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EuroFags and Commies

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EuroFags and Commies

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Dear SouthFront readers,

You know that SF is an independent platform that provides different points of view on current international issues. This article presents a valuable vision on the history of colonialism in East Asia that cannot be ignored but discussed. We invite you to express your point of view on this position in the comments. LINK.

Contributed by Supratim Barman for SouthFront.

The picture above was published 68 years ago in London on the front-page of the Daily Worker in 1952, (28th of April). It shows a British Royal Marine holding the severed heads of a young woman and man who were accused of supporting the Malayan Communist Party.

Take some time to look at it. It is freely available on the internet if you care to search.

It made World-Wide News and the second Conservative Government of Winston Churchill (at the time) was on the verge of prosecuting the newspaper for treason; although they eventually had to back down and publicly admit that the pictures were legitimate. They demanded a re-phrasing of the caption.

The caption became — “British soldiers in Malaya displaying the heads of freedom fighters, cut off by bounty hunters”. Notice the subtle change. It implies that the grinning deeply self-content murdering maniac, (proudly and openly holding the heads aloft in a manly pose for his trophy photo collection of the excellent efforts being made by himself in “keeping the ethnics in line”), did not actually do the job himself but rather; had it “out-sourced” to some native “coon”, who in turn just did it — “for the money”. Your cheque is in the mail if you truly and actually believe that to be true.

Now, if your bread is buttered on keeping the home fires burning for Imperialist Corporatism, you would be proud of the EuroFag and his fine efforts in “setting an example for the locals to not start getting uppity an’ all”. However, if you were on the other side, you may find the picture horrific. It really comes down to how you choose to play the game; as, basically and (in affect), we are all weaving our own individual way through life.

The Malayan Communist Party fought the British Empire and all Her White Commonwealth stooges from 1948 till 1960 in an “Anti British National Liberation War”, immediately after these very same Imperialists had partitioned Occupied India into 3 parts in 1947; leaving them as broken ruined entities with no sense of history, which still (to this day), are struggling to recover from 200 years of rapacious White Occupation. This Partition is a gloriously eminent achievement in maintaining rule by proxy and (to this day) serves their purpose magnificently. 1947 uprooted over 10 million people in an enforced permanent transmigration, that remains; again, till this day, the largest ever in history. (The 2020 ruthless forced movement of helpless “migrant” workers within the Indian Republic is of a much larger order of magnitude; and, harks back to 1947 which was the wholesale eviction of peoples who would never return to their ancestral homes ever again).

From 1960, these same bloodthirsty plundering hordes moved onto Indo-China; and engaged in Biblical rape, looting, murder and societal destruction of those “lesser peoples” in the name of preventing the “Domino Effect” of the region turning Commie. It was here where they finally met their match in Ho Chi Minh and the VietNam Communists who then kicked them out lock stock and barrel as they fled like dogs with their tails between legs from the roof of the United States Embassy in Saigon on the 30th of April, 1975.

The war-mongering psychopaths have kept out of East Asia since. However their thirst for blood could be held back for only so long.

They could only contain themselves till 1979 when they baited the USSR into a conflict within the newly established Democratic Republic of Afghanistan leaving that country in 40 years of despair and destruction which; then in turn, led to the commencement of their systematic destruction of West Asia; culminating with the complete and Epical Civilisational Annihilation of Iraq. The Syrian Arab Republic and the heroic Syrian Arab Army have temporarily stymied their blood lust through their un-ending determination to not allow the fabric of their complex and richly diverse society be destroyed.

Imperialism is now about to enter a decade long confrontation with the Peoples’ Republic of China which will set their recently foregone Colonies of South Asia on fire and destabilise a people that have just about had the knee taken off their neck.

Now, take a look at this picture below. It is from Page 178 of the USSR Reference Book published in November 1957. (5 years after EuroFag was showing the locals how to behave).

EuroFags and Commies

Click to the full-size image

The little girl up at the board is probably no more than 10 years old and is the first generation born after the apocalyptic destruction of her homeland by the fascists. Her teacher is in her early 20s and lived through the Great War.

