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EU To Sanction Hungary, Czech Republic And Poland For Refusing To Participate In Refugees Share Scheme

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EU To Sanction Hungary, Czech Republic And Poland For Refusing To Participate In Refugees Share Scheme


The European Commission will sanction Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland for refusing to participate in a scheme to share out refugees across the bloc.

The bloc introduced a plan to “relocate” about 160,000 asylum seekers from Italy and Greece to other countries in the EU. But so far zero refugees have moved to Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland because of the opposition of these countries to the move.

The European Commission responded with launching infringement proceedings (that could ultimately lead to fines) against Hungary, Czech Republic.

The decision to relocate refugees across the EU was pushed during a contentious meeting of governments in Brussels in 2015. However, so far, only about 20,000 refugees have been relocated.

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Dumbest move ever… These countries aren’t some pussys that will roll over because some german bitch says so. These are former USSR countries that are tired of socialist bullshit whether its russian or german…

This will not end well for merkel the erkel…

Solomon Krupacek

when were cz, poland, hu part os ussr???

Amon -Ra- DeArmond

warsaw pact,still commies,they know how the Soviet/European Union system(s) work and they ain’t buying it.Anything they try to push as “progress” onto eastern eu members will be rejected the same way communism was rejected among the populace,the eu will have to send it’s army if they want to achieve this goal (like the USSR did in Hungary and Czechoslovakia) edit: I know they all are members of NATO,by army I mean lawyers,bankers and other leftist scum to try and push their narrative

Solomon Krupacek

i think, you do not know the reality. i can compare both syste, in wp moscow was a dictator. brussel is not. otherwise, in hungary is the highest part of population pro european ang highest part hates russia. in all post socialist countries the eu is the only way for the citizens.

therefor your words about comparimng of moscow and brusel are wrong.

Amon -Ra- DeArmond

I compare them in the they operate (censorship on social media as part of something called “hate speech”,ignoring the will of their own people and doing whatever the f they want,like Merkel inviting millions of refuges without asking anyone and so on)And people tend to hate authoritarian regimes,that’s why nationalism and anti EU sentiment is on the rise in Europe (just as it was in the days before communism fell) The EU is a parasitical entity which only benefits the rich EU countries (like Germany) while at the same time it dries out the poorer ones (like Greece,Bulgaria,Romania)

Solomon Krupacek

your comparison is laughly.

hate speech is good to restricted. i know, how big was ce censorship in socialism. there was not allowed to copy books. everything controlled.

thanks, i love the present and not the past world


the liberal hate speech means: You can hate and mock publicly Christians, whites, Hungarians, Polish, Czech people, but you can not hate and mock muslims, arabs, jews, blacks, However nobody hates them only the acts by some of them.

Solomon Krupacek

hate speech is hate speech.


Bullshit, Hungarians are Pro Europeans, but far not Pro Busselites, as we hated commie Moscovites but not the Russian people.

Solomon Krupacek

pro EU = pro Brussel ;)


No. Eu is 300 million people, not your idiot masters

Solomon Krupacek

your opinion is irrelevant. 70% of hungarians are for more EU.


Again, I thnk more than 70% is pro eu , but only only 10% supports the idiocracy of brussel. I am sorry if you can not understand it. Eu is 300 million people not some dozens of unelected idiots.

Solomon Krupacek

1st, eu and brussel can not be split

2nd, today would vote for entry EU more people than inb 2003. that means, they are satisfied also with brussel

3rd eu = 508 000 000 people.

4th in alla official materials over 30% of hungarians are satisfied with brussel.

you are liar. go home.


1. Eu is more than brusselite idiots 2. People are voting for eu for free trade, travel, jobs,etc and not for idiots in hq 3. Does not matter 4. Hungary is inside, want to be inside but in better EU

You are just a libtard propagandist, not a real european I am at home in EU And you?

