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“Evil Iranians” in Africa to Establish Zimbabwean Cyber Army

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"Evil Iranians" in Africa to Establish Zimbabwean Cyber Army

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Iran is allegedly assisting Zimbabwe in creating a “cyber army,” Spotlight Zimbabwe reported. According to the outlet, Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration allegedly secretly called on Iran to assist in the creation of the cyber army with the purpose of thwarting a potential political revolution that’s brewing in the country.

The country is facing its worst drought in four decades, with over 7 million people in need of urgent food assistance, according to the World Food Programme (WFP), which is struggling to raise more than $200 million needed to ease the food insecurity disaster.

In addition, the country faces price hikes and has a collapsing health sector, which expectedly creates opportunity for demonstrations and protests by opposition.

As per the outlet, the demonstrations may be a “Arab Spring-style revolution,” against “Mnanagagwa’s regime.”

Based on completely unmentioned sources, Spotlight Zimbabwe reported that high-ranking military and government officials signed a military deal with Tehran to establish the new branch of the Zimbabwe Defense Forces (ZDF). It will allegedly work closely in cooperation with the administration’s e-government.

“Yes, Iran is helping Zimbabwe to build a cyber army with formidable capabilitties,” said an anonymous officer working close to Defense Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri.

“Actually, the project is at an advanced stage, and Iran is not only setting up the cyber army but also a multi-million-dollar helicopter training and maintenance facility for our air force. That facility might become a base for Iran in the future. I’m not sure what Iran is going to get in return, but our information here at the ministry indicates that they have applied to mine uranium at Kanyemba, so they can have access to yellowcake for their steadily expanding peaceful nuclear program. They’re also interested in our oil deposits, and planning to launch a new oil refinery in Zimbabwe by 2024.”

It should be noted that Iran has no oil infrastructure whatsoever outside of the country, so allegedly building an oil refinery in Zimbabwe would be its first. In addition, Iran’s oil sector is still heavily sanctioned by the US, and there could be plans that by then sanctions would be gone, but there is no uncertainty.

An anonymous former Zimbabwean intelligence minister confirmed to the outlet that Tehran was assisting Zimbabwe in forming a cyber army.

“That’s true and Mnangagwa himself can confirm that, because he was personally involved around 2012 while he was still the minister of defence. At the time he flew to Tehran where a defence agreement was signed between Zimbabwe and Iran. We now have hundreds of military and intelligence officers that were trained in Iran, specifically for that realm of cyber warfare and technology.”

Another, currently serving minister, who is also anonymous, said that the entire operation was focused on establishing and running a new state-controlled intranet to replace the internet in the near future, taking a leaf from Iran’s intranet, known as the National Information Network (NIN).

“For national security purposes, the real goal and motive of the cyber army apart from policing social media and cyber threats both foreign and domestic, is to run a Zimbabwe intranet system, similar to the one Iran is implementing,” the anonymous minister said.

“Such a robust intranet will allow government to cut access to the internet without completely cutting it off. China has done it with the great firewall, to keep out unwanted internet services and platforms. The Russians are moving towards a similar model, and as you know Beijing, Moscow and Tehran are key allies of this country, it only makes sense for us to follow suit, because we share common foreign policy ideologies.”

Before leaving his post in 2016, more than 3 years ago, ZDF Commander General Philip Valerio Sibanda hinted that such a cyber army would be established.

“We are already dealing with these threats,” General Sibanda said.

“As an army, at our institutions of training, we are training our officers to be able to deal with this new threat we call cyber warfare where weapons — not necessarily guns but basically information and communication technology — are being used to mobilise people to do the wrong things. We will be equal to the task when the time comes. The most important function, as outlined in the Constitution is to protect Zimbabwe, its people, national security, territorial integrity and to uphold the Constitution.”

According to the outlet, Zimbabwe and Iran are at a sort of renaissance in relations, after in 1979 the Zimbabwean vice president back then visited the country to meet its leaders. Since then, the only development has been that Zimbabwe opened an embassy in Tehran in 2003.

However, Zimbabwe has shut down internet to counter protests, in the past. It happened in January 2019, in response to protests against a fuel price hike.