Do you not find this picture amazing and does it not give you hope within yourself. The Communists have always espoused Humanity as a single whole and have relentlessly strived to lift the spirit of Art and Education rather than death and destruction. Does this picture also not make you sad. 63 years after this picture was taken there are girls of her age still kept illiterate almost as State Policy and remain unable to read and write the very language of their individual identity within South Asia; just one example of those languages being taught here to the youth of the Soviet Republic in 1957. (The teacher also had to be taught the language and the pedagogical skills required to teach it).

This is now the 75th Anniversary of the Great War Against Fascism, a heroic victory that involved the ultimate sacrifice of 21 million souls of the Soviet Union. It was this defeat of Fascism which enraged the Imperialists and started them on a killing rampage in Asia. 1 in 7 of the people of the USSR gave their lives for the rest of the world during the Great War. Of the instigators of this conflict from Britain it was 1 in 127 and 1 in 320 from the United States. My father played his part in the Great War as a Radio Operator with the Indian 8th Army in Benghazi and Tripoli in 1944 before the Palestinian Mandate (1945) and finally in Bahrain (1948), from where he eventually retired in 1995.

He was 18 years old in 1944 and regretted what he had to do till 1946 but it was a job and he volunteered as well. The War exposed the Euro HomeBoy in all his glory and my Father imbibed the principles of Communism in Bahrain in 1948, in fact that second image is from a book in his collection that he left for me. I eventually married the daughter of a Commie and that will be 25 years this July. (The longevity of the marriage has been her heroic effort to put up with me, I have never really ever changed). My son is 20 years old and the choice he makes is totally his to make, I just hope that it is based on facts and not myths.

EuroFags are racist to the core of their heartless soul, so the next time you hear them lecturing you about “Freedom and Democracy” and that famous; “Human Rights”; think of that first picture before you gush enthusiastically about Western Values and the European Imperialists notions of Right and Wrong.

Bear in mind also the famous poetic couplets that pins the foundation of Apartheid on which EuroFag rests his weary head:

“if you’r White; you’r Right,
if you’r Black; then Get Back”

and of course, the Dutch Reformed Church’s rallying call to Her faithful flock in South Africa:

“if God wanted them to be Human, He would not have made them Black”

The choice is yours to make. We all have bills to pay and debts to service. Our lives and that of our children are enmeshed and intertwined within the System. We play the game; we even contribute to it. Nothing wrong. It is only if we truly start to believe in it as the “White God’s Chosen Path” for the darker brethrens of humanity that things could go catastrophically wrong for you.

MS Gowalkar [a prominent ideologue of Hindutva and the RSS/BJP], wrote a book called — Bunch of Thoughts. In his book he wrote that internal elements were a far greater threat than outside aggressors. He named them as 1) Muslims, 2) Christians and then guess who; 3) Communists.

This is an ideology that is rapidly permeating within the Indian Republic and ethno-religious variations on the theme are now deeply entrenched within the peripheral sovereign nations of erstwhile British Occupied India and primarily rabid within the 3 broken nations that constitute the central entity.

Just replace (1) and (2) with a religious identity of your choice and the central theme remains yours to apply at your leisure. Going down this road will logically lead to the first picture rather than anywhere near the notion being inspired in the second image.


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Fog of War

Pure pro Communist propaganda, even though the atrocities were true.

Jens Holm

Im afraid that not pure propaganda, but one sided.

Hasbara Hunter

AngloZioNazis have been Genocidal, Psychopathic, Massmurdering, Raping, Looting, Paedophile, Imperialist Maniacs for more than 500 Years…All the information is freely available these days…the Veil came down…what an UGLY sight it is…

Jens Holm

And none other has. Thew rest of the world always has been nice people and the evil ones are people like me only – hahah – iddiot

Clarence Spangle

“The Jéws are the most hateful and shameful of the small nations”—Voltaire

Jens Holm

Did You speak with him Yourself or was it by phone:)

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah you are definitely what I define as Evil…

Jens Holm

I take that as a plus.

Tommy Jensen

True. The good thing with these articles and comments, it forces us to dig a spade deeper……….and we see a pattern……………………..LOL.

“U.S. directly armed the Khmer Rouge during the Cambodian–Vietnamese War in order to weaken the influence of Vietnam and the Soviet Union in Southeast Asia.”

“It is not disputed that US encouraged the government of China to provide military training and support for the Khmer Rouge and that US voted for the Khmer Rouge to remain the official representative of the country in UN even after 1979, when the Khmer Rouge was mostly deposed by Vietnam and ruled just a small part of the country.[1][2][3].