Solomon Krupacek

soi, you simply lied. the people want moe eu. and that is what i told: no one country will step out :P


How miserable you try to catch me lying. I tell it again to understand by simple minds: NOT MORE, BETTER! For original Europeans, not for hordes and not for puppets of multinational corporations sitting in eu hq. Understand?

Solomon Krupacek

you lie



Good bye Juncker Sucker !


Warsaw Pact, never CCCP. But CCCP had influence of course, look at the reaction of the man from Dnipropetrovsk Oblast (UA) to the events in Praha 68, the man with the big eyebrows.

Solomon Krupacek

yes, WP. and russia with such actions like 56, 68 prepared its fall.

Peter Moy

The leaders of Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland would have to be really naive, gullible and downright stupid to admit hundreds or thousands of so-called war refugees (usually just military-age men) into their countries because of pressure from the idiots in Brussels. There are guaranteed to be people among this migrant invasion who will do harm in their new homes. These invaders are only after the generous social benefits. Stand your ground and don’t surrender to the out of touch, delusional 3rd and 4th rate bureaucrats at EU headquarters.

Solomon Krupacek

You are right, BUT these countries also signed the document about sharing of 160 000 refugees. Therefore should take the adequate number. Hu, CZ cca 2000, Pl 8000.

Kristy Rain

After witnessing what has resulted wouldbyou agree to comply?

Solomon Krupacek

contracts are contracts. and this is internatzional law. has mo sense to reject. better think in the future for the others.

btw., into russia are constantly pouring more moslems. russia should focus on its problems with them. in russia are much more islamic terrorsits, mch more attentates. and chechnya is also in russia ;) i think, not the western, but eastern europe is in big danger. of course, uncontrolled immiration is wrong. that is no doubt.


Stuff the contract, since when do the EU care about honoring contracts? The EU is suppose to help Europe, yet they frequently pass laws to the detriment of Europeans and benefit of invading migrants. Therefore they no longer have any legitimacy as far as I’m concerned.

The EU needs to be fought at every turn until it’s dismantled.

Solomon Krupacek

ALL countries signed. and boy, WE are in EU, this is our business.



Solomon Krupacek

also your country signed

Carl Coupet

What is happening in Europe is not uncontrolled immigration, on the contrary. It is absolutely a controlled flow of migration set up by Brussels, Georges Soros, and the elite to create an economic choc to European nations. Thankfully Hu, CZ, Pol, Slk are realizing it in time to save their way of life.

Solomon Krupacek

i am against this migration, nut as i wrote, ALL member countries signed the agreement. dot. discussion is over. what is open, whot with the rest and what with new immigrants?

Pave Way IV

Broken laws… useless voting… Fix it in the future? When has that EVER worked?

John L Shehulski

Contracts can be torn up quite easily. My message to Poland, Hungary, Czechs is this: get out of the EU. Get out NOW.

Solomon Krupacek

not in international contracts.

My message to Poland, Hungary, Czechs is this: get out of the EU. Get out NOW.

the citizens shit on your message :D never will step out from EU.

Jan Jurníček

There is no contract about this but only the the interior ministers vote result. Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary have votted against.


Does this mean you will get rapefugees in your neighbourhood/house?

Solomon Krupacek

stupid question.

John Brown

Only if Israel takes the first million!

John Brown

Solomon you racist, supremacist, chosen of the master superior race, In a democracy unelected officials the European Commission do not over rule Democratically Elected officials. In any democracy if the people vote against any treaty etc they have signed which you have not proven they can do so. Such an agreement which determines the right of a people to even exist must be passed by referendum. Merkel broke all German and EU laws in bringing in migrants. If she wanted to do so legally she should have changed the laws at least. So those who break the law can’t then rely in the same laws they break to force others to do as they wish. It’s called the clean hands doctrine.

Solomon Krupacek

i am racist??

ok. another fool, blocked. bye!