Currently, Zimbabwe is in a very dire situation, as mentioned above. the wife of Vice President Constantino Chiwenga was arrested on allegations of money laundering, fraud and violating exchange control regulations.

Thus, in addition to the drought, price hikes and the health sector falling apart, there appears to be systemic corruption that does little to remedy the exacerbated situation.


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Nozeriel Nosekowitz

Zimbabwe is antisemitic!

Saso Mange

By your standards God is also antisemitic.


They are not “evil Iranians”, they are filthy shia Persians that think they can use proxies against us forever. Next war we take it to Tehran, mullah fuckers.

Keep it Real

next war will bring 10k dead us soilders too in the middle east!


100K dead Israelis means 60-70M dead Iranians, we will keep some of them alive to show the world what happens when you mess with us.

Keep it Real

You go to war with iran you go to war with russia and china too! No more Israel if you start the war!


It works both ways, don’t underestimate our determination.

Keep it Real

no more israel and iran and the world will have peace! just go and start the war please!


It’s coming, just like our prophecy has told.

Keep it Real

its coming to your homes too! once started it wont stop! Dead buddies all over the place! This is not a video game! Time will tell if you are that strong when painted in blood! The mighty israeli army is only strong when the other army cant fight back!


That’s up to God to decide, but if i judge by historic events, go see what happened to any nation that tried to desroy the Jews. Iran will be no exception.

Keep it Real

you have it coming! This time its real! And the first time in history that judea has to leave a region because of their doing!

Concrete Mike

Iran saved the jews in the days of old, you have a short memory.


That’s in the past, today they are our biggest enemy.

Taz T

All dual nationals, anything major happens they will pack and go to their coutry of origin.

Concrete Mike

No iran is not your biggest ennemy.

Open your eyes idiot, its the financial class using israel as a scapegoat, using israel and tarnishing the jewish faith to do evil unto your neighbors. For their material gains and nothing else.

You are a lamb being led to sacrifice.

GOD is a fucken space alien, we are not the epitomy of creation wr are merr cockroaches with cellphones, look at how we now treat out neighbors.

Taz T

You war criminals are the enemy of humanity, your freebees from US and other countries will not last forever and we ll see how big you are.

Concrete Mike

Ok well your prophecy is also in the past…so which takes precedent?

Someone is using your people for their own nefarious designs, i dont say fuck.jews because is see your peoples as being used, as being set up.

Israel will have a tougg time surviving the next war, there are enough conventionnal weapons around to flatten all of israel, saying we will nuke iran benefits no one, because you will be dead!

Iran is huge while israel is small, dont you see your stupid leaders are stupidly painting you into a corner with no way out except martyrdom.

There is another way, but the course must change drastically.


Mike, first thing is they need to stop their nuclear program. Israel will not let those crazies have nukes, we respond to their actions in the region.

Rafik Chauhan

i think you are forgetting what happen to your grand father’s in the battle of khayber Imam ali tore your Zionist Marhab into 2 picese. che k the history same battle of khayber part 2 is coming we will tear every Zionist scum into 2 picese no hiding places for any filth Zionistscum


Fuck you Imam and fuck your mullahs, shia scum.


This is the fate of you and your IDF cowards buddies when you face Hezbollah…You talk tough but in reality you can only take on unarmed and innocent civilians. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a2f3c886c3ea49168548ca8ab38fefd250c56abde3d9bf00c174157af8a24f21.png


You know nothing about me and why I have so much hate to them, our political leadership always saves them from annihilation. Keep acting like in 2006, you are going to face such a firepower Lebanese will regret the day they ever messed with us. Their rockets will be their own deaths.


Let me be honest here, you live in a state of denial just like your gorvernement from 2000’s, I don’t know where you get your news and reports from because you are so far from reality that every comment that you post is proof. in addition to that, you said that your political leadership “saved us” but the reality is that they saved everyone inside your colonist apartheid state that you are calling home from the real annilitaion because they realize that the military has failed miserably, and if they did continue Syria would’ve entered the war and freed palestine and expelled you back to Eastern europe. PS: Here is a news for you probably never hear of since you are just a sheep who can’t think for himself and need someone to shape his thinking. The president of syria Bashar Al-Assad called Hassan Nasrallah during the 2006 war and notified him that once Israel invade the SE part of lebanon, Syria will officially Join Hezbollah in War agaisnt Israel, but Nasrallah assured him that there is no need because Hezbollah is winning the war.