It is also not disputed that the U.S. voted for the Khmer Rouge, and later, for the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), which was dominated by the Khmer Rouge, to retain Cambodia’s United Nations (UN) seat until 1982 and 1991, respectively.”

Kissinger “the Joo” was responsible for Cambodia in all these years.

Clarence Spangle

“Why are the Jéws hated? It is the inevitable result of their laws. They either have to conquer everybody or be hated by the whole human race.”—Voltaire

Hasbara Hunter

Voltaire was a Freemason & thus can be directly linked to the Jewsuits…

jade villaceran

it wanst propaganda if its true, hypocrite

Supreme Blyat

Woman selling parts of her child during famine caused by communism in Russia


Tommy Jensen

Who destabilised, financed and caused these atrocities in Russia?? Answer me!

Clarence Spangle


Supreme Blyat

Or in China, Cambodia, North Korea… The Jews I bet :)

Hasbara Hunter

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov



One could post 10000000 pictures of dead children from Vietnam or Iraq, all the way to American civil war or 100 million starved to death in India during 200 years of British occupation (not to mention Ireland). Not to mention Holocaust. But only sick necrophilic degenerates love to look and post morbid shit.

And it’s not just morbid, it’s fake: “Oh look they are selling one decomposed head to buy? another head?” Your brain is more decomposed than his if you believe this crap.


One day, the Jews will pay this debt.. one day…

Supreme Blyat

Why should they pay for what Russians soldiers did to own civilians?


Hahahaha keep deflecting, Hasby. The poor Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you… ;)

Supreme Blyat

People selling human parts in communist Russia.

Take your time to look at it. Communism is good.


Hasbara Hunter

Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich


Supreme Blyat

Famine causes by communism, in Russia https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2572687bc64eef6f2e32fe5367d9bf33920429be8a51b93761def7c9cc467971.jpg

Supreme Blyat

Another image of the greatwness of Communism https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3899c51af948d9dc26a48393819fe0997a91d28de73548be1cc2199046fd0fb2.jpg

Hasbara Hunter

Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0716ee4d9a5fa57aa3606fecb68a2151dd55fe3b4f99e6c40468de2f21379f25.jpg


These were Jewish perpetrated atrocities, what’s your point?

Supreme Blyat

China, Cambodia, North Korea are rulled by Jewish, no?


Oy vey, are you shtoopid..????

Supreme Blyat

Human parts market during famine, take your time to think how great Communism was https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/547da234ab36f573522160a5bcb0aa975fd0233cb7e550cd4000c4a80bc107ac.jpg

Captain Freedom

What about the Irish Potato famine? Doesn’t it show how bad capitalism is? How bad ALL capitalist countries are? Or the current famine in Yemen? Now look at starving yemeni children and gimme some love for CAPTIALISM!!! COME ON! Thats your stupid logic right there!

Look what I found here… your buddies from the agency have some interesting thoughts about the soviet nutrition: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP85M00363R000601440024-5.pdf

Supreme Blyat

Yemen famine is as bad as Communism. It is caused by war and blockade imposed by Saudi Arabia. By your logic any war is Capitalism. I could wild guess that the famine in Communism was somehow caused by the Capitalism too.

Tommy Jensen

Saudi only do what London and Washington tells them. Salman told media, Saudi only established Salafist schools all over the world on demand and to please London. Thats why Salman is on the black list today.

Supreme Blyat

And Hitler, Stalin, Mao did good things too. They did bad things only when London and Washington told them to do bad things.

Tommy Jensen

The money lenders! The guys Jesus kicked out from the Temple. They went to Rome, Venezia, Holland, settled in London.

Supreme Blyat

And they told Mao and Stalin to reduce some population.

Tommy Jensen

They are using proxies to escape guilt. But off course you are right, the local weak and money horny must take their part upon them on judgement day.

Captain Freedom

Well wars are thought for money…. arent they? I was actually pointing YOUR logic out, that you blame everything on communism, like bad weather in the case of a famine. And you cant just say “famine in communism” like it was always the same situation. People just tend to blame everything bad happening under communism on just this one thing, but what happens when we apply this logic to capitalism? In this case I could just say: “Look at Haiti, what a shithole. Just another proof that capitalism sucks”

Supreme Blyat

Yes, wars are for money since the beginning of the world. And you fount the solution for everything: the Communism.

