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MARCH 2025

EU Imposes Sanctions On Leader Of Defenders Of Deir Ezzor, Says He’s Linked To Chemical Attack In Khan Shaykhun

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EU Imposes Sanctions On Leader Of Defenders Of Deir Ezzor, Says He's Linked To Chemical Attack In Khan Shaykhun

Major General Issam Zahreddine (R)

The European Union (EU) has imposed new sanctions on 16 Syrian officers and scientists, blaiming them for the alleged chemical attack that took place in Khan Shaykhun in the Syrian province of Idlib on April 4, 2017.

The sanctions include banning the subjects from entering the EU countries and freezing their bank accounts in European banks.

The sanctions included 8 Syrian scientists and engineers allegedly working in the Syrian Scientific Research Center: Hamad Safwan Qattan, Mohammad Ziad Gharywati, Mohammad Dirar Khaloudi, Dr. Khaled Sawan, Rimon Rizk, Fawaz Al-Ato, Fayez Al-Assi and Dr. Hala Sarhan.

The EU didn’t provide any evidence confirmming their links to the alleged production of chemical weapons in Syria, which stopped in 2013 according to the United States.

The sanctions also included eight high-ranking officers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA): Brigadier-General Mohammad Yousef Hassouri, Major General Malik Hasan, Major General jayez Hamoud al-Mousa, Major General Mizar Abdul Sawan, and Major General Issam Zahreddine.

Major General Issam Zahreddine is one of the commanders of the Republican Guard. He has been fighting against against the Al-Nusra Front and then ISIS in the city of Deir Ezzor since 2012.

The EU accusation against Gen. Zahreddine is ridiculous. Because this person has nothing to do with the Syrian Arab Air Force or the Syrian Scientific Research Center. Gen. Zahreddine was busy for at least few years defending Deir Ezzor from ISIS.

Since 2011, the EU has imposed sanctions on 255 Syrian citizens and 67 Syrian companies. The EU sanctions have affected the Syrian public services sector, even the health sector directly, which has negatively impacted Syrian citizens throughout Syria. Syria is currently suffering from a crisis in cancer medicine as a result of EU sanctions.

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Jasminko Grdic

This world is ridicules and the best is that Korea hit the world with 100 Nuke and everything go to Hell. Reset – Start new Earth 2.0


I agree. That crazy old North Korean news presenter in her pink kimono should announce Dear Leaders decision to terminate this crazy world and then ☢☢☢ …

John Doe

You’re a raging lunatic, Hrky. You call America autistic, you insult figures from every country and entire countries regularly – you seem completely psychotic.

Please seek professional help.


Not being able to recognize a joke is a sign of very low IQ. Unfortunately there’s no help for your particular problem. I pity you. Although I’m sure you won’t be able to tell the difference, I comment policy and not ordinary people. And since large majority of people agree with most of my posts (hint: likes to posts ratio), maybe you are the odd one…

John Doe

You’re thoroughly delusional. It’s obvious that it’s humor to you – you’re laughing at everything and everyone but yourself; but your inability to respect others bleeds through every crack.

Maybe you’re just flat out Asperger’s.


And then there’s this lonely guy with room temperature IQ doubling down on being stupid…


Actually THAT is there plan all along, you know that in all the MAIN religions Jew Crist and Islam there is a Armageddon, and some people in the world THINK that when it is happening God will come. They are LITERARELLY doing this things to make an armageddon as is is writen in the texts, that are actually fabricated. Dont think, because it is all hell on earth that this people(parasites) will die with it. Better make the opposide and try to make things the Good way.

Tudor Miron

I really wonder where’s the bottom for this snakeheads (governing of EU). They reach a new low and one would think that it can’t be any worse… yet they prove that there’s no limits for their farse. This f$$cking chemical attack is based on what? White prostitutes, sorry… helmets fake video? Yet they are ready to impose sunctions. Why don’t someone sunction that Merkel witch and that Junker thingy?


This is not much different than trying to impose new sanctions on Russia because they interfered and influenced the 2016 elections. Bogus claims set in motion ” punitive” measures that supposedy are going to defeat the “enemy”.


Those are the political impotent scum of the EU who are the shame of EU peoples. This is also the Mascaron politics. Civil war in EU will start soon and will turn the entire region 500 years backward. Worst than ISIS.

Mahmoud Larfi

Yes, the political class in the west is now almost completely made of pathetic scums… Winter is coming to the kingdom of lie and abuse.


DGSE ? I like to play with this kind of dirty kids.

Mahmoud Larfi

Excuse me ?


Rather not. Rather social payments will be cut and sea of veeery cheap labour force will be created. With virtually no rights. Back to slavery.