Hezbollah is the reason for this situation, like I said here before we left Lebanon in 2000 (after 18 years) and the U.N officialy recognized the borders between the countries. But Hezbollah who is actually an Iranian puppet made a move against us in 2006, which led to a war. Again, Israel WAS NOT the one who started it, we responded accordingly. How does that fit with your agenda?


You did not “leave” Lebanon in 2000, you RAN from Lebanon in 2000 in a disorderly retreat you lying monkey, only to come back in 2006 for the hiding of your life.

Concrete Mike

Israel was going to start the war first anyways, hezb punched you first, and you never saw it coming.

There are many articles that chronicle this chain of events, nasrallah even admits it himself.

So not only did IDF fail to start the 2006 war on its own terms, it also failed to end the war on its own terms also. Wich is why it was a complete disaster for the IDF.


I disagree, but I respect your view.


“You can give a person knowledge,but you can’t make them think. Some people want to remain fools ,only because the TRUTH requires CHANGE”


Thats what the IDF said in 2006, but Israel is a limp dick. Today, 13 years later, Israel is even weaker strategically thatn in 2006 – it will NEVER survive the next war THATS why the US has been invited to setup a base and train with IDF for the first time in Israel’s history

Rafik Chauhan

don’t get Annoyed have patience we are coming put the pampers before you per and tell you Zionist friends great battle of khayber part 2 is coming which will be the end of all Zionist and wahbhi thugs from thus world’s. hahaha


I’m waiting for you, kalb.

Concrete Mike

Hahaha just like our prophecy, hahahahahaha, you think gantz is your messiah or what!!!

Hahahaha your a fucking nut you know that, no better than ISIS, you takfiri asshole.

Go play with benchpress now, your hubris is too thick its making me laugh so much ill piss my pants.


Gantz ia alot better than the traitorous Bibi, he is a true patriot like me. And you can laugh no problem, but eventully the 3rd Temple will be built in Jersualem and that fake wretched Mosque will be removed, there is nothing you can do about it.

Concrete Mike

I will never stop an idiot thats digging his own grave worry pas.

And you are.not a.patriot either, even if you say 1 million times a day, it wont make you one either.

Pandering to the financial.class will only get you and your.family killed, whilst THEY sit on their money and laugh, while we the poor fight for them.

The real patriot rejects all that and finds peacful solutions.

So you are not a.patriot, your a tool, sorry to bust your bubble chumey.


So you are putting your trust in an IDF (terrorist army) leader who could not defeat 2000 Hezb soldiers in 2006 and never again went to war after 2006 ? What a bunch of losers.

Rafik Chauhan

your Zionist scum will start war but the end will be decided by the resistance . Israeli and US scum will never sleep again in the comfortable house


We will destroy your fucking mosque and remove it from our holy city, wait and see.


The mosque in Brooklyn or the one in Jew York? Which is your holy city fake Jew Khazar?

I am Jaziel

Yes and as the prophesy tell, 9 out of 10 Jews in Israel will die. Be careful what U wish for my “friend”


don’t underestimate our determination

So how many passports have you got?

As soon as you hear that the Hezbollah are coming, you will run back to New York


I have only Israeli one, and as soon as the war with Hezbollah starts, you can find me at the frontline doing what I do best – hunting down your friends.

Dylan Madden

“you can find me at the frontline doing what I do best”- https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a71cc53cb5508152a6ec727df51e99c0fdf18fbd5222ec7cf865ce458fd4e173.jpg


If you gonna comment then atleast talk to the point, you can clearly see the Merkavas behind ready to roast your terroristic friends by order.

