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EU Sanctions Iranian Intelligence Service Over Alleged Assasinnation Plots On Dutch, Danish And French Soil

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On January 8th, the EU adopted sanctions against Iran’s intelligence services for its alleged assassination plots on Dutch, Danish And French soil. Sanctions include the freezing of funds and other financial assets of the Iranian intelligence ministry and individuals, officials say.

The decision was announced by Danish Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen:

Earlier he tweeted the decision in Danish, with a harsher rhetoric, calling them “terrorist sanctions”:

Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen also praised the decision on Twitter:

“Adopted! Following a massive effort by Denmark and partners, the EU has just adopted terrorist sanctions against Iranian intelligence following the attacks and plans in Europe and Denmark. A great day for resolute Danish and European foreign policy. #dkpol”

The move is more symbolic than anything since one of the assassination plot suspects is in prison in Belgium. However, it marks the first sanctions the EU imposes on Iran since it lifted a plethora of them following the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal.

The decision, which includes designating the unit and the two Iranians as terrorists, follows last year’s allegations by Denmark and France that they suspected an Iranian government intelligence service of pursuing assassination plots on their soil.

France already sanctioned the two men and the ministry unit said there was no doubt the Iranian intelligence ministry was behind a failed attack near Paris.

On January 8th, Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok, and the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Kajsa Ollongren submitted a letter to the Dutch President demanding sanctions on Iran.

The letter publicly accused Iran of the plots, as well as two killings in 2015 and 2017, sending a letter to parliament to warn of further economic sanctions if Tehran did not cooperate with European investigations.

“When the sanctions were announced today, the Netherlands, together with the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Denmark and Belgium met with the Iranian authorities to convey their serious concerns regarding Iran’s probable involvement in these hostile acts on EU territory. Iran was informed that involvement in such matters is entirely unacceptable and must be stopped immediately. Iran is expected to cooperate fully in removing the present concerns and, where necessary, in aiding criminal investigations. If such cooperation is not forthcoming, further sanctions cannot be ruled out,” the letter said.

Iran denies any involvement in the alleged plots, saying that the accusations served only the purpose of attempting to damage EU-Iran relations.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted the following response, saying that “accusing Iran won’t absolve Europe of responsibility for harboring terrorists.”

The decision to impose the sanctions was taken without debate at an unrelated meeting of Europe ministers in Brussels and the asset freeze comes into effect on Wednesday, EU officials cited by Reuters said.

The Danish Foreign Ministry named the two employees as the deputy minister and director general of intelligence, Saeid Hashemi Moghadam, and a Vienna-based diplomat, Assadollah Asadi. They are supposed to appear in the EU’s Official Journal on January 9th.

Meanwhile, in the US, Democrats in the US Senate blocked a new bill of Syria sanctions. This, however, does not express any support for Syria, it was done to spite the Republican-led chamber, which needs to take up legislation to end the government shutdown.

The sanctions measure failed on the evening of January 8th in a procedural vote, 56 to 44, with 60 votes needed to advance, just hours before President Donald Trump is set to deliver an address on the partial government shutdown.

Democrats said they refuse to support any legislation unrelated to reopening the government and the vote against the Syria sanctions was to express their discontent with the shutdown that began on December 22nd.

The movement to only support a reopening bill began by a tweet from Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen.

The sanctions on Syria are part of a package of security-related bills, introduced by Florida Republican Marco Rubio and supported by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

McConnell voiced his frustration with the tactic on the Senate floor, saying “America’s vital interests in the Middle East have been challenged by chaos” and that the package of legislation would allow the Congress to address “all of this head on.”

“I expected these actions to be a big bipartisan vote, not a partisan showdown,” he said.

Thus, at first glance it may appear that the block of the Syria sanctions bill is a sign of US policy changing on Syria’s government, however that would be false.

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Master Oroko

The MEK is a communist terrorist group supported by the likes of the National Security Advisor John Bolton. They are Islamo-communist terrorists and deserve to be treated as such. The fact that we had a Cold War supposedly against “communism” yet support the MEK and the YPG is pretty sickening.

But then again, the previous Cold War was never about “capitalism vs communism.”


