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MARCH 2025

Events In Framework of “Russia’s Dissolution” Are Developing

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On April 25, SouthFront released a video analysis titled “Managing Russia’s dissolution: Truth or Desire?”. The video analysis reviewed waves information onslaught against Russia, traditionally backed by Western funds, as well as their targets. In this very analysis, SouthFront forecasted that a new wave of such efforts against Russia should be expected in the near future. This is also publicly admitted by various Western experts; for example, Janusz Bugajski, a senior fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) in Washington, D.C.

The city of Yekaterinburg, in Sverdlovsk Oblast, became a first target of this new campaign. On May 13, local activists blocked the start of construction of an Orthodox church (“Khram Svyatoy Yekateriny”) in one of the city’s parks. People rallying against the project clashed with its supporters. Some activists were detained. After this, local authorities intervened in the situation attempting to settle the conflict between the sides. By May 20, this had not been achieved. The construction of church has not been started yet.

Events In Framework of "Russia's Dissolution" Are Developing

IMAGE: Ria Novosti / Pavel Lisicin

At the first glance, these developments could be described as something common for any civil society. However, after the more detailed look, it appears that there are multiple signals that the ongoing conflict over the church is created artificially, managed by some outside force and has little with the formally declared reason of protests. The goal of these efforts is to undermine the political system and create an instability factor in one of the key Russian regions.

The factors contributing to this version are personalities of leaders and some participants of the protests and the group of media outlets and bloggers providing them with media assistance, as well as symbols, slogans and approaches employed by the protesters. These include provocateurs at rallies, the involvement of separatists and persons not living in Sverdlovsk Oblast or even in Russia.

A few examples:

1. Some of the protesters used the flag of the so-called Ural Republic, a unrecognized subject of the Russian Federation that was illegally declared in July 1993 by Eduard Rossel, then-Governor of Sverdlovsk Oblast. These separatist efforts found little support from the population and the project was dismantled in the same year. Rossel lost his post.

Events In Framework of "Russia's Dissolution" Are Developing

The Ural Republic flag at therally

2. One of the leaders of the protesters is Fedor Krashennikov. He’s a friend of Leonid Volkov, the righ hand of Western-backed “non-system” opposition politician and self-declared “liberal” Aleksey Navalny. Volkov headed similar protests against the previous project of the church “Khram Svyatoy Yekateriny” in 2010.

HINT: Russia’s non-system opposition is a part of the opposition that publicly rejects cooperation with the government, in the framework of the existing legal base. Its main goal is to overthrow the current government and seize power using any methods, including unconstitutional ones.

3. Latvia-based hardcore opposition Russian-language media outlet Meduza provided an extensive anti-government coverage of the developments obviously attempting to fuel the instability.

4. A hardcore pro-opposition and anti-Orthodox website, credo.press, actively provides support to protesters and works to fuel tensions. The editor-in-chief of this website is Olexander Soldatov, who is affiliated with Ukrainian politicians and structures involved in the 2014 Maydan coup in Ukraine.

5. Olexander Soldatov works Vadim Mironovich Lourie, the creator of the so-called “Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church”. This organization stands against the traditional Russian Orthodox Church (also known as Moscow Patriarchate).

It should be noted that the US and Western-linked funds are actively supporting various separatist concepts designed to divide Russia. These include projects like the Ural Republic, the Idel-Ural State [a separatist entity located in the modern Russia’s Republic of Tatarstan], Crimean Tatars radicals and separatists and others. An interesting fact is that most of these projects are linked with Islamist radicals.

In the near future, it is possible to expect Yekaterinburg-style actions in other regions of Russia. These actions would employ various pretexts to destabilize the situation on the regional level and to undermine the existing political system.

The confused reaction of regional authorities and a soft response from the federal center (Moscow) are another reason for concern. It is especially strange that this kind of reaction to such developments are observed almost everywhere across Russia.

Regarding the situation in Yekaterinburg, according to existing data, no investigation has been launched into actions of organizers or members of the protests over their activity in interests of foreign states and special services. On the one hand, this soft approach demonstrates at least a formal commitment of the “Putin regime” to democracy. On the other hand, it’s hard to suppose this kind of reaction to such developments in Ukraine, the US or even France. During the ongoing Yellow Protests in France, mainstream media outlets immediately started spreading rumors about the “Russian trance” in the protests. French special services launched an investigation into these rumors, which led to no results.

As to the situation in Ukraine, the nationalist regime of Petro Poroshenko just cracked down on the opposition in 2015-2016 by force. Many activists were killed or jailed under various pretexts. Many of the jailed people than died in the prisons. Since 2014, the Kiev regime has been oppressing freedom of speech and persecuting journalists working beyond the US agenda for Ukraine.