John Brown

Thanks for outing yourself again Mossad Solomon Yes if any country actually dares to refuse the orders of the slave master, racist, supremacist, Nazi, Jewish, superior, race they are racist. How dare any country even think that they have any sovereignty from the Jewish empire and think they actually should decide who is and is not allowed to come to into their own countries when only the master Jewish race may make such decisions. How dare Goyims actually think their votes count! If I were the PM of those countries I would say sure we will take them after Israel takes the first million, you call that racist so you are saying racist Israel will never take refugees who don’t pass the Israeli genetic racial purity test. Again thanks for the confession. It is clear you agree with the ruling Rabbis in Israel that all non Jews are lower then animals.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7120849308ae2298be81cbef4e25b90007dc3fdf5690a39286c4afa50e07f777.jpg

John Brown

I notice how racist supremacist Jews like George Soros and you also don’t want other countries to have the right to enact identical laws to Israel’s, such as a law imposing strict conditions on non-governmental organizations (NGOs) receiving funds from abroad. Budapest’s decision puts it in the company as Israel, which considers “financing NGOs from abroad as a hostile act,” Schaefer added. https://sputniknews.com/europe/201706141054634346-hungary-germany-ngo/

John Brown

Israelis excited by prospect of a simple DNA test to determine Jewish ancestry June 13, 2017 Commentary —Jews tend to be pretty good at recognizing each other through facial characteristics, names, accents, family history, etc., but you can never be too sure. Especially if you are talking about immigration into Israel. So imagine how happy the rabbi will be if a simple DNA test can erase any doubt. Time to break out the Manischewitz. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4968443,00.html Any person who wishes to be recognized as a Jew—for example, in order to get married in the State of Israel, which can only be done through the Chief Rabbinate—is required to prove their Jewish roots. In Jewish religious law, only those born to Jewish mothers are considered Jewish. Those who wish to be recognized as Jews have to provide proof of Judaism several generations back in the form of documents—such as birth and marriage certificates. A DNA test to prove racial purity to get citizenship this is the very definition of racism how can it be more racist?? Indian Jews resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/1412777/Indian-Jews-resist-DNA-tests-to-prove-they-are-a-lost-tribe.html Indian ‘Jews’ resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem 12:01AM GMT 10 Nov 2002 Members of a remote community of Indians who claim to be descendants of one of the 10 lost tribes of ancient Israel are resisting plans to carry out genetic tests to prove their Jewishness. The group,which calls itself the Bnei Menashe (or children of the biblical tribe of Manasseh), fears that the plan by a group of American and Israeli scientists to carry out DNA tests may undermine its claims to Jewish ancestry. Between 4,000 and 5,000 Bnei Menashe, who come from the north-eastern India states of Manipur and Mizoram close to the Burmese border, have been living as Orthodox Jews since the early 1970s. They are members of the much larger Shinlung tribe but gave themselves their new name to reflect their belief in their roots.


They did? When? Back in 2015 your Prime Minister said: “As long as I am prime minister, mandatory quotas will not be implemented on Slovak territory.” Is that guy still your PM?

Solomon Krupacek

why my PM? also slovakia signed. the politicians have 1 vovabulary for electors and anothjer for foreign policy


Hungary did not sign any such docs. As I know Poland signed with an addendum, that they can vet the people one by one, in terms of potential terror danger, but these people has no any kind of real paper, sometimes fake only (all of them was born in 1rst of January), Poland decided not let anybody into the country.

Solomon Krupacek

Hungary signed. look for inofficial documents of EU ;)

go home hunky, we do not need here new liars!

otherwise, why did you jump over my second thesis, that you hate russians? :)) do you fear?


Reallocation of 160 k migrants was not signed by Huns and Slovaks , if you believe so clever, post the link, otherwise accept

Solomon Krupacek

it WAS. also slovakia signed!!!

The list was endorsed by the informal meeting of Heads of State and Government of 23 September 2015 and again on 15 October 2015.