Communism will never work in a world driven by inequality. That is why it failed.

Anyone with half a wit would choose communism over capitalism, given global participation.

End game capitalism is fascism. What we have. A conclusion supported by FACT logic, reason, and evidence everywhere you look.

IN other words,

““Modern capitalism has reached the end of its rope. It cannot survive as a system,” Wallerstein said. “And what we are seeing is the structural crisis of the system. The structural crisis goes on for a long time. It really started more or less in the 1970s and will go on for another 20, 30, 40 years. It is not a crisis of a year or of a short moment, it is the major structural unfolding of a system. And we are in transition to another system and, in fact, the real political struggle that is going on in the world that most people refuse to recognize is not about capitalism – should we have or should we not have it – but about what should replace it.”

“I would like a more relatively democratic, more relatively egalitarian world – that is one view,” he said. “We never had that in the history of the world, but it is possible. ( what we need)

The other view is that you have a very unequal, polarizing, exploitative system. It does not have to be capitalism. Capitalism is that. But you can do that in many other ways, some of which may be far worse than capitalism.” (AKA current idea of globalism.)

Immanuel Wallerstein

Master Oroko

Never heard of Immanuel Wallerstein. I’m a libertarian so I don’t like socialism/communism. But that doesn’t mean I hate all communists/socialists. The thing is, the deep state used to convince us that the Cold War was all about capitalism and communism. So to start funding groups like the MEK and YPG is pretty hypocritical. That’s what I’m mostly criticizing here.


“”I’m a libertarian”

You do realize Libertarians are owned and sponsored by the richest amongst us. And that it is irrational to give control of our society to business, given the horrors that greed, envy and inequality cause us all. You lot blame governments which is owned by business, and suggest getting rid of governments will make things better.

irrational and illogical.

Soros sponsors your beLIEfs, do you know that ?

I am an intelligent human, and I am not foolish enough to vote in an oligarch.

Master Oroko

I didn’t mean to offend you, but socialism itself seems like a pretty big leap. I’ll think more on my own stance. I always do. Thanks even so.


He is an UNBIASED expert witness. Whose argument follows logic and reason.

“He attended Columbia University, where he received a B.A. in 1951, an M.A. in 1954 and a Ph.D. degree in 1959, and subsequently taught until 1971, when he became professor of sociology at McGill University. As of 1976, he served as distinguished professor of sociology at Binghamton University (SUNY) until his retirement in 1999, and as head of the Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems and Civilizations until 2005. Wallerstein held several positions as visiting professor at universities worldwide, was awarded multiple honorary degrees, intermittently served as Directeur d’études associé at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and was president of the International Sociological Association between 1994 and 1998. During the 1990s, he chaired the Gulbenkian Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences.”

Master Oroko

Interesting. Is he still with us?


The sooner our elected officials realize that hoping for European governments independent and rational decision-making is in vein the better, the exact same thing goes for the Russians and the Chinese.

Europeans are not going to do anything positive and just wave a picture of a carrot in front of us, meanwhile in the hope of having that carrot, we had to limit ourselves in a lot of fields (I don’t mean nuclear weapons, Iran will not pursue them for entirely different reasons). I guess they can’t drag SPV much longer and have to show their real face. It will be hard for us average Iranians but at some point in our history we have to learn not to trust them any longer. Their support is not limited to MEK but ANY other anti-Iran terror group you can think of. Their hypocrisy is sickening but what’s new? They don’t show mercy on their own people, let alone us.

US Democrat senators also held the anti-BDS bill. It doesn’t mean they are against apartheid policies of the occupying regime but want to hurt the elephants’ feelings.


I saw this in the news this morning and though: wow, just days ago Dutch politicians were praising Dutch pilots who had flown missions over Syria against ISIS, and now they get upset over this? You carry out air strikes in a country illegally against socalled terrorists, and yet you have to audacity to be upset when somebody else does the same? Hypocrisy much?

Oh wait, Syria is a totalitarian shithole where everything is allowed, whereas Europe is a democratic utopia where no terrorists abide, just freedom loving refugees.


