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MARCH 2025

European Deep Pockets Are Preparing For New Big War

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European Deep Pockets Are Preparing For New Big War

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Large financiers and central banks are preparing for a new global economic crisis and a possible global war.

On November 29th, Bloomberg reported that “Gold is the new obsession of East Europe’s nationalist leaders.”

“Just this week, Poland’s government touted its economic might after completing the repatriation of 100 tons of the metal. Over in Hungary, anti-immigrant Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been ramping up holdings of the safe-haven asset to boost the security of his reserves.

The gold rush mirrors steps by Russia and China to diversify reserves exceeding $3 trillion away from the dollar amid flaring geopolitical tensions with the U.S. Motivations in Europe’s ex-communist wing, however, can vary.”

Former Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico urged parliament to vote for the central bank to return the country’s gold reserves from the UK.

“You can hardly trust even the closest allies after the Munich Agreement,” Fico told reporters. “I guarantee that if something happens, we won’t see a single gram of this gold. Let’s do it as quickly as possible.”

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic ordered the central bank to boost reserves and prompted the purchase of nine tons of gold in October.

While Russia began to actively build up gold in its reserves, the Netherlands organized the export of 122 tons of gold from London, and the Netherlands isn’t an Eastern European country.

Financial Times, published an article in which Rana Foroohar, a columnist who is known for her skepticism about gold, admits that even she is starting to get intimidated by the intensity with which interest in gold is rising:

“Gold bugs have always struck me as paranoid. You have to really believe the sky is falling in order to hoard physical bars in a digital age. So, it’s rather worrying that some investors and central bankers are talking up gold.”

Recently, billionaire financier Ray Dalio explained that the dollar and, accordingly, dollar debt obligations may depreciate due to the US budget policy and the actions of the US Federal Reserve and that in this context it is worth remembering the old financial saying.

“Gold is the only asset that you can have and which it will not be someone’s debt obligation.”

Thus, it is the assumption that competent central banks and well-informed billionaires-financiers are preparing in advance for the inevitable.

The Valdai Discussion Club’s Alexander Losev also asked whether a global economic crisis was on the horizon, in an article published on the club’s website.

He cited data from the Washington-based Institute of International Finance. According to it, global debt reached $246.5 trillion in the first half of 2019, which is about 318 percent of the world’s GDP.

“However, despite the unprecedented growth of world debt in the past ten years after the 2008 crisis, investment activity in the real economy is declining, growth in the world economy and international trade is slowing and the risk of a global recession is on the rise.”

Furthermore, global debt is actually growing faster than the economy, for every 1% growth, there is a roughly 2% increase in debt.

In its half yearly report on the condition of world financial markets, the IMF warned that it will be impossible to service almost 40 percent of the corporate debt in the eight leading countries – the United States, China, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy and Spain.

In conclusion, Losev said that the current global economy was threatened by “the seven swords of Damocles,” all at the same time:

  • (1) a global credit market bubble;
  • (2) the condition of the US economy on which Federal Reserve actions depend;
  • (3) a potential crisis of overproduction of industrial goods, including in Germany and China;
  • (4) the US trade and technological confrontation with China and other countries;
  • (5) the risk of recession in the advanced states;
  • (6) the behavior of the markets; and,
  • (7) the financial and economic health of the developing nations.

It is currently just a matter of time which of these risks will be first to become reality and blow the house of cards down.

Since the Valdai Discussions Club is a Russian-led endeavor, the author specifically pointed attention to the relatively stable situation in Russia, but underlined that it wasn’t immune to the likely incoming crisis:

“With a strong state budget structure, conservative financial policy, low debt and a flexible money-and-credit policy, Russia is much better prepared for a world crisis than the majority of other countries. However, structural weaknesses in the Russian economy make it vulnerable if prices on raw materials fall as a result of a global decline.”

An expected big crisis is also increasing chances of regional and even global conflicts as the Anglo-Saxon elites will try to use them as a tool of delaying the crisis for themselves and opening new markets through conquering ‘non-democratic states’ and looting their resources.


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Hasbara Hunter

This new upcoming crisis already should have happened in 2017…obviously them Banksters & the AngloZioNazis were able to keep the Bubble alive for a while…Hey Wall Street…any Panic yet? As you know…The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets…just a little patience…


I was chatting to a friend who is a farmer in the US, and he said that farming for food would be a valuable asset.

I asked him what he would do if a few thousand people arrived to loot his farm OR what he would do if the government sent security troops to sequester his produce as they did in Soviet Russia in the 1930’s, indeed as all governments have done in a crisis.

Food becomes more valuable than money in extremis.

Pave Way IV

“Food becomes more valuable than money in extremis.”

That’s why many Americans store their ‘wealth’ around their waist. It’s like a personal food bank.

