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MARCH 2025

Europeans Encouraging Peace With Russia

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Europeans Encouraging Peace With Russia

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Associations, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Europeans seem to no longer believe the narratives of the Western official media about Ukraine. Popular support for the Kiev regime is decreasing significantly, showing the dissatisfaction of European citizens with the policies of military assistance to Ukraine. In fact, the pro-war measures have already become a burden for Europe and tend to aggravate the crisis of legitimacy that currently affects most local governments.

A recent survey by YouGov showed a drastic drop in the number of European citizens supporting Ukraine. The survey was conducted in early December in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Denmark and the UK. Even though these states maintain a firm stance in favor of Ukraine, their citizens showed a critical opinion of the conflict, encouraging a peaceful resolution through diplomatic negotiations.

In Germany, Spain, France and Italy, most respondents backed a diplomatic resolution, even if Ukraine ceded territory to Moscow. In the other countries, the majority still encourage the prolongation of the war, but in all cases, there was an exponential boost in the number of people in favor of a diplomatic resolution.

The figures are particularly interesting in Italy and Germany, where respectively 55% and 45% of respondents said they are in favor of a quick and diplomatic end to the conflict. It is also noteworthy that many French are willing to support peace, despite Paris’ extremely provocative attitudes towards Moscow – such as the French authorization of long-range strikes.

These figures reveal a lot about the popularity of European governments. If European citizens are supporting a peaceful resolution with territorial concessions from Ukraine, then these citizens are acting against their own governments, making it clear that they do not feel represented by the bellicose and irresponsible attitudes of European states. There seems to be a deep crisis of legitimacy in Europe, with unpopular governments disrespecting their own voters and taking measures that do not please the people.

The impact of this scenario on the conflict is low, since European governments are unlikely to rethink their attitudes despite the popular pressure. Recently, there has been a real anti-democratic wave in the West. Western liberal regimes simply no longer consider popular opinion in their decision-making process, acting in a dictatorial manner by imposing policies that are not previously approved by the people.

However, the crisis of legitimacy is a ticking time bomb for Europe. Although popular opinion is not enough to make European governments change their attitudes for now, the growing dissatisfaction of the people with their governments is likely to create serious problems for European political stability in the future. At some point it will be impossible to contain popular dissatisfaction and its effects. Mass protests could become a reality, to which unpopular and dictatorial governments would certainly react with police violence.

In fact, it is virtually impossible to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict. By calling for negotiations, the European people are simply acting in the most rational way possible and advocating a quick end to hostilities – which would save lives and end the Western states’ public spending on the war. However, as they finance and escalate the war, allowing Kiev to act more and more aggressively, the Western states are extinguishing any possibility of negotiation.

As Russian President Vladimir Putin himself has said, there will be no more negotiations as long as Kiev’s forces continue to commit war crimes against civilians on recognized Russian territories. The Ukrainian invasion of Kursk has made it impossible for Russia to trust the Western-Ukrainian side. Without mutual trust, there can be no diplomacy, which indicates that the solution to the conflict will certainly come through military, not diplomatic, means.

Nevertheless, the less Western aid Ukraine receives, the faster the war will end and the more lives will be saved. It is up to European citizens to turn their outrage into political strength, using whatever means possible to pressure their governments to reduce their involvement in the war.

Part of this process has already begun, as seen in the recent European elections, with the exponential growth of right-wing parties – which are the only parties currently willing to criticize the pro-war lobby in the EU. As expected, European governments have responded to this growth of the opposition with dictatorial measures, as in France, where Macron even dissolved the parliament. However, this popular pressure must continue, otherwise it will be difficult to build a political alternative in Europe.

You can follow Lucas o X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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R. Ambrose Raven

invading russia itself simply highlighted the depth of commitment of western ruling classes to the destruction of all rivals. observe the silence on the zionist entity stealing syrian land for its own colonial expansion, presumably because it is seen as serving imperial and colonial interests. as there, cease-fires are intended purely to give time for rearmament.


breaking news! two russian helicopters shot down over the black sea yesterday by ukro-drone-boats which had aa-systems installed on them. ru sources confirmed the first one (hit & gone) and later also the second downing, whereas that 2nd helicopter was first only heavily damaged and kept on flying for a while but later ru sources admitted it still wasnt able to reach the shore and instead had crashed into the sea later too.

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

never happened, ukrapikhunt


so ? what’s your point?


that’s exactly what a million people here have been asking you over and over and never an answer decipherable by mere mortals.


your a bit deceived they aren’t zionists really they are globalist one world government imperialists they pretend to be zionists to hide behind that mask .imo like they ,at the top ,pulling the puppets strings pretend to be christians or moslems or hindus or buddhists or orthodox or whatever when really they’re mammonites but that’s why they hate the truth and censorship is their weapon . imo .


slovakia has been betrayed by a trained monkey. i’m readying my forces for an invasion of ukraine. time to drain that swamp.

Reality Check

ukraine is a den of thieves.


you need common law restored .in a democracy it should be the will of the people that is the moral authority for rule of law .that’s the whole idea .otherwise you have a faux democracy .it’s that simple without a voice shaping the law and governing the government as employees of the people you have no democracy really imo .


they’ve twisted perversely the very notion of democracy into a farcical show .fundamentally the people are meant to have the power as the majority and be the rule of law they choose who can represent them, their will ,not the reps ,the people in the reps constituency, and he or she should expound their views as their public servants not them as the masters treating the public as their servants, as they’ve made it .imo .


see president xis new year’s speech, ” our people are of one mind ” globalism via silk belt and road .join the dots .you will comply .there will be no dissent .imo allegedly 1984 .we will build the world again.


and now sir keir starmers stealthily imposing totalitarianism in westminster perversely disguises as progressive modernisation .very clever. ” government set to abolish house of lords hereditary peers ” youtube..disingenuous isn’t it .imo .


here’s the facts of the matter thinly disguised for fear of censorship or alternatively…… ” the global economy is a pyramid scheme |end of the road ( full …” you tube . england declared that they would regain america economically. simple .a good show .don’t you think .the petro dollar the key for bp .. the illusion of american global domination .the whole 9 yards .well done .an oscar .

Shlomo's little weenie

power bills getting a little out of hand for the euro simps now. no more ukie flags in the ‘hood. well guess what, welcome to the first instalment of the nwo

Westward Ho!

i’ll just skip to the final chapter. i’ve always been a speed reader….. ukraine kaput.

Last edited 2 months ago by Westward Ho!

the problem with zelensky is his habit of cutting his nose off to spite his face is a long, drawn out ordeal.

Westward Ho!

“europeans seem to no longer believe the narratives of the western official media about ukraine.”

europeans have always been a bit slow in the head.

D Cohen

the majority of people are inherently peaceful and pacifist. war has to be thrusted upon them by force. by way of deception — and misinformation — and disinformation — and finally: by way of false flags. it has always been this way. it doesn’t matter what europeans say or want.


peace , when usa-nato continue sending weapons and money to the nazi-fascist regime ? no way, usa and nato are just trying to gain time to re-arm, re-organize, and make new plans to attack russia.

Edgar Zetar

just propaganda, i hope russia improve their propaganda or they will lose against the exceptionals. usa empire 1 vs russia 0, are you prepared to lose your country and give your children to the “head of snake” are you prepared? russia must improve


“popular support for the kiev regime is decreasing significantly,”

only because it is becoming rapidly more evident that the ukrapistani’s are losing at a breakneck pace.

make no mistake — if the opposite were true, they would be throwing more and more money at them in the hopes of a russian defeat.

nobody like losers.

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