One of the incidents that reached the international audience is the killing of journalist Oles Buzina on April 16, 2015. He was shot on the footpath not far from his flat in Kiev. The reason of the murder was his critical public stance on the actions of the Poroshenko regime.

Summing up the abovementioned facts, it’s easy to fall under impression that in the modern world the word “democracy” should be read as “dictatorship”. At the same time, the word “dictatorship” used by mainstream media outlets and Western diplomats often means “democracy”.

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AM Hants

Who has got an unhealthy obsession with the Orthodox Church? Remember, Porkie, over in Ukraine? Why was he so focused in taking down the Orthodox Church? Who was behind him and supporting him?

Careful Russia, with those you trust. You have come too far since the Yeltsin days, to lose it all, when President Putin steps down. There will be so much work going on, in a covert and subtle manner, in order for those who controlled Yeltsin, to get it all back.

Education. Local Government

HILARIOUS: Vladimir Zhirinovsky discusses the status of the Russian language with Putin… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkuISzKZX3Y&t=166s

How do they kick start regime change, the Soros way?



During Yeltsin the barrel was 5 x cheaper than under spike of Putin’s ruling.

AM Hants

However, the profit did not go to Russia, you only got 20 cents on a barrel of oil, with the rest going to the US.

2003, was when President Putin took back control of the natural resources of Russia. Which allowed Russia to pay off the $45 billion Soviet Union debt, including when the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Empire. They also paid off the $16.5 billion, Russian Federation debt. Plus, Russia now has minimal debt, a simple 13% flatrate tax system, which even the oligarchs pay into. Plus, healthy gold and currency reserves. The list goes on, before you get to how it all benefits the people and the infrastructure of Russia.

Guess you would prefer to go back to the days, when the US took 80 cents in the $US , for every barrel of Russian oil sold. Thanks to the 3rd World Product Sharing Agreement (oil, gas and arm sales), where Russia lost 2/3 of her budget.

‘…All Russian laws were written on the back of foreign grants… The key laws, in our country, it was the American’s who had written our laws for us, including oil. We just accepted oil, under the standard law for developing states. Colonial Law for the countries of the 3rd World. In 2003 we made the decision to fight and the oil revenues started flowing into Russia from 1 January 2004…’

First ten minutes of this video, explains the situation well.

Putin Unknown Part 1 ….https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCU4C6ajgBI


Partly I agree with you. Putin > Yeltsin. I’ll watch the video later. But how about the exploitation of the oil from the North in cooperation with Exxon? How many shares has Russia there?

AM Hants

Thought Exxon had to pull out, owing to the sanctions? Which enabled Russia to produce her own deep water drilling equipment?

Are you talking about Rosneft? JSC ROSNEFTEGAZ owns 50.00000001% of shares and aren’t they owned by Russia? Together with another 0.001% owned by the Russian Federation?

Remember the Gas Fields, that Exxon also pulled out of. China stepped in and the US so were not expecting that. In fact, didn’t the US and UK have to purchase Russian LNG gas from Yamal? The gas fields, which Exxon pulled out of?

Russia Wins in Arctic After U.S. Fails to Kill Giant Gas Project By Jack Farchy and Elena Mazneva December 14, 2017, 8:08 AM GMT Updated on December 14, 2017, 10:37 AM GMT… https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-14/russia-dreams-big-as-u-s-fails-to-kill-27-billion-gas-project


I was not up to date with the Arctic news, sincerely thank you.

Chris Saunders

How was the price of bacon under Yeltsin pal?


$19 and few years ago it was $119

Chris Saunders

I see you have a valid point . .

Peter Williams

The protest is not about a cathedral, but rather about taking public open space and granting it to a local oligarch to build a cathedral and shopping centres and apartment buildings. Yes, other groups have tagged along, but this would not have been possible if openness had originally occurred. That President Putin has had to intervene and “suggest” other sites be looked at, would seem to support the view that the entire project was perhaps not in the public interest.

Tudor Miron

This was a feeler. A conflict deliberately provoked over non issue to test reaction of authorities. Worse thing is that local authorities were behind invoking this conflict. Ruzionic “elites” are getting desperate – their US masters are pushing them, threatening to confiscate their assets if they don’t do something right now! They (ruzionic traitors) were dreaming about waiting out Putin, they actually afraid of open confrontation but US country level elites can’t wait – they see US world dominance falling apart rapidly and dream about Maidan in Russia fallowed by a “little” war in Europe. They remember that they became “world policeman” as a result of WWI/II and they are desperate to try and repeat it. Brainless snakeheads don’t understand what and how things happened in first half of XXth century. They lost already (question of time) but they are still dangerous in their idiocy – those idiots are still able to provoke an end of human civilization the way we know it now. Putin kept his cool – things got calmed down without too much harshness from police and most stupid operatives from “elites” side showed their faces. Time to pay.