The Eu is real incredible…they have become a laughing stock, cynical and double standard practiced failed grouping!!!! Have they done this exact thing when the world master terrorist…the children of Lucifer, the Jews did this on European soil????? WHAT WAS THEIR reaction then???


like most stuff out of denmark ‘ fake fake fake! there is no other country in europe prepared to kow tow or bend over for the moronic states as much as denmark. they should be ashamed of itself.but what can you do when triple morons like fogh rasmusen (formerly nato chief) is allowed to speak.


Its just the tiny nation of Denmark doing the bidding of the UK and creating tension with Russia Iran etc so as to hinder the Russian NorthStream 2 and Iranian trade with the EU.

All the evidence has been in the ‘Highly Likely’ category :)


They pulled a cover up when the Nazis in the Ukraine shot down that jet. …

Globalist ass licking dutch…

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Those two danes is the worst of the worst, they are slimy and pathetic, they are more evil and greedy as everyone else put together.

I would not be sad if they got assasinated or died a slow and painfull death.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Iran Has Been The Victim For The Last 100 Years. Proof… In 1941, British and Soviet Troops Invaded Iran The Shah’s troops barely could resist In 1941, British and Soviet Troops Invaded Iran WIB HISTORY November 19, 2018 Sebastien Roblin Iran’s aggressive military posture is often attributed to its quasi-theocratic revolutionary government. However, the Middle Eastern state also had the misfortune of experiencing three devastating, unprovoked invasions in the 20th century.

The last and best known of these, the Iran-Iraq War from 1980 to 1988, killed hundreds of thousands of Iranians, many of them civilians. Iran eventual defeated Iraq despite both the United States and the Soviet Union supplying weapons to Iraq.

The first Iranian invasion occurred near the end of World War I. The state — then called Persia — remained neutral in World War I, but that didn’t prevent British, Russian and Ottoman armies from entering Iran to seize its oil, food and roads.

British and Russian soldiers confiscated most of Iran’s grain, as well as the pack animals they used to transport it, causing a famine of near-genocidal proportions. Combined with epidemics of typhoid and influenza, food shortages killed at least two million Iranians.

The World War I famine fatally destabilized the Persian Qajar dynasty. Georgian Cossack officer Reza Shah overthrew it in 1921 in a British-backed coup. Like the Turkish Ataturk and the Chinese Kuomintang, Reza believed Iran had to modernize rapidly to avoid exploitation by Western countries—as well as by the burgeoning Soviet Union next door.

Reza still had to accept the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and its Abadan oil refinery, from which Iran received a mere 10 to 16 percent of the revenue. However, that income did help the Shah finance the 50-fold expansion of Iran’s road network, the construction of a trans-Iran railway and the widespread introduction of motor-vehicle transport.

The dictator’s pride and joy, though, was the Iranian military, which with conscription increased from 22,000 to 126,000 personnel by 1941. The Shah also founded a fledgling air force and a small navy.

Iran’s modernization required extensive foreign technical expertise. Not wishing to increase Iran’s considerable dependency on the British, the Shah contracted personnel from the German Junkers company. By World War II, between 600 and 1,000 German citizens lived in Iran, many occupying important positions in the communications and transport sectors.

Though the Shah remained neutral in when World War II broke out, London remained suspicious of his cordial relations with Berlin and demanded the Shah expel all German citizens, whom the British over-estimated to number 3,000.

Not only did the United Kingdom relie upon the eight million barrels of oil annually that the Abadan oil refinery produced. Nazi Germany also needed that oil. However, the more pressure London put on Tehran, the more Iranian public favored the Germans over the British.

Two developments in 1941 stoked British concerns. First, a short-lived pro-German coup in Iraq in April-May 1941 threatened to give Hitler access to vital Middle Eastern oil fields. Then, Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union prompted the United Kingdom to ship vast quantities of military equipment to the beleaguered Red Army.

A Czech-built Iranian TNH tank. Iranian military photo However, German U-Boats and bombers sank much of the war material in transit across the Arctic Sea. The Trans-Iran railroad offered a convenient alternate supply from British Iraq to Soviet Azerbaijan—but German technicians administering the railroad refused to give the British access.