Shame, shame, shame…. There are few genuine heroes of Syrian war but general Zahreddine is surely one of them. 4 years besieged in the middle of the desert, fighting against the same trash that attacked France, Germany, Belgium and UK, and these EU knobheads sanction the guy. You should be naming streets in his honor instead, you EU dirtbags. Shame…shame…shame…

Mahmoud Larfi

There is no shame of being despised and denigrated by vile scumbags, it’s rather a honor !


Shame for the EU. And for me as it’s citizen :-

Mahmoud Larfi

You don’t have to be ashamed, live your life where your destiny lies wherever it be. Be someone of high principles, always look for truth and denounce injustice ; persons like us are waking up every moment in the world, soon we will tilt the balance and the People will win the day over the empire of greed and malevolence.

Joe Doe

Your approach will not help us to have better live and future. You just playing for the establishments strategy, which is discourage people to do anything

Mahmoud Larfi

“Your approach will not help us to have better live and future. You just playing for the establishments strategy, which is discourage people to do anything” How is that ? Care to explain ?

Joe Doe

Very simple, people have to express their dissatisfaction with the government establishments loud and clear. Sweeping problems and hardship under the carpet and portent that every things is good and everyone is happy, while many people struggle from day to day will not help

Mahmoud Larfi

Where exactly in my post did I say that that people shouldn’t express their dissatisfaction ? To the contrary here’s what I wrote: “always look for truth and denounce injustice ; persons like us are waking up every moment in the world, soon we will tilt the balance”

Jens Holm


Marc Fischer

You are the only one in this forum that is pathetic. Are you an Israeli Zionist? You sound like one.

Tudor Miron

Very wise words Mahmoud, it’s simply a questions of awarness and it’s a question of how many of us are aware. That’s why I post here frequently – my way of saving this world :) Expressing support for what is right.


Especially France has blood on its hands. For Syria and for Libya! Macron is now playing a tough guy who plys a role in he conflict. In fact he is nothing. France has no word to say about Syria, and probably will have nothing to say when it comes to Libya.


France as a nation has performed a collective suicide years ago – they are just not avare of it yet. Macron is hired as undertaker. After all, someone has to bury the stinking carcass…


Or to eat it… beurk.


Well i don’t know this. I only refer to their actions against Gaddafi and Assad. Actions for which they did never say sorry at least. They should pay huge reparatuons or rebeuild both countries.

Jens Holm

No wonder not all in west like You.


First you should know the definition of “nation” – people sharing culture and identity (short version). Syria, alleged “artificial” county fights supposed sectarian civil war with it’s army still consisting of dozen ethnic and religious groups. That’s as much a nation as it gets. France has no go zones for white French people, sharia zones for it’s growing Muslim population and “red lines” in Syria of all places. Other then issuing cyanide pills for the entire country – this is as close as nations get to killing itself…


You see Hrky75, there are to be no more nations in the western Europe. There is to be one collective organism called EU under the rule of Germany and France. This is plan to subjugate other countries without waging a war. Immigration is planned as a tool to achieve this goal. That is why we will not see the return of Syrians fom Germany even when there will be peace in Syria. Merkel and Scheuble do not want this. There is no escape from it. Decisions are made. The bigger the crisi, the better for the decision makers because it gives them momentum. All protesters are stapled NAZIS. Macron is now curbing money for french army. I am sure in te same time he will create special fund for the EUROPEAN ARMY. This alone shows us what the goal is. After the superstate will be created, muslims will face oppresions. The goal is, after all, to create the homogenic society. Homogenic means same religion. Or better no religion. Only religion is to be consumerism and science.

G Dean VanGaya

The French have been despicable this is true.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The French military will become a farce and France will see the demise of their colonial aspirations continuing. France has become a nothing factor in this coalition of farces but still holds some sway in the EU. The blood on France’s hands is nothing in compared to other Coalition members and of course the worst is US.

Jens Holm

You are an Imam?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What brings you to this conclusion ?


Yes, the old colonial power is being colonized itself. They made a terrible mistake when they bombed Gaddafi. they wanted their party to win but this party is actually loosing to the Haftar. Now the game is who will control colonel Haftar. USA are trying to establish the link. French lost their chance. I guess Haftar needs a recognition on the UN forum by some western countries. And i guess he will have it. But from the least predicted side. You will see. It will be fun. It will legalize Haftar. Haftar will play a double game with Russia and US. Just like Iraq plays. But France has ousted itself from the game.