Hasbara Hunter


Hasbara Hunter


Hasbara Hunter


The Satanic Elites love Sacrificing the Scum….the more Pain, Blood, Misery & Death…the Happier Ba’al, Baphomet, Moloch, the Devil is….

Supreme Blyat

Cultural Revolution commited by the Anglocapitalists scum in China https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/106d8ebe3e6943b35106de15000d10d299c9e22ede03d25a058c926eb1de6673.jpg

Hasbara Hunter

Rothschild’s Snuff-Movie & Pics Collection must be Gigantic…

Jens Holm

They even has You inn can did camera drinking their wine and smoking their cigars.

Your real problems is You prefare the good stuff instead of none.

Clarence Spangle

Маммонизм и большевизм являются еврейские сводные сестры.

Supreme Blyat

Sorry if the truth bothers you.

Hasbara Hunter

Not at all…it are those Khazarian AshkeNAZIS, Sabbatean Dönmeh & Jewish Bolsheviks that bother me…they keep popping up as Monsters & Demons from Hell throughout the entire course of History….

Supreme Blyat

Indeed it’s not the truth that bothers you. It’s the skyzo inner world…

Hasbara Hunter

I put you on my shit-list for being a Khazarian AshkeNazi-Jewish Bolshevik DENIER….What you Jewish Bolsheviks did in the Gulags & during the Holodomor were the Worst Atrocities in the Entire 20th Century….the Shoah was just a wet fart compared to what you Demonic Parasites have done…


HasbaRat Checklist:

Suprème Blyat, Servet Köseoğlu aka Servet-i Funny Literature, Narine Joa, Adam Dipshit, Tzatz, Proud Hindu, Leif Oskar Letterstrøm, אהרון (Aaron), Göktürk, Azazel Pedowitz, Natasha, Free man, <>, Jake321, Prof. Larry Rabiesowitz, Avi Schwartz, Toronto Tonto, Critical Thinker 911, Jens Holm, Occupying Pig Meat, Jacob “the Nose” Wohl, Simon Bernstein, Neil Barron, DutchNational, Roger Smellyman, Frank Behrenstein, Baron Von GoatBanger, Joe Dirt, Smaug, Mountains, Lord of the Wankers, Just Watching, Hamster, retiredSOFguy, Terry Penis, Vidura, Total Pinocchio, Derapage, Fatime Oomayadin, King Tudor777, Velociraptor, Ajdin Aksoy, Superfly, Serious, أبو ياسر, NOD



Supreme Blyat

What I’m gonna do now?

Hasbara Hunter

Eat shit & Die?

Supreme Blyat

I’m not your mom :)


All these ID’s are our old and true tested friend Pademchen aka doc the hendi Parsi. You see……some of us have a lot of experience with Anglo-Zionist trolls, some of whom happen to be our own people from a distant past when we were Zoroastrian. Now…….don’t hate him…..he’s angry because the Parsi are staring at existential doom. I know doc for the last 20 odd years watching his comments, and at the end of the day I just keep quiet for the most part and feel sorry about the whole thing. He does this everywhere online as soon as Iran is mentioned. He can’t help it.

Tommy Jensen

Found another good one: Meaning not only funded and helped US the Khmer Rouge from the beginning in the 1960’es, but they continued until the last day in the 1990’es out of loser’s revenge feeling toward Vietnam, afraid of Vietnam’s “influence” in the area.

Same today in Afghanistan with Mujahedin, Syria with ISIS, Nigeria with Boko Haram, Salafist in Libya, Mujahedin in Iran. All murder groups funded by West.

“According to Tom Fawthrop, U.S. support for the Khmer Rouge guerrillas in the 1980s was “pivotal” to keeping the organization alive, and was in part motivated by revenge over Vietnam’s defeat of the U.S. during the Vietnam War.[32] A WikiLeaks dump of 500,000 U.S. diplomatic cables from 1978 document shows that the administration of President Jimmy Carter was torn between revulsion at the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge and concern with the possibility of growing Vietnamese influence should the Khmer Rouge collapse.[33]”.

Conclusion: The loser guy’s inferior feelings guiding America’s moral and ethical compass in all their past and present wars.