In July and August 1941, London issued ultimatums demanding the Shah expel the Germans. He refused. Reza instead reinforced his troops in the southwestern Khuzhestan region, location of the Abadan refinery. By then, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin had agreed to secure Iran by force.

Though the United States was not yet a belligerent in World War II, Churchill green-lit the invasion with Pres. Franklin Roosevelt while drafting the Atlantic Charter in early August.

The Imperial Iranian Army boasted nine divisions, the 1st and 2nd of which enjoyed attached tank support. Iran had purchased 50 TNH tanks in the late 1930s. Better known by the German designation Panzer 38(t), these were relatively fast and well-armed with 37-millimeter guns that could tackle Allied light tanks.

Iran also acquired 50 speedy AFV-IV tankettes, each armed with two machine guns. report this ad

The Iranian army possessed an additional 100 armored cars, some also armed with 37-millimeter guns, plus roughly 120 75 and 100-millimeter howitzers and ample mortars, light anti-tank guns and machine guns.

However, Iran’s ground forces lacked communications and logistical infrastructure. An entrenched and largely incompetent old guard denied its small cadre of Western-educated junior officers promotion to senior positions.

The Iranian air force’s primary combat strength consisted of outdated British biplanes from the 1920s and early ’30s — 63 Hawker Audax and 34 Hawker Hind scout bombers and 24 Hawker Fury fighters stationed at airfields in Tehran, Ahvaz, Tabriz and Mashad.

However, only 40 were in flyable condition in August 1941. Iran had acquired 10 modern P-40 Tomahawk monoplane fighters from the United States—but these were still sitting in crates awaiting assembly when hostilities began.

Iran’s navy was more of a coast guard, with two 950-ton Italian-built gunboat-sloops, Palang and Babr, that sailed the Persian Gulf along with around 10 smaller patrol boats.

For the invasion, code-named Operation Countenance, the United Kingdom’s assembled “Paiforce,” composed of the 8th and 10th Indian Infantry Divisions and an independent brigade each of armor, cavalry and infantry.

The British armor consisted mostly of thinly-armored Mark IVb light tanks armed with.50 caliber Vickers machine gun in their turrets. The Royal Air Force comitted a squadron each of Hurricane fighters, Blenheim bombers and Vickers Vincent biplane scout bombers, as well as six Vickers Valentina transports.

The most critical British objective was securing vital oil infrastructure in Khuzestan before it could be sabotaged. At 4:00 A.M. on Aug. 25, the British sloop HMS Shoreham opened fire on Palang moored off Abadan on the Arvand River separating Iran and Iraq.

Soviet and British soldiers rendezvous near Qazvin. Photo via Wikipedia A single salvo of four-inch shells sank the sloop. The 24th Indian Infantry Brigade promptly landed in the port but encountered resistance from machine gun posts lining the wharves, which had to be silenced with naval gun fire. The Indian troops finally secured the oil refinery by 5:00 P.M.

To the east, another naval landing performed by the Australian merchant cruiser Kanimbla seized the port of Bandar-Shaphur by 8:30 A.M. Nearby, the Australian sloop Yarra sank the Iranian gunboat Babr at the docks of Khorramshahr. Four German and three Italian freighters also fell into British hands.

Rear Adm. Gholamali Bayandor, commander of the Iranian navy, raced to a radio station to organize a defense but was killed by Indian troops. His brother, serving in the three-boat Caspian flotilla, fell the same day fighting the Soviets.

RAF Blenheim bombers struck major Iranian cities and airfields, killing civilians and destroying Iranian aircraft on the ground. However, some Iranian fighters did take off to fight back. Iran’s fastest fighter, the Fury, could attain only 222 miles per hour and was armed with two machine guns.

By contrast, the British Hurricanes they encountered had a top speed of 340 miles per hour and packed eight wing-mounted machine guns. The Allied fighters shot down six Iranian biplanes without loss.

Meanwhile, the 8th Indian Division rolled out of Basra and arrived on Aug. 27 at the Karun River near the city of Ahvaz. However, entrenched Iranian tanks, infantry and artillery under the steadfast Gen. Mohammad Shahbakhti repelled British forces on Aug. 28. East of Ahvaz, Valentia transport planes air-landed a company of infantry to secure Haftkel oilfield.

