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MARCH 2025

EU High Representative’s Visit To Moscow Unveiled Hypocrisy Of European Diplomacy

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EU High Representative's Visit To Moscow Unveiled Hypocrisy Of European Diplomacy

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Illustrative image

Russia has recently welcomed an honored guest. The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, went to Moscow for the first time in three years. In Russia, he held negotiations with a number of  high-ranked  business representatives and politicians, including the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov. Leaving Moscow, he announced the need to preserve diplomatic ties between the parties. But after returning to the EU, Borrell sharply changed his rhetoric, declaring potential sanctions and accusations against Russia. This inconsistency of European politics once again demonstrates the real intentions of those behind the diplomacy of the collective West towards Moscow.

Borrell’s visit to Moscow took place from 4-6 February. The main topics were the sentence to prison of Alexei Navalny and the declaration of some European diplomats persona non grata after they took part in unauthorized protests.

The Borrell’s visit ended on a rather positive note. At a press conference after the negotiations with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, he said that so far none of the EU countries had submitted proposals for sanctions against Russia in response to the sentence to Navalny and the dispersed unauthorized protests.

Despite the relations between the two sides being at the lowest possible level, the head of European diplomacy called for keeping diplomatic channels open “not only for de-escalating crises or incidents, but also for direct exchange of views, transmission of clear and frank messages, especially when relations are far from satisfactory. “

However, after returning to Europe, Borrell’s optimism disappeared. His assessment of the results of his visit to Moscow was strikingly different from what he said back in Russia.

Blaming Moscow for the current misunderstand, he said that “Russia is increasingly separating from Europe.” “The Russian authorities did not want to take this opportunity for a more constructive dialogue with the EU. This is regrettable and we have to think about the consequences, ” he wrote.

Borrell also added that the heads of the European foreign ministries at the next meeting on February 22 might decide to expand sanctions against Russia for violation of human rights.

His statements appear to have had a shocking effect on the Russian Foreign Ministry, which immediately commented on Borrell’s abrupt change of point of view.

“We were surprised to get acquainted with Borrell’s assessments of the results of the visit, they contrast strongly with his statements given at a press conference in Moscow,” the ministry said.

Adding that in Russia, Borrell “had an opportunity to immediately give his own assessment, which he did,” the Foreign Ministry said.  “No one limited him in time or format.”

Apparently, the highly respected EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy has no freedom to independently choose a political course.It seems that after arriving in Brussels, he was explained  how the meeting with the Russians was supposed to be, and what conclusions he had to draw at its end.

“Perhaps, upon arrival in Brussels, the head of European diplomacy was explained what accents he had to do, but then this only confirms how and by whom the EU policy is actually formed,” the Russian Foreign Ministry concluded.

The visit of the European diplomat was not aimed at improving relations with Russia and establishing any dialogue. Under the ridiculous pretext of protecting the rights of the unfortunate Navalny, finally convicted according to Russian law, and amid the hype around the protests in Moscow that is also actively supported  by the Western media, the puppet Europe is once again trying to introduce another package of sanctions against Moscow. Neither a normal dialogue nor improvement of relations between Russia and the European Union can be expected, while this is not in the interests of the new Biden administration in the United States.

Moscow, in turn, is surprisingly tough and promptly reacting to the policy of the collective West. Russian diplomacy began to speak openly and strictly with its Western partners, calling things by their proper names, consistently demonstrating that they would not allow them any interference in the country’s domestic affairs and will staunchly resist any pressure.


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Tell the imf to bugger off,the world don’t need them,besides the Commonwealth has more than enough resources to bury them alive in their own wake,at will,like russia,brexit take heed + grow!

Ashok Varma

Russia is acting like a weak state, India never allows any of these imperialist hypocrite “human rights” do-gooders who themselves are the worst criminals in history. What business does the vassal EU have in meddling in Russia’s internal affairs? Why don’t they try Iran, India, China, North Korea etc and see what reception they get at the airport, even if they make it that far. Russia needs to read these racist imperialist bastards the riot act.

Me&Myself None

That’s the reason for me being an ardent critic of the Putin’s administration, nothing else. All I am asking for is for Putin to grow a pair of balls and stop acting like a subaltern to the most subalterns of the west. Stand up strong for your allies, and stop trying to be friend with countries working behind the scene to destabilize your country. That’s why I am now a critic, it wasn’t always like that.