Dylan Madden

The battle of Wadi Saluki: …A column of 24 Merkava tanks from the 401st Brigade advanced westward from the area of Tayyiba and when it entered the wadi it was attacked from all sides, including from the rear near ‘Udaysa (Adaisseh) that had been thought to have been under IDF control for several days. The Hizbullah had prepared an ambush from hidden positions on the hilltops. The tanks were attacked by missiles, probably of the Kornet type.Eleven of the tanks were hit and several went up in flames.Eight tankers, including two company commanders, and four Nahal infantry men died in the initial battle of Sulouqi. Hizbullah fighters used ATGMs, small-arms fire, and mortars to suppress the Nahal Brigade, preventing them from providing effective infantry support for the armor forces. Timur Göksel, the former chief spokesperson for UNIFIL later commented that “anyone dumb enough to push a tank column through Wadi Saluki should not be an armored brigade commander but a cook.”



Your shia cowards can only hit from a distance, I saw how brave they are face o face. Did it change the outcome of the war? no it didn’t, in the end we roasted many shia filthy dogs. Now we will do so again, but this time the population that supports them in the south will be targeted aswell, they need to die too.

Concrete Mike

Advocating for genocide already!!!

Cool it Adolph, you will get your 72 goats soon enough.


Yes I am, mercy time is over.

Concrete Mike

Only a fool advocates to open pandora’s box.

Maybe your in the funeral business, regardless, wisdom says to find a different path, because the one your following will come back to where you started.

Taz T

Israeli never had any mercy acting like Nazi while their occupying war criminal forces attacked Gaza civilians in the last war the israel were having Picnic watching the massacre shown by CNN. Those who have not learnt from their experience will pay one day just like Hitler and Nazi criminals. Israel will collopse if it was not for US massive aid while millions in US do not have any health insurance. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-israels-second-lebanon-war-remains-a-resounding-failure-1.5407519


I already openly said here, the U.S can take back their 3.8B$ annually, I would even support it. It’s not about the money we can manage without it, we just ask for political backup once we start cleaning those lowlife terrorists for good.


You CANNOT manage without the money. ISRAEL is a White settler colonial excercise in the ME that ever since it’s inception relied on funding from its western backers to survive – what do you expect from a fake state run by Fake jews? Israel would not last a week without US military aid and US $Billions


Typical zionist scum with no Morals and no principles, i wouldn’t expect less from him.


No the Shiites hit you in the face, not like cowardly baby killer terrorist IDF. Remember nahal oz ? – if not , I can send you the video of the pals attacking IDF screaming like bitches

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah you little ZioNazi Parasites can beat the entire World…you are a stupid Cunt…Your Elites are shitting their pants…And you still dare to show your pathetic face in here? You are a bunch of losers…nobodies…Vermin & Parasites…I learned a lot from your kind of Khazarian Vomit in the past couple of years…Bring it on bitchesss…nothing to worry about

Azriel Herskowitz

IDF and US can beat the entire world pipsqueak. Just wait for it. Soon your little Shia terrorist buddies will be crying to their ayatollah as they get pounded by US Navy tomahawks and Tehran is up in flames.

Hasbara Hunter

You talk only bullshit….no links to back any of the Filthy Lies you try to sell…you are nothing but a Loudmouthed Parasitic Paedophile Epstein-Dwarf….You HasbaRats made the Best Anti-ZioNazi-PR-Campaign EVER in the past couple of years…for everyone to see…I always thought you got your $hekels to promote ISraHell…but you Cunts did exactly the opposite..Congratulations & Thanks…couldn’t have done it better meself…

By way of Deception Thou Shalt do War


” should not be an armored brigade commander but a cook”…. he meant a Kike, not a cook!

Toni Liu

Should cook with gas to make it more roasty

Keep it Real

just like in lebanon they went up in flames by the dozens!


Yeah , the same Merkavas that The Hezb lit up 100 of in 2006?

Hasbara Hunter

You are the Filthy Terrorist Creating Entity you ISIS-Lover…Crawl back in that place where the sun never shines…you Chickenshit Coward…you are nothing

Saso Mange

Merkavas? Hezbollah is penicillin for Merkavas, over 40 destroyed and up to total of 90 damaged in 2006 war alone. That conflict dispelled the myth of ”best tank in the world”.

