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MARCH 2025

Evidence U.S. Plans A WW III Against Both Russia And China

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Evidence U.S. Plans A WW III Against Both Russia And China


Submitted by Eric Zuesse

On May 3rd, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told C-Span in an interview, that there will be no objection by the U.S. Government if Ukraine’s Government attempts to or does assassinate Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin. He said: “These are decisions for Ukraine to make, how it’s going to defend itself, how it’s going to get its territory back, how it’s going to restore its territorial integrity, and its sovereignty.”

Also on May 3rd, Japan’s Nikkei Asia news service headlined “NATO to open Japan office” and reported that “NATO is planning to open a liaison office in Tokyo, Japan, the first of its kind in Asia.” The North Atlantic Treaty Organization aims now to become not only America’s anti-Russian military alliance but also America’s anti-Chinese military alliance, which will support the breakaway of China’s province of Taiwan (which since 1972 the U.S. Government has formally recognized Taiwan to be) from China, just as it refuses to support the breakaway of Crimea and three other provinces of Ukraine from Russia.

America and its NATO deny that they are either anti-Russian or anti-Chinese and insist that they instead seek merely regime-change in both countries so that both Russia and China will come to provide democracy and human rights like America’s Government does.

The U.S. Congress is now considering legislation that’s advertised as the “Ukraine Victory Resolution”  but is formally titled H.Res.322 “on Ukrainian victory”, and which states that “it is the policy of the United States to see Ukraine victorious against the invasion and restored to its internationally recognized 1991 borders.” That would require the complete defeat of Russia in Ukraine. If it happens, then almost certainly Russia’s President Vladimir Putin would either resign or be overthrown and replaced by a leader that America’s Government will approve of. If it instead does not happen, then the U.S. Congress and President will already be obligated, by means of having passed this Resolution into law, to invade Russia in order to achieve by direct U.S. military force what Ukraine’s military had failed to achieve. That invasion of Russia by the U.S. and its allies would constitute World War Three, WW III.

The U.S. Government has not yet committed itself irrevocably to revoking its prior recognition that Taiwan is a part of China; but, if it finally does do that, then, of course, America and its allies will be at war against China, which would likewise be WW III.

There is also under consideration by the U.S. Congress something that is called “The Restrict Act” which would institute martial law over all news-media in the U.S. in preparation for a formal and all-encompassing declaration of martial law in America. By means of that total censorship, the U.S. public will know, regarding both Russia and China (and anything else) only what the U.S. Government will allow Americans to know; and this would enormously facilitate Congress to declare publicly that America is at war against both Russia and China. So: the legislative preparations in order to do this ‘Constitutionally’ (except for violating only the First Amendment) will already have been put into place.

NOTE: This news-report is being simultaneously distributed, and submitted for ublication free of any copyright, to all U.S. and UK news-media.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Porc halal

If I am not mistaken there is a paragraph in the so-called treaty between Romania and the so-called ukrainian state which stipulates that every 2 or 5 years Romania can denounce this so-called treaty (imposed by US and the gayUE who recognize the “right” to keep the stolen territories from Romania) and declare it null and void … if miraculously Romania will elect other politicians than the current traitors, then this might be possible.

Last edited 1 year ago by Porc halal
Chris Gr

Romanians are against Russia mostly. Moldovans are pro-Russian.

Porc halal

So?! I don’t see any connection between what I wrote and what you commented… did you read my comment or even understand it?! … the kidnapping of territories was denounced after 1990 and yet some politicians (read: corrupt traitorous scumbags) in order to please and to get the US and the EU to admit Romania into NATO, sold those territories and the Romanians who living in those territories to the Nazi scumbags in Ukraine…

Last edited 1 year ago by Porc halal
Porc halal

And Romanians are against ukraine too!


Westerm ukrainians are against everybody they just concentrate their hate on the russians and eastern ukrainians at the moment but they will not be able to supress their hatred towards others forever.


That hatred has been there decades. Right wing Catholics seem to all share this hatred of orthodoxy and supporters,i.e. the Russians. Today they try to create a UOC that is formulated by the Catholic /Jewish leaders at the request of kikeraine political elite. They all need exorcism.

Last edited 1 year ago by Alz

No we have respect and the Orthodox has some disdain for us. Wish we could unite and i would be happy to change out lots of things for Orthodox traditions but retain the very best of ours.

Chris Gr

If that’s the case then why did they support Russians, especially in the two World Wars? So this means that the clash is between elites not between Orthodox and Catholics.

Chris Gr

That’s true, same thing with Palestinians.

Chris Gr

You talk about Azov, however, Romanians still support the Zelensky regime. Romanians have always hated the Russians, even in the Cold War era.


It follows, according to this logic, that Russia is free to assassinate Zelensky then…..

Porc halal

That is correct! It seem logic to me

Admiral Neptune

They’ve tried a dozen times to assassinate Zelensky…


No they haven’t.

Uncle Ho

No they made an agreement with IDF to spare his life, unfortunately. The thief of kiev is on borrowed time from his own victims: his military.


The US lawmakers are like a bunch of semi-retarded clowns appointed by the globalists where a rigged election is just a formality. This is a strong signal of the end of the American empire.


I understand that coming from a Russian troll who earns cents for posting and working for the kremlin, it’s understandable the United States is everything Russia will never be, however you can go buy a LADA and watch a good Russian movie on Chinese television


The US is a Zionist controlled police state, Russia isn’t.

Uncle Ho

Go get boosted. Then test yourself for your particular mac address using blue tooth low energy: nano chips are smaller than 4 billionths of a meter. Fool.