Supreme Blyat

Dude, you wrote South Front II just on this post. Say it straight, Communism good, Capitalism bad.

Tommy Jensen

Capitalism is not that bad if it means free market competition. Monopolism and Oligarchism is the sinner.

Supreme Blyat

I agree, they are almost as bad as Communism.

Tommy Jensen

Who destabilise countries and finance colour revolutions through ISIS, Gladio, Al Qaida, KKK, Boko Haram, m.m.??? Answer me!

Supreme Blyat

Communism was 1000 times worse than ISIS and Qaida. Well, not as bad as KKK maybe, according to some nostalgists.

Hasbara Hunter


Supreme Blyat

China, Cambodia, North Korea are rulled by Jewish, yes?

Clarence Spangle


Clarence Spangle

“No one need be surprised if among our people the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jéw.”—Mein Kampf


Tommy Jensen

‘Irish potato famine’………LOL. I liked that one.

Captain Freedom

the irish didn’t

Clarence Spangle

“Do you want to know the cause of war? It is capitalism, greed, the dirty hunger for dollars. Take away the capitalist, and you will sweep war from the earth.” ― Henry Ford

Jens Holm

I remember that. Most people from Ireland became only 75 cm high and by that many saved their lives by half price at the boats to there.

Some even was a quarter of the price, ecause they closed one eye all the way to Ellis Ireland.

The potatoe lovers even went free all the way to Australia after having sold that one eye.

Maybee You should not use “famine”.

Jens Holm

The conflicts in yemen has nothing to do with potatoes and kapitalisme.

None should blame Houtis taking UN rations for the refugees for themself first. None also shpulæd not dare to deny them to sell the rest of the UN food inclkuded the one from UNICF to the people living there. They are starving.

They even create jobs in prostituion and kwasiorka children better then USA did in Vietnam.

So hip hip – Errh Houti Tutsi hutsie Hip Hip – hip hop.

Tommy Jensen

False propaganda.

Supreme Blyat

Tommy the Commie :)

Hasbara Hunter

Lev Davidovich Bronstein



More retarded nazi stale propaganda from 1930s.

If you are selling human flesh, then you sell it like any other flesh, not children hands and skulls. Why the hell they need (ancient) skulls? Soup?

Anglo/german “journalists” paid some gravedigger to excavate few remains from a local graveyard and then they paid his wife and local witches to pose. Retarded propaganda, prefect for western newspapers, they did it in Cuba 1898, in WW1, again and again. Original CNN.

It doesn’t prove that communism was sick and incredibly evil (perhaps it was), it only proves that those who made up this shit (and still believe it) are sick and incredibly evil. Not to mention incredibly stupid .

Jens Holm

Nasty, but times was like that.

The world record about things like that might be muslims in Indonesia genosiding several million chinese communists or not.

Supreme Blyat

Another Heaven of Communism – Cambodia


Hasbara Hunter

The Jewish Bolsheviks you mean?

Supreme Blyat

Cambodia, China, North Korea are full of Jews.

Jens Holm

I was there. There were so many dead Jews all over in golden bathtubs and even german mercedes, so the rest had to be burried vertical with https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1d707e83209b4a9934bde108dba02902ec85c59f24cf00abec231ee7790d8423.jpg feet sticking up.

Supreme Blyat

I think you need to wash your feet, Jens. You steped into someone wearing jewelries.

Tommy Jensen

Got you little boy! The good thing with liars like you is you force us to examine the case……LOL.

“U.S. directly armed the Khmer Rouge during the Cambodian–Vietnamese War in order to weaken the influence of Vietnam and the Soviet Union in Southeast Asia.”

“It is not disputed that US encouraged the government of China to provide military training and support for the Khmer Rouge and that US voted for the Khmer Rouge to remain the official representative of the country in UN even after 1979, when the Khmer Rouge was mostly deposed by Vietnam and ruled just a small part of the country.[1][2][3] It is also not disputed that the U.S. voted for the Khmer Rouge, and later, for the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK), which was dominated by the Khmer Rouge, to retain Cambodia’s United Nations (UN) seat until 1982 and 1991, respectively.”

Supreme Blyat

Sure, Communism had no role to play in Khmer Rouge genocide, but USA is to blame for voting for Khmer Rouge in the UN(which nobody respected ever) and USA even encouraged China to train Khmer Rouge. Damn USA, they did the genocide.