Taz T

Like the last war when Israel lost many Merkavas tanks and 155 personnels and stopped. You will be fighting on your phone. Israeli can only fight from the air because the other side has no air defence and when they get that, it will be a different matter. The only other thing ISrael can do is to use a nuclear bomb and their holocaust usage will come to an end together with radiation going back to occupied land.


Hezbollah will disappear along with Lebanon, mark my words.

Taz T

You are a nasty lot that’s why all over the world people hate you because of your actions and your money is not going to save it.


Yeah, you are correct, Lebanon will disappear and be part of palestine once you fake jews have been sent home to Europe and Brooklyn

Rafik Chauhan

Hezbollah already has Anti aircraft and anti ship missile . that is the main surprise when Zionist plane will start falling in new war. and on top Hezbollah has already has how to jam Israel difference system so Israel is doomed


You mean Brooklyn sh1tholes and Polish Ghettos


Your determination to commit suicide/…yeah, we all can see that coming

Rafik Chauhan

first try Hezbollah then talk about Iran you filty liar Zionist scum. Zionist piss in thier pants when one Shia fighters is at thier border what will happen when this and will reach. Zionist scum will go in the sea so prepare for that


rofl, a muslim son of a bitch talks about Israelis, go blow yourself up you shia filth. We are coming for you motherfucker.

Concrete Mike

Hahaha racist filth is butthurt this morning!!


@Rafik – He’ll only come for you if: 1. You are unarmed 2. A baby 3. a Woman or old person

otherwise, don’t worry, 1 Shia PMU fighter is enough for a brigade of IDF

Hasbara Hunter

No we are coming for you motherfucker & it will not only be Muslims you’ll have to fight I’m afraid….You Bitches overplayed your hand…and now you will pay the price…Selling your soul to them Devil has got some consequences Boy…


They already “messed” with you, stupid fake jew. It is Iran who is on Israel’s border, not the other way around idiot.

Hasbara Hunter

You are nothing piece of Pig-Shit…the American Cannonfodder always did the fighting for you little squealing Kidkilling ZioNazi bitches….

Azriel Herskowitz

Oh please. The mullah register will be paralyzed by IDF air power before they can even identify what hit them. Keep dreaming antisemite!


What? read again mate.

Azriel Herskowitz

Sorry, I meant to reply to the other guy not you.


Haha, Dumb and Dumber


Read what I wrote to your shia friend, I meant every word.

Azriel Herskowitz

We meet again Hezbollah boy. I suggest you take your antisemitism elsewhere.


Didn’t you have a Phd a couple of days ago ? You keep changing accounts i can’t recognise who is who anymore.


Probably a recent hasabara school graduate…he forgets his lies occasionally.

John Wallace

. What difference have you made on here. How many peoples minds have you changed the way they think . For all your effort , hours upon hours of commenting and you have changed not one persons mind. Not one. What a total waste of time .. An absolute waste of time.. Just think you will be dead soon and what have you achieved here… NOTHING but piss a few people off. Fuck what a hero.

Concrete Mike

Go fuck yourself treasonus scum!


He can only take it elsewhere if you were a semite, but since you just a fake jew khazar, that leaves the palestinians as the only semmites in the entire land of palestine. take your fraudulent “anti-semite” Hasbara trick and shove it up your buttsky

John Wallace

Tell me honestly like you would tell your best friend .. What difference have you made on here. How many peoples minds have you changed the way they think . For all your effort , hours upon hours of commenting and you have changed not one persons mind. Not one. What a total waste of time .. An absolute waste of time.. Just think you will be dead soon and what have you achieved here… NOTHING but piss a few people off. Fuck what a hero.