Sean Glennie

The French military is already a farce.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US and Turkey for effectiveness leaves a lot to be desired , both can project large forces, but they all lack the same training throughout its forces. The weaknesses are evident so far in tactics for brigade down to platoon fighting , this leaves both very inadequate for today’s wars.

Jens Holm

Actually french are in Syria right now in the SDF zone.


And why not sanctions for the american ”doctors” which are killing people around the world ?

Kim Jong

The EU is a terrorist organisation.


Our main problem is that we ruled by legally iresponsible persons… so what do you expect ?


If they have proof, sanctions are justified, even if the man is a hero to the SAA.


Only nobody ever provided any proof that SAA used sarin in Khan Sheikhun. And even if it did, the guy didn’t leave Der Ezzor in 3 years – there’s more chance that the two of us did it somehow. It seems to me that some enterprising EU worm got his hands on Who is who in Syria publication and started copying random names in the reversed alphabetical order filling the quota – you know, typical Bruxelles efficiency…

Mahmoud Larfi

Yes it seems the only investigation the EU commission conducted is browsing through Syrian officials and scientists files and see who of them have bank accounts and/or family in the EU, pick a handful from the positive and impose sanctions on them. I told you they are pathetic scums.


Ever heard of telephone, internet, computers etc?


Ever heard of – Al Qaida “proof” doesn’t count as evidence?


No nd it does not count.

John Marks

Show us one iota of proof.

Jens Holm

You cant even read Dutch is writing “if”.

Allah will take earplugs on, when You come and let any kurdish opium procucer right in.


I am not showing, nor do i have to, anything. I have no other opinion then that if there is proof, he should hang. Seems reasonable, yes?

Tudor Miron

Do you think we’re idiots here? You guys got so used to sheeple… but don’t expect us to buy this BS. This guy is f$$ing besieged starting from 2012!!! How on Earth could he be involved? Did you see all the evidence that it was clear case false flag operation? We saw and we know. That’s not really a rocket science my dutch friend. One simple advice (while I suspect that you intentionally spread pro NWO lies around here :)) – look for beneficiary. Assad benefited from that false flag attack? Surely not. Terrorist benefited from air support provided by US.

Jens Holm

And the rest is correct ?

Tudor Miron

Jens Holm, what exactly do you mean? “the rest” of what?

Joe Doe

EU is run by hippocrates and do not represent people will, therefore EU people have to make changes. EU needs leaders who work for the people not for the deep state and establishments


what did the US say? “Fu.k the EU”? so appropriate even the US could not go wrong about that…

Ivan Kumar

EU is a shithole, no one cares about this sodomite nest LOL

Justin Ryan

I sense the hand of Jewish influence here! It makes no sense at all to Sanction these people! They haven’t even proven that the chem attack was the Syrian Govt yet! The one that happened a long time a go was proven to be the Rebels! These fucking morons in Europe and the USA! A new French revolution done in the same way it was done centuries a go is required! Off with their heads in public and sanction the fuck out of Israel!


French Revolution was the Jews overthrowing the goy rulers of France and installing their own, the Jacobeans, in government. Like the Russian Revolution, overthrowing the goy Russian royal family, and putting in murderous anti-gentile Bolshevik Jews. The USSR government was 80% Jewish. Stalin was just their goy front man, to take the heat away from the Jews.


These revolutions, like the Arab springs and the one they’re trying to make happen in Venezuela, are designed to overthrow the rule of nationalists, and replace them with Jews or their puppets.

This is why Jews hate goy nationalists. They hate Hitler, arch-German nationalist, like mad. Stepan Bandera, a nationalist, they hate. North Korea’s leaders they hate. Assads they hate. Iranian ayatollahs they hate. Hezbollah (nationalist militia) they hate. Anyone nationalist the Jews rabidly hate. Because it competes with JEWISH NATIONALISM.


Jews can’t keep their own nation because their culture doesn’t allow it. They are nomadic and have to keep wandering to survive – like gypsies but their cons are more sophisticated. They survive by living off host nations, off settled people who comprise farmers, craftsmen, laborers and so on. Rarely do you find Jews in these occupations. They flourish best when they are in control of the government, so they as a tribal group have evolved mechanisms to topple governments. They love revolutions for these reasons. They are experts in subversion. Their vanguard are antifa-type people, professional agitators who are good at whipping up a crowd – Stalin was an early type of antifa.


