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European Farmers Show Outrage At EU Policies

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European Farmers Show Outrage At EU Policies

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

European farmers are taking to the streets in several countries to protest for better living and working conditions. France, Germany and the Netherlands are among the states most affected by the crisis, but there are demonstrations in many other countries. Peasants are calling for an end to the Ukrainian grain import policy and a reduction in environmental standards that restrict European agricultural production.

Historically, European agribusiness is an economic activity with deep relationships to governments. Western Europe is characterized by a low productive capacity, with local countries not being able to meet all their food demands with domestic producers alone. To balance this scenario, European governments have always encouraged domestic production through tax incentives, state purchases of commodities and other measures. With this, a balance of interests was maintained, preserving European agricultural activity, despite the strong entry of foreign items through imports.

However, the EU’s pro-war policy has disrupted this balance of interests between governments and farmers. To “help” Kiev’s economy, European countries decided to allow the massive entry of Ukrainian agricultural items into their territories. As well known, Ukraine is a major agricultural exporter, having much more productive capacity than Western European countries. As a result, the uncontrolled import of low-cost grains simply caused domestic production in European nations to collapse.

The historic policy of protecting rural workers has been replaced by a neglect of domestic agribusiness, prioritizing measures that can somehow “help” Ukraine. In other words, to implement the West’s anti-Russian war efforts, EU members decided to harm their own rural workers, which has generated outrage. Some countries, such as Hungary, Poland and Romania, have already taken preventive measures to limit the crisis by partially banning grain trade with Kiev, but in states outside the Ukrainian border, the situation remains out of control.

Commenting on the case, Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod, chair of the Research Center on Economics and Sustainability (ECO-SOS), said:

“The effect is not exactly from the anti-Russian economic sanctions, but on the import from Ukraine (…) The structure of the Ukraine agricultural sector is very different from the one in the rest of Europe because in Ukraine expectations are much higher which means more efficient. In Europe they are smaller, and additionally the production costs in Ukraine are much lower. Obviously they are competing against European products. And agricultural producers have complained a lot.”

In parallel to the Ukrainian issue, there are problems regarding European “green” policies. To fulfill its ecological agenda, the bloc has imposed increasingly restrictive guidelines on local farmers. For example, state subsidies for fuel – which are essential for rural producers to maintain their machinery – have suffered significant cuts, generating enormous economic losses to the agricultural sector.

In fact, EU’s member countries seem interested in pressuring their rural workers to pay all the costs of the ecological agenda. This is especially problematic in the European case, as the local agricultural sector depends heavily on state incentives to continue working. In practice, to achieve “green” goals the EU seems willing to ruin its own rural production.

“[Farmers] feel that they have to pay the entire bill of climate change. And it is true that the agricultural sector contributes a lot to emissions, and that the agricultural sector has to make a great effort in order to change the situation. But this is something that has to be done by all economic activities. So I would prefer a more balanced distribution of this green bill among all industries,” Arauzo-Carod added.

This scenario only tends to get worse. Unfortunately, the EU is not interested in taking measures to alleviate the effects of the crisis. On the contrary, the bloc really seems willing to continue focusing on foreign agendas, such as Ukraine, considering what was seen in the recent approval of a new billion-euro package for the neo-Nazi regime. Western European decision-makers have given up national sovereignty and now govern only to serve foreign interests, such as NATO’s war efforts or the “green” plans of WEF-linked elites and corporations. The interests of the European people simply no longer seem to matter.

With the constant drop in the European living standards, it is possible that there will be an unprecedented escalation in popular mobilization. Farmers are not the only ones affected – they are already demonstrating because they have been harmed most directly, but all sectors of society suffer in some way from the effects of EU’s policies. It is possible that the industrial sector will join the demonstrations as many European factories have been closed since 2022 due to sanctions on Russian energy. In the same sense, ordinary people in cities can join protests to demand improvements in living conditions, generating a situation of widespread crisis.