Lone Ranger

Name another country that did as much as Russia to block the crumbling U.S. Empire and globalists… Crimea, Syria, Iraq, Lybia, EU energy projects, only to name the most important ones. Russia knows diplomacy the U.S. doesnt anymore. That simple. Russia could strong arm too but than they wouldnt be different from the U.S. You lose the moral highground you lose everything.

Just Me

Sadly, morality with these immoral criminals does not work. They only understand strength as they are cowardly bullies.


Putin’s stated policy of building a “partnership” with the US and EU vassals was a folly which is now manifesting in open interference in Russian domestic politics. The US deep state is now effectively running the so-called Russian opposition, much like the Anglo-American support for reactionary “white Russians”.


“partners” is just usual DIPLOMATIC LANGUAGE !!! I know that you would prefer Putin to use “motherfuckers” instead… True Russian opposition are COMMUNISTS and Western supported liberal opposition is NON EXISTENT !!! You ignorant Condor – C U N T !

Tommy Jensen

Dont blame it on man’s precious.


South Ossetia too

Lone Ranger


Tommy Jensen

Chechnya too. A miracle, today admired.

Just Me

Even Russia’s long term friends are astonished at its weak stance and Lavrov’s failure to assert Russian sovereignty. Even Myanmar told the UN and other western meddling hypocrites to fuckoff. India does not allow these western racist “diplomats” even to go near the farmers strikes as it knows that CIA is behind the Khalistan movement. Russia just allows these western agents to roam free. At this rate Russian survival will be at stake.


Lavrov has his issues too,however compared to the wests,like c’mon dude!

Just Me

Lavrov has been there too long and Russia needs new nationalistic blood. He is Armenian anyway and a left over from Soviet era.


I would not upvote that just yet,but I take that as more accustom pre putin?

Ricky Miller

Not only is the CIA partially behind the Indian protest movement, the kicker is that opening up of the agricultural market in India to big multinational corporations is part of the U.S. pressure on India to expand trade ties as an element of a strategic realignment between India and the United States. One part of the Neoliberal neocolonial American Empire wants opening up of India’s agricultural economy to Western overlordship while another part wants to use the mass protest movement to weaken the Hindu nationalist government. Playing footsie with the USA can lead quickly to a knife through the foot and a big toe being amputated. India, I guess, will have to learn the hard way about letting the wolf in the door.

Just Me

One of the most disgusting Jews in history, Kissinger wrote after the US kicked the Shah of Iran out of hospital on his deathbed that “friendship with US is a kiss of death”. Modi is an illiterate tea stall thug who was brought to power by the CIA and Bilderberg multinationals to “open up India to the free market economy” aka Jew plunder. The farmers are mostly Sikhs from Punjab who have already suffered at the hands of Hindu extremists when their Golden Temple was raised to the ground. If India does not play ball, then like Russia, they will try to Balkanize it. That is why Pakistan, like the Zionist parasites was created by the devious Brits in 1947, by carving up India which as a united state would have been a superpower like China. Russia is perceived as weak and infested with Jews and Oligarchs and with a declining population and vast land mass, the Jews and their western minions think that it is a low hanging fruit. The Zionist Blinken has openly stated that. They will not ease up on Russia.

Proud Hindu

Rawafid shut your mouth hussain @$$ licker


you are most definitely SUNNI MUSLIM !

Proud Hindu

I dont care shia or sunni.They can kill esch othervin the desert.


It’s fair to say of all world leaders,none come close,but your point is considered critical of they the other players whom need to grow a real set?

Ok being critical has to reason,however Russia happens to also be the greatest nation on earth which means much more added complexed too no?

In my opinion Russia needs to convince china to grow a true set,chances are instead of expecting Putin do do all the hardcore negotiations,maybe they them selfs ought to act more like the warriors akin to russian commys nature,then we may may get to be in a position to seriously barter against that way outdated us petro dollar scam scheme,as for europe,we know,no?

Imf are the problem,always were,they played their part in CCCPs demise,yet if china pretends to play dumb hoping they will be the next usa,they better be prepared to also count their losses to ignorance,Russia stocks up!


