Tuesday that it has suspended the certification process for a major new pipeline connecting the country and Russia, after ruling that its operator within Germany does not comply with conditions set by German law.

The watchdog said on Tuesday it had temporarily halted the certification process because the Swiss company behind Nord Stream 2 had decided not to turn itself into a German company but had instead set up a subsidiary under German law to deal with the section of the pipeline on German territory.

The Swiss-based consortium first needs to form a German subsidiary company under German law to secure an operating licence, the regulator said.

“Nord Stream 2 AG, which is based in Zug (Switzerland), has decided not to transform its existing legal form but instead to found a subsidiary under German law solely to govern the German part of the pipeline. This subsidiary is to become the owner and operator of the German part of the pipeline. The subsidiary must then fulfil the requirements of an independent transmission operator as set out in the German Energy Industry Act,” the Bundesnetzagentur said in a statement.

“Following a thorough examination of the documentation, the Bundesnetzagentur concluded that it would only be possible to certify an operator of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline if that operator was organised in a legal form under German law,” the German regulator said.

…and the Dutch month-ahead gas, the European benchmark, is up at least 33% this week. 


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Gregory Rasputin

Hmmm Wait until Belarus discovers that the Gas Transmission pipeline carrying Gas to Poland and Germany requires “urgent repairs” causing major power outages in both Poland and Germany! As Poles and Germans begin to freeze, the political temperature inside both countries will reach a white heat with unknown consequences for both countries and for the EU. When will it occur to the German and Polish Political classes and to both EU Council and EU Commission that their entire existence depends on a stable, safe and secure supply of energy from Russia? Are they really that dumb? (and no – there is no need to answer this question. The answer is staring us in the face)


Guess who will be blamed for it? I’m sure articles are being feverishly typed will quotes from “reliable anonymous sources” witnessing a bare-chested man fleeing on a bear after smashing the pipeline with an axe.

Perhaps the serious backlash for this comes from Russia and not the EU. I doubt if this disruption is something Russia approves.


I doubt if this disruption is something Russia approves.

Same here, I recall SouthFront also ran an article saying that Lukashenko cutting off gas supplies to Europe would be against Russian interests. https://southfront.org/lukashenkos-threats-to-cut-gas-supplies-to-europe-go-against-russian-interests-too/

Last edited 3 years ago by Digby

They must obey the orders of the global Jewish slave empire dictatorship that occupies the EU and the USSA etc what used to be the west.

Lone Ranger

Germans have a tendency to shoot themselves in the feet over and over again.


in January repairs required for 2 weeks–jens burns furniture to cook cheese

jens voodoo astrologer

on looney tube jens pays more for electricity in our dumb-ocrazy than all EU nations–he enjoys enriching Russians


Who runs bartertown?

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