As long as the EU does not prioritize European interests, it will be impossible to guarantee any type of social stability.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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eu was created by jewish supremacists to destroy the european people.


and ukraine is meant to become their new base of operation. so europeans will share the destiny of the arabs. kept in a state of eternal war and powerty.

jens holm

thats no of busines. you even callapsed then from 1917.

and we always has beeing importans tradeparters with them by the proxies in moska. ussr even helped hitler with food and minerals from there including nikel for tanks.

thats the main reason for partly helping them up. its over over our heads we can any use of russian even there were not russians..

jens holm

what should we do? play golf as taiga woods, do fishing in artics with flashlighs or vacate to the sunny beaches at aral lake.

we could send muslims from europe to you. parts of them dont like us. they only use vodka for their and could make your many widowers happy.

jens holm

i jews are running us, they do an exelent job. so thanks all jews.

all gdp versions says were are top of the world even we have taken over the over most things from gorbi og tito.

very good russia now only are asia. tingeling


ue, ne crea saraci. ne a pus taxe pe carbon. vrea sa ne distruga cu taxe de mediu

jens holm

normal talk for years to brains has not worked. this is for the lazy bum lower part.

you know nothing about this as well. most likely you are in the comming communistic paradise and know no more.

pragmatic economist

alright so, we dont have a penny to the farmers who deliver our daily bread, but hey we have 50 billion in tax eruros for the kiev nazis who deliver our fing daily load of garbage

Last edited 1 year ago by pragmatic economist
jens holm

no. you have fx 50 billions to th budget.

and if you actually lives in roumania, you are netto supported from you became a member. thats you so far is poor.

roumania got eur 14,2 mia. in direkte recover help. some 41% were for carbon reduction.

below in the danish version the headkine are

jens holm

udfasning af kul- og brunkulskraft. hurtigere udrulning af vedvarende energi samt tilhørende produktionsprocesser og brint (eur 855 mio.)

energieffektiv renovering og seismisk renovering af bygninger for at reducere co2-udledningen med mindst 0,15 mio. tons i private bygninger og 0,075 mio. tons i offentlige bygninger (eur 2,7 mia.)

jens holm

govtech: digitalisering af den offentlige administration, opbygning af en sikker statslig cloud-infrahealthtech: udvikling af et integreret e-sundhedssystem ved at forbinde over 25.000 sundhedsudbydere og telemedicinsystemer (eur 470 mio.)

forbedring af digitale pædagogiske færdigheder, uddannelsesmæssigt indhold, udstyr og ressourcer, herunder på univeristeter (eur 881 mio.)

jens holm

investeringer i moderne hospitalsinfrastruktur med fokus på at højne patientsikkerheden og nedbringe risikoen for hospitalshvervede infektioner (eur 2 mia.)struktur samt støtte til installationen af et eid (eur 1,5 mia.)

source er official danish sire


the evil eussr must and will be destroyed as the anglozionazi natostan construct collap$€s in the rump ukrapper dumpster fire. nothing on this earth will save the pedovore politburo in the brussel$ sewer. let the civil war reloaded in $lumville begin as don chump retakes the stump in the great $election of da red$ and the blue$…rah….rah….rah. let the fake wrasslin’ begin! the circ us must go on.

jens holm

its systematic decided by eu for years, that we make too much food. by that take addings by the states by taxpayers has to be lowered in steps.

furtermore it pollute air, land, rivers and the sea.

but that ukraine just i an extra – big – pain.

just as replacing fossils there is no mercy. the contries only decide how. der are one extra motivation. all co2 producers has to pay extra in tax, which can hit farmers hard man and it is meant to do that.

jens holm

you can go eco adding no fertizider, plant forrest. some farmers in denamrk ar clever. the make solarpanel fields. by that they has in income and no co2.

it seemes denmark has better solations then many. we also have many vacent fulltime and part time jobs. bad to have no choises.

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