The deterioration in US-Russian relations started under the deep state Obama-Biden administration and increases the potential for tactical errors and provocations that could spark military escalation.Russia is still a nuclear armed state with a robust military and if pushed too far or publicly humiliated and treated like a paraish, even a so far compliant Putin will be forced to adopt a hard line.

Diana Cornwell

Never. Putin is America’s lapdog.


British NATO whore

Diana Cornwell

Putin is an errand boy for NATO and Israel. We are happy to see that, even after clearly and openly betrayed all supposedly Russian allies from Serbia, Syria, Iran, and Armenia, you Eastern boys still support our agent. The good work Gorbatchev and Yeltsin did for us, is nothing compared to what Putin was able to achieve in advancing NATO and Israeli interests. We love you Putin.


what gives you the right to talk in the name of those countries you b.i.t.c.h?! ah, I know you are Britt and NATO supporter that’s why ! You are on the ENEMY SIDE ! F**k off you NATO c u n t!

Diana Cornwell

There are still good people, patriotic military men and women, working as part of NATO. Unlike Russia or any of the other countries in Asia where corruption is your only religion. I was appalled to see young Vietnamese ladies selling themselves to American sex tourists, for instance. Such a lack of honor and integrity permeating all of Asia… You Russians are Asians, period. Russian = Turk


F U C K YOU!!! “young Vietnamese… selling themselves to American” is BECAUSE of Americans and millions of killed and destruction they have created!!

Diana Cornwell

You are insane. This was in 2019. Having sex with people who maimed and killed you by the millions? That’s the difference between civilized races and the Asians, including the Russians. We’ve seen plenty of young Russian women selling themselves in UAE and Turkey as well.


So there are no other British prostitutes like you in UK? Only you?! Yes Russia was down now is your turn The time is arriving when in UK women will turn to prostitution to earn living. Time of your robbing other nations from their resources is long gone!


You are on the right track,long may you run: Good post!

erwin vercauteren

Russians are civilized people they know that much of these protesters are there with children that have been abused and lied to you can not send the storm troops into a crowd with mostly people who have been misled and children of young age that is why these Scumbags like Navalny and his cronies will be taking out on discreet ways where there are no risks to children and innocent people look at Holland were the police did use force, and they did in purpose hurt very badly an innocent woman that was trying to avoid that mess and Russia will not make that kind of mistakes collateral damage is not an option in the Russian mind its the philosophy of the elite hurt them badly so they will be scared to come in the streets even curfews are part of that process in a few weeks RUSSIANS will not have to wear masks anymore thanks to SputnikV and a professional approach that is a society for the people by the people


Being civilized with bully barbarians is an invitation to be attacked.

erwin vercauteren

i suppose you mean like the Yankees and France Netherlands and UK who shoot kick hurt and break bones in name of western democratic values ? i do not see the WESTERN POLICE handing out masks and warm drinks to the protesters and allow them to understand, what is happening the west is no match for the Russian spirit Russia is a nation that is the oldest in Europe they exist already in the AD 850 THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE


I am also talking about the US police state that shoots unarmed demonstrators on sight as the cold blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt on Capitol Hill showed.



Brave fighter for “justice” huh? I think you are full of it !


That is thinking of coward ! Being civilized is show of TRUE MORAL STRENGTH and MENTAL SUPERIORITY ! Russia is not afraid to show her gentle side and to stand up against decadent Western cowards. They are not “barbarians” just nasty bunch itching for a lesson!


“Why don’t they try India” Ha, ha, ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,haaa Why “trying”?!!? India is one of the most corrupt bureaucratic countries in the world ! They just have to buy India’s politicians, bureaucrats to do their dirty work for them. China already supports many of globalist policies as it is. North Korea and Iran are most closed entrenched societies against the West. There is no access! While Russia is DEMOCRATIC multi party system ( rigid, autocratic, to the extent corrupt but still better than India and US )

Tommy Jensen

Russia is like a woman, happy to get any attention from men, even the bad ones?