Im from germany. That are no war-refugees! They are criminals to 90%!!!! Sexual-crimes every day! Thanks to merkel the traitor-bitch. I would love to punch her jewish assface… Stay strong poland,hungary,czech!!! Or you will pay the price like my country right now! You have to choose!

Peter Moy

First of all, Gruess Gott. I follow the news in Germany and Austria and it is a downright shame what is happening in those countries. Yes there was crime before the onslaught of these economic migrant invaders but the situation is now much worse since the summer of 2015. There is a marked increase in murder, rape, sexual harassment, assaults, robberies, drug dealing, theft, robbery, etc., etc. The original “Fluchtlingen Wilkommen” policy has been a disaster for countries in the EU. That damn daughter of the DDR pastor, Merkel, will probably be re-elected in September. That’s what happens when there is no real opposition and a controlled, compliant media. The situation will only get worse with this childless traitor who has even proclaimed “Wir schaffen das.” Anyone against these national suicide policies is labelled a racist, right-winger, AfD supporter, hetzer, even a Nazi. For many countries in Europe, the future looks very bleak. Tschuess.


Good This EE must be stoped and only way is rapefugees to come in every country, so Europeans ll see where EE going they ll vote as Uk and bb

Kristy Rain

Ah, good! Just like clockwork. The loving and compassionate leftists are about to staet going full-cannibal and eat their neighbors for npt complying with their suicidal plans to obliterate christianity in the name of Islam.

I can see it now, the slavic orthodox christians will once again need to fight off and expel a salafist/takfiri horde of zealous wahabi rapists and murderers.

This time, theres nukes to finish the job. Good luck you guis

Amon -Ra- DeArmond

eh,not all are orthodox https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-145774717fb60cf895eab62c98fff961

John Brown

They should all put tariffs against German products equal to what ever fines they get as they originate from Germany on orders from racist supremacist Jews. The EU charter does not give the EU or the commission such powers to determine who is and is not Polish French etc. Any such actions prove the EU is a racist supremacist Zionist Jewish dictatorship seeking to overrule the polices of democratically elected governments by denying their right to even exist. Why don’t they fine their master racist supremacist Israel for not taking any refuges at all and for Israel having a racial purity genetic test to be able to immigrate to Israel? Its Israeli policies which have caused these people to become refugees in the first place and racist Jews like George Soros etc. Bring them to Europe on slave ships like his ancestors did with blacks in the Americas as history repeats itself. A DNA test to prove racial purity to get citizenship this is the very definition of racism how can it be more racist?? Indian Jews resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/1412777/Indian-Jews-resist-DNA-tests-to-prove-they-are-a-lost-tribe.html Indian ‘Jews’ resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem 12:01AM GMT 10 Nov 2002 Members of a remote community of Indians who claim to be descendants of one of the 10 lost tribes of ancient Israel are resisting plans to carry out genetic tests to prove their Jewishness. The group,which calls itself the Bnei Menashe (or children of the biblical tribe of Manasseh), fears that the plan by a group of American and Israeli scientists to carry out DNA tests may undermine its claims to Jewish ancestry. Judah Philip Benjamin who served as the Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State for the Confederacy. The first Jewish-American to serve on an executive cabinet in American history, he has received the title “brains of the Confederacy. One might say Jefferson Davis was the stooge puppet of Judah as Judah ran the military, the courts and international relations and THE security services for the confederacy, the first Mossad. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/judah-benjamin http://www.jewish-american-society-for-historic-preservation.org/images/Judah_Benjamin_Article_-.pdf https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjhiMWC7rvUAhVnxoMKHVCKAwUQFggqMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.civilwar.org%2Flearn%2Fbiographies%2Fjudah-phillip-benjamin&usg=AFQjCNHaG0unm6egkHM_UNuomRGGztmsLQ&sig2=Papy7_D1THDWDNgLQNUg6A


I am Hungarian, and the way my government handles that agreement is a shame. We are talking about the transfer of 1.270 (as far as Hungary concerns) asylum seekers, which is nothing comparing to the mass refugee influx to Hungary during the Balkan wars. As Krupacek mentioned it, it is an international obligation and no wonder if the EU punish us in case of non-compliance. On the other hand we are economically dependent on the EU; we have received billions of Euros to strengthen our infrastructure and we can enjoy all the advantages of that common economy system. I believe that quota argument is much more related to internal (Hungarian) political games and nothing to do with the practical issue of migration. However, such stupid political steps weaken Hungary’s position within the EU and that is many Hungarians are afraid of.