Harry Smith

Stop crying like a baby. They got the organizer: Rinat Nimazov (Ринат Нимазов) he works for Viktor Shkulev (Виктор Шкулев), the owner of Hearst Shkulev Media. Would you ever understand that FSB/GRU guys work in silence? They work for efficiency not public admiration.

Tudor Miron

Crying? What’s wrong with you?

Rhodium 10

But tell me how these republic can be independent if everything that surrounds them( included airspace) is Russian territory?…


they can not. What they (few traitors) see as independence from Russia is in reality vassal state of the west.


Easy–just round up these subversives and their supporters and make an example of them.

Max Glazer

If they try to REALLY activate, FSB will get them. Russians had been busting a LOT of different cells, and unlike spineless Yanukovich, if push comes to shove, it’ll be Bolotnaya Square all over again: anti-government riots will be crushed. No revolution ever brought good to the country it happened it. Only steady evolution in a right direction. Navalniy is laughed at Russia-wide, ever since he was exposed for the fraud that he is.

Rodney Loder

The negative tendencies come from Catholic rusty rhetoruc, the exact same thing that wiped out the Soviet Union, lies compiled by Zinosists who use my intellectual property, for example I brough the determinant of beginning to Earth, I spoke from the cradle and my image and capabilities were usurped by Catholic Christian traitors operating with the Freemason Masonic Lodge to trick the Russian Orthodox hierarchy to defect Russia from the Soviet Union.

This utilizautil of my personal being that being Jesus himself has indeed created a dualism between existential realities one based on perception that I represent the other based on fabrication postulated by most other people, but as the fiction brings chaos when interpreted as fact the fictions are beginning to unwind.

Enver Hoxha

How does a free masonic lodge get russian priests to defect russia from the ussr? What have you been smoking?

Promitheas Apollonious

rolled camel dung

Rodney Loder

I’ve posted my story many times, and Salafists don’t smoke for fear of getting fingers chopped off.

We are a esatoric group the link between Heaven and Temporal Life for the purpose of destiny reflecting the Ambition of God.

The thing to remember only I Isa son of Maryian can bring peace to Syria and only Brother Erdogen can reign in KSA.

Concrete Mike

Pay attention to what Rodney say’s! There is more wisdom in there than you think

Chris Saunders

This is exactly how the only successful “invasion” of Russia began, by groups of Talmudic Bolshevik provocateurs creating dissent, instability and violence. Antifa follopws the exact same playbook . .


Enough with churches, the Chars and oligarchs, don’t give them reasons to blame you, All people want is better paid jobs, good health system and free education for all, as it was during the USSR.

Tommy Jensen

Russia don’t need more churches to discriminate gay marriages and gender equality. What the Russian population needs is real democracy and freedom, and they cannot get this freedom with Putin and his dictatorship management of Russias gold, diamonds and gas resources. That’s why hundreds of thousands of Russians are gathered all over Russia in the streets for freedom.

Redsky B

Mass immorality is what brings nations to ruin or poverty. Just look at the USA for proof. Gay marriage and homosexuality are abominations to the Creator. Dictators rule the western nations.


There is no such thing as “democracy”–all systems are oligarchies, more or less. It is the identity of the oligarchs and their actions that is relevant.

And “discrimination” is an ideological concept.

And no society should tolerate sexual misfits.

We need to start teaching this stuff in kindergarten.


You moron. It’s a good thing that Russia rejects the promotion of an immoral society, not just for Russia but also for the rest of the world. Can’t you see Western society falling apart. Might have something to do with 8 year olds having sex changes?

Tommy Jensen


Chris Saunders

Aaww Tommy…they let you out on parole again? The government in Norway MUST allocate more of their fiscal budget to insane asylum upgrades to prevent this happening on a regular basis . .


So Russian Jews living in America reckon Russia is falling apart?


Toronto Tonto

Its always been a shitthole .


I like the last paragraph!


we’ve gone around with this schmuk Bugajski before. is this a slow news day?

Promitheas Apollonious

Nope it seems is the ukranians in them.

Promitheas Apollonious

SF if you keep this brainless articles up your donation are due to drop way down. It is a lot going on around ME – Mediterranean and the balkan area to give you more than enough news worth posting. This BS articles from well wishers to see russia go down it is just that BS articles maybe you should reconsider and start doing some journalism?

Enver Hoxha

The west will typically spin its webs of lies and try to convince its subjugates that they are better off with their repression than with all else. They portray other cultures as heathen yet they commit violence unlike what has been seen before with their invasions and holocausts.