US is everything Russia does not want to be. Your perspective on life is typical western materialistic crap and elitist. The US should stop ramming it’s idea of moral cultural debauchery down everybody’s throat. Yes spiderman is a cultural as the US gets…food for 5yr olds.


You’re wrong, that’s all the majority of the Russian people want, that’s why your dictatorship has to arrest all the Navalnys and be the country in the world where the most journalists die and disappear and in case you haven’t noticed, after 100 years the PEOPLE I didn’t give a shit about your false moralism, what you want is comfort and materialism, you’re fed up with a lot of nothing

Uncle Ho

Good to hear. When it fails then the eugenicsists will be highly vulnerable and they will be in the trash bin of history where all totalitarians belong.


What is it a press office with a SOn Goku with an M16 and vietnam flack vest.

FUcking SEATO. Everyone told Haim Saban what his problem was….


They got fact checkers on that one?

electric light orchestra -here is the news (Ultratraxxremix) Big in Japan.


Haim no ones paying your fucking tab……where is your reb….i killed 2 there were only supposed to Be 300 survivors from what they did and 300,000 jews in the world to come. They did some fucking deal with the Vatican. Gonna be ugly for you when they find out….FUgu…..these guys are like polonium water….

NO where to run Boga

“Can you circumsize a eunuch?”

One night in Bangkok -Robey Dance cover


Nagasaki…..Wyrmwood chernobyl……what you looking for you fucking kike?

Ask the little boy and the fat man….

Dalai Lama kissing a boy…….CHristian coins in that monastery?

Xavierites better get the fucking picture. portugal…..

portugal the man -all of your light


This isn’t the ringu or the warm up warm up festival you little fucking Kike…..you know hes in galicia….Opus need to think hard about that spate of car crashes in London.

DId he find the well yet? Real world problem…..not kosher fantasy….Ultra zionist occult law.

8000 year marriages…..

He’s fucking nobody……fat Italian boy……fucking gay….Live sin his dads house…Prince michael of Kent golden dragon chinese resteraunt fodder….

The wells……who were the girls…..where and when? I’m not standing for that shit I liked my beau jolais but I know you sick fucks….

Apashe – Im a dragon


SNake wine…..;Wyrmwood…..radiation failure and nuclear bombing.

Fake news of the problem with Kabbhlist zionist occupied government.

Think about the odds of that happening. Place names are hundreds of years old.

You know he christians are asking them to show up and kill everyone based on masonic and kabbhlist law. You let them and the hindus live…..Well you understand suicide cults right?



That Italians is another one of those shoeshiner gay bar air breathers from columbia……

Foo fighters interview and the guy thinks he’s head master of the Cosmic columbine…..


THey still did it fucking backwards the reactor exploded and poisoned the water. THe bomb was like the star wormwood green radiation explosion. You freemasons know about 1331 son parralllestriipergram? fucking retard species can’t extinct properly;…..

Fleetwood mac -seven wonders (why) Fleetowood mac – Big love (of crying for help)


War with the reptiles? Warburg paid for the fucking fleet and got themin debt to fight russia? You gonna tell me the whole world war was staged to hunt down aliens. Freuds time as n undercover gynocologist with house of saxe coburg and Gotha was actually jews fighting aliens?

WHo the fuck would use radiation therapy on the current kings Grandmother?


Kasabian – King for a day Kasabian -Scripture

crazy retard ^

some pathetic imbecile keeps using fake upvotes again

Last edited 1 year ago by crazy retard ^

”provides democracy and human rights like America’s government does”. What a joke ! It takes a bunch of scumbags in DC to say that LIE.


End of the world. Fry muds.


The USA is playing with fire if they think they can cause harm to Russia and China and go away with it.

Even the “allies” (pawns) have tried to distance themselves from the absurd.

To be honest also the American people are tired of wars and have to be censored 24/7 to not turn on thir government… imagine if mass people start dying out yet again…


Which allies? this is what the russian government has been praying for 1 and a half


In a “fair field” without censorship, media, etc everybody would support Russia and China.

Makes no sense to support LGBT, wokism, the negrofication of most countries, etc ie the USA and its influence.

The USA walks on a thin ice… for how long? That’s the question…


You’re just another bigoted racist who just literally says shit talking about censorship in relation to Russia it’s because you’re just another parrot

olaf b

Objectively this is probably the best possible moment for war: Russia is now severely weakened and China will only grow stronger (unlike America). I don’t believe planers in Pentagon expected this war so soon but now they see an opportunity. Or perhaps they did plan it all along, with all fabricated covid hysteria previous years to turn society from normal state to crisis psychology.


You are confused and you mean new allies like Finland and Sweden ok


Because of the media some countries (the people) have been sleep walked into that non-sense against Russia and China.

But when the mass deaths get started the same countries will wake up – and things will get heated over the said “narrative”, ie the pile of bullshit.


Boring, democracy like in Libya, Iraq, Afghan etc. NATO sucks, loosers period. World has changed and petro dollar is down. Glory to Russia!

Paul Citro

I’ve looked at it and, although it pledges support for Ukraine, it doesn’t seem to certify a war with Russia.


The Qi is Kamikaze Loitering Munition Eye For Eye For Loitering


Erik Nielsen

The free and civilised world can no longer live with a suicidal axis of evilness who refuses to follow all elementary rules of human behaviour against their innocent fellow man.

Something must be done before things run out of control. If nobody will do it, Rambo will do it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Erik Nielsen
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