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MARCH 2025

EU Takes Two Weeks To ‘Consider’ Possible Measures How To Help Italy, While ‘Totalitarian Russians’ Are Already There

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EU Takes Two Weeks To 'Consider' Possible Measures How To Help Italy, While 'Totalitarian Russians' Are Already There

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The European Union continues showcasing its real face and destroying mainstream propaganda myths about its essence by its own hands.

This week, the European Union made two modest attempts to agree on some kind of coordinated strategy to support member states most affected by the outbreak – Italy and Spain. Finance ministers from countries that use the euro currency met on March 24. All 27 EU leaders met on March 26. In both cases, it appeared that when some EU member states need some real and immidiate help during the hard times, other member states and their leaders are not ready to go behind ordniary political bla bla bla.

Furthermore, it’s interesting to note that the European bureaucracy, including official EU bodies, are not involved in the development of these measures. So, EU leaders just officially admitted that it does not work.

The European bureaucracy and leading powers of the bloc like to count money and exploit their leading position to gain revenues from selling EU member states sovereignty to the US, but donot lift a single finger to help people dying in Italy and other affected countries.

The March 26 video conference lasted six hours, and ended with a joint statement instructing finance ministers to come up with a plan within the next 14 days. So, if there are no totalitarian Russians, coward Chinese and bloody Cubans to help, people would die for 14 more days before the mighty European bloc even draws up a plan to do something in response to the crisis.

The earlier migration crisis already demonstrated that every EU state is for itself in the times of crisis. Furthermore, EU states were in an open conflict how they should react and who will pay for this. Nonetheless, the COVID-19 outbreak is apparently nearing the end of the European Union in its current form.


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This has to be a joke right ? it’s like they want Italy out and be done with it, Italian people will have a serious time rethinking their relationship with the EU, Italy to them is a burden so much for a Union that makes up the world biggest GDP

Zionism = EVIL

Get real, Italy is an occupied country and Americunts have dozens of bases there. In any case Italy ranks as one of the most corrupt and ignorant countries on PEW surveys.

‘Most ignorant’ countries revealed in new poll

Italy has been named as “most ignorant” country in a new poll which gauged how much citizens know about their country’s social affairs, with the United States coming in second.


Pills are for dolls,utterly irrelevant,unless they rigged the elections like france! They hit Italy because the scumbag facists,fear chinas one belt project as for usa they have no choice extreme reforms,get the liberal democraps + soros,hang them!

AM Hants

The Italians are already replacing EU flags with Russian Flags.

Daniel Martin

In other words the EU told the Italians that they will have to sacrifice approximately another 8400 people with todays average of around 600 dead, which this two weeks will take, before they in Brussels can lift their fat asses and take some measures to actually help people in dire need of help, they should have helped a whole month ago!?


they totally underestimated the spread of the virus until they are caught by surprise with their pants down to the knee.


Not really, if there was a war or money to be made, all of EU and NATO would be jumping for joy. The real problem is the failure of capitalism and its focus on profits before people. US has been pushing its EU vassals to increase defence spending to face the Russian bogeyman, while they are cutting back and privatizing their social safety and health care systems on the US failed model.


I said this many years ago it will between the fake economised 21st centurys thus the eu-epp and usa to fight it out for the remaineth breadcrumbs(period)


EU and NATO have been an abject failure and should dissolve as it offers no value. Perhaps, Brexit was the right decision. Most NATO nations have been abandoned by the narcissist US and are seeking Russian and Chinese assistance.


Thanks to timely Chinese assistance and tight controls Iran beat back the pandemic. The US is now the epicenter and has over 700,000 cases, growing exponentially.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

United $nakes has the lowest death toll in relation to the infected from Covid-19. There are two explanations – americunts have been vaccinated (via food and drink)

– Covid-19 is a genetic weapon


Corona loves fat people.

AM Hants

Perhaps reason is they are not testing their people, over in US and have no idea how many are infected.

2 aircraft carriers, had to leave Pacific, owing to Corona Virus.

Over in Kuwait, US paratroopers flown in to cause problems in Iran are stuck, owing to Corona Virus isolation

How many have returned from Italy/Middle East to US, back to military bases and families, with no Corona Virus checks carried out?


So, if there are no totalitarian Russians, coward Chinese and bloody Cubans to help, people would die for 14 more days before the mighty European bloc even draws up a plan to do something in response to the crisis.

First of all, according to Dr. Fauci, it was Chinese tourist which brought the virus to Italy (https://www.nationalreview.com/news/fauci-italy-hit-very-badly-by-coronavirus-due-to-prevalence-of-chinese-tourists/):

“Italy got hit very badly because they had a large number of importations from China by Chinese tourists,” Fauci said.

This was after the Chinese tried to cover up the coronavirus when it was identified by Doctors in China (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/06/whistleblower-chinese-doctor-dies-from-coronavirus?CMP=share_btn_tw). The oldest news source in Italy, La Stampa, labeled 80% of the Russian supplies as “useless” (Moscow Times: “80% of Russia’s Coronavirus Aid to Italy ‘Useless’ – La Stampa”. Putin is indeed a world class propagandist, but the “useless” convoy he sent to Italy will hardly change the direction of the fight against the coronavirus in Italy.

It is a credit to Cuba that they sent 50 doctors and nurses to help in Italy. They have also sent staff elsewhere to help.


The famous “Unnamed Source” is at it again. and you bought it.

““Eighty percent of Russian supplies are totally useless or of little use to Italy. In short, this is little more than a pretext,” an unnamed source told La Stampa. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/03/26/80-of-russias-coronavirus-aid-to-italy-useless-la-stampa-a69756


That is a really good point. One should always be leary of single sources; however, later in the article:

La Stampa’s sources claimed that Putin is pursuing geopolitical and diplomatic opportunities with the aid package dubbed “From Russia With Love,” while Conte accepted the aid in order to secure a good personal relationship with Moscow.


“Putin is pursuing geopolitical and diplomatic opportunities with the aid package dubbed “From Russia With Love,” while Conte accepted the aid in order to secure a good personal relationship with Moscow.”

Good God, what a genuinely twisted way of looking at it:

“Conte accepted the aid in order to secure a good personal relationship with Moscow.”

The bottom line is: Uncle Volodya is far to kind, far too straight and far too soft. Period.

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

Fun fact: 100 percent of 500.000 tests stollen by USA from Italy would be usefull.

Fun fact 2: 80 percent of what? How it is estimated? by value, by numbers… why not stating what exactly was useless? it would give credibility to, anyway ugly, article.


the EU can’t find its a** with both hands. it will collapse and we will blame corona for its demise and everyone one of those bureaucratic halfwits will go on full pension.

AM Hants

Remember Crimea, 2014.when they voted to return to Russia, with no blood loss, before the EU could stage an emergency meeting?

Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela send aid to Italy. Funny, how quickly a nation with no Rothschild debt or Rothschild controlled central Bank, can respond to a call for help?

Meanwhile, Poland helped their EU and NATO partner, by refusing Russian humanitarian aid, to enter Polish airspace.

Whilst EU and NATO members Poland, Czechoslivakia, Germany and France pilfered humanitarian aid, on route to Italy and the UK.

Nought like solidarity, amongst EU and NATO Member nations, is there?




A vast ineffective bureaucracy is a major sign of a dying civilization. Let the EU die already and bring back sovereign nations.

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