One can argue whether or not this was fueled by outside agitation, the point remains, just like with every color revolution that happened these past decades, people would not take to the streets to protest if they were happy with the state of affairs in their lives. The Empire would not be able to foment revolutions if the leaders of those countries had not made a mess. This applies to the Arab Spring, Syria, Venezuela, but also just as much to the yellow vest in France, Brexit and the various ‘populist’ parties in Europe. And even Trump’s election. People do not feel listened too, that they don’t get a fair share of the wealth, or even worse. And where the Empire wants a revolution to happen this gets encouraged, and where it doesn’t it gets labeled as populist.

So clearly Putin needs to step up his game and address the grievances of these protesters so that they feel listened too and that they feel that they are getting a fair share of the wealth. To not do so would give the Empire an advantage that it can exploit.


clearly you have no idea of reality in russia or what is really going on beside what you read here that from what I read up to now they live in a different planet than the one we live in several issues and are out of touch. 100s of millions been spend by western system to finance alleged human rights activists in russia and organize MKO as it is happening right now in Europe with catastrophic results for the europeans.

The difference in russia soonest this happens is cut short by the authorities. The way they present it here is bias and promoting an agenda that make you wonder as much of the articles lately, shown here.


You can’t make people protest when they feel they have good lives. This is why governments always win elections when the economy is doing well. When people feel that they are not getting a fair deal, that’s when they start listening to suggestions that maybe someone else can do better. It’s only in bizarro tin foil hat land that people actually think nefarious shady cabals can make happy content people rise up. Content people do not protest. If protest happens that means there is fertile ground for the Empire to exploit. This means that Saint Putin, which some here worship like the Second Coming, is dropping the ball. Cognitive dissonance doesn’t allow these fanboys to accept that, so the Empire has to be behind everything!

Putin is not infallible. He does make mistakes. And he’s probably been around too long. Again and again history shows us that leaders who stay in power for too long start dropping the ball way more and more. They become set in their ways, they surround themselves with yes men rather then people who are willing to speak their mind, and worst of all, they don’t allow a successor to emerge. Successors are seen as rivals which have to be crushed. So they get crushed. So when the Great Leader eventually falls, he brings down the house with him. Putin needs to up his game and he needs to start grooming a successor. One who can continue (most of) his policies and yet be his own man, not be seen as a weak pawn. That way Russia will not succumb to the Empire once Putin inevitable has to give way.

Concrete Mike

i would like to think Shoigu is that successor.

Taking all bets though!

Kadyrov has decent odds as well.

Im just guessing for the fun of it BTW.


I dont disagree with some things you saying about Putin though I do respect what he did for Russia and yes he does make mistakes like every one else. He has a successor and from what we hear in the circles of our russian contacts that be Shoigu, if the voters accept him and vote for him.

But from the way you speak of Putin is like you have a chip on your shoulder about the man and that make you an unthinking parrot of many things. Only idiots and brainless political following doggies elevating a man to sainthood or think of them as their gods, you seem to be of that mentality, or at least it how you sound to me.

People by the way never are satisfied with what they get and always demand what they watch on TV to be given to them no matter if they work or not to win what they want. From the years I spend in russia for my business I have never seen a homeless person in russia or one that go hungry, as I`ve seen for example in USA people living and sleeping in the streets in tents or worst as well I seen that in Europe. So people want more it is true and why shoulden`t they? But is not Putin is going to give it to them. He given them the opportunity all they have to do is work for what they want something russians are not accustom to it especially the ones who been raised under the communist state.


Russia must not fall and will not fall. Because if it does, last hope of humanity is lost and NWO will be fully implemented globaly.

John Whitehot

yawn yawn.

if there’s one thing sf has failed so far is to convince anyone that Russians are rioting against their government.

it’s since 2014 that the same tune is played all around, and f**k everything if it’s the same one zionist MsM are playing, if it’s abt the Russian government.

So one thing comes out, crystal clear, that no histerical little gayish voice can murk – that the Russian government, like it or not IS PART of the coalition of the debt/zionism/jihadism-free entities, which are fighting against the largest criminal organization to ever exist in history.

Until someone, no matter how much they tell you how “anti-MsM” they are, try to adopt a narrative made to “cut-off” one, or some of these entities from the others, they are part of that criminal organization, and receive funds from it.

In the end, everybody will be given a chance to pick sides, but when shit hits the fan, don’t tell you haven’t been forewarned and haven’t accepted to serve criminal interests on your own.


Let me see if I got this right: as Russian elites are busy to move their money out of the country, they allow western money to pour into it. If this is indeed so, what can you expect. Put your own house in order or the results won’t be pretty.

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