To the north, the 10th Indian Division advanced eastward from the Iraqi border town of Khanaqin, but machine-gun, anti-tank and artillery fire at Gilan-e-Garb—gateway to the key Pai Tak pass—repulsed three light tank attacks.

The British finally captured Gilan the next day, and the defenders of the pass fled that evening. The Indian column barreled through Pai Tak to capture the city of Shahabad, then rolled on towards the regional capital of Kheramshan.

Meanwhile, the Soviet Union deployed three armies to invade northern Iran counting between them 40,000 troops and 1,000 tanks, most of them older T-26s. Though mounting a decent 45-millimeter gun, the T-26’s thin armor and slow speed resulted in many losses to German tanks.

However, neither the two Iranian divisions in the sector, numbering 20,000 men together, had any tanks at all.

The Red Air Force contributed an additional 409 fighters and bombers—and faced only 14 Audax and Hind biplanes based at Tabriz, many of which Soviet bombers destroyed on the ground.

The 47th Army advanced out of Soviet Azerbaijan to seize the city of Jolfa, and from there marched towards the regional capital of Tabriz, defended by the 3rd Division. Despite possessing intel of the army’s progress, the Iranian army forces proved too disorganized to counterattack or destroy the vital bridges.

Iranian bombers did attempt interdiction strikes, only to be intercepted by Soviet fighters.

The Iranian warship Babr after being shelled and sunk by the Australian sloop HMAS Yarra during the surprise attack on Iran in August 1941. Photo via Wikipedia The 53rd Army skirted the west coast of the Caspian Sea, aiming to capture the city of Adabil. While Iranian troops from the 15th division dug in to take a stand there, their commander fled with his motorcade—and even diverted precious supply trucks to carry his extensive baggage.

Both Adabil and Tabriz fell within 24 hours.

On the coast of the Caspian Sea itself, the 44th Army swiftly seized the border port of Astara with covering fire from the Red Navy and then advance towards the city of Rasht and the nearby port of Bandar Pahlavi. There, Iranians troops finally made an effective stand, sinking barges in the harbor to block amphibious landings, while shooting back with 75-millimeter howitzers and anti-aircraft artillery.

On the 27th, Soviet heavy bombers began round-the-clock bombardment of the city, while ground forces began grinding down the defenders, who finally surrendered on the 28th.

Far to the East, the Soviet 53rd Army also attacked from Turkmenistan. VVS bombers destroyed Iranian aircraft on the ground at the Mashad Airport, while ground forces destroyed the 8,000-strong 15th Division and seized Mashad itself.

If the surprise factor rendered the Iranian Army’s initial resistance ineffectual, the paralysis and disloyalty of its senior leaders sealed its fate. Many abandoned their troops in the field or failed to organize any resistance, perhaps due to a close relationship with the British or a disbelief that there was any point to resisting.

Though commanders in Ahvaz and Bandar Phalavi did delay the Allied advance, the Iranian military was incapable of supporting them.

The Shah expressed his surprise at the invasion to British officials and futilely tried to bargain them into abandoning the invasion. When the ruler learned that his chief of the armed forces, Gen. Ahmad Nakhjavanhad, was secretly plotting to surrender, he flew into a rage and began beating the general with his riding crop and tearing medals off his chest.

The Shah nearly personally executed the man on the spot before Crown Prince Reza Phalavi calmed him down.

Finally on Aug. 29 the Shah agreed to a ceasefire. The British had lost 22 dead and 42 wounded. The Soviets, 40 dead. Iran’s military and civilian deaths numbered 800.

Reza sacked his British-sympathizing Prime Minister Ali Mansur and replaced him with Mohammad Ali Foroughi. However, Reza had earlier executed Foroughi’s son, which left the former prime minister with something of a grudge.

When dispatched to negotiate with the British, Foroughi hinted that the Iranian people would be happy too see the Shah replaced.