Tommy Jensen

USA kill the strong (Suleimani, Gaddafi, JFK, MLK, Allende), buy the weak and sacrifice them after the job.

Hasbara Hunter

The AngloZioNazis are the Personification of the Devil himself….

Supreme Blyat

Angloziokhmer rouge executing some yankpedoreptilianosatanicapitalists


Jens Holm

I didnt know family pictures was allopwed here.

Supreme Blyat

I’m the one flashing his dick to camera

Jens Holm

Very good computers cant send smells yet

Clarence Spangle

Сатанизм является еврейского культ.

Harry Smith

Eff! Сатанизм является еврейскИМ культОМ. Please be careful when you try to use Russian. BTW most of Russians used «это» instead of “является» and the endings has to be other as well. Don’t thank me. With best regards, your grammar nazi Russian friend.

Clarence Spangle

Russian is not my first language, the little I know is from skinhead friends from Moscow.

Supreme Blyat

Mass murder commited by the Capitalist Pol Pot in Cambodia.


Jens Holm

I didnt know You lost that many people and most of them dies more then 100 years old.

Supreme Blyat

Victims of Capitalism should be never forgoten. Communism will prevail.

Tommy Jensen

The capitalist scum sucking every penny out of the local population. The bones later sold as soap and fertilizer by a multinational anglonazi company for profit.

Supreme Blyat

Yeah, anglozionazi capitalism forced innocent communist population to kill each other by offering to buy soap made from humans.

Tommy Jensen

They financed the worst scum in the country.


Mass murder committed by CIA puppet Pol Pot in Cambodia.

Solar Macharius

Southfront, this is arguably the worst example of your proliferation of content which you do not even understand. Buying into the mainstream, neoliberal led campaign of spreading “white guilt” in Western populations for the “atrocities” of colonialism and imperialism, is simply laughable. If you want to whine about such matters, go complain to the Italians for salting the ruins of Carthage…

or better yet, why not make modern Russians feel guilty for brutally suppressing Siberian, Central Asian, and Caucasian populations for centuries.

See the problem here, that doesn’t fit within your agenda now does it? And yet, when you buy into the Marxist paradigm of guilt and ethnic deracination, specifically targeting “white” people, this same rhetoric CAN AND WILL be applied against your interests as well. Damned fools, using the exact same tactics as the enemy…

“which still (to this day), are struggling to recover from 200 years of rapacious White Occupation”.

What is this, a quote from a Cultural Marxist American university professor? You guys are infected with the same ideology as the neoliberal globalist order, you funnily claim to oppose. But this opposition falls flat because of the buffoonish rhetoric you use.

Now, the schizophrenic clowns will reply with “ANGLOZIONIST HITLER ROTHSCHILD FEDERAL RESERVE ISRAEL”.

And you idiots wonder why the global order laughs at us and considers our opposition worthless.

Tommy Jensen

Facts is facts. Its not about race. Nor about ideology. Its about who contributed and contribute to civilisation and who destroyed and destroy civilisation!

Hasbara Hunter

It’s very simple: the 99% Scum has got to Hunt Down, Smoke Out & Exterminate the 1% Genocidal, Demonic, Psychopathic, Childraping, Kidkilling, Imperial Elitist Maniacs…

Solar Macharius

Whatever man, I don’t see how this same babble you post every time has anything to do with my comment here.

James Adams

Glory to the West !!! Down with the communist South Front !!

Tommy Jensen

A banker fearing for his usury loans. Is it you?

Alberto Garza

please read alexander Solzhenitsyn and and learn abot the crimes of communism they were as bad or worse than the nazis .

Hasbara Hunter

The Atrocities Committed by the Jewish Bolsheviks are far worse than those committed by Germany…

The Nazis are the AshkeNazis…they invented the word Nazi after WWII…Hitler was a Rothschild Bastard…a lot of His Henchmen in the NSDAP where Khazars…

Solar Macharius

Hasbara, one must wonder if you are paid to put this garbage into every damn comment section on this website, or if you genuinely believe in it, and spend an inordinate amount of your free time trying to convince randoms on the internet that “Hitler was a rothschild bastard”. Either way I feel sorry for you, and even worse so for the fools who actually believe this trash.