To gain absolute control, they have to overthrow the nationalist leaders, and wipe out any trace of nationalism by destroying the majority, using race-mixing, immigration, refugee policies, and demonizing the nationalists. Hence, the anti-nationalism propagandizing of the Jews: anti-Nazi stuff, demonization of Hitler, atrocity propaganda – see the so-called Holocaust. They also have to cover up Jewish crimes, especially the Jewish murder of gentiles. So, the Western press keeps quiet about the Jewish Bolshevik stuff. They don’t go on about the 66 million goys murdered by the Jews, and if they do mention it, they make sure to blame it on the goy Stalin. They never tell the goy the USSR govt was 80% Jewish. https://tarbaby.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/bobby-fischer-bolshevism.jpg


You may have heard of the Nazis and the 6 million Jews they were supposed to have killed, but I bet you’ve never heard of NAZINO. Nazino was a gulag camp run by the Jews who controlled Russia at that time. It was the first gulag camp, and many gentiles died there. All in all, 39 million gentiles died in the gulag camps run by the Jewish Bolsheviks. Yah, the Jews are supposed to be the main victims of World War II, even though less than 280,000 were died under the Germans (Red Cross, Nazis’ own camp records), while 60 million Gentiles were killed at the hands of the Jews, from 1917 to 1991, including 39 million who died in internment camps. https://tarbaby.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/soviet-union-jew-62-million-bo23lshevik-communist-marxist-lenin-stalin-1.jpg


Make no mistake. Communists are fully aware that North Korea is nationalist. They hang around in North Korean groups and sites and pretend to support North Korea. These communists (most of them Ashkenazi Jews) stick to North Korea like shit on a stick because North Korea is the only ex-Stalinist state still up and running. Actually, North Korea deleted all references to communism in its constitution early on, almost straight after its founding. It calls its system “ju-che”. Ju-che is nationalism on steroids – the opposite of the USSR. “Internationale” is the favorite song of the communists. Communists are for open borders. North Koreans definitely are not. No immigrants can come into North Korea.


North Korea has a “North Koreans First” policy. Kim Il Sung wrote a speech against multiracialism. North Korean tour guides tell tourists North Korea doesn’t want to be called communist any more. Jewish Communists killed thousands of Soviet Koreans and North Koreans, even those people who fought in the Red Army, because these people were a political threat to them.


These revolutions, like the Arab springs and the one they’re trying to make happen in Venezuela, are to overthrow the rule of nationalists, and replace them with Jews or their puppets. This is why Jews hate gentile nationalists. They hate Hitler like mad. Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian nationalist, they hate too. North Korea’s leaders they hate. Syria’s Assads too. Iranian ayatollahs they hate and Hezbollah (nationalist militia). Anyone nationalist they rabidly hate. Gentile nationalism competes with JEWISH NATIONALISM. They call nationalists “fascists” by the way. Hence, antifa. Antifas support the overthrow of the Assads.

Marc Fischer

The murder of 66 million russians was the real Holocaust. They have been propagating their own FAKE one for decades now, but it is so full of holes, they have to have laws now in 14 countries that forbid questioning the holocaust. It would fall apart very quickly if they didn’t ..

Justin Ryan

Yes tigbear! I agree with u! I know that Russia and France were overthrown by jews! But what i meant was a revolution LIKE the French revolution where leaders are beheaded publicly!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The EU has no authority to act as judge and jury especially not on malicious lies and bogus evidence compiled from one side by the OPCW ,which had the opportunity to go to the government areas which it refused outright with no stated reason other than it doesn’t support their narrative. The blaming of many of them has nothing to do with reality but perceived reality and hope they can smear the Syrian Government and its scientists its army by these baseless and false claims.

The US is losing the media war and need to use the EU and the Quasi-committee the OPCW to carry out its designs in pushing agendas , all that is needed to discredit them is the fact they have no real intention of gathering evidence or providing fact based evidence. They both are being told what to do and this has been obvious from the start and like I have said before shoot all the policy wonks and you can save the world a lot of head ache. They are the ones you need to go after especially with all these Policy think tanks which are the ones pushing the agenda acting as advisers to politicians .They talk theory and not practicum which shows they are just opinionated mouthpieces with little to no experience in real understanding of the people in the world.

Carol Davidek-Waller

Bunk. The only thing the EU troika care about is themselves. As supporters of regime change in Syria since the beginning, they are angry at being defeated. Funny how these alleged gas attacks happen when the SAA and their partners are enjoying success after success using conventional weapons. When their use of chemical weapons, if they had them (they were over to the US for destruction in 2014) would be counterproductive in the extreme. These baseless accusations are a EU hissy fit and should be challenged at every level.