Soviet tankers of the 6th Armored Division drive through the streets of Tabriz on their T-26 battle tank. Photo via Wikipedia The Allies now demanded that Reza cut diplomatic ties with the Axis powers and hand over all German citizens into their custody. However, the Shah so resented the Allies that he stalled negotiations while he secretly organized the evacuation of the Germans across the Turkish border.

This caused the Soviets to resume advancing on Tehran on Sept. 16.

Meanwhile, nationalists in the Iranian air force mutinied. On the 16th, two renegade Fury fighters took off to attack a flight of five Soviet I-16s, which shot down one of the Furies over the Caspian Sea. The other crashed, out of fuel.

As Soviet troops entered Tehran, Foroughi convinced the Shah to formally abdicate—and then engineered the accession of Reza Pahlavi to take his place. Pahlavi cooperated closely with the Allied occupation and ended relations with the Axis.

The Allies promised they would withdraw their troops six months after the conclusion of the war with Germany. Iran became a major logistical hub that channeled nearly a third of the vital military aid the Western Allies transferred to the Soviet Union.

The United States also built up a major presence, even supplying Lend-Lease equipment to Tehran to rebuild its military.

Most famously, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met at the Tehran Conference late in 1943 to discuss plans for the Allied landing in France and the post-war political division of the planet. As for Reza Shah, he died in exile in South Africa in 1944.

Despite Iran’s newly cooperative stance, the British and Soviets commandeered much of Iran’s grain supplies for their own troops, causing hyperinflation and some starvation. German agents attempted to organize an anti-British insurgency among Iranian ethnic minorities, but were swiftly caught.

Soviet historians also allege that Nazi spies parachuted into Iran to assassinate the Allied leaders at the Tehran conference.

However, Moscow reneged on the promised withdrawal after Hitler’s defeat, and even built up two short-lived separatist republics on Iran’s border. It finally withdrew in May 1946 after Iran filed the first complaint in the history of the United Nations.

None of the parties to the 1941 invasion of Iran come out looking very good. The Allied invaded a neutral country to secure vital oil fields and supply lines. Reza Shah badly miscalculated his political and military leverage.

The Iranian army’s humiliating collapse in 1941 left Reza Pahlavi only more determined to build up Iranian military power after World War II—even while he continued his father’s repressive policies.

Ironically, that repression would be the undoing of Reza Pahlavi’s reign, while the army he built proved instrumental in defending the Islamic Republic from Iraqi invasion.

SOURCE: https://warisboring.com/in-1941-british-and-soviet-troops-invaded-iran/


Very interesting, thank you.


It is clear that the US, as a proxy for its Zi0Nazi master, was behind this false flag in order to bring the EU in line with the illegal US sanctions policy against Iran.

These sanctions are Trump’s backdoor to get the EU to follow suit with a complete raft of sanctions. The EU standing by the JCPOA is a joke and an insult to the Iranians, with European politician being

nothing but spineless jellyfish licking Trump’s bottom and his boots.

Iran’s best hope now is to get nuclear weapons to deter the world’s biggest bullies, the US and the Zi0Nazi garbage dump, from attacking. North Korea’s young Kim Jung Un has manoeuvered admirably and proved that a set of muclear weapons works wonders. May Iran achieve the same, Inshallah.

You can call me Al

So it starts, it looks like the pathetic EU + EU Countries have finally bowed to the US pressure.

“When the sanctions were announced today, the Netherlands, together with the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Denmark and Belgium met with the Iranian authorities to convey their serious concerns regarding Iran’s probable involvement in these hostile acts on EU territory.

What a crock of shyte…. “to convey their serious concerns regarding Iran’s probable involvement”……PROBABLE INVOLVEMENT.

Oh vey !!.



globalist bullshit.

Invade, invade, invade. Under any pretext that works with the 95% of idiots who call themselves human.

Any pretense of democracy died in Europe with the advent of the EU. They are ruled from Brussels, by globalist bankers.

Rafik Chauhan

EU is slave of devil Zionist and always remain

Luke Hemmming

So when does the EU sanctions against Mosssad start for their interference and assassination plots within the EU?

Jim Prendergast

Denmark is getting a bad reputation.

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