If you COULD, you WOULD have taken the war to Tehran, but you CANT – Thats why NuttYahhoo has been begging big brother USA to do it for you for two decades. Pathetic fake Jew losers

Hasbara Hunter

Aren’t you a little bit worried the rest of the World is coming for you pretty soon

ZioNazis are Responsible for:

1. The Slaughtering of the Palestinians 2. Endless Wars in the Middle East for the execution of the Yinon Plan 3. The Creation of ISIS 4. The Controlled Demolition of the Twin Towers 5. Mister Rothschild & His Khazarian Banksters 6. The Paedophile Mossad-Honeytrappers 7. Financing the Slavetrade 8. The Holodomor & Gulags 9. Genocides & Warcrimes through the ages 10. Using Americans & other Goyim as Cannonfodder 11. Human & Organtrafficking 12. Drugstrade 13. Paedophilia

You Folks pissed off a lot of people in the past couple of Centuries…it seems they are done with you Filthy Criminal Kidkilling Khazarian Dönmeh Imposters…not much places to run to this time right? Start praying to Baphomet…

Hasbara Hunter

Your Yinon-Plan just ended in a disaster….you Folks are even more stupid than I ever could imagine….the Khazarian AshkeZioNazi Megalomaniacs…the End-Game already has started little bitch….not much to win for you..


THE NEXT WAR ???? I Dont know what propaganda media you are being fed in israel ? But israel is taking americas #1 spot for the most hated country on earth. israel will not have the allies it once had that is for sure the masses of the world are awaken to your deceit & treachery Its simple, those who never want peace , will never get it


Palis don’t want peace, they like to live in shit and cry. And It’s not propoganda, it’s the reality and if the filthy Persians think they can hit Israel and stay safe in Tehran, they are dead wrong.

Azriel Herskowitz

Mullah’s getting desperate. Soon these Shia terrorists will be turned into fertilizer by IDF air power!

Concrete Mike

You mad zimbabwe is telling your precious idf to go pound sand?

Air power dont win wars, boots and rifles do. Ask the afghans what donthey think about air power, if your survive the encoutee please do tell us.



Take your head outta your buttsky fake jew Khazar. IDF cannot even defeat a few Hezb fighters, How on earth will they defeat the nation that built Hezbollah? Soon Shia PMU’s from Iraq and Syria will light your Khazar asses with Nukes and send you packing back to your rat infested ghettos in Eastern Europe – where you belong…then finally, we can have peace in a ME free of eastern European trash colonizers

Hasbara Hunter

BWAHAHAHAHA…I can totally Imagine you Paedophile-Epstein-Dwarf waiting in your foxhole waiting for Angry Muslims to pop up…I bet you will shit your panties when they do….

Azriel Herskowitz

No need for me to be in a foxhole when the IDF uses tactical nukes on Mullah’s using superior air power!

Hasbara Hunter

We’ll see…Azazel Pedowitz…Bring it on tough guy….You Folks are Stupid Kidkilling Paedophile Retards…You Girlies will Face Battle-hardened Warriors…your only Exit-Strategy will be either swim across the Mediterranean or execute the Samson-Plan….I bet there is an Iron Anti-Zion Dome laid around ISraHell….Nukes fired from Dimona will explode above..? You probably guessed it right: Dimona

And where are the links you promised to send me? Chemical attacks…rememberrr?

Luke Hemmming

Blah blah blah…fake semite kneegar. Holocaust was fake news. This Joo is a retard….wait…no that’s an insult to compare joos to retards…retards are actually more intelligent than this gay ass fake Semite kneegar. At least Iranians have intelligent people that can actually invent things unlike joos who like to steal the technology and then claim it as their own.

Azriel Herskowitz

hey Nazi boy, go pound sand


Nazi and AshkeNAZI, same evil for humanity.


Iran is a major power historically, unlike the parasitic Zionist entity that is literally destroying the so-called west. I doubt it that the cowardly Zionist will be doing anything as Iranian footprint in Syria and the region grows stronger every day.


Are you a troll ? Because you sound exactly like a high ranking zionist. So I would say yes you are a troll ! Because no jew would be stupid enough to throw more petrol on the fire that is Israel ATM. So #1 Most jewish sounding name ever, to let people perceive you as jewish ? #2 communicating that Israel could defeat shia islam while adding insult that they are terrorist run by the mullahs ? So we take into account You would love to see a war between the 2 ? So you are either a very naive jew or a very intelligent jew hater ? which one is it ?


OMFG you idiots have been saying that since Iran became what it is and it’s been decades and they have more influence then ever before.


Satans children will try their JWO. It will be repelled.


More idiotic and desperate Zionist propaganda.

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