Oh, Hungary’s quota is exactly 1,294 people.


If you are a whore, you are a whore, only the price of fuck is changing.

Julius Meinel

One goat fucking Muslim or a uneducated negro from the depth of Africa is one immigrant to many threatening the viability of the local culture and population. They all have to be met with bullets on the border, just like any other invader should be. It is either them or us over the next 20 years or so. There will be no way for the middle ground as they are poised to wipe us ( the Europeans) out as soon as they can.


The European Common Market made sense . A” free trade zone” , designed to promote the trading of goods to the mutual advantage of members . The EU , has taken that and become an un – elected government . Complete surrender of sovereignty is not to any nations benefit . 1,270 seekers , becomes 127,000 seekers . Europe , has helped create the mess in the Middle East , by blindly following the American wars of aggression against Afghanistan , Libya , Iraq and Syria . The only way this can be corrected is for those nations to reclaim their sovereign status like Britain , and exit . A new ECM will result .


Well, the UK and Hungary would face with very different possible consequences if they left the EU. My country is small in population and territory and lacks economic power. An exit can work for the UK but definitely not for us. Once we leave that club, we will become a pawn in Mr Putin’s chess game, which is better to stay away. I do not believe in the multiplication of asylum seekers. The EU is not as much in favour of illegal migrants as you think it is or as it was two years ago.


Haha, EU do not anything against flood of Africans who swim 2 kilometers from Libia and NGO boats take them immediately to Italy. Do you really believe your own words or just spread the propaganda because you are paid for???


You have Hungarian passport maximum. The current Hungarian government screwed up a lot of thing, but handled the flood of illegal migrants in the best possible way. There some 1-2% minority who wants these rapist gangs let them into Hungary, but none of these liberals want them in their current house/neighborhood, just push them into “other” Hungarians. Eu money comes by contracts. In these contracts there are no word about illegal migrants, The 2 things must be separated.


Let Germany take the lot. It was Mutti who issued the come one, come all invite to the Fatherland without consulting the rest of the EU.

She sees herself as Queen of the Fourth Reich.


“The decision to relocate refugees across the EU was pushed during a contentious meeting of governments in Brussels in 2015.”

So the agreement was forced through just in time for… wait for it… in time for Merkel to make the notorious “invitation” for refugees to Germany (but of course they have to be shared after the fact). And Merkel made the “invitation” because Erdogan was fed up having so many Syrians in Turkey who would not convert to the insurgency, and he was threatening to release them back to Syria! But for the plotters that would have been a disaster so a Central European leader had to bite the bullet and invite them in! This invitation was/is an integral part of the war on Syria (along with criminal sanctions and supporting terrorist insurgencies). No wonder some countries feel cheated. They were not told real reason why they had to sign this dubious document, because for the EU elites those countries just don’t matter. If they were told, they would have never signed! This will break up EU.


As soon as they allow the first batch of ‘refugees’ in the second one will be waiting a week later and the whole circus will be repeated.

gfsdyughjgd .

Look like some rapefugees dont have partners good news let all the member countries share the burden.CIA and Pentagon decisions shouldn’t be taken for granted hahaha.

gfsdyughjgd .

Time to replace the goats and camel with right women Allawakbar doom doom and runaway.

Allan Greedspoon

You join the Fascist EU and pretty soon you lose your sovereignty and ability to make decisions as a sovereign state.

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