Hasbara Hunter

Instead of Thirty days without food…Americans can stay Ninety days alive without food…That doesn’t sound too bad in a crisis situation…


Body fat can be processed into Diesel as well. My car can do ‘1 Fattie to the mile’ :)

Hasbara Hunter

I got my Meindl Army Performance…Fällkniven A1-Pro…Berghaus Crusader…Axe…DPM Basha… Ruger Takedown…Modular sleeping bag system… and a whole lot of extra’s….Walking from Holland to the Sierra Nevada Spain or Austria & beyond no problem…and ofcourse my skills which in fact are most important when it comes to any survival situation…I can Hunt….Trap…Fish…turn skins into leather….make tools….gather water…make fire & build a shelter under any circumstance…I think I’m pretty prepared for basically anything…Only Nuclear sucks kinda…Then I think I will prefer to watch them Mushroom-clouds…That will be a pretty impressive sight I bet…

Tom Tom

Anyone who survives the coming nuke war will wish they were dead.

Hasbara Hunter

That is what I said…in that case I will take a good look at that Mushroomcloud must be pretty impressive…

Tom Tom

Sure, cities won’t get nuked for the most part, but the military bases and nuke storage sites will. Remember it’s an inside job.

Hasbara Hunter

Nice! us lucky bastards…only a bit of Nuclear Fall Out here & there…how long should I keep the windows closed?

Tom Tom

You’ll need a bunker, hopefully up in the mountains, on a property with a spring coming up from the ground, but I don’t know if that’ll end up helping for the long run.


If, or when we have WW3, there will literally be millions of displaced and dead. The panic will be made even worse as todays generation have pretty well Zero skills in staying alive without a takeaway food outlet, a smart phone and a taxi.

Such zombies will be a great danger , especially in easy terrain.


Its interesting to observe that nearly all commentators believe that the next war will be a nuke exchange…………… I am anticipating a huge biological onslaught. There are more Bio-weapons labs on the European continent, controlled by the septics or the yiddischers or both……………….. The bird flu was one of theirs and they made a killing on the stock market as Baxter Int. shares sky rocketed, having landed the contract for the supply of the vaccine to the EU and WHO. Good health might save you, but Gold ???????? Doubt it !

Hasbara Hunter

It won’t be Nuclear…Elites don’t like a radioactive World for the next decades after they come out of their multimillion dollar bunkers


Thank god( mammon) for the white helmets :)


Ah and I thank F.G. for my morning chuckle………………

Hasbara Hunter

Get a Ruger Takedown Lite….very good Survival tool…also effective to keep Zombies at bay


I can guarantee you that all agriculture would be sequestered in times of war……………….and the civilian population would be put to work in labour camps or culled……………….

John Wallace

Interesting that gold has been on a decline since August after a big jump. Surely after all these countries supposedly buying gold in the volumes stated there should be even a modest increase in price. That is a $100 per oz drop since end of August ; Same on kingworldnews where all the experts week , month after month , year after year all predict next week a massive increase in gold / silver prices but more often than not it goes down. I think those reports are if there is a price increase they can say , I told you so and sell subscriptions based on ten years of getting it wrong and fluking it right once.

Hasbara Hunter

Good thing about Gold is: you can always buy a bag of potatoes with it in any given situation in almost every country…Gold sucks for makin’ Knives though…

John Wallace

Yes I have been into gold/silver for 40 years and the physical sure beats bitcoin which can be disappeared anytime with the flick of switch. Uri Gellar would love a gold knife or fork though. Were you north or south on your visit. I am way south.

Hasbara Hunter

I don’t know what the value of bitcoins will be after an EMP…but my bets are on Gold for that matter… always carry some in my Survival-Pouch…I just came back from NZ….stayed there a couple of moons with’m Maori…But North South East West…it is all beautiful if you know where to go…


You can throw a big lump of it at someone’s head in a battle though

Hasbara Hunter

Great idea totally in the tradition of Sun Tzu’s Intellectual Legacy: A win-win situation…after you have smashed your opponent’s skull..the Greedy Sheeple-Enemies will be distracted once the lump lands on the ground & thus create chaos in the ranks of your Enemy…I’m starting to love Gold..


In less than 3 month, gold lost 5.7% against the $ and 6.3% against the €. Anyway, I agree and expect a huge rise in a few month.

Raptar Driver

Nothing new under the sun, gold has always been money and always will.


It’s an entirely normal process to fresh up gold reserves from time to time. There’s no need to interpret this in terms of Russian war paranoia. In fact, we have seen that 5 more countries have joined the Instex. If you want to create an exchange system not built around the dollar, you need some solid reserves. Instex is used to trade, e.g. with Iran, to circumvent US sanctions. So that’s Europe. The Anglo-Americans are always preparing for war; but in general, gold still makes sense, especially in our internet bubble-age.

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