The EU should just give up this charade…

The pipeline will never go thru… It’s OVER…




Ignore what the EU does. They are ZOG nations. They do and say anything the Zionists tell them to do and say. This is Zionists saying Syrian Army people did the chemical attacks. Of course Zionists aren’t going to say they did it. Zio media and EU politicians should be ignored. Everything they say should be taken as lies unless proven different. We are living in a world where the large area of it has been taken over by the Jewish criminal cabal. This is what happens. Bolshevik Russia was a forerunner, a very sad case, where 66 million Gentiles were killed (not including the war dead). Truth becomes buried under the lies of the Jewish controllers. The media becomes the lugenpresse. The governments become an arm of the Jewish criminal organization. Doesn’t matter: communism, socialism, democracy, capitalism. Where the Jews hold sway, you will see this going on. In Jewish Bolshevik communist USSR, criticizing the rulers, that is, the Jews, was a crime punishable by death. Anti-semitism (or anti-white Ashkenazim) was a crime that was considered a crime against the state, an executable offence. In the EU, hate speech or criticizing Jews (the rulers of the EU ZOG nations) is a crime punishable with jail time. In the US, hate crime laws means if you spray paint “Jews suck” on a wall, you will get jail time.


http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/police-searching-for-rapper-accused-of-uttering-hate-speech-1.3504091 Police searching for rapper accused of uttering hate speech

A well-known anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian activist Jonathan Azaziah is being hunted by the B’nai Brith and the Canadian police for singing “Death to Israel” in his rap song. This is his website: http://www.maskofzion.com/

Macron recently said that anti-Zionism is hate speech or antisemitism. http://wapo.st/2tlTSFZ

“Hate speech” is code for “dissent speech”. https://tarbaby.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/antisemitismpunishablebydeathussrmeme.jpg Antisemitism was a crime in the USSR. (But not anti-gentilism.)


Tigbear, is it possible Stalin was Ashkenazi? Georgia fits somewhat into their old stomping grounds. Also do not forget he married twice, both times to Jewish women.


Truth becomes buried under the lies of the Jewish controllers. The media becomes the lugenpresse. The government becomes an arm of the Jewish criminal organization. Doesn’t matter: communism, socialism, democracy, capitalism – wherever the Jews hold sway, this will go on. In Jewish Bolshevik communist USSR, criticizing the Jewish rulers was a crime punishable by death. Anti-semitism (or anti-white Ashkenazim) was made a crime, an executable offence. In the EU, hate speech or criticizing Jews is a crime punishable with jail time. In the US, hate crime laws means if you spray paint “Jews suck” on a wall, or sing “Death to Israel” in a rap song, you will get jail time. Hate laws are the way they criminalize dissent.


Truth becomes buried under the lies of the Jewish controllers. The media becomes the lugenpresse. The governments become an arm of the Jewish criminal organization. Doesn’t matter: communism, socialism, democracy, capitalism. Where the Jews hold sway, you will see this going on. In Jewish Bolshevik communist USSR, criticizing the rulers, that is, the Jews, was a crime punishable by death. Anti-semitism (or anti-white Ashkenazim) was a crime that was considered a crime against the state, an executable offence. In the EU, hate speech or criticizing Jews (the rulers of the EU ZOG nations) is a crime punishable with jail time. In the US, hate crime laws means if you spray paint “Jews suck” on a wall, you will get jail time.


Rapper and well-known anti-Zionist Jonathan Azaziah chased by the police in ZOG Canada for singing “Death to Israel”. http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/police-searching-for-rapper-accused-of-uttering-hate-speech-1.3504091

Macron says anti-Zionism is the same as anti-semitism. https://www.vox.com/world/2017/7/18/15990762/macron-anti-semitism-antizionism-vel-dhiv-bibi-netanyahu

eric zweistein

The EU is controlled by cowardly Zion. What Zion doesn’t dare to say itself, it lets one of its millions of puppets talk.

The Farney Fontenoy

The EU is a banker’s paradise, the political ‘leaders’ bow before the financiers and give them absolutely everything they want. EU politicians have no morals, no principals, no depth they won’t stoop to, and will never hesitate to betray their own people, or anyone foolish enough to trust them.


How do you know when a politician is lying?

Their lips are moving.

John Mason

When the war is over then Syria should make sure that no EU contractors, companies are involved in the rebuild. Time that those imposing unwarranted and unproven accusations using sanctions to be sanctioned in return.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

“Syria is currently suffering from a crisis in cancer medicine as a result of EU sanctions.” EU barbarians. So much for “European values”. Do they know how ridiculous they look? Murderous barbarians pretending to the guardians of human civilisation.

Arseniy 'Motorola' Pavlov

Europuzzies are getting nervous because the gambling on the fall of Syria miserably failed. So, this is just crying and whining. Sorry Eurolosers, your moderate head-choppers will not win.

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