Jens Holm

Thats expected.

cechas vodobenikov

notorious anglo hypocrisy and back stabbing is infecting western europe; Russia entertains these lying children fully aware they cannot be trusted


Biden choice is another Obama era Jew as CIA deputy director to target Russia specifically

Cohen previously served in the Treasury Department, where he helped devise sanction regimes against Iran and Moscow. Cohen in his testimony stated that US intelligence aim is to isolate Russia even more financially and diplomatically on the global stage, while exerting internal pressure by creating and supporting a viable long term opposition to take over in the post Putin era. He also stated that he shares William Burn’s view that support for western supported opposition groups be increased in both Russia and Belarus with civil society engagement.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d9adcb99bba406e890d8601c6e2f177205b20d13617a8e0743f35f152b15999.jpg The ugly face of a Jew

Proud Hindu

Shia donkeys should stfu

Just Me


Jimmy Jim


Proud Hindu

I support regime change for russia.Step down corrupt putin.


“Who the f*ck are you?!”


PM Modi’s ass kisser of the Anglo-Saxons, Stockholm syndrome? Most probably he is Sunni Muslim from India.

Diana Cornwell

Putin is the champion of NATO and Israel. We are very happy to see that the red pill doesn’t work on the Eastern boys anymore. Go Putin!


Frankly, Russia is suffering at the hands of Jew infestation since Czarist times. They have corrupted the whole system, like they have done in the US and other vassal puppet states.

Diana Cornwell

Well, yes. But the Russians only have themselves to blame for it. They didn’t have to go ahead and massacre 20 million of their own, just because the Jewish Bolsheviks said ‘jump’: https://russia-insider.com/en/history/yet-another-six-million-fable-pogroms-against-jews-tsarist-russia/ri25143

Tommy Jensen

Lenin and Stalin killed 6 million. All scientific research and science show that.

Diana Cornwell




Of course sunshine.. And dont forget your meds…


ONLY TOTAL IDIOT can call Putin champion of NATO

Diana Cornwell

So why did Putin have the patriotic Russian leaders of Donbass killed? You must know the name(s). Why is the conflict there frozen with ethnic Russians reduced to living miserable existences without a future?

Tommy Jensen

They actually got Russian passports and receive a lot of aid and arms.


what on earth “patriotic Russian leaders of Donbass” have to do with NATO?!? So in your opinion Putin have kill them (which he didn’t do) because he works for NATO?!? You are out of your effing mind!! what “miserable existences”?! They are already Russian citizens all of them! Majority lives and works in Russia! Others (if poor) are protected with Russian social services. Donbass was from 1st day living from Russian aid directly delivered there by Russia!

Diana Cornwell


Alexander Zakharchenko was a top official in the DNR since its inception in April 2014: first as the deputy interior minister, then as Donetsk’s military commandant, and then as the chairman of the DNR’s Council of Ministers. He became head of the “republic” in November 2014, when separatists held elections that went unrecognized by the outside world. In Ukraine, Zakharchenko was wanted by police on charges of forming a terrorist organization. Both the United States and European Union imposed sanctions against him. In recent years, several top DNR officials who took up arms early in the war have met violent ends. In October 2016, an elevator bomb killed Arsen Pavlov (better known by his nom de guerre, “Motorola”), and in February 2017 Mikhail Tolstykh (“Givi”) died in an explosion while sitting in his office. On both occasions, the DNR blamed “Ukrainian saboteurs” and Kyiv denied any involvement.



I am FED up with Western biased, prejudiced approach on Russia of many people here!

YOU HAVE NO CLUE about Russia you morons !!! Stop your parroting of usual anti-Russian MSM propaganda!!


A very good insight of what transpired. I congratulate the Russian government with it’s stance, true to what honest but firm international diplomacy should be. There is but one way with dealing with players on the field who want to make you fall while they are themselves crawling on the ground. Stand firm and don’t lower yourself to their tactics and retoric. Leave the door open but always stand guard by your own principles and don’t leave them unprotected. This applies also to this discussion board where it is crystal clear that pretenders are involved.


True EU Patriot Lord Josep Borrell is. Changing his colors swiftly like a chameleon gene-spliced with a roach.

Tommy Jensen

The Kharzas are directing EU policy. Russia doesnt seem to understand that our 20 European diplomats in front of Navalny’s Courthouse were there as a part of their International Human Rights to free speech. If Kremlin refuse to recognize and accept the International Rule Based Usury Order, why do they then participate in the UNSC and other free and civilised International organisations?? Just asking. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c0433671a061fce950569727149f55d35f688268750c8588ce526fb7f4fc3566.jpg For the Liberty and Freedom

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