We have heard it thousands of times in the mainstream manipulated historical narratives, designed to humiliate and debase NS leadership, that “Hitler had Jewish ancestry”. The fact that you buy into this, and throw in the “Rothschild bastard” addition, is simply pathetic.

I think you know full well who proliferated the popularity of the word “Nazi”, and it was not anyone in the NSDAP, what are you even talking about?

It’s just funny, you think that you oppose the “Globalist Satanists” or whatever, but you share their exact same public enemy number 1, that being the Third Reich of NS Germany, and specifically Hitler.

How you justify this to yourself every day is unimaginable, which indicates that you are an insincere troll or shill.

Or you could be a genuinely good person who is simply manipulated by a certain narrative, who can know the truth?

Hasbara Hunter

The Germans & the Russians had to destroy eachother…the Weimar Republic was a good intro to create Jew-Hatred…Then the Hitler-Puppet was put in place…Practically all Leadership is Controlled Opposition….Stalin was a Freemason…Hitler a Jesuit…it’s all a shitload of Bullshit….

Solar Macharius

I’m sure that in your brain this is no doubt a cohesive and “obvious” narrative, and I am equally sure that you have no shortage of junk internet “sources” to back all these claims. I mean, it is either that, or you know full well that these claims are nonsense, and you are a shill trying to spread division and confusion.

Haha it is a funny narrative though when you think about it, Hitler apparently goes from world war 1 decorated war veteran, to failed artist, to political activist, all the while being a “Rothschild bastard puppet”. You people would be good comedians if you weren’t so annoying and divisive. Funniest part is, you actually point out the correct enemy, that being the international globalist order, you just go about it so, so very wrong.

Whatever brother, you spend all-day-every-day in these comments spreading this narrative for some reason or another, you are clearly invested in this game, and nothing I say will change your mind. Carry on I suppose…

I would suggest that most people probably see through the clown show of lies and historical make believe here, but this is a damn Southfront comment section, in other words, the bottom of the barrel of human intellect. And you spend every day of the damn week in here… That can’t be good for your brain.

Hasbara Hunter





Solar Macharius

“Indeed, the Illuminati are so utterly obsessed with bloodline, because of this REPTILIAN genetic code, that there was no way that someone like Hitler would come to power in those vital circumstances for the Illuminati, unless he was of the REPTILIAN bloodline”.

You are a joke, this is an actual quotation from one of these so called “sources” you provided. That’s right folks, “Hitler is a reptile”. Wow you learn something every day don’t you?

And this is from David Icke, the notorious and well known disinformation agent, who has been peddling this kind of crap FOR YEARS?

You have no argument, no response, just shit internet links from disinfo agents. You people have no shame.

Hasbara Hunter

Bwahahahaha…I don’t givva shit about Reptillians & UFO’s….Why Do you have a private account?

Solar Macharius

If you don’t care about it, then why post that shit in here? What are you even talking about?

As for the private account, I figure it will forestall another ban on this shit platform. Although that would be no tragedy, I mean look at the quality of this conversation. I am literally arguing with a guy who just provided a link that says “Hitler is a reptile”.

Keep doing your thing man, just but don’t be surprised when people call you out on your bullshit every now and again.

Hasbara Hunter

At least I got the Balls to show what I write…

Solar Macharius

Cool, I commend you on your “Balls”, but that doesn’t make an effective argument, and no one gives a shit.

Hasbara Hunter

You are all Brainless Retards…the CIA, the Mossad HasbaRats, the 77th Brigade….that is why you have lost the information War…

Solar Macharius

“Humanity would sink into an eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war” – Goebbels

Yeah… that’s hitting home right now…

I would ask you “what the fuck are you even talking about”, but I’m afraid it would be pointless, as you clearly have no damned idea yourself.

Good luck to you on all future endeavors commenting on Southfront about “ANGLOZIONAZIS”, keep up the good work kiddo.

Hasbara Hunter


Captain Freedom

why am I supposed to believe what some guy wrote in his book? A person that was “coincidentally” loved in the west… No need to rely on speculation since the archives were opened up a long time ago and even western historians confirmed that those “100 gorillion ded” figures are impossible

Tommy Jensen

But the 6 million fact is confirmed and highly likely.

Captain Freedom

do you mean the holocaust?


Solzhenitsyn was a proven liar.

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